Loki smirked as he was lead into the throne room, chains around his arms and neck. Oh how he loved the measures Odin took to show that Loki was a threat. Loki couldn't help the smug glint in his eyes as he was pulled faster through the long walk to Odin's throne. The old man was frowning, weary, and exhausted. A little anger was in his one-eyed gaze as well.

When Loki got to Odin's throne, he stopped walking, clinking the cuffs on his ankles as he brought his feet together in a mocking salute. He had known this moment would come since that blasted arrow had been pointed in his face by the archer on Midgard, and he had asked for a drink which he had never received. At least they had the courtesy here on Asgard to take off the muzzle.

"Loki… Odinson… Do you understand the harm you have caused in the nine realms?"

"Oh, Allfather. I haven't touched most of the realms. Just a little vacation to Midgard was all." Loki laughed amusedly after he said that.

Odin was clearly not in the mood for Loki's snarky comments today. Gugnir hit the floor, sending a warning sound echoing throughout the massive golden room. "I will not tolerate this today. You know of your crimes. Now you shall know of your punishment."

Loki scoffed and rolled his eyes, his words dripping with sarcasm. "A punishment? I thought I was going to be set free to prance through the Asgardian fields, spreading rainbows and sparkles wherever I went." Loki's eyes shot to Thor, who was literally growling now. Loki snickered.

"Enough, Loki. Can you not take a single matter seriously?" Thor asked, anger wedged deeply into his voice.

"I apologize, brother. I didn't mean to make you angry." Loki laughed once more.

Odin stood abruptly. "The only reason you are not dead is because Frigga convinced me to lessen your punishment. You should be grateful."

"What if it was death that I wished for? Would you grant it to me, Oh Wise King?" A shadow passed over the young traitor's face. He had wished for death. Long or short, he had wished to be killed instead of being forced to live.

"Death would be a mercy to you, my son." Odin's weary voice echoed in Loki's head as the old king sat back down once more. "You are to pay for the lives you have taken-"

"What about Thor?!" Loki shouted, enraged. "He has slaughtered thousands of Jotuns, killed innocents in the name of adventure, and destroyed a peace treaty more than once! Why has he never been punished?" Loki suddenly felt like a small child, trying to pass some of the blame to the favored child.

"Do you forget that Thor has paid? That he was turned mortal and banished? Thor has learned his lesson, but you have not."

All was quiet for a few moments as Loki fumed. All those centuries of living in the shadows, taking the blame for Thor's foolish actions. All those times he had been spit upon, hit, cursed at because he had wanted to protect Thor's 'Honor'. And it all boiled down to the hard reality that he would never be loved as much as the one who was supposed to be his equal. "So tell me, then. What is to be my most glorious punishment?" he seethed.

"Your punishment shall not be glorious, but humiliating. Perhaps it shall strip you of your destructive pride."

Loki swallowed hard. Humiliating. That was his whole life summed up in a word. Humiliated by Lords and Ladies of the court when Thor's back was turned. Humiliated by his own not-brother in front of thousands of people. Humiliated by the Warriors Three and Lady Sif as they taunted him in front of the kingdom about how he was so skinny. Humiliated by the one he had called father, finding out that he had been the son of an enemy, that all his efforts to please had been for naught. Humiliated by the Chituari as they-

"You shall be marched through the city in chains, stripped of your magic for the event. The people have been informed of your deeds, but not of the details of your actions."

So this was it. Complete and utter humiliation in front of millions.

"You shall be given to my Captain of the Guard for the space of a year as he prepares you for this event."

And he was to be tortured as well. Loki almost laughed. Nothing could be compared to His methods.

"And you shall be magically bound to this palace which you had once called home. Attempting to leave will paralyze you and your magic, which will graciously be allowed to you unless you misuse it. These chains will not allow you to harm yourself or end your own life."

Loki felt all the breath in his lungs flee at once. He was to remain here. In Asgard. Chained to the place he hated the most. Forced to live with the people he hated the most. He would rather be abandoned in a deserted forest with no provisions of any kind for an eternity. "How long shall I be chained?"

"Unless you learn to let love into your frozen heart, you shall remain chained Forever."

Loki hardly remembered what had happened next. He remembered as he shouted and cursed and kicked and fought to throttle the old king. His vision was blurry, but he remembered seeing his own blood as he was wrestled to the floor by the guards. He remembered his vision clearing for a split second as his eyes met those of Odin's. Satisfaction. Odin was satisfied with this punishment. Then, the old king had stretched out his hand, seidr glowing, Loki's strength suddenly draining as his magic left him. A numb feeling settled over him, he stopped fighting, a sharp tingling sense drifting through his chest, his arms, his legs, his heart as his magic was sapped away.

He remembered as he was dragged out, the guards being none too careful with the fallen prince. He remembered his thoughts. How much he truly despised Odin. How he wanted to kill the king for all he had done. But then darkness had gathered at the corners of his eyes as he felt his head being yanked up, parallel to someone else's.

"Hello, Jotun." The Captain of the Guard growled into Loki's face. "My name is Brandt. I should hope you remember that name for the rest of your pathetic life. You killed my brother. And I am the one that shall make you pay."

And then, something had hit Loki over the head and everything went black.

Sadly, I have to put this on here because someone plagiarized my entire story on Wattpad.

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