Reviews for We Should Be Lovers
shinee1234 chapter 20 . 4/11/2014
My first review because i just coudn't stop reading. This story was absolutely amazing. I felt so many emotions through every chapter. The epilogue was great, im so happy for them and glad they found each other again. The part where blaine runs after sam was just so perfect and plus with Ne-yo's let me love you, the chapter was GREAT! Lets not forget your writing!
Thanks so much!
etcsanzi chapter 20 . 12/2/2013
This was a really lovely story. I'm so glad they found eachother again in the end!
Jov chapter 20 . 11/12/2013
Awwwww now this is a better ending. I did not review chapter 19 because I was heartbroken. Sorry about . Thanks for making this chapter!
BottleBlondeBitch chapter 20 . 11/13/2013
As I said before, if the previous chapter would have been the definite ending I would have been completely fine with it but I'll admit that having this ending really helped give the story a scene of closure, besides I'm a sucker for happy endings. Once again, it was a pretty brilliant story and a joy to read.
Guest chapter 19 . 11/10/2013
Omg really? Sorry I haven't reviewed. Having real trouble w my Mac. And only now realized you'll allow anon review. Since I cannot log at moment. Like Loki said. Too many loose ends! But I see her happy epilogue and raise you a sequel! A few years later like Blaine said but most likely didn't believe. Chrysalyss. Ps. Please write a sequel!
fairyrose chapter 20 . 11/11/2013
Ok. Good. Much better. I knew they had to be together. Thank you sooo much.
darkhallways chapter 20 . 11/11/2013
I can only say I love you right now
Papillusion chapter 20 . 11/11/2013
It was so beautiful :') thank you, just thank you, I was afraid line after line "noooon why life has to be so unfair and cruel ! Run Blaine run after him !" but finally everything is perfect, I can breathe
gleeville chapter 20 . 11/11/2013
Thank you for the ending! I loved it!

A Blam Christmas! I CANT WAIT!
Loki Firefox chapter 20 . 11/11/2013
That's okay.

There's a whole ten year gap there. That's ten years of gonorrhea, explosive diarrhea and painful erectile dysfunction, and baldness and bad skin for Kitty (plus she breaks her foot before her junior year and walks with a limp for the rest of her life).

So I'm all good.
dosqueen67 chapter 19 . 11/11/2013
Sorry I haven't reviewed the past few chapters (busy life/lousy internet connection that wouldn't allow me to login) - Anyway...

PLEASE don't let the story end this way! :( sniff, sniff, sob. With sugar on top? I seriously hate the idea of it ending like that, as realistic as it may be.

Thanks so much for continuing to share your story with all of us :)
fairyrose chapter 19 . 11/10/2013
What? Nooooo... it can't just end like that. In what world is it for the best not to be with the one you love?
BottleBlondeBitch chapter 19 . 11/10/2013
I might be in the minority here but I really enjoyed the story's plot twist, I really like when a good story does that and it pops up as naturally and unexpectedly as you did it here. I would be lying if I said it wasn't extremely depressing but it still made me like the story even more due to the suddenness of it all. I mean, who doesn't love a good tragedy?
ZoeBroughton chapter 19 . 11/10/2013
darkhallways chapter 19 . 11/10/2013
I am literally crying, it's way too early to be crying like this
Why do you have to be so mean? :(
(Great story tho, I really enjoyed it, even if it broke my heart)
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