A/N: Thank you for taking the time to read the final installment of No Escaping Him :) I can now with a very content heart mark this story complete. A special thank you to Courtney (lafangirl) for making the vision I had in my head come to life. I posted the image she created on my twitter page for you to enjoy. It is the focal point of this chapter and signifies what brought this version of Olitz together and why I fell in love with them from the beginning. Xo



"Mommy! I need you!"

The high pitched voiced carried throughout the open space causing Olivia to stand on her feet. She was in the middle of packing suitcases for the twins when Lia's call interrupted her morning mission.

Her footsteps softly pelted down each step while her hand steadied her descendant down the staircase. Sunlight beamed through several windows glistening against the hard wood in the most inviting manner. Living on Cleveland Avenue had become a normal way of life for the Grants- so much so, the thought of living anywhere else simply wasn't an option.

Liam sat in the exact spot Olivia left him earlier that morning and she smiled at her son. He didn't acknowledge his mother when she entered the kitchen, his nose still buried in the book resting on the table. It was an early Christmas present from Michael and from the moment he unwrapped the book he couldn't put it down.


The call she realized was coming from the pantry and Olivia finally peeked her head inside, surveying the surroundings.

"I'm here, honey. What do you need?"

"I'm trying to measure Lisa but it's hard to hold her and write...can you help?"

Olivia bent down next to her daughter and twirled the end of her ponytail with her hand. She wore one of her favorite pink dresses, with white tights and no matter how many times Olivia tried to expand her wardrobe, it didn't seem to work. Lia gravitated towards the same standard outfit.

"Baby, Lisa isn't growing. Why are you trying to measure her?"

Olivia eyed the gorgeous porcelain doll. She was a miniature version of Lia, her skin color and eyes matching her daughter to near perfection.

"Because she's a member of our family!" Lia replied in annoyance. "We can't leave her out. Daddy said all members of our family have a special spot in here on the wall."

Lia's brown eyes were steady with Olivia's making it clear she wasn't backing down. She was sentimental exactly like her father and the logic behind her request was something she simply couldn't argue with.

"Grab the marker," Olivia instructed, holding Lisa in place.

She watched as Lia carefully opened the top, her bottom lip retrieving inward as it usually did when she was concentrating hard on something. Lia drew a small line over the dolls head, writing the following next to it:

Lisa Grant 11-6-16

"There," she concluded, proudly placing the top back on the marker.

Olivia released her grip around the doll and sat on her bottom, bringing Lia into her lap. They stared at the wall and eyed all the different heights measured over the years. It had become customary for everyone to get periodically measured...a ritual started with the family that lived in the home before them. Both she and Fitz loved the tradition and didn't hesitate to continue it.

Everyone had a place...including Karen and Teddy making it all the more special.

"You did a great job, Olivia praised, admiring her daughter's handwriting.

Lia repositioned her body on her mother's lap, turning Lisa around so she could also see her handiwork.

"I'm ready to see Daddy...I miss him."

Olivia kissed the top of her head and smiled, squeezing her hard.

"I'm almost finished packing. You'll see him soon enough."

An idea entered her mind and she began to stand, patting Lia on the leg so she also obliged.

"Come here," Olivia instructed, guiding Lia to the empty seat next to her brother. Liam was still oblivious to anyone around him until his mother reached for his book, sliding it out of his reach.

"I want to talk to both of you before we leave."

Liam slightly squinted up at Olivia making her reach for his small face. She caressed it gingerly, as she often did, making her heart feel complete in ways she never imagined.

"Tomorrow is a very special day for Daddy and there's going to be a lot of people there to see him. I was thinking since its going to be so busy, maybe we should give Daddy our present tonight? How does that sound?"

Both Lia and Liam eagerly nodded, huge grins spreading across their face.

"Will Teddy and Karen be there?" Liam asked, pushing his glasses back up his nose.

"They will," Olivia confirmed nodding her head yes. "They should be there in time for dinner.

"I miss them, too," Lia admitted, a hint of sadness echoing in her voice.

"Me too," Liam agreed, resting his elbow on the table. "Daddy promised we could ride our horses before dinner tonight."

A beep suddenly sounded behind them and Lia was first to jump up. Olivia watched as she climbed onto the small stool and pressed a button, answering the incoming call coming through the docked IPAD.

"Dadddddy!" Lia's voiced screeched the second she saw Fitz's face.

"There's my girl!" His deep familiar voice boomed through the room making her heart constrict.

Even after all these years being together, the sound of his voice still had an affect on her.

She waited for a moment, allowing Liam an opportunity to stand and listened as Lia shared her morning with Fitz. Her small stature moved excitedly back and forth in place and it didn't take long for Liam to chime in. Listening to both of them left Olivia standing in place, eager to listen. She cherished moments like these and never wanted to take them for granted.

The conversation continued until she heard the words that eventually snapped her out of her trance.

"Where's, Mommy? Tell her Daddy wants to see her."

Olivia quickly walked into eyesight and waved behind the twins. Fitz was tan...his cheeks flushed and hairline sweaty. From the look on his face, she knew exactly what he had been doing before the phone call.

"I'm here," she began, clearing her throat once before continuing. "How are things going?"

Fitz's face transformed and listening to his response made everything miss him even more.

"Quiet. I just came in from a ride. Are you all packed?"

"Nearly done. Maybe we outta rethink how often we visit- the kids miss it and you."

A silent exchange was made between them and Fitz's face changed once again.

"Agreed. We'll talk more tonight."

Olivia placed one arm around Liam and stared at Fitz, unable to take her eyes off of him. His chiseled jawline was covered with a mixture of light and dark gray - a sight she had become quite accustomed to these last few years.

"Can we still ride before dinner Daddy?" Lia begged.

