Reviews for Liars
XxHploverxX chapter 10 . 7/27/2016
continue. like, right now.
Laramariani chapter 10 . 4/28/2015
Wow! I'm totally in love with your story! Love these fics where things are dark and twisted, with Voldemort still alive and with all the power. So curious to see whats coming next! Keep goin that way!
brianaangel chapter 10 . 4/15/2015
Ooh loved that chapter...can't wait for more...
MyNightWish chapter 7 . 3/29/2015
It's nice to see Ginny make an appearance. I'm so excited to see what his response is going to be.
MyNightWish chapter 10 . 3/29/2015
This makes me think that Ginny might be a Horcrux, maybe as a result of the whole diary incident. I still wonder how much the Dark Lord knows. I also want to know exactly why Lucius and Ginny are working together.
MyNightWish chapter 9 . 3/29/2015
I really hope someone lets Draco in on this secret plot going on to maybe overthrow the Dark Lord.
MyNightWish chapter 8 . 3/29/2015
Ginny is definitely weaving quite the complicated web. It's weird to think that she would recruit the Dark Lord to protect her from Lucius. Now I'm really curious about the file locations.
MyNightWish chapter 6 . 3/29/2015
Oh wow this flashback certainly changes a lot. I would imagine that she would forgive his absence in that moment he he could have explained he thought it too sad to bare witness to. There must have been a series of events that occurred following this that prevented them from reconciling their issues. Oh my what if she never got rid of it? Wait if she was already 3 months I'm sure he would have noticed any more growth before the end of the school year. So I don't think she did keep it. I did have my suspicion about a possible affair in Hogwarts but neither party made mention of any such thing. It almost makes me wonder if Draco actually still remembers. Maybe he blocked out the memory of their affair. Although I had a feeling that Cho was a coverup he was using to not reveal anything with Ginny.
MyNightWish chapter 5 . 3/29/2015
I haven't mentioned it yet, but I'd like to say that this fic is really great coming from Draco's perspective. I'm so glad Draco has Theodore to turn to with his questions. So I'm convinced that Hermione is alive along with some of the Weasleys. I loved that Draco finally got some clues by listening into his father and Ginny's argument. Haha I loved when Lucius told her that his son isn't here to steal her heart and when he told her to keep her Hogwarts love flashbacks to herself. Oh and I know it was 2 chapters ago but why did the Dark Lord say he knows Draco has an affinity to red heads? Has Draco previously dated red heads or has the Dark Lord caught glimpses of red hair in Draco's thoughts?
MyNightWish chapter 4 . 3/29/2015
I want to know what the Dark Lord is doing in Malfoy Manor. You think he would have stopped bumming off of them by now and get his own place. That would suck to have the Dark Lord invading you space like that, but I guess they're used to it since he already invades their minds.. Poor Ginny, it looks like her plans aren't going exactly as she'd like them to.
MyNightWish chapter 3 . 3/29/2015
I love that you didn't make Pansy out to be a mean girl in her first introduction. I suppose Daphne was also killed as a result of Astoria's actions :( . I wonder if Neville is actually a double agent among many and the bumping into Theo incident was all a carefully calculated ploy to get a sample of the Dark Lords blood.
MyNightWish chapter 2 . 3/29/2015
Yay I'm glad he's friends with Theodore. Oh the poor guy who took the last apple :D I'm sure more people would have recognized her, but maybe they say nothing so as not to questions the Dark Lord's hiring decisions.
MyNightWish chapter 1 . 3/29/2015
And so begins the mystery behind Ginny's intentions. Really great start.
marinka chapter 10 . 3/20/2015
This most unexpected, very powerfully written! Almost makes me wonder if Dark lord knows more about Ginny then anybody else. Was she ever possessed in your world?
Nutmeg44 chapter 10 . 3/20/2015
Well, damn! That changes the scope of so many things, raises so many questions. I don't know where to begin... I'm going to need more...Next chapter please.
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