Reviews for Mortal One Shots
Guest chapter 10 . 1/6/2018
Very cute and beautiful
Lindsey7618 chapter 10 . 12/4/2014
At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to read it, when /Mags rejected the idea, but I read on, and I liked it. I just think Magnus would have wanted to adopt.
Lindsey7618 chapter 9 . 12/4/2014
Awww, this is adorable. I laughed so hard at the 'lver, not my mother' part!
sadiekanepjolindsey7618 chapter 2 . 12/4/2014
sadiekanepjolindsey7618 chapter 1 . 12/4/2014
HAHAHAHA, OMG, THE END! This is rated T. This is Lindsey7618AwesomeasPercabeth, by the way, I'm, using another account.
CoolKidLizzy chapter 1 . 1/10/2014
Clary's hair isn't golden, it's red. Jace's hair is golden.
rearviewxmirrors chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
Great but you said "her golden hair fanned out", Jace is the one with golden hair. Clary's is red
sizzyherondale chapter 7 . 10/8/2013
aww its sweet that he cares about her
sizzyherondale chapter 3 . 9/4/2013
wow that was dramatic, it seems more like something Sebastian would do instead of Simon, hope you update soon :)
The Worm in the Apple chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
Damn Alec.
sizzyherondale chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
lol oh alec