Reviews for Suffocation
Mondmaedchen chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
I'm thinking an Austria angst fic...but that's just me.

And I like it, but Lithuania is my favorite out of all of the Baltics.

But that's just me.
Ersatz Einstein chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
The panic attack was conveyed realistically, and the contrast between his panic and Estonia's almost bored calmness was clever (and a little amusing). I don't think that "nation" should be capitalized, but other than that there weren't any really noticeable technical things. The hints that this happened at every world meeting were appropriately subtle.
AoChaoYan chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
STOP IT. Stop being so brilliant with portraying emotions! I JUST finish reading another Baltic oriented fic and then you pump this out! You don't even give me time to breathe! I have priorities you know, like not getting all emotional when there are other people in the room!

...I am a very emotional person, and books hook my emotions more than movies do, to be honest XD (Or in this case, fanfiction.) Anyway, you're work is beautiful and I can't wait for more.

It's weird. This really is a short one-shot, and I got like... Not quite teary, but empathetic to the point where my chest hurt. Maybe it was just the aftershocks of the fic I was reading before, but I dunno. Also, I love your headcanons. They make so much sense.
Obiwanlivesforever chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
Aww, I love this oneshot. :) I already read it on your Tumblr, but I came back here to review and favorite it. You already know how much I appreciate Baltic friendship, so the scene with Estonia was perfect. I like the thought of Latvia sleeping with the other two for comfort and closeness, and trying to use pillows to simulate them when he's on his own. And I can really relate to Latvia just breaking down and having a panic attack over the state of the world, because the same thing happens to me a lot. I'm sad to hear that you were having a stressed day. Are you feeling any better now? You can always PM me to talk about it (in fact, I'm going to go and respond to your latest PM soon.)
Shadowraven45662 chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
On my iPod so I can't log in but this is shadow :3

This is really great! For a Drabble it's really well written and consistent (which is better than some Drabble fics I have read over the years)

I sympathise with Latvia in this, stress sucks and I have panic attacks too sometimes so I could really relate to this. Latvia is so adorable I just wanna hug and cuddle him.

Great writing
petmentor chapter 1 . 12/26/2013
Awww, an adorable sweet story! They're always so kind to each other and everyone, and they really look out for each other. Of all the stories I've ever read, I think all your stories portray the best sides of all the characters in the story.