"You promised!" Liam quickly affirmed.

Fitz's eyes broke contact with Olivia and he smiled at his children resting his elbow on the desk in front of him...his face nestled in the palm of his hand. The gesture reminded Olivia of Liam and she unconsciously stroked the back of her son's head at their similar mannerisms.

"Of course we are! I went riding this morning- we're all ready for you."

"Bye, Daddy. I love you!"

Lia was first to bid her father goodbye, giggling and turning to Liam.

"I love you, two!" Liam also giggled and waited for Fitz to continue.

Olivia watched a wide grin spread across his face before he continued the chant they started as a family years ago.

"I love you, three."

His eyes darted up to Olivia and twinkled, patiently waiting for her to finish their special goodbye.

"I love you, more."

One last silent exchange was made between them before the screen went dark. The twins simultaneously scattered off leaving Olivia standing in place alone. Her eyes remained on the screen and for reasons she couldn't explain she stared at nothing in particular, thinking of their conversation.

She missed her husband immensely and even though they had only been apart one week, it felt more like a month. The Fitzgerald Grant Presidential Library was set to be unveiled tomorrow in Montpelier, Vermont and Fitz agreed to travel to their property early. The media still coveted any and all Grant family related exposure and this prestigious honor was no different.

It was decided Fitz would leave alone and spend some time doing interviews in preparation for the formal ceremony. Neither of them wanted to take the twins out of school early and the press couldn't be avoided any longer. One of the interviews was very formal had arranged to chronicle the former president's life after office, including the unveiling of the Presidential Library. It was an interview that took place over the course of several years and one Fitz was very proud to be apart of. His dedication to his charity work was being highlighted, something both him and Olivia wanted showcased above all else.

There had been much preparation for this special day and now that it was finally here, it felt bittersweet. A mixture of emotions ran through and she tried her best to prepare herself for what was to come.

Friends, acquaintances, colleagues and people they considered family would be gathering together in the same place- all celebrating a significant time in their life. A time that once was filled with darkness and eventually found its way into the light.

Nostalgia slowly sat in making Olivia all the more grateful. Things were busy but simple and she truly wouldn't want it any other way. She couldn't help but replay a mental checklist she committed to memory, making certain there was nothing forgotten. A formal dinner would be held for all their guests after the ceremony organized by Olivia. It was the least they could do for their friends and family and something her husband deserved. Fitz had done a world of good since his departure from the White House and this social gathering was a perfect way to highlight all the charities they endorsed both individually and as husband and wife.

"Mrs. Grant..."

Hal's voice rang through the kitchen and Olivia turned to look at him, somewhat startled. Her reaction took Hal off guard and she apologized.

"Forgive me, Hal...I've got a lot on my mind. I didn't hear you come in."

Hal nodded his head in understanding and repeated his statement, letting Olivia know she had a visitor.

"Ms. Perkins, ma'am. She's here- shall I have her join you in the kitchen?"

Olivia waved her hand signaling her approval. She was expecting Quinn later but before she could check the time, Lia entered the kitchen once again asking a question. She turned to acknowledge her daughter and was instantly interrupted when Lia caught sight of her long time friend.

"Aunt Quinn! Hiii! I just measured Lisa! Wanna look?"

Quinn entered and placed a large envelope down on the counter before making her way over to Lia. She was grinning from ear to ear, her arms extended and ready to greet her niece. Olivia stepped back to witness the exchange, crossing her arms at the chest. It was no secret Quinn and the twins were incredibly close. And it meant the world to Olivia.

"Of course! Show me! Hey- we need a girls day soon! Maybe before the winter break- if it's okay with your Mom and Dad."

Lia jumped up and down excitedly at the suggestion and pleaded with Olivia to say, "Yes." She eventually grabbed a hold of Quinn's arm and lead her directly to the huge walk-in pantry speaking a mile and minute.

Quinn motioned with her head behind her pointing towards the package. Olivia nodded and went to open it while Lia kept Quinn occupied. She slowly peaked at the contents inside and smiled, extremely pleased. It was difficult for Olivia to be in two places at once this week, so she resorted to what she did best...multitasking.

"Thank you so much for this," she called out to Quinn.

She gave a thumbs up sign, not missing a beat with Lia acknowledging her appreciation.. It wasn't long until Liam also joined them and Olivia decided to take advantage of the opportunity.

"I'm almost done packing- can you spare ten minutes and keep your eyes on them?"

"I could never turn down my favorite niece and nephew!" She over-exaggerated, winking at the kids.

Quinn was used to helping out from time to time. Olivia refused to hire a Nanny and chose to rely on friends if she truly found herself in a bind. The truth was Quinn was amazing with them and they honestly loved her. Asking for help came easier and easier for Olivia and now that she was a mother she learned there was nothing more satisfying than knowing your strengths and weaknesses.

Quinn looked the same, the only real difference being her hair length. It grew shorter and shorter over the years- the same as Olivia's. She remained single and mostly uninterested in men...except when it came to Harrison. Their friendship seemed to evolve into something more but Olivia didn't dare mention it. It was more her intuition that gave her this feeling and despite her speculation she chose to keep quiet about her speculation.

Thoughts of her two closest friends swirled around in her mind and quickly drifted as soon as she walked back upstairs. Her thoughts switched to her never ending to-do list, once again going through her mental checklist. Minutes later, she was knee-deep in packing again, placing some last minute items into their suitcases. They were going to all be under the same roof soon.

And when that happened all would be right with the world once again.


Fitz finished buttoning up his shirt and began putting his watch on. He was freshly showered and finished with his morning chores well before noon. There was plenty of time for him to work on his speech and he reluctantly decided to head over to the study and get started.

