Love at Greater Heights

Chapter 1: The Sighting Incident

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Prince of Tennis (or the Jungle Book)

AN: Hey! I'm back (you can't really get rid of me:P) Soo..This time I'm experimenting with Chitose Senri who is my favourite character from PoT. So I'm really going to enjoy this, I hope you do too Enjoy- and please review because it makes me super happy (and creative *hint**hint*)

OC's PoV

Friday's can usually go two ways- either the day will be fabulous and you get home ready to hang out with your friends and party. Or school or college or work, school as far as I'm concerned will just be so dreary and hard that you honestly cannot wait to get home and laze around, happy that this routine will be absent for the next two days.

Now to be quite honest, I wouldn't have minded either- after all, it is still Friday but no, the weekend and had just finished and it was Monday, cue the horror music. Currently, I was staring at a blank piece of paper. It was English (fortunately the last period of the day) and the teacher wanted us to write a short bio, which would be easy but she wanted it in English (well, duh) I decided to start with basics, copying out the points from the board.

Name: Kurosaki Akira

Class: 2-7

Hair Colour: Dark Purple

Eye Colour: Golden-Brown

Special Features:

I was interrupted by a yell from the back "Yo, Kurosaki, put your head down, I can't see the board," A round of snickers went around the class. I rolled my eyes but put my head on my desk, nonetheless and continued writing.

Special Features: 6 ft. 3 inches (190.5 cm), the tallest girl in the school and pretty much the tallest person in the school.

Now, as an avid reader of shoujo manga like any typical girl, I've seen that most girls who are tall are usually ashamed of their height and I figure I should feel the same way but I don't. I'm comfortable with my height and I personally like the feeling of towering over practically everyone, including my poor dad and my younger sister, Kurosaki Michiko (though she's more like a best friend) who's nowhere close to my height.

Before I could continue, the bell rang, signifying the end of class. After, the teacher left, we all started streaming towards the door.

Quickly making my way through the crowd (despite my height, it is one of my skills) I reached the gate and proceeded to stare at random people, waiting for my sister who appeared about 2 minutes later.

"So, anything interesting happen in school today?" she asked as we made our way home.

"Nothing really; what about you?" I asked as we passed the small preserves shop. It was run by an old lady who was only open on Wednesdays and overpriced all her home-made preserves but people still bought them because they were some of the some of the best preserves in the entire world! I had been saving up money for quite some time to buy a jumbo jar of bitter plum preserve (my personal favourite)

"As far as classes go, same old, but know the red-haired guy who looks like an extra from 'The Jungle Book', he told us a pretty interesting story," she started.

"Go on," I prompted, this would be interesting. According to Michiko, this kid had some great stories. One of them included something about the tennis club captain having poison underneath all his bandages, or something along those lines,"

"This one was about Chitose-senpai, he's a third year in the tennis club," she added, seeing my questioning look.

"*He's apparently a Spring Fairy, who brings spring everywhere by wandering around which is why we rarely see him," Michiko said with a grin.

I couldn't help laughing "I'm sure that's a great excuse, I'm sorry for being late sensei I was busy spreading spring,"

Michiko laughed along with me. As we reached the convenience store she stopped. "+Onee-chan, could you wait a minute? **Okaa-san asked me to pick up some groceries."

"Yeah, sure," I replied with a shrug "I'll wait outside."

As Michiko went inside, I started observing random people. There was a small lady, approximately in her 40s laughing with a couple of other ladies her age, a business man and a very strange-looking male.

Now, when I say strange, I don't mean he looked bad, he just looked unusual. He had ruffled blue hair which added to his already tall stature, additionally unlike most he was wearing geta, traditional Japanese footwear along with a loose khaki shirt and old jeans. He looked like a mildly deranged (and probably homeless) person

He was swinging his arms and legs quite vigorously (which only added to his strangeness) as he walked. Suddenly, one of his geta went flying from his foot and landed on the pavement...and made a crack in the pavement.

To say I was freaked out would be an understatement, everyone on the street turned to look at him. He had a mild blush on his cheeks but otherwise looked perfectly nonchalant. It was at this time that my sister decided to make a re-appearance.

"Come on, let's go," she said starting to pull me.

When we reached home, I pulled out my journal from my backpack. We had to maintain one this term for Japanese class. I tapped the pencil on my chin, thinking of a good way to start and decided to go for:

"Today I saw a deranged man on the streets...

AN: So that's the first chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed, please review! Next chapter, next Friday or Saturday