Reviews for I Want My Life Back
LolaTheSa chapter 14 . 7/31
Ok so Edward was asshole as well? Him forgetting his kids birthday?
LolaTheSa chapter 13 . 7/31
But he never changed.. she just grew to resent how life developed.

See this is a problem... We can see what Edward did to drive Bella away by choosing his career but Bella definitely grew to resent it... HE didn't change, she did.
LolaTheSa chapter 12 . 7/31
What other Edward? And she was the only one bottling things up.

Edward neglected his duties by choosing his career... What other Edward? He is retiring.
LolaTheSa chapter 11 . 7/31
This WHOLE Jacob situation is unsavory. He uses Bella, hits her even... And what happens? Gets to beat up Edward and jump town.
Ridiculous and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
LolaTheSa chapter 10 . 7/31
If he was nasty about that fact Edward letting himself be beat up is stupid, I agree.
LolaTheSa chapter 8 . 7/31
Are you kidding me with this? Edward just let himself be beaten up?
LolaTheSa chapter 7 . 7/31
It's really pissing me off how you are writing Edward and Bella.

I WANT Edward to be mad and yell.. SHOW some emotion other then love at Bella, WHO at this point doesn't deserve it.
LolaTheSa chapter 6 . 7/31
Honestly.. imagine bragging about taking of kids on you own while swimming in your husband's money..

That's ridiculous, their situations are different... When is Edward gonna be hard with Bella?
LolaTheSa chapter 5 . 7/31
It wouldn't be unbelievable for Edward to not have been with anyone else.

It would solidify that he only ever loves and sees Bella. Having him had sexual relations with others breaks that and doesn't fit with how you have written him at all.
LolaTheSa chapter 4 . 7/31
I'm not liking Bella, even if Edward neglected his home duties, HE TOOK CARE OF THEM.

Her situation with Jake is ridiculous, especially cause she was talkn bout kids last chapter.
LolaTheSa chapter 3 . 7/31
Honestly while he fucked up.. I don't see why he should have to listen to her go on and on about Jake... Just seems ooc and pure writer convenience for him to want to know about jake
KingIchi chapter 13 . 7/27
So why did Bella get to throw a bitch fit then come to his HOUSE and basically tell him how it's gonna be?

She apologised, but it really one of those 'but really' types.

When stuff like this chapter happen, it clues you on the gender of the author. Cause any real man would have called her shit out. How are you gonna get mad at him for being honest, throw him out, then ride to his house and then act like a bitch while apologising.

And he says nothing but 'I love you so much' once she is done. Get outta here woman.
neelix lee chapter 2 . 7/7
Hi just to say that I am enjoying this can relate to the characters ,army wife for a long time
boopgirl chapter 31 . 4/8
Loved it
S.Joeyy chapter 6 . 3/31
I haven’t actually finished this chapter yet, but I had to comment immediately because “I was smart enough not to try to make him look worse because my girl was a ‘root for the underdog’ kinda girl.” And I smiled so big my eyes filled with tears. That’s me 100% and his using that while trying to get his wife back is smart and so fricken cute.
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