Alright, new story! First I want to thank Jade Paton (tumblr: mrsjadepaton) for making me write every day because without her I'd been lazy as hell. Then I want to thank the Blamily for being awesome! I want to thank RIB (O.o) for creating Sam and Blaine and also Chord and Darren for existing. Uhm, yeah.

The story is finished though still needs some beta-ing but the updates will be very frequent.^^

Go on now, read:

We Should Be Lovers

It all started the day Blaine came out of the showers after Cheerio practice, fully determined to quit it. Right tomorrow before class he would walk up to Coach Sylvester and tell her to let him go immediately. No matter how she'd react or whatever ridiculous stuff she'd threat him with Blaine would stand his man and leave.

All his muscles hurt as he put his towel around his waist and stepped into the locker room. His heart almost stopped as he heard voices. He was used to being alone here at this late hour since he was the only male Cheerio and none of the other clubs practiced that long. But then he remembered an extra Glee rehearsal was scheduled for this night due to Mr Schue's absence during the next week. They had to practice their musical number nonetheless and Mr Schue had announced to bring in a substitute who he'd introduce today.

But hell, no, Blaine wouldn't survive another exercise. All he wanted to do was lie in bed and watch a DVD.

"So, who would you want to get it on with if you decided to experiment?" Jake's voice was to be heard loudly and clearly in the locker room. Blaine didn't see him since he was on the other side of the lockers.

"I don't think I would…", Ryder's voice said. "With another boy, that just doesn't seem fit."

"Oh, don't be a bore!", Sam's voice said.

"If you don't mind me saying, I'd choose you", Jake said. Blaine's heart dashed even more wildly but in another way now. This was the most interesting conversation he had heard all day… maybe even all week long.

"Wh- Me?", Ryder said hesitatingly. "Uhm… thanks, I guess."

"Are we talking about kissing or doing the nasty? Cause there are boys I'd totally kiss but nothing more", Sam said.

Blaine couldn't have moved then even if he would've wanted to. He'd never dared to ask Sam anything regarding this topic but oh yeah, he sure would like to know who would be Sam's first choice if he was to turn gay for a friend.

"Yes, kissing! Dude, why do you even ask, oh my God!", Jake said, laughing. "Don't tell me you'd do more with a guy? Would you?"

"Hey, many people want this body, okay?", Sam said totally seriously.

"Yeah, and who would you give it to?", Ryder said.

"Now we need to know everything. You are very close to Blaine, so… have you ever…?"

"Dude, woah, no! Blaine's my best friend! I was talking about – in kissing matters, okay, don't get a wrong idea – maybe Joe or Finn. Or Mike. Huh." Sam sounded very thoughtful and Blaine's inside felt like a very bright light had been turned off. Sam seemed to be bi-curious – and still didn't consider Blaine as a possible hook-up.

"What?", Ryder said in a high voice and added "So many?" but got drowned by Jake's "I think Blaine is worth a second look."

Okay. Blaine needed to get to his locker now, he'd heard enough. He very loudly stepped on the ground (if that was possible) as he started walking. Before he got into sight of the boys Sam said "Knock yourself out, dude" so that Blaine was sure to arrive with cheeks as red as a traffic light and they all knew he'd listened. He greeted them casually, trying to keep his disappointment hidden inside. Sam should've gotten jealous, not encourage Jake to hit at him.

"Hey, we were just talking about you!" Sam got up from a bench he had sat on while Ryder and Jake didn't even look twice and wandered off. They already wore their costumes for the day while Sam was shirtless, something Blaine would have approved of any other day.

"Yeah", Blaine mumbled.

"We were having the gay-talk", Sam said.

"I actually heard that, yeah", Blaine said, grasping his deodorant and trying to hide in its cloud of spray.

"Dude, you could so get it on with Jake!"

Blaine cleared his throat and put the bottle back into his locker, turning to Sam who leaned against the red cupboards and looked at him.

"Don't you want to get dressed?"

Sam's eyes started to wander down on Blaine. It was just a moment but during it Blaine was frozen and he had the terrible feeling of his towel slipping down and standing totally naked in front of Sam.

"What?", Sam said then, snapping out of it and meeting his eyes.

"Dressed. You… I should get dressed." Blaine turned his back and gripped his pants. Finally Sam went to his already open locker and did something there. Blaine dressed as fast as never before, still feeling shaken from shame (and maybe a slight hint of arousal).

This year's musical was 'Aida' and the cast was more or less like it always was. Blaine played Radames, Marley Aida (Mr Schue had refused to cast Unique for this role only because her appearances were perfect for it) and Tina the diva princess Amneris. Kitty had hoped to get that role and when Tina had gotten it she'd stormed out of the auditorium with the words "I quit" on her lips. She hadn't been back to Glee club since that day.

Blaine playing a leading role also meant Blaine having to practice more than others and he just knew he wouldn't be able to move the next day. To make matters worse the substitute teacher Mr Schue had organized for them was no other than Jesse St. James – that guy everybody from Glee club hated.

"I will not listen to him!", Sam announced, pointing at Jesse.

"Sam, you have no feud with him", Blaine whispered.

"Haven't you heard the stories? He's mean!"

"Now, I know you and me had some troubles in the past", Jesse said, addressed to all of them. Artie kept glaring at him.

"But let's get over that, shall we? I'm here to help you win!" He clapped his hands.

"This is a musical, not rehearsal for Nationals", Blaine said.

"Oh, yeah, whatever!" Jesse put both thumbs into the air and Mr Schue told them to calm down.

"If things with Jesse don't work out I'll still have a few days to get another substitute teacher", he said.

And with that no complaints were allowed anymore.

