I was sitting in room thinking of how awful today was going to be. It was the first day of my junior year at forks high school. This was supposed to be my year but now I almost wanted to say at home. In all honesty I'm only going because my gran says I'm letting them win if I don't go which I understand but it doesn't make it right .I mean I had it all in sophomore year friends, cheerleading and a b+ average but now people barely look at me or they call me a lying slut for costing the school the championship game. Since one of the boys on the basketball team thought it would be a good idea to ask me to the bonfire on first beach and get me drunk enough to stupidly following him into the woods so we could "talk" yeah he wanted to talk alright.

I knew something was so wrong when his friends abruptly appeared drunk and happy as hell. I saw the' were so getting laid look' in their eyes and I fought myself to get sober and to get the hell out of there but it was too late a hand went out over mouth and another up my dress and all could think of was what Leah Clearwater had taught me while babysitting once "if you're going to go down, go down kicking and screaming ,no mercy no prisoners " yes she taught me well. Once they tried to ripped clothes off and attack me I did just that well until the giant wolfs showed up. They were not normal wild animals I could feel the supernatural element in the air my mind has blank has one of them scared the boys off but I didn't move. I wasn't scared . The wolves disappeared with men replacing there but something freaky happened one of my saviors had the most interesting eyes that couldn't pull myself away from. I still haven't been able to tear myself from him honestly that's probably why I am with Paul now.

Now I'm in my room wondering what should I wear. Should I walk in with the band new clothes Alice instructed me to wear to show off or should I just blend in and wear something simple. I decided on a simple outfit Alice may not even notice I mean Bella is her main focus since in her mind she has no fashion sense at all. I was brought of my train of thought when my gran called.

"Cassandra breakfast is ready and you need to leave for school in 20 mins" she yelled up the steps.

"okay I will be done in a minute " I replied Knowing my gran well come upstairs' and drag me down to eat.

I pick out my gray sweater and my dark blue skinny jeans and white flats which hoped wasn't too cold to wear. As I walked down the stairs only to see my gran and chocolate chip pancakes. she knows me so well I thought to myself. After I ate and my gran wished me good luck I grabbed my bag ,phone and light jacket and my car keys to my jeep. As drove in my car I wished Paul was there making smile with just a look it really what needed the moment .

while I was driving listening to the radio had the feeling some was watching me and I knew exactly who, so I pulled over and step out of the car and stood by and looked towards the forest.

"Alright come out I know you are there "I yelled. I stood for a minute until two rather large arms gripped me tight around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"How did you know I was there" Paul said as if I would not know he would follow me to make sure I actually went.

"I know you and your worried about me but I am okay I still have friends just as many "as soon I said that Paul perfect lips we're on mine. He was another reason didn't want to go, he makes me want to say in his arms forever but I backed out of his embrace.

"I have to go" I said with a hint of sadness wishing I didn't .

He had the same expression on his face but then understanding. He gives me one last hug and lets go not before whispering "I will always care for you " knowing he was trying not freak me out since he only told me last week he had imprinted on me and I knew what it meant. I knew I legends I am Quileute after all but it was still over whelming to even know there are werewolf's running around protecting rez from "the cold ones" it still freaky that they exist but I'm not touching on that yet. The only reason live in forks is because my gran said she couldn't live there after my mom died .I kissed Paul one more time telling him I was going to be late. I hoped In the car knowing Paul wasn't the on one going to visit me to make sure was ok.

Walking though the parking lot already I see sheriff swan cop car since I'm special enough to have a special meeting with my principle, the guidance counselor and him. As I walked into the office and got my schedule and was told to go straight into see the principal. As I walked in there it was that sad look from the adult's I wanted to avoid but interestingly Charlie who I knew personally but still I had to call him sheriff was giving a different look like he was sorry but knew I was ok and didn't think I needed to be pacified.

"Hello Cassandra I'm miss green your guidance counselor "miss green announced .I nodded not wanting to say much. "yes Cassie, Miss Green, the sheriff and I want to make sure you have a productive year without interruptions from unruly students so if there is a problem come notify any one of us "my principle said.

"And of course and can see me anytime if you want to talk "miss green added.

"Yea sure of course there should be no problem" I said with a fake smile I knew I was a ticking time bomb just waiting to blow my top but wasn't going to let people get to me that easy because some control.

"Good, now your grades are exceedingly well so keep up the good work and everything will work out fine" he said and gave me the ok to go to class but while I was leaving Charlie stop me talk to me outside to office.

"Cassie you know I know you like the back of my hand so I know you just said that to appease them-" Shit "so let me just say this, let me do my job and don't take it upon yourself if someone mess with you I have known your grandmother since before you were born so please no fighting, kids can be asswholes but you have to better or you will be just as bad now promise me" He asked

"Sure Charlie " with an eye roll he gave a look "I mean yes sheriff swan I solemnly swear" he rolled his eye at me again and said "good, now get to class miss drake" I smiled wholeheartedly and work off knowing so right the kids here could suck it honesty.

