Reviews for Where the Spring Breeze Blows
yoonseokfiles chapter 4 . 4/8
pls update this
JayMyBoy chapter 1 . 12/7/2018
Lois chapter 4 . 5/31/2017
BabyNightmareLady chapter 4 . 2/29/2016
...have you,maybe,abandoned this story? Because I like it and I want to read,please update...
ghost reader chapter 4 . 11/8/2015
HELOOO~ I like it and I'd like to read more ! Akakuro is the best !
lilmymyshem chapter 4 . 6/1/2015
Please continue updating.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/17/2015
Pls continue this!
Bloodspinat chapter 4 . 4/28/2015
Oh dear, I know your pain. I also have a story on here that I haven't continued for like a year and a half and it's still there bugging me in the back of my head. But since I posted it, I have changed so much in person and writing that it feels really weird just thinking about writing chapter three. That's why it amazes me so much that you were able to come back to this story and continue it, without any major evidence in your writing style that a year has passed. You really are gifted, plus I have never seen a crossover with greek mythology before, which is one of my favourite things in the world, so please write on. I love how you put little anime/manga references like "the only one who can party harder than me is me" and so on in there, I enjoy that a lot.
- Bloodspinat :)
Kichou chapter 4 . 4/26/2015
Nice chapter. I enjoyed reading it. Update when you have the time, please.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/23/2015
Will Akashi kidnap Kuroko?
Will they be together in the end?
Guest chapter 4 . 4/23/2015
Please continue this story. I hope that you'll be motivated to continue it because I quite like how everything is playing out.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/23/2015
Hana chapter 4 . 4/22/2015
Just read your story. You did amazing with your chapter. Detail and connect to AkaKuro relationship. Keep on the good work.
destiny6100 chapter 4 . 4/24/2015
YES! I'm so happy you updated! Keep up the good work!
SagenWarrior chapter 4 . 4/23/2015
hope to see more.
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