TITLE: Martial Arts


AUTHOR: wintercandy


SUMMARY: Training between Jace and Clary gets them both frustrated.

DISCLAIMER: Cassandra Clare owns her characters.

Jace and Clary

"Hit me," Jace screamed in angst. His blonde hair stuck to the front of his face, matted with sweat.

"I am hitting you." Clary replied trying to state the obvious. She was painstakingly annoyed with Jace by now. The sweat discharged from every pore her body possessed. However, Jace was completely unconvinced by her choice of words and actions. He shrugged his shoulders and held his hands back up. Clary now stood directly across from Jace, feet slightly apart. She admired the view for a few moments, Jace was oblivious. Then the two stared into each other's eyes momentarily. Jace's eyes burned hers, it made her heart ache. Frustration circled the room rapidly.

"You're hitting me like a girl, hit me." Jace growled and Clary, aggravated, punched him again in his left hand with all the energy she had left. Her stomach growled and with that, she knew she was done.

"I am a girl!" She retorted taking a step back to look at him better. The sweat that made his dazzling hair stick to his face like glue also made his cotton black shirt stick to his skin. Clary licked her dry lips and ripped the Velcro on her gloves with her angelic teeth. She started taking off the black boxing gloves and Jace returned her actions with taking off his leather focus pads.

"Now we're getting somewhere." Jace smiled.

"I'm taking a break, don't get too excited." She sarcastically retorted, dropping her boxing gloves on the mat. Walking on the mat made her wobble slightly, the padding evidently taking the weight off her feet. She jumped down off the thick blue crash mat. It knocked her slightly off balance. When her feet hit the hard surface of the floor she stumbled reflexively.

"I'm not done with you yet." He replied subsequently following her off the mat, taking the same fall down Clary had.

"I'm taking a break." Clary said frustrated through gritted teeth, denying him the right to face her. "It's been three hours. I'm tired and I ache."

"In a defining moment you will meet a demon and you think it'll give you a break!" He spat.

Anger infested Clary instantaneously, she hated when his attitude turned putrid, especially on her. Seconds after Jace's last words she cocked her head slightly to the side and turned to face him. In that instant she jumped and kicked him straight in the chest with her right foot. Her feet landed firmly back on the floor with a thump and Jace's eyes widened in avid astonishment. Clary mistook it momentarily for amazement. With the impact of her kick, Jace flew back and his body slapped the mat with incredible force. The sound echoed around the room several times.

"Agh," Jace gargled putting his left hand over his chest where she had kicked him. He waited for her to turn her back on him and then he took his chance. He used his leg to sweep her off her feet. She flipped with the force of his leg sweeping her off her feet. Her back landed hard on the floor. She coughed winded. Jace now stood over her, rubbing his chest, impressed. "Who taught you that?"

"Alec did," She said bluntly.

"Well he taught you better than I ever could." He smiled helping Clary up. She took his hand.

"Well yeah," She smiled cheekily, her hand still in his. She then put her arms around his neck. "Take me for some food? I'm starved."

"Yeah, I'm hungry too." He said. Clary knew his hunger wasn't the same as hers. His eyes burned and lusted after her.

After a few short seconds his lips met hers hard. His lips were forceful, but soft at the same time. She kissed him back harder. He picked her weight up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He let himself fall forward onto the martial arts mat so he could caress her better. When Clary hit the mat her golden hair fanned out and he pulled back too look at her. She lay between his kneeling legs, his hands either side of her head. To him she looked fragile, to her he was just a lost boy, but the two loved each other with a burning, heart aching passion none the less. He pulled off his shirt with some effort, ripping the material off his sticky skin and throwing it behind him. Clary looked at his body shining in the indoor lighting and then placed her hand over the noticeably red mark on his tense chest and Jace winced.

"I'm sorry," Clary began still looking at the mark.

"Don't be," He kissed her nose. "I'm going to cherish this mark." He smiled and Cary uttered. Jace placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her softly on the lips. It was equivalently bitter and salty. Together they were dripping with sweat. Clary placed one hand on his back and the other she entwined into his. His fingers were rough and laced with earth. Their lips parted as they turned their heads slightly to the side to get into a better position for the next kiss.

"Keep it PG rated children." Alec's voice called from behind, in his hand was Jace's shirt.