The weather in Vermont had been picture perfect this past week. It was the type of weather that kept you wanting to be outdoors. He missed the open space their land provided and couldn't wait for the kids to share in the experience- even if it was for just a weekend.

Fitz slid into his leather chair in front of his desk and wrestled through a portfolio in front of him. His speech was supposed to highlight what the opening of this library meant to him and his family but he just couldn't get into writing it. The process itself took much longer than the normal building timeline and now that it was complete he somewhat dreaded the attention of it.

Unfortunately, his ex-wife was the main reason the museum took so long to finish. The former First Lady made it clear her time spent in the White House would be documented and displayed. Although he honestly expected this reaction it was the unnecessary drama she added to the process that irritated him most. The media didn't help the situation and now that the day was finally here he simply wanted to get it over with.

He eventually pulled out his speech and picked up a pen, leaning back in his chair. He placed one foot up against the edge of the desk and reread what he had from the beginning, immediately scribbling out a word in the first sentence. It didn't take long for him to focus and soon he was writing freely uninterrupted. When he eventually heard the phone rang, it was nearly an hour later.

The area code was local which narrowed his guessing on who would be calling the land line. After a few seconds, he answered on the third ring, setting his pen and speech down in the process.

"Mr. President...a surprised voice greeted him on the other line. I'm so glad you answered...I was beginning to think you were avoiding my calls."

Fitz spun his leather chair around and faced the window, looking over the massive land that had become more of a sanctuary.

"This is Chris Muths, Dean of Academic Affairs at UV-"

"I know who you are," Fitz broke in, cutting the gentleman off.

The other end of the line grew quiet and Fitz slowly inhaled wishing he hadn't been so cross. After a few more minutes of silence the gentleman continued, nervously clearing his throat.

"Have you given any more thought to our offer, Sir? We're preparing our master schedule next semester and hoping you've changed your mind."

"I haven't, Mr. Muths." His reply was honest.

No more was said after his response and an uncomfortable silence filled the space between them. Mr. Muths finally thanked Fitz for his time and ended the call, leaving the former President of the United States deep in thought.

Ever since his decision was made for the Presidential Library to be in Vermont, the states oldest university continuously offered him an opportunity to join their establishment and teach a class of his choosing.

This all stemmed from one interview when he slipped and shared a brief encounter he once experienced during his term as governor. A professor and family friend at UCLA asked him to be a guest speaker one semester a few months after he was elected. He recalled the event with fondness sharing his mother encouraged him to pursue teaching at the collegiate level should his run in politics not pan out. Fitz shared it more as a joke but the media didn't spin it that way.

Fitz's mother had been weighing heavily on his mind these last few months and it all began when the twins inquired about their paternal grandparents. It was only natural for children to wonder about such things and Olivia encouraged Fitz to speak to them about his mother when the time felt right. Since the start of that conversation, he thought of her often and involuntarily shared a private moment during his interview.

He could tell Olivia loved the idea even though she didn't verbalize it. Since he left office, Fitz dabbled in quite a bit of projects that kept him busy, predominately with The Grant Foundation, which he co-founded with Olivia.

The organization was becoming quite expansive, reaching two other continents world wide. Many lives were being changed for the better and it gave him purpose when he wasn't at home filling his greatest role - being a stay at home father. Right now he was content with his life and changing it in any way made him apprehensive.

Fitz continued to sit deep in thought, thinking about Muth's offer when a knock on the door sounded. Daniel's voice echoed through the door, letting him know his family had finally landed and would be home within the hour.

He quickly stood and left his speech on his desk, not bothering to tidy up. His first stop was the twins bedroom making sure all was in place before heading downstairs. The fridge was his next stop where he prepared some snacks for them. Their favorite cookies were placed on display just in time for their arrival.

Just as he was about to go outside and wait for their car to arrive, his cell phone rang from across the room. A smile spread across his face when he saw the caller ID flash on the screen.

"Hi, baby," Fitz bellowed, walking into the Great Room directly towards the floor to ceiling windows.

Karen excitedly greeted her father hello, letting him know both she and her fiancé would be arriving later that evening just as promised. Fitz listened intently on her flight information making some mental notes to prepare their evening as a family. He looked forward to having all his children together and wanted to savior this time. Karen would be married in less than a year which left him feeling so many emotions...many of which he couldn't even process.

When their call ended, Fitz turned and surveyed the home, taking one last look around. Their estate was massive and had way more space than they needed but selling it was something they both agreed would never happen. They only visited Vermont on special occasions, which seemed to center around summer or the holidays. Their last visit consisted of two full weeks in August and Fitz couldn't remember a time he saw the twins so happy. They loved the land more than the home itself and spent nearly every waking hour outside playing.

Things had been quiet without them here this past week and he was beginning to feel a bit stir crazy. His eyes gazed the grand piano in the corner of the room and he couldn't help but gawk at its beauty. His thoughts soon drifted towards his wife and images of them making love on the bench quickly entered his mind.

He selfishly missed her most- needed her in every way possible and knowing they would soon be in the same room, still after all these years, gave him butterflies in his pit of his stomach.

Of course, there had been many times they had been apart since starting the next chapter of their life on Cleveland Avenue. The Grant Foundation had him traveling all over the world from time to time. Even though he was used to being apart from Olivia it didn't change how much he always continued to miss her.

Without thinking, Fitz caressed the edge of the piano walking around the side and thinking about his wife. Was she ready to relive the memories this Library would certainly stir up? Every interview so far included questions about Olivia. America couldn't seem to get enough of her and frankly neither could he.

Her greatest achievement since leaving the White House centered around the twins. Fitz admired her dedication to their children and he was adamant on correcting the mistakes of his past. Parenting with Olivia was much different than what he experience with Karen and Teddy. They each worked hard in creating a stable, loving environment- which ultimately was every parents goal.

