Reviews for Gensoukyou Horror
FanGirl chapter 1 . 4/1/2017
Bad fic.
Mimic Teruyo chapter 1 . 11/7/2013
Sorry to review this so late, I didn't get the alert and I don't usually check the crossover section.

Anyway, even if Halloween's already over for this year, this still works well. Your A/N interactions with Yukari are as enjoyable as ever, and the story gets really good once it gains some momentum. The ending was also absolutely delightful, maybe even perfect.

If I had to nitpick though, (sorry) Mokou's internal monologue didn't really work for me here, and as a result I found it difficult to concentrate on the early parts of the story. Could be just a personal preference thing, though. There's also a small typo [yukuta], but that didn't really detract from the story.

Anyway, your fics are always a treat. Happy no-longer-Halloween!
Captain Vulcan chapter 1 . 11/2/2013
Kokoro Voorhees? You've created an holy terror! Why do I have the feeling that we will be seeing her again?
WillieG.R chapter 1 . 10/31/2013
You are Yukari are MAD. How could you guys send THAT into Gensokyo!? Oh well... let's read on.

Soooo he's going after Mokou. I understand her feeling unnerved; I mean, that echo of his is FREAKING CREEPY, and seriously, being unable to see a faceless murderer that is obviously chasing you can sap away all your bravery in a flash. It was mighty nice of Mokou to get that body, though I might have left it there... What? I'm really not into carrying the dead.

Oh man, Poor Mystchi! Mokou, make that sack of immortal, murdering garbage pay! With the murderer exposed, I understand how Mokou feels brave now. Oh yes, the echoing, scary-faceless murderer is right before you, and he HAS to pay. I swear, he deserves FAR MORE than what he got. Like Mokou said: once his nerves are all burned up, he'll feel nothing. Bastard.

...WAAAAAHHHHH! You gave that mask to Kokoro!? OMG you EVIL GENIUS! What a most interesting ending.

I honestly was able to (for moments) live the thrills of the tale. That ending gave me chills though. Ehehehe, Kokoro with that mask, huh? Heh, it's one of those "The End...?" moments that will never see tha light of day :D Great job.
Lord Mehtul Bawkes chapter 1 . 10/31/2013
Now that was excellent.
Not too over the top and leaving much for the reader to think of for the ending.
Perchance, do you do this for a living?
That being said, another excellent read.
TheFunnyPhoenix chapter 1 . 10/31/2013
Oh my god... *Dies from a heart attack*
Regardless, that was a very good story! I expect to see more creepily awesome things from you Sona!
Aerhyce chapter 1 . 10/31/2013
Happy all hallows'eve to you too!
Jason!Kokoro for Hope!Kokoro is da best!