Hi! it is catsrawesome here!

this is my second fanfic, so please also look at my fanfic 'the tales of Olympus: the crazy tale of Leo Valdez.

this is the story of three small orphaned animals that are born with the ability to talk and sing. when they meet their idols, their lives change forever.

I hope you like it! I also want to give a shout out to my little sis, who helped me come up with this fanfic. u rock sis!

Star's POV

It was a cold, dark night. And to make things even better, it was raining.

I huddled into the old rags that made up my blanket. I shivered as an ice cold wind blew. Well, I guess it could be worse.

I had managed to make a small shelter out of twigs and fabric. It wasn't much, but it protected us from the rain. I shivered as I thought about how cold I would have been with my wet fur.

Yes, I said fur. I am not human. I am a small dog about the size of a chipmunk. But I am still growing. I am only thirteen years old. I have pointy ears and golden fur. My eyes are a reddish brown, so it looks a little like I have a flame in my eye. I wasn't smiling, but when I smile, I have small but definitely noticeable fangs. I look a little like a wild beast. I hate that part of me.

I turned and looked at my two sisters. They are lucky. Rosy, my older sister, is beautiful. She has dazzling blue eyes that look like the ocean. When she gazes into a sunset, marveling its beauty, her eyes look violet. She has golden fur like mine and fangs, but her fangs are barely noticeable. Instead of pointy ears like mine, her ears are flat on her head. She is taller than me, and three years older. Even though she is only sixteen years old, she doesn't act like one. She acts like a thirty-five year old mother. She is always making sure we get enough food and go to sleep at a reasonable time. But when push comes to shove, I am the real caretaker of my family.

I know this sounds crazy, but Rosy had always wanted to go to school. I know. Crazy, right? But whenever she has a free moment, she would go to the public school around the corner and stare through the windows. Always listened to what the teacher was saying and remembered it. Rosy has an amazing memory. She is probably the smartest out of all of us.

My little sister Bella is curled up next to Rosy. She is six years old but, like Rosy, she acts like she is several years older. She tries to help in any way she can. Although I don't like to admit it, she saved our skins many times. Bella loves to sew, so she finds fabric and makes new clothes for us. Sadly, the only color that she ever finds is black so we look totally Goth. But that is not the only thing she does. Bella was born with highly developed senses, especially in taste and smell. She could detect food poisoning from a mile away. She makes an edible meal out of pretty much nothing. She is the reason we are still alive.

Anyway, she is like a miniature version of Rosy. She has golden fur and floppy ears. Her eyes, however, are green, and they shine like emeralds. Once, on a good foraging day, she found two green ribbons. She tied them to her ears in pretty bows, so her ears looked a little like pig-tails. She was adorable. I love her and Rosy more than life.

So Rosy has the brain, Bella had the cuteness. You are probably wondering, 'what do you have?' Well, I have always been the most athletic of the three of us.

Yes, only the three of us.

It has been that way for the last five years.

so that is chapter one! there are more to come! please like and review it! I love hearing from you guys! u r awesome!

3 catsrawesome