There were times when Fitz couldn't believe how "normal" their life had become. Olivia worked full time allowing Fitz the space needed to enter back into the real world. His wife kept him grounded and was a constant reminder that neither of them would ever have to face an obstacle alone.

Daniel eventually joined Fitz, letting him know his family was finally here. Adrenaline began to pulsate through his veins and he eagerly walked outside and caught glimpse of the black town car pulling up the driveway.

Once it came to a slow halt, the door opened and two small bodies bolted straight into their father's arms. Fitz bent down and allowed their full force to collide with his. He took turns picking Lia up first and then Liam, twirling them each high into the air. The squeals were infectious and high pitched, echoing shouts of Daddy! into the air.

Olivia was next to step out and Fitz immediately opened the door for the twins sharing his surprise he left for them on the counter.

"There's cookies in the kitchen...chocolate chip," he announced much to the twins delight.

They scurried inside leaving Fitz alone to face Olivia.

"Hi." His voice was soft and he unconsciously placed his hands in his pockets carefully watching the vision before him.

"Hi," she smiled, dropping her bags on the ground.

Her hair was shoulder length and wavy with chunky dark brown highlights that were subtle in all the right places. She wore tight fitting capris with heels and Fitz couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"I missed you," she finally continued and that was all Fitz needed to hear.

Their bodies instantly meshed together, his arms wrapping her up until there was no space between them. Olivia pressed her face into the crook of his neck and Fitz kept whispering how much he loved and missed her. Hal moved around them without interrupting, carrying the majority of their luggage inside.

Fitz smiled when Olivia broke contact only to press her forehead against his. Her eyes were closed and he suddenly appreciated the height of her heels which gave them an opportunity to be nearly eye level. She smelled exactly how he remembered, her caramel skin warm and soft.

His hands slipped down linking fingers with hers until he kissed the tip of her nose. When her eyes opened, Fitz shot her a wink leaning in and kissing her fully on the lips. Her mouth slightly parted, deepening the kiss and Fitz couldn't resist caressing the curves of her body. The exchange was so intimate and so them, it nearly took his breath away.

Olivia was first to step away, interlocking fingers with him before heading inside. The twins were seated at the barstools, their legs dangling in the air. Loud chewing could be heard and Fitz was delighted to see the amount of crumbs scattered on the granite.

"Can we ride soon?" Liam inquired, his words muffled between bites.

Olivia went directly to the cabinet next to the fridge and grabbed two small glasses offering them something to drink with their cookies. Fitz joined his children and ruffled Liam's hair letting him know they most definitely were taking a horseback ride later that afternoon.

"Don't worry, Champ...everything is ready. Thunder has been pacing the stable waiting."

"What about Teddy!" Lia quickly interjected. Their big brother typically accompanied them during rides and she wasn't going to let Fitz forget about him.

"He's on his way," Olivia responded, exchanging glances with her husband.

"I talked to him earlier," Fitz confirmed. "He can't wait."


Lia was first to fall asleep with Lisa securely tucked underneath her arms. It was half past 9:00 and both the twins were beginning to fade fast after their second helping of dessert. Olivia kissed her daughter, careful not to wake her, before slowly lifting her body from the bed. She passed Fitz midway and they briefly touches hands as they traded places.

Liam was reading in bed using a small flashlight taking advantage of being allowed to stay up past his bedtime. His nose was buried in an autobiography about his favorite President, Calvin Coolidge. It was from a collection of children's books that focused on past Presidents of the United States. Olivia smiled at the titled and remember how hurt Fitz was when he realized he wasn't his son's favorite President. It was now a running family joke and every time she saw the book it made her smile.

Olivia gave Liam a kiss on the cheek and listened as Fitz whispered something to Lia. Despite having enough bedrooms for each of them, the twins chose to remain together. It warmed her heart knowing how much they loved each other.

The love they shared was nothing Olivia could explain or even understand. They often gravitated towards one another no matter the circumstances or where they were in the house. Their bond was strong and she came to accept they simply weren't ready to sleep apart just yet.

Once goodnight kisses were given, Olivia and Fitz walked hand in hand back downstairs. To their surprise, Karen and her fiancé, Jonathan, were clearing things off the dining room table. A huge family dinner occurred earlier that evening and couldn't have gone more smooth. She kept a close eye on Fitz throughout the night and was pleased to see him so happy.

She watched her husband roll his sleeves up before taking a few dishes to the kitchen. Karen was quick to refuse his help, motioning for Olivia to come over.

"Come get him, Liv," she called over her shoulder. We'll clean up."

Olivia handed Jonathan a few more plates before grabbing Fitz by the arm.

"Let them take care of this. Come with me."

She motioned upstairs and Fitz obliged, following Olivia's lead. They passed Teddy in his room playing video games and made their way to the study. She could feel his stare with her every move and being alone with him sent a jolt of energy.

"Is it finished?" Olivia finally inquired, sitting on the plush oversized chair in front of his desk.

Fitz leaned against the edge and crossed one leg at the ankle, cocking his head to one side.

"No," he admitted. "And as long as your in my presence it's not getting done. I find you quite distracting."

Olivia's eyes narrowed at his words and she began to stand and leave when Fitz laughed, grabbing her by the waist. She purposely muffled her giggle and desperately tried to squirm out of reach. Without warning a loud, laugh escaped her and she quickly covered her mouth unable to stop Fitz from tickling her sides.

It was a playful, sexy banter that came natural and Olivia finally succumbed to his mercy and gave in wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I love that sound."

He spoke low and all at once his mood shifted matching the sternness on his face.

"I'll finish it tonight. How are you? You've been going non-stop since you got here. Go take a hot bath and relax. We've got a long day tomorrow."

