Reviews for Weekend Fun
Guest chapter 8 . 1/24/2015
Can't wait to see what happens next
dxocarle chapter 8 . 8/30/2014
i love it plz make more
BewitchingVixen chapter 8 . 8/19/2014
Feel better sweetheart, you know I hate it when you go through those nasty migraines.

I really loved Dee and Roman together, even though at the same time, Dee gets on my damn nerves with her stubborn ass, especially if Roman really wants to be in her life.

But I can also understand her point of view as well. All it takes is patience. I love how the trio is interacting with the cute little triplets. I really loved this chapter and the sex of course, well *fans self, blushing*

Now who is this psycho that has come back into Dee's life? God knows trouble is lurking around the corner, all I can say is Shield and Dee, be prepared
ChelleLew chapter 8 . 8/18/2014
Great chapter!
Migraines are a b!tch. I struggle with them too. All we can really do is commiserate together. :(
Lucy1029 chapter 8 . 8/18/2014
Always loved this story, but thought you gave up on it! So glad you updated it. I'll keep checking back. Baby Daddy sounds waaaaay psycho. Can't wait to see what happens!
IRENELOVE83 chapter 8 . 8/18/2014
I hope you feel better dear :( These two are a mess and i love it, i'm glad Roman will be around and i hope whoever that is at the end is surprised by him, I certainly would not want to mess with someone that big Samoan loves. Great chapter
BewitchingVixen chapter 7 . 6/30/2014
Oh shit! Damn it Roman how can you NOT tell Dee about the girlfriend situation smh. But the sex was just..well I'm mind blown indeed sweetie, you know that, haha ;-)
. Loved it. I'm glad Dean and Seth took the gun away though before someone could have seriously gotten hurt.

Another thing too, I really loved the childrens names and how you given them a background as to how their personalities are. I can already imagine how adorable they must be.

Only small thing: grey her? I believe you meant grey hair, not her lol Other than that, wonderful chapter and keep it up
IRENELOVE83 chapter 7 . 6/29/2014
This chapter had me all in my emotions lol first I can see why Dee was mad at Roman how the hell you gonna not keep in touch even if its just a little text here and there. Then the make up was the business woman that sex was all that. I of douse thought everything will finally start to look up for them boy was I wrong. I have a feeling that it is not all that it seems. Like why would Roman go through all that and chase a woman with three kids. For ass he could get that any where. I think she maybe a ex that can't take no for a answer. Also Dee needs to grow up a little, she has kids and she acts more immature then they do sometimes. Let the man explain after coming out of the horrible situation she was in with her kids father, she should no better then any one that everything is not as it seems. Be mad hell yeah but give the man time to explain himself.
ChelleLew chapter 7 . 6/29/2014
Leave his lying ass alone! Hang on to Dean and Seth!
angelsdee327 chapter 7 . 6/29/2014
The kids are so adorable! And mini Dean! Hahahahaha!

Oh Roman is in the doghouse now...again.
UntilNeverDawns chapter 7 . 6/29/2014
I can see now why they took the gun. Roman had better have a really really good explanation for that, or I think Dee might just kill him.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/17/2014
I hope Roman decides to stay with Dee. They are good ! Hot! Hot!
BewitchingVixen chapter 6 . 5/12/2014
Awww Dee is a single mother, props up to her she gets mad respect. I truly hope that Roman will call her. After all the energy he's put into wanting to be with her and getting to know her, they have to at least give it a try. Seth and Dean are just making me hot all over. The sex, I give it 1000000 points :P :) Perfect job sweetie I loved it
4EverShieldFan chapter 6 . 5/11/2014
Soooo looking forward to the next chapter!

I hope Roman does call Dee. they're good for one another :)
angelsdee327 chapter 6 . 5/11/2014
Oh Ro and Dee have to have a happy ending!
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