Akakuro Greek Mythology AU!

Based on the myth, "The Abduction of Persephone"

Hello, you all may address me as banannie or banannie-chi. I'm a new fanfic writer and this is my first fanfiction. I've had this account for a while but I have never actually written anything, so please do not expect much from my writing. I'm writing this story because I was inspired by the myth of Hades and Persephone and I felt a really strong urge to write this AU! for the Akakuro pairing. Characters may be OOC sometimes because I tried to force them into Greek Gods/Goddesses but it didn't quite work out perfectly.

Disclaimer! I do not own any of the characters in this story except for minor OCs. All rights belong to their respective mangakas.

This is un-betaed, so please don't throw tomatoes at me for horrible grammar!

Character list

Akashi- Hades

Kuroko- Persephone

Midorima- Thanatos

Murasakibara- Hypnos

Aomine- Dionysus

Kise- Hermes

Momoi/male!momoi- Artemis/Apollo

Riko- Athena

Kiyoshi- Poseidon

Vincent Naitorei- Zeus

Haizaki- Ares

Kagami- Helios(?)

Himuro- Morpheus

"Mama!" a young child with sky blue hair and matching eyes ran across the grass into the arms of his mother leaving behind a trail of freshly bloomed flowers. His mother Kuroko Tetsuna, Goddess of the Harvest, smiled tenderly at the antics of her cute son and replied, "Yes, Kuroko?"

"Look! I can make flowers appear, tah-dah! Here are some for you!" Kuroko beamed while holding out a small bouquet of flowers to his mother.

"Kya~! Tetsu-kun you're so cute!" Momoi Satsuki, Goddess of the Moon, squealed from her place beside Tetsuna. "I'm so jealous, I wish I had a son as cute as yours Tetsuna but I made an oath to never marry! Can I just take Tetsu-kun?" Momoi pouted at the Goddess of the Harvest.

Tetsuna sighed while turning towards Momoi, "Satsuki, would you please stop asking to kidnap my child? You're lucky that I even let you around Kuroko as much as I do."

"Che. I was only joking. Such an overprotective mother as always." Momoi grumbled.

Yes that was correct, Kuroko Tetsuna was an overprotective mother. And she was determined to keep her son's chastity intact in a depraved world full of lusty Gods who hounded after any pretty thing that moved.

"Akashi-chi! News from the upperworld!" Kise Ryouta, the bubbly golden haired messenger God, descended into the underworld calling for Akashi Seijuro, ruler of the realm.

"What is it, Ryouta?" Akashi inquired disinterestedly from his throne. He absentmindedly picked up a shogi piece from the board and admired it, before flicking his gaze over to Kise.

"Mou, Akashi-chi is mean as always, not even bothering to say hello to me after I traveled so far to get here." Kise's citrine eyes pooled with fake crocodile tears, as he stuck out his lower lip.

Kise's over-the-top theatrics never failed to irk Akashi as his eyebrow twitched in annoyance, "Just say what you need to say and leave." Before I kick you out by force, Akashi added mentally while casually taking out a pair of sharp red scissors from his robe. They glinted menacingly under the dim light of the Underworld.

As if he could read Akashi's mind Kise put his hands to chest in a gesture of surrender and cried, "Alright, Alright! There's no need to get violent! I was just joking with you! Anyways I came here to tell you that Vincent Naitorei, your brother the King of Gods, requires that you attend the next meeting of Olympian Gods at Mount Olympus next week. It's a mandatory meeting so you can't skip out! And also th-"

Seemingly out of nowhere, a tanned arm flung itself around Kise's neck. Aomine Daiki, the God of Wine, Merry Making, and Ecstasy, finished Kise's sentence, "There's going to be a party next week on the same day as the Olympian meeting! It's going to be awesome, Akashi, you should really come this time, I swear all you ever do is sit around in this dark and dreary place, you're turning into a senile old man."

"Aomine-chi! When did you get here!" Kise asked in surprise craning his neck to face Aomine.

"You're the one who asked me to come with you to invite Akashi, dumbass! And besides, as the God of merry making I should be the one spreading news of an awesome party that's about to happen. The only that can party harder than me is me." Aomine declared with an arrogant smirk.

"Hmm I must have been drunk when I asked you." Kise replied thoughtfully.

"Yeah probably, we went to a bar lat night remember?" Aomine said.