Olivia eyed her husband for some time, rubbing her fingers against the salt and pepper whiskers on his unshaven face. He looked more tired than she actually felt and knew deep down he wasn't sleeping. For as long as she's known Fitz, it was common knowledge he wasn't able to get a decent night sleep without her by his side.

His blue eyes studied her close and she tried to picture him in his suit tomorrow. It had been quite some time since she saw him wear one and she wondered if he missed it. Tomorrow was such a pivotal moment...the celebration of a time in their life that represented so much. Although the preparation and planning took years in the making they didn't spend much time discussing the topic.

And now that it was here, she couldn't help but think about the feelings it was bound to create within.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. The kids have a special gift for you...I thought it was a good idea to give it to you today but the more I got to thinking- the more I realized it should happen tomorrow."

"Lia mentioned it," Fitz admitted, breaking away from Olivia and taking a seat in his leather chair. "She's excited for me to see if."

Olivia slid onto his lap leaning her back against the edge of his desk until she found the words.

"I saw some pictures today of the library."

She couldn't keep the information in any longer and tried her best to share sparingly so she wouldn't spoil anything.

"I had Quinn do some digging for me. You will be very pleased."

It was Olivia's way of letting Fitz know all the planning going into this would pay off and his legacy would be properly documented. His accomplishments in office would be highlighted and celebrated while his personal life was showcased in a manner filled with the utmost dignity and respect.

"Today was nice," Fitz replied, avoiding the information shared.

"It was," Olivia agreed, keeping her eyes focused ahead. She paused leaning back further to fully take him in. "It's okay to be happy, Fitz. You've earned this. I hope you realize that."

Fitz grew quiet and Olivia watched him also lean back slightly mirroring her.

"It will be nice to finally see it put together."

That's all Fitz would offer and Olivia took his words for what they were worth.

"We'll have a private tour in the morning before the dedication," Olivia stated readjusting herself. She tried to get up but he wouldn't allow it, instead bringing her closer into him.

"Thank you for everything-"

His words lingered in the air and she could hear the strain in his voice.

"We're a good team," was all Olivia replied.

It was the middle of the night when Olivia reached for Fitz's side of the bed. It remained empty and appeared he hadn't been to bed at all that night. She took him up on his suggestion of taking a bath and ended up falling asleep soon after. The last she remembered, he was in the kitchen talking with Karen and Jonathan and after a few minutes she decided to go and look for him.

She slowly slipped out of bed, grabbing her black silk robe. The house was quiet and the moment she stepped near the staircase she saw the bright orange glow bouncing off the walls. His silhouette was picture perfect- so much so it remained etched in her mind. He was seated on the sofa in front of the fire with a glass of bourbon snug in his right hand.

Olivia's steps were quiet and she didn't speak a word, instead walking up from behind and wrapping her arms around him. Fitz didn't appear startled by her presence and it didn't take long before his drink was on the table next to him.

"You're up late," she breathed kissing his neck softy.

He smelled a mixture of cologne and burnt wood and her nose remained buried against his skin for some time. Fitz caressed her arms up and down until he finally motioned for her to join him. Her body quickly conformed and she curled her legs bending them at the knee, slightly exposing her skin.

"My God, you are so beautiful."

His whisper sent tingles down her spine and she nuzzled into his neck once again kissing him softly.

"Come to bed...I miss you."

She sounded needy but didn't care. They had been separated for a long time and she looked forward to having his warm body next to hers.

"I was just finishing up. I came up earlier but you fell asleep. I didn't want to disturb you."

Silence soon took over and Olivia felt him rub her back in the most soothing manner. Her eyes involuntarily closed and the warmth of the fire made her even more tired.

"I would do it all over again," Fitz confessed, speaking low and serious. Olivia's eyes opened at the revelation and she stared down listening closely as he continued. "Except losing Jerry."

He grew quiet again and Olivia sat up, straddling his lap until she was eye level.

There were important stages all throughout their marriage when Fitz would openly share his heartache. Now that Olivia was a mother she could truly understand his level of sadness and the longer they were married the more she became aware of his needs. As his wife, she wanted to shield him from such pain but knew hiding from it wouldn't make things better. She learned that lesson the hard way and wouldn't wish that burden on anyone.

This time was no different and the way she handled Fitz never changed. He needed her, plain and simple. And she needed him. It wasn't a want or a desire. It was a sincere, God honest need- a need which was never going to go away.

"I would do it all again too...because it would bring me here...with you." She paused before saying anymore, trying her best to soothe his broken heart.

"Jerry's here, Fitz. And he'll be with us tomorrow because he lives inside Karen and Teddy and Lia and Liam...and especially you."

Fitz wrapped up Olivia in his arms and finally released all the emotion he kept bottled up inside. He wept quietly like this from time to time, in the safety of Olivia's arms when he simply couldn't hold things in any longer. It was a cleansing of sorts he at times needed and once it happened she could physically feel his psyche shift and become lighter.

They continued to embrace for a long while- until the fire began to subside into ash. When Fitz finally lifted his head Olivia caressed his cheeks before urging him to come to bed.

"Come on," she whispered, slowly standing from his lap. "We need to rest."

Fitz followed her lead, accompanying her upstairs hand in hand. She headed straight for their bedroom and into bed tossing her robe on the edge. She heard Fitz rummage throughout their master bathroom until he finally slipped underneath the covers.

They were now nose to nose and silent, each of them waiting for the other to speak.

"I can't ever lose you," Fitz finally breathed inching his way closer.

Olivia processed his words before touching his face in reassurance.

"A lifetime, remember?"

Fitz nodded his head up and down and slipped his hand under the covers. Within seconds he was on his back with Olivia firmly mounted on top. She sat upright eyeing him evenly while he helped pull her silk nightgown over her head. The inevitable took over as it had so many times before engulfing each of them with so many emotions.