I walk into class with my head high. First was science which was fine I loved chem. it was the most excitement I was going to get for the rest of the day.

"Good morning are you cassie drake " the new teacher asked me.

"The one and only" she chuckled and smiled I could tell she was cool.

"Good, my name is Mrs. Simpson it great to meet your the principle explained your situation-"kids starting giggling and she cleared her throat "that's enough " she said in serious tone making them stop. "like was saying and if you need me I'm here but based on your grades you should excel and my class "I smile and took an empty seat knowing commented my grades to shut the students up which I thought was hilarious that's when I saw Mrs. Simpson and I would have no problems.

After that nothing else happened other than stares and eye rolls which never bothered me. My morning classes went by fine. Now I had lunch and all I had to do was avoid the asswholes but worst of all Alice she was undoubtedly going to kill me, but for not my outfit but avoiding her in gym since I didn't show up. As I was walking though the cafeteria with my bagged lunch and texting Paul letting him know was fine I heard the all too familiar yell.

"Cassandra Leanna drake" shit she's pissed she used my whole name, as I slowly turned facing her.

"Alice you look great, is that a new hair style ,I should try that some time "making Rosalie laugh to herself as she left us despite the fact she never talked much to me she would always laugh or smile at my sarcasm or jokes but Alice on the other didn't see the humor.

"Very funny, is there a reason you have been avoiding me other than not wearing the outfit I wanted you to wear and leaving the coach bag at home" yes she is loaded and life's mission was to make sure I did not wear anything from last season despite my best efforts to dress in clothes I felt comfortable in.

"Sorry I just wanted to get thought the day with anyone noticing "I said looking down Alice always had good intentions which made me feel like a bad friend.

"Oh fine but you have told me "she said with a smile and looped her arm though mine.

After that we just talked until jasper stole her from me. Then study hall for two periods. Now I'm diving to Emily's after Paul text me three times making sure I was on my way. Then when my song came on our song by Taylor swift so I rolled down my windows and turned it up and sang every word sounding like an angel of course all the way there with not a care in the world.

Before I could knock the door swung open and reveled and upset Paul which only means he got caught this morning crossing the line into forks following me this morning.

"Hey" he said giving me a small smile.

"Let me guess you got caught this morning "he rolled eye and told me Sam saw it while they were patrolling this morning.

"do you want to go down to the beach" I said with a mischievous grin.

"sure lets go ,you can come back and get your car later" he said before he grabbed me and I made sure I had my keys. I could tell he was still upset by the look on his face. Once I called his name he seemed to stop as if he was thinking this whole time we were walking.

"okay what is it you are to quite " I said with a concerning look on my face.

"it's just we made it official 3 weeks ago and still haven't been on a proper first date" then I realized it we hadn't. While he was patrolling I was working at Sue's dinner and barely seen each other.

"yeah I know " I said with my head down.

"Cassandra Leanna - "

"I'm going to stop telling people my middle name"

"Shh like I was saying Cassandra Leanna drake would will you go to the movies with me Saturday" look at him with a concentrated stare making him wait for my answer "yes I will go, but no scary movie's"

"Okay" he said as he gave me a quick kiss. We sat on the soft sand loving how close we are. then he held me while the sun went down not saying much to ruin the blissful silence.

As we were walking back I asked " Paul what's our song " thanking back to my Taylor swift moment earlier. "what" he asked as I laugh at his confused look. "you know the song that best describe our relationship"

"I didn't think you were into that stuff" he said mocking me."I'm not, just wanted to see what you would say" he bit back a laugh and said " I thought so, you're not girly at all" " Yes I am" "No, no you're not".

Once we got back to the car I noticed a note on the windowsill.

Dear little missy

"little missy " I said as I looked back at Paul who hid his laugh knowing it was from Emily.

"I noticed you left your car in front and walked off with Paul ,next time you could at least say hello, it's the most you can do since you don't ever call.

Best wishes, Emily"

I felt so bad Emily has done so much for me and she's so sweet even her angry letters are nice. I knew what I what I had to do so I told Paul to wait outside and I walked in and saw Emily washing dishes so I walked up behind her and hugged her at first she was surprised because she did not hear me come in then I mumbled sorry into her shirt. So she turned around and hugged me back.

"I that's alright missy I don't care if Paul is mad you can come here any time even if you just want to say hi" she said in her motherly tone " okay will do" after I walked away I swear I heard her mumble "I told Sam a letter would work no one ever listens to me" I giggled so did Paul.

I knew it was time to go home so I told Paul I would take him home but he wanted to walk so he kissed me on my forehead which I loved and he watched me drive towards the road. Once I got home I noticed my gran was asleep and she had left food out for me so I ate and put the food away for tomorrow. Afterwards I went upstairs ready to answer the sweet calls of my bed.

Oh how love thee.