In front of a beautiful engraved mirror in the suites of the Queen of Mirkwood, Kili gave himself one last look over, before heading down to the breakfasts and morning meeting of the three kingdoms.

He could hardly believe what had happened in the past twelve hours. How his world had changed!

Despite all of his memories and imaginings and conversations with Thorin and Fili, Kili had really no idea what to expect from Tauriel when he arrived the other day. Hopes and wishes, yes, he had those in abundance. Beautiful dreams and wonderful fantasies, so many of them. Nothing he'd imagined even came close to the reality of experiencing her love and passion.

What he would give to stay in this room all day, in bed with Tauriel, talking, laughing, making love. But he had work to do. He must be prepared. He must focus.

The wide mirror showed a young dwarf, tall in comparison to his kin, pale-complected, with long wavy brown hair streaming to his shoulders. Dressed in a snowy white linen shirt and cravat, his grey wool jacket and black linen breeches were of the finest quality and tailoring to be found in Erebor or Dale. Black leather boots, polished to a gleam, reached his knees. Silver accents on his boots winked in the light of candles.

Kili, son of Vili, nephew to Thorin Oakenshield, was every inch the prince, in looks and attire.

Inside his heart was pounding, but not now from love or lust.

Even though Thorin and Fili had supported him in his love and pursuit of the queen, he wondered what they would really say and think now that the possible had in fact become reality. And for those who did not know, would they be able to tell? Bard of Dale, and Balin? Would they approve, or, barring that, accept a young prince of Erebor as the lover of the powerful Queen of Mirkwood? No animosities existed among the three kingdoms - yet. Would this fledgling relationship somehow create political problems? Tauriel said no, more than once, and quite emphatically. She'd said that they should neither hide nor flaunt themselves, and that should be enough. But he wasn't sure.

"You look very handsome, Kili. That cut of jacket suits you well, I think. What say you, Sivanna?"

Kili gasped and turned around. He had not heard Tauriel enter this room. And he did not know her - maid, he supposed - was with her.

Sivanna. He knew that name. From the eve of the battle, when he went to visit Tauriel in her tent. This woman was there. And later, when he was healing from his wounds, Tauriel spoke of her.

Sivanna, my lady-in-waiting and an accomplished healer, said you were still breathing, you still had a pulse. You were still alive.

"You helped her. You helped save my life," he murmured in awe, bowing low in a perfect execution Thorin would have cheered. "Words of thanks are not sufficient. Anything I can do for you, my lady, will be done. You have only to ask."

"In healing. I do my duty to the peoples of Middle Earth, Prince Kili. The only thanks I desire is that you live your life fully and joyfully." She smiled kindly at him, prompting him to grin in return. "I am happy to know you are fulfilling my wish."

Kili gaped at her, feeling very embarrassed. He wasn't ashamed to have made love with Tauriel so vigorously and so frequently, last night and this morning, but he didn't want any others to know the details. Only his love needed to know how he felt about her. "What have you told her about me?" he asked Tauriel, frowning. "Are we not to have any privacy at all?"

"I have not spoken of my feelings for you to anyone but you, Kili," Tauriel stated firmly, walking over to him. "Or of anything we have done. Sivanna has a special kind of magic. She can sense the emotions of those around her - much more so than other elves. For those she loves and cares for, her senses are even more keen. You have nothing to fear from her. She is loyal to me, and now, to you as well."

"My apologies, Prince Kili," Sivanna interjected. "I did not mean to make you think the Queen gossiped about you to me. Neither of us would ever do so. Please understand that I care for the Queen, and she cares for you. I will be able to sense you very strongly for that reason. It is difficult for me to close myself off from those I care for, but I will not embarrass you again."

Kili stared at Sivanna curiously. He had heard of such things, but never encountered anyone who had this ability. "Does the sensing of the emotions of others affect your own?"

"Yes, Prince Kili. Oh yes." Her voice was sad as she turned to Tauriel. Kili watched as they shared a knowing look of pain and loss. "The king and queen, my lady's parents, were killed by Orcs centuries ago. Those days were - incredibly difficult. I had to deal with my own pain, and that of many others. There came a time when I had no choice but to - to leave my duties here and go to Rivendell for several months to regain some semblance of balance." She stopped speaking for a moment, appearing to blink back tears, looking anywhere but at Tauriel.

To his surprise, Tauriel knelt in front Sivanna in a position he could only describe as that of supplication. "Sivanna was my nurse as a child, and is my lady-in-waiting now," he heard her say. "Because she is loyal to me, she does not tell you that I am part of the reason she had to leave. My grief for my parents was selfish, and I did not understand Sivanna's magic as I do now." Standing up, Tauriel continued. "I am grateful she has forgiven me for hurting her all those years ago."

He nodded, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the intensity of personal discussion, but Kili did not want to be rude. This woman would, by Tauriel's word, be loyal to him. One of the most important lessons he'd learned at Thorin's knee was that true loyalty from family, friends and subjects was a rare gem. And the history, the connection the two women had was a beautiful treasure. "You both are deeply loyal to each other," he commented thoughtfully. "That is a blessing when it is true."

"Indeed, Prince Kili. My queen would truly do anything for me. But all I really need is for her to be happy, and she is. Finally."

Tauriel held out her hand to Kili, and he took it, smiling broadly back at her. "Yes, Sivanna. I finally am."

Author's note: This chapter is the end of the first part. How Thorin and Fili and the others reacted to Kili's relationship will be referenced in the second part, in flashbacks.