Reviews for Regulation
princess mh chapter 9 . 7/1/2019
i love this story well done
Alicia Olivia Mirza chapter 9 . 8/27/2018
Loved it!
Though it’s very sad how someone like Remus who always fought for equality and freedom was treated like that in the first place :S
PuffleHuffWriting chapter 9 . 3/19/2015
I don't even know where to begin but saying this was lovely. I didn't find any bit of it boring, as you spoke about in an authors note. It was very understandable that Remus would be so depressed and suicidal. This was wonderful and I am so very glad to see a happy ending.
genderfluidnoodle chapter 9 . 4/26/2014
I loved this story! great concept!
MuggleCreator chapter 9 . 3/14/2014
Great story. I'm gonna have to mark or for reference... In my (as yet unposted) ideas, I go through things far too quickly...
lara140112 chapter 8 . 9/24/2013
"But you would have given your life if you were called on. I saw you risk it often enough."

that is such a true sentence. great chapter
Is A Bell X3 chapter 8 . 9/23/2013
So cute ;3 You have to update soon, I really love it. All cookies to you!
Lupinesence chapter 8 . 9/22/2013
Great chapter, nice to see a bit of happiness for the Lupins :)
Is A Bell X3 chapter 7 . 9/17/2013
Loved it
MyOwnPosterity chapter 7 . 9/16/2013
I am loving this story so much, and I'm glad you're still updating it! Can't wait for the next part, poor Remy. 3
Lupinesence chapter 7 . 9/16/2013
Great fic so far :)
Is A Bell X3 chapter 6 . 9/9/2013
Poor Tonks and Teddy :( J hope Remus snaps out of whatever it is very soon, because he's boring like this. A chapter where one of the characters doesn't do anything in really boring.
dontgiveahoot chapter 6 . 9/9/2013
Poor Remus. Looks like even with a nighttime's break, the Dementors have been getting to him over time. He's showing symptoms of severe depression. Hopefully someone manages to do something soon for him, before he slips away completely and before Teddy's first concrete memories of Daddy are of a broken silent man who doesn't engage with him or Mummy.
Is A Bell X3 chapter 5 . 9/2/2013
Those ministry dudes really are stupid. They sound like Umbridge. But anyway, cool chapter :)
Kerd151 chapter 4 . 9/1/2013
I really like this story so far! It's an original and very interesting idea :)

You seem to get their characters pretty well and I like the way you write. I loved Tonks' reaction to Remus getting arrested and his groan of "I told you you should have let me wake her", haha! Very true and of course Tonks would react like that. Very realistic!
I also really liked how Tonks managed to capture Greyback. I always imagined her to be both creative and a really good Auror so I can really see her coming up with an idea like that and managing to capture Greyback.
I liked the way you described Remus as he was seen in the cell and the very obvious change in him already. Tonks did well to cheer him up though! Oh - one thing, though, in the UK, it's nappy's and not diaper's :)!

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to where you take this story and I can't wait to read the next chapter!
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