She missed this...missed his hands and it was his touch she craved more than anything. Fitz knew her well and this position was his cue to give her what she needed. His hands gently cupped her breasts while Olivia instantly closed her eyes. She could feel him grower harder and the moment she rose to her knees, Fitz's boxers came off while his middle finger slid in between her legs.

Desire took over and Olivia didn't hesitate sliding her body down his finger. She needed prepping and judging from the look on Fitz's face, he more than approved of her actions. Her pussy swallowed his hand and so much of what came next was a blur.

Fitz was now upright kissing her neck continuously before zeroing in on her breasts. He sucked hard...purposeful and the sting felt sent wave after wave of emotion. She tugged his hair hard in response causing Fitz to curl his finger inside. That was Olivia's undoing and she raised up on her knees again pushing his hand away until her center found what it needed.

By now, their tongues had collided intertwining in their familiar dance. Olivia slid down his shaft slow taking her time. Soft moans filled the air from the contact and Olivia buried her face into Fitz's neck. Even after all these years he fit her insides like a glove, filling every inch of her walls with his manhood.

Fitz tugged the back of her hair exposing her neck and Olivia tried to stifle her sounds the best she could. His mouth was everywhere and he purposely pushed her backside with force causing her to grind harder into him.

For as long as she could remember, they never just had sex or made love. They became one...creating nothing short of magic. Tonight was no different and Fitz made it clear he had no intention of stopping.

Without warning he stilled leaning back slightly. They stared at one another briefly until Fitz lifted her body up turning her around. She felt him enter her from behind and instinctively her arms wrapped around the back of his neck holding on for dear life.

"I will never have my fill of you."

He'd spoken those words to her so many times before yet hearing them again left Olivia weak. Her knees buckled and she leaned back depending on his body for support. His thrusts were relentless as his hands freely roamed the front of her body. It wasn't long until his fingers centered on her clit, stroking it exactly to her liking. This was their most sacred position and after being away from Fitz for so long she had no choice but to feel completely overwhelmed.

"I love you," she managed to breath out, turning her head to the side so he could hear. Her stomach muscles contracted and that familiar burn she longed for finally appeared.

"I love you, Livvie," he whispered against her temple. Her body was trembling and tears sprung her eyes when Fitz uttered the next few words.

"...for a lifetime."


The Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III Presidential Library sat on over an acre of land on the outskirts of Montpelier. The outside structure was predominantly made of the finest steel with large glass doors that lined the front entrance. The architecture was state of the art with hints of vintage touches that left a perfect balance of old and new.

A large black limousine picked the Grant family up from the Vermont Estate early that morning in preparation of their private tour. When they arrived, a few media stations were lined up in a specified area roped off towards the far right of the building. A small podium was already set up with rows of chairs strategically placed in front. Large floral red, white and blue bouquets were displayed and outlined around the makeshift stage area in front of the library.

When the limousine arrived Fitz stared at the five lifelike bronze statues that stood proudly in front of the massive building. You could not enter the doors without passing this incredible work of art and he couldn't take his eyes off his children. This was the first time he saw the finished product in person and a huge lump formed in the center of his throat.

"LOOK! ITS ME WHEN I WAS A BABY!" Lia shouted, pointing out the window. She was leaned over her mother's lap and Fitz could feels his wife's stare.

Reluctantly, he met her gaze and she smiled a small grin slightly nodding as if giving him permission to feel. Liam and Teddy were quick to chime in about the statues but Karen remained quiet. Fitz could only imagine what his oldest daughter was feeling.

Hal was the first agent to open the door for the former First Family. One by one, the kids began to climb out of the limo, each of them dressed elegantly. Liam wore a suit that matched both Fitz and Teddy while Lia wore a satin dress that was similar in color to Olivia's.

All the children headed straight for the statues while Fitz remained back taking the the moment in. Olivia stayed by his side and eventually reached for his hand but didn't say a word. He watched the twins touch the bronze while their happy voices echoed behind. They stood like this for some time, until Fitz had no choice but to move.

A tall woman he recognized, Dina Patterson, made her way towards them and that was Fitz's cue to begin walking and meet her half way. She was their docent so to speak, who worked for the White House archive department and the person organizing today's event. Ms. Patterson contacted Fitz periodically throughout the library's building process and met with both Fitz and Olivia when they first broke ground on the development.

"Mr. President...Mrs. Grant...it's good to see you both. You're family is just lovely."

Ms. Patterson looked over her shoulder towards the statue for a brief moment before returning her attention to Olivia and Fitz.

"Yes, they are," Fitz confirmed, shaking the woman's hand. "May we enter?"

The woman nodded her head and motioned her hand signaling the Grant's to proceed. Olivia squeezed his hand and before he took a step another step forward he leaned over and kissed Olivia on the corner of her mouth. She looked stunning, her hair straight and slicked back behind her ears.

Her dress was a deep burgundy and coveted every curve of her body. Her lipstick was also dark in color which outlined the plumpness of her lips. His wife was nothing short of a goddess and there were no words that could've described how proud he was to be her husband.

They exchanged one last intimate look before Fitz led his wife towards the statues. He admired each one carefully, never letting go of Olivia's hand. Karen soon joined him and took his other hand while they stood in front of Jerry's statue. The resemblance was uncanny and without thinking he left go of Karen's hand and pulled her in close, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"He's here, Daddy," she whispered kissing Fitz on the cheek.

He nodded several times but didn't speak trying this best to remain composed. His heart felt her words to be true but his mind was simply numb. It didn't matter how hard he tried, moments like these were difficult. He missed his son and there was nothing that could change his feelings.

