It wasn't everyday that Draco found himself in his father's office. In fact, he hadn't seen his father in what seemed like weeks. Lucius had been exceedingly busy recently as Lord Voldemort had traveled to the United States. The senior Malfoy was always in charge while the Dark Lord was away. Acting Dictator was a popular name (among the lower class) for Lucius' position.

After Harry Potter was killed at the battle at Hogwarts, it took no time for Voldemort to take complete control of the Wizarding World. He, with the help of his snatchers, eradicated all remaining Muggle-born wizards. Few Half Bloods were allowed to stay, but most fled to the Muggle world. The Order was broken, most were killed, and the rest disappeared. It had been seven years since Harry was killed. Seven years felt like a lifetime to everyone.

Draco really hadn't seen his father in about a month. The note he received earlier had requested his attendance in Lucius' office by 13:40, but a quick glance at his golden wristwatch told him 17 minutes had passed since he had arrived, and his father was no where to be seen. He wanted to leave, but one did not just ignore a call from someone in Lucius' class.

The door opened swiftly and his graceful father entered, not seeming to notice Draco's presence. He had his nose in a stack of papers, sinking into his chair while maintaining his poise. "Draco," he greeted his son, still not looking up. "I feel I haven't seen you in at least a fortnight."

"It's true, father. You have a demanding job, I understand," Draco nodded in response. He turned when the door opened again, a young woman in a white blouse and grey pencil skirt entered, a file in her hand. She didn't bother to say anything to Lucius or even greet him; she merely opened the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet in the corner and bent over it. Draco raised an eyebrow as he watched.

"Ah yes," his father smirked, leaning over the large mahogany desk so that he could whisper to his son. "My new secretary."

Her very round bum was sticking straight up in the air. Draco's eyes traveled up her legs, along the line that went down the back of her pantyhose, and rested on the slit in the back of her skirt that almost allowed him a glimpse of her knickers. After another minute she stood up, flipping through the papers in the new file she had extracted.

"Lucius," she called, turning around. Her long red hair flipped over her shoulder and she pursed her pink lips before looking up at the two men. "Oh," she said softly, clearly shocked by Draco's attendance. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Malfoy. I didn't know you still had company," she apologized and began to leave the office.

"Miss Prewett," Lucius called, standing up and crossing the room. "Don't be ridiculous. Please, meet my son." He guided her over to where Draco was seated. The younger blond promptly stood to be introduced. "Draco this is my secretary of one month, and the best one yet," he added with a smile. "Miss Ginevra Prewett," he announced, holding her hand out to meet Draco's.

"Pleasure," Draco nodded, before bringing her small hand up to his lips. His heart was beating so loudly he was sure she would be able to hear it. "It's lovely to meet you."

"My son is the Head of Magical Enforcement," Lucius boasted, placing a hand on Draco's shoulder.

"Ah," Ginevra admired. "You must be almost as busy as your father."

"Not nearly," Draco assured her, smiling without realizing it, his cheeks hot. "I manage to find time for myself through all the work."

"And he assumes I never leave the office," Lucius chuckled, his eyes resting on his secretary. "I thought you two might get on quite well."

The clocked chimed, alarming all people in the room, but it was the woman who reacted the fastest. "You have a meeting with Gregory Goyle," she informed Lucius, with a side-glance at Draco. "You're discussing future security alarms in Hogsmeade."

"Yes," Lucius nodded, remembering the scheduled meeting finally. "Well, I am afraid I have to part. I will have to find another time to talk to you, Draco. Maybe we could speak at Zabini's Ball, Saturday night," he suggested. He grabbed his wand from his desk before exiting the room.

Draco stared at where his father had just departed. If he wasn't mistaken, he had seen his father's hand brush purposefully across his secretary's rear as he left. Draco knew that in the past his father had partaken in sexual activities with those below him in the office, but this self-proclaimed Prewett was different.

"I'm sorry," he said, meeting the woman's big brown eyes. "Please excuse my thoughtlessness, but what did you say your name was?"

"Prewett, Ginevra Prewett," she answered, holding his gaze as if to prove he didn't scare her. "I must be getting back to my research, but it was nice meeting you, Mr. Malfoy." She turned and began to leave.

"Will you be at Blaise Zabini's party?" Draco asked, attempting nonchalance, but seemingly failing as she turned around to face him.

She arched a single brick red eyebrow. She looked like she was trying to keep a smirk from forming on her face. "Your father has requested that I accompany him."

"And you've agreed to attend, Miss Weasley, excuse me, Miss Prewett," Draco corrected himself, waving his hand in the air as if to say he was embarrassed by his mistake.

Ginevra narrowed her eyes. She closed the door to the office and took the few steps she needed so that she was standing directly in front of Draco. "Look, Draco, I have worked my way up the ladder fair and square. I really do think we should leave the past in the past, I know your father has."

"Oh, he has?" Draco asked, folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the desk behind him. "He doesn't slip up and call you Weasley while you two are fucking, does he? Or worse, Potter." Her lip quivered for a moment and Draco wondered if he had gone to far.

"Jealous of your father, Draco?" she asked, pouting her lips at him. "How sad, considering he is twenty-some years your senior." She arched her back the slightest, her breasts now almost impossible for him to not at least glance down at.

"Oh please," he chuckled, shaking his head in mild disbelief. "I have better taste."

"You do? I bet your taste is exactly what it used to be." She stepped forward and brought a hand up to his chest, playing with a button on his shirt. She leaned her head in and pressed a kiss against his collar. She straightened up and looked into his eyes, her lips mere millimeters away from his.

Draco took in a deep breath; he felt like he was under a curse. His vision was foggy and he felt like he might pass out. He begged himself to do anything but lean in, but his body failed to listen to his brain. His lips parted, ready to meet the softness of the redhead's as he tilted forward.

She jerked back at the last second, her hands leaving hot prints on his body where they had previously been. "Mr. Malfoy," she scolded, scandalized. "How dare you!"

"You dirty littleā€¦"

"Not so fast," she smiled, making sure her hair was not out of place. "Be nice or I'll tell your father how you tried to force yourself on me," she threatened, a spark lighting up behind her honey eyes.

"He would never believe your lies," Draco spat, standing to his full height. He tried his best to intimidate the girl, but she seemed to be just as he remembered her: stubborn and clever.

"Oh, but Draco, he would," she insisted. "I know how you've acted in the past, and I know how much he despises when you steal what is his. Now stay away from me."

"I don't know what you think you are doing working for the Dark Lord. I don't know how you got the position you're in, but you better believe that I am going to find out. I'm going to discover all your deep dark secrets and you'll be lucky to receive a kiss from a Dementor," he promised her, brushing past and slamming the door behind him.