Author's Note

I don't usually do this author's note thing - in fact I think this is the first time! - but I've had a few requests for an epilogue or a sequel now and I wanted to let everyone that enjoyed Incentive' know there is a sequel planned. It's called Parallax' and it's in progress (with a pinch of help from a trusted beta-reader) at the moment. I should have the first bits ready to post soon.

Parallax' is also going to be a sequel of sorts to another fic of mine, called Under My Skin'. Under My Skin' reads before Incentive', with Parallax' as part three, so you might like to have a look through it in advance. It's currently posted at the Linguistics Database, a Hoshi-centric web site, and here's the url if anyone's interested:

But don't worry - I'll be posting Parallax' at, as well. Till then, thank you again for reading and reviewing!