When Fitz was finally ready, he walked hand in hand with Olivia and Karen up the steps to his Presidential Library. Two Marines saluted the former President while the glass doors opened for the family to enter. Teddy escorted Lia and Liam in first who immediately ran to the left of the entryway. There was so much to take in, Fitz wasn't certain where to look. Huge black and white photographs of a much younger Fitz took up most of the walls and it felt as if he had been transported back in time.

The front of the library focused on his childhood and his early years as governor. Olivia let go of his hand and joined the others while Fitz took his time looking at items on display. He eventually heard Lia and Liam beg for his attention, obviously not able to contain their excitement any longer.

"Daddy! Come see your surprise!"

Fitz turned to see everyone gathered waiting for him. The twins began jumping up and down and their innocence made Fitz smile. At first he didn't understand the commotion until Olivia moved. Behind her was a huge oil painting of him and his mother from when he was a boy...and for the second time that morning a huge lump formed in his throat.

"It's you and Grandma Grant!" The twins excitedly yelled, clapping their hands in excitement. "Surprise!"

Fitz made his way towards his family and grew speechless. This was obviously recreated from a photograph as he remembered the image quite vividly. There was a caption underneath the portrait that read the following:

Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III, age 8 with mother, Helen Catherine Grant

Santa Monica, California 1969

"The kids wanted to do something special for you," Olivia informed him. Her words were soft and loving and he felt his jaw clinch in reaction.

"We took a vote," she eventually continued. "And they decided on this."

"It's our favorite story," Karen chimed in, looking at her father and grandmothers picture. "You always told us how much fun you had playing on the coast when you were little."

Fitz smiled and stared at the portrait. He was playing in the sand while Helen looked over his shoulder. If his memory served him correctly they had just finished a boat ride and his mother encouraged him to join her for a walk along the shoreline. They stopped to play in the sand when his father snapped their picture.

Helen was smiling and her fingertips ruffled through Fitz's hair...very similar to how he ruffles his own children's head from time to time.

"I don't know what to say- this means so much."

Clear emotion swept over and he looked to Olivia who was instantly by his side.

"Thank you," he silently mouthed.

Olivia squeezed his arm and stared at the painting. His wife constantly amazed him and he knew he would never forget this moment for as long as he lived.

They eventually began walking again, making their way as a family towards the next area of the library. This time it was Olivia who froze at the sight before them. They had reached the next stage of the library which focused on his initial run for presidency.

A large black and white photograph was displayed covering nearly half the size of an entire wall. The photo was of Fitz and Olivia in front of his original campaign bus. She wore a Grant for the People t-shirt and looked so young. They were deep in conversation hovered over some paperwork acting as if they were the only two people that existed.

He kept his eyes on his wife who stood directly in front of the massive photograph. She had just agreed to be his campaign manager and it was one of their first trips together on the trail. Once again, a flood of memories rose inside and he took a few steps closer to Olivia.

"I was in love with you then." His voice was low so that only she could hear.

Olivia kept her eyes ahead and didn't respond, no doubt her own fill of memories flooding her mind.

"It's you, Mommy!" Liam shouted, running to the wall touching it excitedly.

"It is," Olivia responded bending down to kiss her son. Fitz could see the tears in her eyes and knew the memory affected her.

They locked eyes for a brief moment and Fitz smiled. She reached for his hand and they briefly interlocked fingers before finally moving on.

It was surreal seeing so many memories collected and housed in one location. It was a true reflection of his life's work and seeing his families reaction...especially Liam's was the best part.

His son, although only six years old, was incredibly gifted and had a true love for history. Former United States Presidents were his passion and not because his father happened to be a former one - but because he actually had a love for how our country was formed. It was no surprise he was the most impressed by the archives and getting his son's approval of the library made it all worthwhile.

He loved watching Olivia with the twins bending down and answering their never ending questions. Liam asked the most, often leaving their group to look at something that caught his attention.

Over an hour had passed when they finally came to the back portion of the library. This section focused on his final years in office and also highlighted Olivia's accomplishments while serving as First Lady. More large black and white photographs adored the walls, many of them of Fitz and Olivia together.

His favorite was a candid moment taken in the Rose Garden while Olivia was pregnant. They hosted an Easter egg hunt for underprivileged children and Olivia was holding one of the toddlers who was pointing at Fitz. He studied the photograph for a long time when a small quote written in the corner caught his attention.

"We all have the right to choose the life we want to live...decide what we will and will not tolerate. That's the legacy I want to leave my children."

It was a quote he hand picked to be displayed in the library. A quote he thought about so many times throughout this life- especially when making decisions that directly impacted his family. He would never forget the day Michael shared those words - only because it was shared on one of the darkest days of his existence.

His daughter's laugh echoed through the air and he turned at the sound breaking his concentration. She was with Teddy, whom she adored, and the sight made his heart nearly. It was another reminder of how much his life had changed for the better and it was because of his deep desire to leave a legacy his family would be proud of.

A legacy his children could pass on.

Ms. Patterson soon appeared letting Fitz know things were ready and in place outside. Olivia turned to Karen who immediately began helping corral the twins. Teddy came up to his dad and appeared somewhat apprehensive- his face solemn and reserved.

"Mom texted me...she's out front."

"Go on ahead," he quickly reassured his son. "We won't be too much longer."

Teddy shuffled his feet and seemed torn, not sure of what to do. He hated seeing him this way and wanted somehow to ease his mind. Before he could continue, Teddy responded, his words leaving Fitz humbled to the core.

"This place is cool, Dad. I remember the day Olivia gave you the statues. I think that's my favorite part."

"It's mine, too, Son. And you're right...this place is pretty cool."

