Before their wedding Dai picked out a wedding dress that was a A-line with beaded pearls on the dress. The couple chose everything and was happy, so they were ready for the wedding. The day of the wedding finally came and Dai was nervous, but Jun reassured her baby sister by saying," You and Matt are going to be married soon and you guys won't have to be separated anymore sis." Dai smiled and said," You're right about that Jun." Jun looked at the time and said," Okay we have to hurry this up because Willis is going to be here to walk you down the aisle." Smoothing her dress down Dai waited until her best friend Willis appeared and said," So baby-girl you ready to be married to Yama?" The girl smiled and said," Yep." Willis said," If you ever need anything hon, I am just a phone call away."

Willis smiled and said," Okay then, so we can get this show on the road then." Soon it was time to walk down the aisle and Dai walked down the aisle looking like an angle. After giving Dai away the wedding continued. When they were saying their vows until they were interrupted by their ex-friends that were saying," You guys can't get married because we forbid it." Giving her sister her bouquet of flowers Dai walked down the aisle to where the digi destinend stood and said," You don't have any power over me but when it comes down to me and Yamato's wedding there will be some action taking place."

Soon enough the digi destinends were thrown out the wedding and they were mad as hell. The wedding continued and soon the ceremony for the wedding and reception were over and that made the couple very happy. For their honeymoon Yamato was taking Dai to Greece where Dai had always wanted to go. When they were finally in Greece Dai thanked her husband and said," Thank you baby." Her husband said," You're welcome my beautiful wife." Since they were in Greece they visited some place and were amazed by the beautiful scenery and had an exciting honeymoon. While in Greece they went to the different beaches and looked at some historical landmarks and took pictures. They stayed in Greece for a month and bought tons of souvenirs. Finally it was their last and final day in Greece so they spent their last day in Greece wisely.

Soon it was time for Matt to take to their next destination which was Brazil. While they were in Brazil they stayed at his great grandparents' house and spent their time in the sun. They bought souvenirs and other items from Brazil also. Matt decided it was time to take Dai to the last destination of their honeymoon which was going to be in Aruba. Dai had a blast in Aruba because she could try the different foods and buy some of their clothing. Dai had so much fun in Aruba. She even loved the beaches. Soon enough she was sporting a baby bump and told Matt they were going to have their first child and he was over the moon. After they went home they both went to college and they soon graduated.

As for everyone else they tried to get in the way of Matt and Dai's marriage until they threatened to get the police involved. The soon to be again parents were happy that they were living their dreams and supported one another.