"I want to –"


"You don't even know what I want to say!" Blaine had troubles keeping up with Coach Sylvester who didn't even turn to look at him.

"Whatever you want, the answer is no. Don't you have to be in class?"

"I quit! There, I said it! No more Cheerios for me!" Blaine came to a halt and crossed his arms. Now Coach Sylvester turned to him, alright, her face a mixture of disbelieve and amusement.

"You can't quit, Blaine Devon. Don't you know why you're in Cheerios in the first place? Because I blackmailed you in. And I can do it again anytime. You quitting is in my ears an invitation to call in Becky for a nice brainstorming on ideas of 'How to make Blaine Devon Anderson's life as miserable as possible'."

Blaine pressed his lips together. Simply the fact she kept mentioning his embarrassing second name was torture pure.

"You can't keep doing this. It's harassment and I will go to Figgins."

"Oh yeah? And what will Figgins do? I have blackmail material on him, too. You can't win, Anderson, you just can't win. Give it up." She smiled her evil smile and continued to walk down the hallway.

"I'll bring in my Cheerio's uniform during lunch!", Blaine called just to make sure she understood he was serious. She didn't react to that. But he would to that, yeah, no matter how mean Becky would look at him when they accidentally crossed ways in the hallway.

It didn't work out with Jesse but Mr Schue seemed to prefer not noticing it until the accident.

"You! There!" Jesse liked pointing at people to make them do what he wanted them to do. He reminded Blaine a lot of his older brother with that feature.

"Since I'm your co-director I –"

"No!", Jesse interrupted Artie. They started an argument and for once, Blaine had nothing against it. He left his position to get behind the curtains and drink some water.

Jake, Ryder and Sam were here and Blaine ignored all memories of yesterday in the locker room. The mention of Sam's bi-curiosity hadn't gone unnoticed in his brains but he hadn't had the time (not to speak of the courage) to ask Sam about it. And maybe they shouldn't talk about that too much since Blaine had to be careful about his crush. Sam must never know.

Blaine grasped his bottle of water and stood with them just when Unique and Tina came in, very loudly complaining about how Jesse couldn't command them around like that.

"He is such an ass!", Unique said.

"Ohoh, big words", Jake chuckled.

"Would it help if I'd be shirtless?", Sam asked.

"How would that help?", Tina said.

"So that people have a distraction." Sam shrugged.

"Oh boy, can you be more vain and shallow?", she groaned and went to the door, loudly shutting it behind her.

"I bet she secretly likes it", Sam said as his eyes met Blaine's.

"Sam, taking your shirt off isn't always the best solution", Blaine said, shaking his head. Not that he didn't like it. Although it was as exhausting to watch as it was exciting since Blaine had to pretend not to be turned on every time.

Then there was a loud crash coming from the stage. They ran outside to discover that Jesse had actually managed to make Artie fall from the stage. Mr Schue was already there and looked after the boy. After having realized he was more shocked than hurt he began shouting at Jesse.

"I think we're gonna get another substitute", Blaine said to Sam.

"Finn!", Sam said, clenching his fists. Blaine bit his lip and shook his head.

"He's in college, he can't come here every time Mr Schue isn't available", he said, secretly hoping it was true. Although Blaine had never had anything against Finn (most of the time) he didn't want him to be around just now and it might have something to do with Sam's statement in the locker room.

"He – he just rolled backwards, I swear, I had nothing to do with it!", Jesse said. "It's his own stupidity!"

"You know what, that's it", Mr Schue said. He pointed to the exit. "You have shown us enough, Mr St. James."

As the former Vocal Adrenalin member walked out some of the Glee members applauded. Mr Schue just shook his head and went to Artie, insisting to bring him to the nurse.

"Why don't you two take over Glee?" Jake asked, strolling towards Blaine and Sam. "You have done a great job during Guilty Pleasure week."

"This time is different", Blaine said. "I'm in a leading role and it's exhausting to –"

"Blaine, come here!" Sam interrupted him in grapping his arm and pulling him aside.

"I think we should do it", he whispered excitedly. "I mean, yeah, you have this huge role and everything but that's why there's two of us! I can keep everyone in check while you're rehearsing. My role doesn't require very much except some dancing."

"You sure?" Blaine frowned and looked at their fellow Glee mates. Ryder was trying to walk on his hands and Sugar hopped around the stage like a ballet-dancer despite being dressed like a poor African servant. They were quite a squad.

"Yeah, totally! It would be awesome. Come on, come oooon!" Sam held up his hand in anticipation for Blaine to shake it.

The fact that Sam was so eager to do this (with him) and there was no talk anymore about former members coming here to take over everything made Blaine kind of happy. He still had very much on his plate but Sam was right, together they could do it.

So he put his hand into Sam's and got pulled in for a hug immediately.

"Yes! You're the best!", Sam said. As always Blaine tried to not snuggle up too much to his friend and failed. His body was the most comforting place on earth, warm and safe and smelled so good. If he could only get his regular share of it, things would be easier. Life would be easier. Not even sex, no, just cuddling and some kisses now and then, was that too much to ask?

Sam let go of him and stormed to the middle of the stage, hands in the air and calling for attention while Blaine strolled after him.

"Guys, guys, no worries anymore! Blaine and I are doing it!"

Most of the people stared at him. Sugar was the first who started to giggle.

"That's nice to know, Sam, but why does that concern us…?", she said.

"Uhm, because you are a part of Glee club? Do you want another lame substitute or your friends to guard you?"

"Oh – you mean – oh!" Sugar nodded and suppressed her smile just like Unique and Marley.

"We still have to ask Mr Schue, though", Blaine said, eager to let Sam's accidental pun be forgotten.

"I'll help you, I'll testify that you got this", Jake nodded.

"Thanks, bro."