Teddy smiled and hugged Fitz goodbye before heading back towards the front of the library. He was looking more and more like a young man everyday and his resemblance to Jerry was astounding. His words meant so much, especially coming from him. He was the most reserved of all his children so his kind words left a huge impression.

Olivia soon joined him, lovingly fixing his tie. He checked his watch briefly before caressing her arms, smiling at her attentiveness.

"And now the real fun begins," Olivia teased, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Fitz laughed and pulled in her close kissing her hard on the lips.

"Karen took the twins to the restroom. I told her to meet us out front...there's just one last thing I want you to see."

Olivia grabbed Fitz's hand and led him back towards the front stopping at a display they didn't spend much time at as a family. Inside the glass wall was the actual podium used at his first press conference after the assassination attempt. It was a very dark time in their life and he was curious to see why Olivia drew attention to it.

"We've come such a long way," Olivia began, staring at the podium.

Fitz watched her intently and leaned against the glass giving her his undivided attention.

"That night you were shot...I never imagined our life would've turned out this way. We have all this because of you, Fitz. I was too scared...I didn't even want you to get a divorce."

She suddenly stopped, shaking her head briefly before continuing.

"You knew what you wanted and didn't stop until you had it. You always tell me I'm strong...but so are you. You're one of the strongest people I know."

Olivia stared straight ahead when she spoke and Fitz became mesmerized, completely taken off guard by her honesty.

"Liam asked me about this podium and I had to explain what happened...why it was such an important piece of our history."

Olivia paused again and smiled, finally turning around to face her husband. Huge tears filled her eyes and it was a rare moment seeing her so vulnerable.

"He told me you're his favorite President."

She paused again and laughed, which made Fitz laugh, his eyes instinctively filling with tears. Her hands slowly wrapped around his neck and her mouth found his ear, finally sharing her deepest truth.

"I told him you were my favorite President, too."


The limo ride back to the Vermont Estate was quiet and Olivia was grateful to have some down time before the dinner celebration. The ceremony surrounding the official opening of the library went exactly as planned and they were both pleasantly surprised at the turnout. The First Lady was kind enough to attend, as well as the Vice President himself, Cyrus Beene. Although Fitz didn't state it out loud, she knew having the White House support on this special day meant a great deal to him.

Fitz was seated farthest away from Olivia and looked out the window for most of the ride. Lia was snuggled up next to her father and on the verge of falling asleep. A nap would do the twins good before dinner but she wasn't certain of that would actually be a possibility once they arrived home.

She closed her eyes and thought back to Fitz's speech, his words about his time in office replaying in her mind. He made a point to thank his wife, acknowledging her help and guidance throughout his years in the White House. He took little credit during his speech and made it clear his time in Washington served many life lessons- some more difficult than others.

Being on this side of history felt odd and now that the build up of the library was over, she looked forward to having things back to normal. They had a wonderful life in Washington and she was very proud of the normalcy they had created. The twins attended the best school in the area and she was grateful Fitz chose to be such a hands on father.

These thoughts centered around her mind until they finally arrived, Lia now fast asleep in her father's arms. When the limo came to a stop, Fitz was first to get out carrying Lia upstairs. Olivia helped Liam out who also appeared to be tired. Both Karen and Teddy left with their mother and planned on meeting them tonight for dinner. It would be just the four of them for the next few hours...and it felt like old times.

The moment they set foot inside, Liam ran upstairs to his room. Fitz passed him coming back down and was partially undressed wearing black slacks and his undershirt. Olivia made her way over to the sofa and slipped her heels off setting their bags on the ground. It was a little after two in the afternoon and they had several hours left to unwind.

Fitz went into the kitchen for a drink and eventually joined her in the Great Room. He carried a glass of bourbon in his hands and sat on the sofa motioning for Olivia to sit. She slipped to the empty space nearby and placed her feet on his lap.

"I think I'm going to take VU up on their offer," he said nonchalantly sipping his drink. "Start off small in the spring and see how it goes." His words froze Olivia and she slightly sat up taller before responding.

"I think that'll be good for you. You control your own destiny, Fitz. You always have. We'll support whatever you decide." She chose her words carefully and decided to add a little humor to the conversation. "Besides, I think Professors are pretty hot."

Fitz smiled and raised an eyebrow, looking at her mischievously before taking another sip. He shook his head from side to side in a playful manner and eventually finished off the glass of liquor in his hands.

"You should've told me that a long time ago- I wouldn't have bothered running for a second term."

Olivia laughed at the comment and scooted herself closer into him. It felt good to relax and she rested her head on his shoulder enjoying the quiet.

"This is going to have people taking- former President turned Professor." He paused and stared ahead for a moment before finishing. "It's not what people will expect."

"And since when do we care what people think?" Olivia stated matter of factly. "We play by our own rules."

Fitz turned to look at his wife and wrapped his arms around her knees leaning in to kiss her. It was a soft kiss filled with intention.

"Will you dance with me?" Fitz suddenly whispered, resting his forehead against Olivia's.

"Dance? Now?"

She watched Fitz stand and walk to the stereo system next to the stone fireplace obviously quite serious.

A familiar, iconic voice eventually filled the air making Olivia smile at his selection. Aretha Franklins's version of My Way played softly through the speakers and Olivia stood and joined her husband who extended his hand.

"It's NOT Frank...I'm shocked," she teased.

Fitz smiled and shook his head explaining his reasoning.

"I know you love this version. It fits us."

Olivia nodded and wrapped her arms around the man she loved...the man she honestly couldn't live without. The song spoke their truth in every way that mattered and she couldn't help but close her eyes and listen. They fell into an easy rhythm and swayed to the music, dancing in the center of the living room to their hearts content. They danced to celebrate their love...their blessed life and the fact they withstood all the odds stacked against them.

Doing it their way.