Tonks had nearly fallen asleep perched on the edge of a table, her head pillowed on Remus' shoulder, when he shifted the arm she was on top of. "Dora?"

"Hm?" she asked without opening her eyes.

"Harry's back. Do you want to go say goodbye and go get Teddy?" She nodded and he chuckled. "I think you'll have to move then."

"I know," she sighed. She opened her eyes and smiled up at him. "Just stealing myself." With a groan she slipped off the bench and turned to Remus.

His left arm was in a sling and he had a few bumps and scratches but overall she knew he looked better than she did. Her back hurt from being thrown into a wall at one point and right side of her face stung. She had actually snuck into a bathroom to examine the green-tinged scar that ran down the right side of her face. It looked swollen and infected and she could feel cool liquid seeping out of it, but Madam Pomfrey had assured her that while she would always carry a scar, much like Remus' arm, it just needed time to heal.

Remus stood as well, putting his good arm around her and leading her toward the huge doors that led into the hall. Harry had drawn off to the side and was hiding in the shadows, looking a bit lost but he smiled when the couple approached. "Harry," Tonks said, opening her arms and he stepped into them. "Well done my man."

He blushed and she stepped back to let Remus embrace him. "James and Lilly would be so proud."

"I know," he said, but his eyes were drawn to Tonks' cheek. "Are you guys going to be okay?"

"We'll have scars but we'll be fine," Tonks said. "Would you mind terribly if we took off? We're exhausted and my mum will be worried sick."

"Of course," he said. "You should go."

"Where are you going to go?" Remus asked.

"Molly insisted I come to the burrow. For now at least," he said.

"Good," Tonks said. "We'll talk to you soon. You need to meet your Godson. We might get you signed up for babysitting duty. My mum could use a break."

"I'd love that," he said.

"We'll be in touch," Remus assured him.

Once again he wrapped his arm around her and they strolled down the path toward Hogsmead where they could apparate. Hagrid was with Grawp out on the lawn, moving some of the heavier debris. They waved as they passed and both the brothers waved back.

"I can't believe it's over," she sighed as they passed the gate.

"It isn't yet," Remus said. "There will be Death Eaters to coral. Trials. Get the ministry back in order. You'll be busy."

She chuckled. "Sounds like fun."

He shook his head at her as she offered him her hand. He took it and was drug along with her to land solidly outside Andromeda's black door.

Tonks knocked softly but didn't wait for an answer before tapping the door with her wand to unlock it and walked in.

Andromeda was in the living room, facing the door with her wand drawn. When she saw Tonks she actually dropped her wand to sprint across the room and hug her tight. "Nymphadora," she sighed. "You're all right."

Tonks rolled her eyes over her mother's shoulder at Remus, which made him grin. "'Course we are. No faith in your Auror daughter?" she chided.

Andromeda had tears in her eyes when she pulled back. Then she looked at Remus. "And you," she said, hugging the werewolf.

He raised an eyebrow at Tonks and she shrugged. She may have married a muggle-born but there was something of the Black family in her yet, and Remus couldn't blame her for never having fully approved of her only child marrying a werewolf. Andromeda had managed to fain excitement when Tonks announced they were married but this was the first time she had ever actually embraced him.

She drew back and looked at his arm, then her daughter's face. "Are you two going to be all right?"

"Fine," Tonks assured her. "In a week we'll be all healed up. Where's Teddy?"

"Still in his crib," she assured her. "Hasn't made a peep since you left."

Remus broke for it first, hurrying down the hall to the small guest room that housed Andromeda's makeshift nursery.

There he was, sleeping peacefully and as perfect as ever, bright green shock of hair catching the early morning sunlight.

Tonks was next to him in a moment, drawing a finger down the baby's cheek. "Hello Teddy. You wouldn't believe the world we've made for you."

Remus kissed her unscarred cheek. "The world does look a lot brighter today." He turned to Andromeda who was in the door frame, not wanting to intrude on the family moment. "Do you mind if we take him and scurry home? We're both completely exhausted."

"Of course," she said. "Just come back and see me soon. I'll need reassurance that you're both still fine."

Tonks chuckled as she picked the boy up and tucked the blanket more firmly around him. "Thanks Mum. We'll see you soon."

She woke to the sound of voices in the next room. She sat up and blinked, glancing at the clock. It was late evening. She'd slept the whole day. She sighed. Remus must have been up with Teddy most of the day. He should have woken her.

Although they were whispering there was an edge to the voices, and Tonks grabbed her wand out of habit. She stuck to the shadows of the hall, inching her way toward the living room.

She relaxed when she saw Kingsley in the open doorway, speaking to Remus.

"She's in no shape to go out right now. She's exhausted."

"We all are," Kingsley answered. "But this is important. I would much prefer to let her sleep but this can't wait."

She stepped into the room. "What happened?"

Relief bloomed on Kingsley's face when he saw her. "Death Eaters. Decimated a village. We need to find them before they do it again. I need you to come with me."

She nodded. "Let me just go get changed quick. You can let him in the door, Remus," she added as she hurried back to her room.

A moment later Remus joined her. "You should stay here."

"They need me," she said, pulling off her top. "I don't take this job lightly. And you know he wouldn't come here if it wasn't urgent."

He pulled her close as she finished struggling into her bra. "I just want you to be careful. We didn't survive all this to have you offed by some rogue Death Eater."

"I'll be surrounded by Aurors. We'll be fine," she said, patting his arm and pulling away to retrieve her Ministry robes.

"Surely they can find someone that hasn't been up all night and has a festering scar they're SUPPOSED to be letting heal."

"My scar will be fine. Walking around a village isn't going to make it fester more," she scolded. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

He pulled her close as she moved to walk by him with shoes in hand and kissed her, desperately and passionately. "I love you."

"I love you too," she said, running a thumb over his cheek. "I'll be back soon."