Akashi's eyebrow twitched even more at the addition of Aomine's presence. He pressed his fingers against his temple in an attempt to soothe the upcoming headache, provoked by Kise and Aomine's incessant squabbling. For some reason these two always seemed to appear out of nowhere together and cause trouble. Akashi understood Kise's purpose of coming as a messenger God, but he had a feeling that Aomine only came to get a rise out of annoying the redhead with comments about his "senility". That tanned bastard is getting too brazen Akashi thought to himself.

Calmly, but with cold fury, Akashi turned towards the two babbling Gods and asked, "If that is all you wish to tell me, would you both kindly leave now?" It was posed as a request but Kise and Aomine knew it was an order to be followed. Gulping at the murderous aura surrounding Akashi, they quickly obliged, tripping over themselves in an attempt to scramble away from Akashi's presence.

As they left, Akashi released a sigh of relief. Finally, he was allowed peace and quiet once again. However, thinking about the Olympian Gods meeting made Akashi's mood turn sour. He hated Mount Olympus. It was always too bright, too noisy, and too extravagant. As much as he disliked Kise and Aomine's frivolous attitudes, many of the Gods and Goddesses at Mount Olympus were much worse. They were arrogant and childish, always playing tricks on each other, backstabbing others with games of deception and flattery, gambling with the lives of mortals, and provoking wars for their own amusement. Akashi found their actions to be selfish and morally disgusting, but he did not consider himself to be particularly virtuous either. Rather than being bothered by the unethical behavior of his family members and wishing righteousness upon them, Akashi was irritated because he was always the one who was left to clean up after the messes they caused, especially when mortal lives were involved. Wars were the most troublesome because huge influxes of dead souls would flood into the underworld, awaiting judgement, which came slowly because Akashi was a fair ruler and he made sure his kingdom was just. Their souls would loiter along the bank of the river Styx moaning day and night in despair over their unfortunate fates. To Akashi it was annoying as hell.

For the most part Akashi was ignored by the other Gods and Goddesses at Mount Olympus, for his cold and aloof nature, not because he was the ruler of the realm of death. After all, Gods were immortal, what did they have to fear from death? Akashi was a handsome God with piercing heterochromatic eyes of scarlet and gold, a devilishly good-looking face, and a toned but sleek body build. He definitely would have been quite popular amongst the ladies if not for his standoffish nature. Many deities had tried to pursue and lure him into their beds; however, they were always turned away and quite often shamed by the red headed God for their audaciousness, resulting in spurned goddesses who spread rumors to create a negative perception of him. Not that he minded though, because Akashi prided himself for being the kind of person who didn't care about what others thought of him. After all what do they know about me?

Above all, the most annoying thing about the Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus though, was their phoniness. Whenever conflicts between the Gods and Goddesses arose, Akashi would find someone trying to butter him up and convince him to pick a side. The constant cycle of pestering and shifting alliances, nauseated Akashi to no end, which was why he tried to avoid visiting MountOlympus as much as possible.

Just thinking about going back to MountOlympus made Akashi feel aggravated, but there was nothing he could do about it. His younger brother, the King of Gods, had issued a demand and even Akashi had no choice but to oblige. I should be able to leave with my sanity intact if I just avoid the party.

Akashi exited his throne room and was heading towards his bedchambers when he encountered Midorima Shintarou, the God of Death and Akashi's right hand man in matters of the underworld. Akashi nodded his head in greeting towards his subordinate while Midorima responded with a curt nod of his own, bringing his slender, meticulously wrapped fingers up to push his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.

"Ah Shintarou, would you mind joining me for a game of shogi before I retire to bed. It seems that I would like to clear my mind for a bit." For Akashi, shogi had always been a peaceful activity that calmed his mind and Midorima had always been his favorite opponent, although the latter had yet to win a single game against him. In fact, anyone had yet to win anything against the almighty Akashi Seijuro.

"Alright." Midorima accepted because in all honesty he didn't really have a choice. When Akashi asks for something, "no" is not an acceptable answer. Besides Midorima had no qualms spending time with Akashi, although it was rather frustrating losing all the time. Perhaps this time…

He accompanied Akashi wordlessly to the shogi room, which was decorated in a traditional Japanese style that contrasted rather strangely with the rest of the European styled residence. For a Greek God, Akashi had an odd affinity for Japanese styled things, although Midorima was not one to judge for he also had a liking for the Japanese horoscope predictor Oha-Osa.

Upon entering the room, Akashi sensed another presence dozing off in the far corner of the room. It was Murasakibara Atsushi, the God of Sleep and another one of Akashi's loyal subordinates. His long purple hair obscured his face from view as he slept in a somewhat awkward half slumped position. In his hands he clutched what seemed to be a bag of food.

