Reviews for Wanted
RememberTSA chapter 23 . 10/25/2019
Wow... this was so amazing... 10 outa five stars... I saw some fan art for this and came to check it out. They said it was breathtakingly amazing and wow. I was not disappointed.
Guest chapter 23 . 2/20/2019
This deserves a lot more reviews! It's awesome!
whycan'tIfindanamethatfits chapter 23 . 10/19/2018
Could you write an epilogue? Its soo good and I just need to know what the ninja's reaction is when Lloyd gets back home!
fxrefliess chapter 23 . 9/2/2018

Yay! A happy ending - somewhat.? I guess it’s not all butterflies and rainbows ‘cause there were some deaths, but hey. I mean, the ninja ended up on top.

This was a really nice ending. Lloyd giving the thrown up to the others was actually really really smart. Annnd? I am guessing that nya and jay are happy again.

On the last chapter, I was gonna review on garmadon’s death saying something like “well whadda’know?” Cause it just seems he dies in like every other season and then comes back. :p

You’re a really talented writer, tho. I mean, you describe everything so wonderfully throughout the story it was refreshing to read. And it’s not like super long paragraphs. Just describive words to flesh out the scene.

And the plot. Man, that was like a rollercoaster.

This was a amazing fanfic to read! Thank you so much for taking the time out to make it - even tho I’m super late - and I hope you continue to write. :D
fxrefliess chapter 21 . 9/2/2018
time to get down and dirty. like fr. this is where it allllllllllllll goes down.
Fxreflies chapter 19 . 8/28/2018
Sparky back on the site, reporting for duty.

This reviews gonna be real short; I got things to do, places to be, people to meet, annnnd I can't hold them off any longer.

Nice chapter. Bye!
Fxreflies chapter 18 . 8/27/2018


Okay, yes, that happened.
Fxreflies chapter 15 . 8/22/2018
Its going down for real *do do do do do dodo!*

Kai needs to unlock his true potential now!

Okay. Time to get real for a sec. I like this au cause you follow the shows plot, but don't, y'know? As in, you have taken it and made it your own. Instead of cole saving his father for his true potential, lou dies.

It's just nice. And you've got everything so in place. Btw: who's to say I didn't wanna strangle Pythor before I even started reading this? hMMmmmM?

Fxreflies chapter 14 . 8/22/2018

It all makes sense now. If I was in jays place, I woulda done the same thing; dido for Nya. I understand where they're coming frm.
Fxreflies chapter 13 . 8/22/2018
Gossiping about feelings, clothings, and the best way to behead a king. Wonderful topics that come up in everyday conversations, amirite?

And when Wu described the weapons and how the ninja would use them, it was actually really pleasant to read I read it again.
fxrefliess chapter 12 . 8/20/2018

I gotta say, I really like how you write jay in this story. Like, a lot. It’s amazing.

And this chapter was one of my fsvorites so far.

UGHhhvhghhhf the suspense of not knowing what happened between the siblings and jay is slowily killing me.
fxrefliess chapter 11 . 8/20/2018
It’s like the episode where Nya was corrupted by the dark meter stuck and had to fight the ninja during like season 1 or 2.

Anyways, I think the plot just got a whole lot thicker. Honestly I really liked that whole “then I’ll kill you” part at the beginning with kai and pythor between nya.

And ooh. Pythor really thought this whole land of his own out, didn’t he? Pinning the ninja against each other will really bring them down. Smart, of his part that is.
fxrefliess chapter 10 . 8/18/2018
I’m gonna take a break and try to go to sleep now cause it’s like 1am and Im starting school in a few days.

Btw, like, ik I’m not reviewing often on this story. Sorry, I’m just kinda...reading it. It is like three yrs old, tho. Anyways, the characters are still really on point even tho it’s an au which is a bit difficult to do. You’re very descriptive with your stories, and it is really a nice touch.

No, it’s not Lloyd has green eyes.

Lloyd has emerald green eyes that show royalty and courage.

Okay bye!
fxrefliess chapter 8 . 8/18/2018
oooOooOooOooh yeaaaah.

Let’s just destroy the monarchy
fxrefliess chapter 4 . 8/18/2018

wHaT aBoUt JaY?
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