"Atsushi. Wake up." Akashi commanded, firmly shaking the shoulders of the giant purple-haired God.

Bleary violet eyes clouded with sleep, slowly opened, and directed their gaze upward meeting a pair of red and yellow heterochromatic eyes. "Eh? Aka-chin? Ah sorry for falling asleep in your shogi room. Sometimes my own powers make me sleepy, gomen." Murasakibara said sheepishly.

"It is alright Atsushi. I will allow it this time, but next time sleep in your own residence please." Akashi replied. Murasakibara had always felt like a little brother to him, so it was difficult for Akashi to stay angry at him for little things like this. Perhaps I am spoiling him too much.

"Eh, Mido-chin is here too. Are you going to play a round of shogi? Can I watch?" Murasakibara inquired indifferently while resuming eating whatever was in the bag he was clutching. It seemed to be baked bread crisps as Midorima scolded his brother for "getting crumbs all over the floor." It would seem strange but Midorima Shintarou, the God of Death, and Murasakibara Atsushi, the God of Sleep, were in fact twins, although only fraternal since they looked nothing alike. The two brothers were not particularly close, but they were not on bad terms either.

"Yes, Atsushi, I permit you to watch our game. Shintarou, let us begin." Akashi called to his companions after having already finished setting up the board.

While playing Midorima dully commented, "Aomine and Kise visited today correct?"

"Yes they did. How did you know?" Akashi's eyes never strayed from the board as he asked the question.

Midorima scoffed, "I heard them. Loud as always. Anyways, they invited you to the party at MountOlympus, will you be attending?"

"No I will not. You know I detest that place." Akashi replied stoically, wondering why Midorima bothered asking a question he already knew the answer to.

Dammit he's winning again. Midorima gritted his teeth as he watched Akashi claim yet another one of his pieces. "I know you despise extravagant gatherings however, I believe it might be good for you to go. Recently your mood has been more uptight than usual; perhaps you should take a short break for one night."

"As if you should be the one lecturing me about being uptight, Shintarou," Akashi replied drily, with a bit of bite in his tone. Midorima flinched slightly at Akashi's snide comment, which made the redhead feel a tiny twinge of guilt for his rude words. Perhaps that was uncalled for. Shintarou is quite cute when he is being a mother hen, but his tsundere nature prevents it from being overbearing

"I was only offering advice, Akashi. Please forget I said anything." Midorima retorted, sounding slightly miffed.

Murasakibara, who had been laying on the ground for the whole game, piped up, "Aka-chin is going to the MountOlympus party? Maybe I'll see you there since I am going too. Neh, did you know the party is supposed to be held for the coming of age of the new Spring God? Muro-chin told me he was really cute." Akashi knew "Muro-chin" was referring to Himuro Tatsuya, God of Dreams, and Atsushi's closest friend. It was a wonder how he got so close to someone as passive as Murasakibara.

"I already stated that I will not be attending, Atsushi. However, I am surprised that you of all people agreed to go. I thought you would prefer sleeping over participating in those exorbitant celebrations." Akashi said, though he had an inkling of the giant's motives.

"I don't really want to go but Muro-chin said there will be free snacks." That confirmed Akashi's conjecture. Sigh I should make a note to tell Himuro to stop spoiling Atsushi so much.

After listening to the conversation, Midorima's attention focused back to the game and within two minutes Akashi smirked, "Checkmate, Shintarou."

Needless to say, Akashi Seijuro won.

"I will be retiring to bed right now. I suggest you two do the same." Akashi waved to his subordinates as he stepped out of the shogi room.

Walking to his bedchamber, Akashi recalled what Murasakibara had said. A new Spring God? When I heard about Tetsuna's pregnancy, I thought she would have given birth to a daughter. How interesting. Perhaps I shall attend the party, he pondered with a faint smirk on his face.

AN- Wow writing fanfiction is really time-consuming, huge respect to those of you who churn out 10k+ fanfics. I feel that Aomine is really OOC as Dionysus because Touou! Aomine is really moody and lazy. Instead let's all just imagine easygoing Teikou! Aomine before his talent bloomed. Ah, happy times. And if anyone noticed Vincent Naitorei is actually Vincent Nightray, a character from Pandora Hearts, who I felt was perfect for the part of Akashi's brother because they both have heterochromatic eyes lol. I just romanized his last name because every other character has a Japanese name. It still feels weird to call him Vincent but I didn't want to romanize his first name into Binsento because that's even weirder.