I lean down to look back in the mirror, and decide I'm officially having a freaking litter of kittens. The show starts in 15 minutes, and my hair won't stay put! As I continue to struggle with my hair, I see out of the corner of my eye, Krysta sneaking up on me. Before I have time to react or even prepare myself, she brushes a feather across the back of my neck. I hate that! It's my one tickle spot and she knows it. While I'm yelling at her and attempting to use every curse word I know, she's busy holding her sides and laughing her ass off.

"Krysta! I don't have time for this, please help me fix my hair!" she comes over, feather still in hand and sets it down before taking the bobby pins out of my hair. She then picks up my brush and runs it through my platinum blonde hair, sprays it with some water, and before I know it, my hair is perfectly in place. Krista must have magic fingers or something because before, I couldn't fix it to save my life.

"Thanks now get lost." I wave her off. I then look back in the mirror so I can apply one last coat of mascara. Krysta is extremely quiet. Unless something of dire importance needs to be said she doesn't say a word. She has waist length raven black hair. I've always been jealous of how shiny and straight it is. She was blessed with large hazel eyes and lips the perfect shade of pink. She's the tallest of all of us; I think she's like 5'11 or something crazy like that. Krysta is like my second in command, even though she isn't my best friend. My best friend is Dawn. Dawn and I have known each other since as long as I can remember. We actually started the band. Dawn has a slim figure, gray cat-like eyes, and wavy chestnut hair that stops a few inches below her chest. She just has a look about her that screams classic beauty, and she can pull it off without even a trace of makeup. Then there's also Jayme, who has crazy curly blonde hair- shoulder length, and pretty caramel eyes. She's the party animal. Similar to her twin sister, but instead of long curly hair, Gabbi has short straight hair with black streaks and instead of caramel eyes, hers are more of a yellowish-green. They are the loud mouths of the group. I turn around and head backstage. I shout to anyone listening,

"Where's my other boot?!" Eliza pops up from behind her guitar case that is currently being propped up on a rusty old folding chair. She grabs something off the floor and hands it to me; it's my missing combat boot.

"Here Breezy, Krysta was hiding this from you." She says with a small grin. I smirk

"Of course she was." We both laugh. Eliza is awesome. Even though we have little in common, she always sticks up for me. Eliza has long dark brown hair with magenta layered into it, which reaches all the way down to her butt. And she's always sporting a dark purple leather jacket. I walk to the other side of the stage and side step Laurie. She's busy chasing one of her drumsticks, I giggle. Laurie is so clumsy, which is funny since she is our drummer. She has such an awkward persona, but when she's banging away on her drums, it all just slips away. Laurie has pale skin and freckles. She has natural light red hair that she always has up in a bun. (I don't think I have ever seen it down) and to die for forest green eyes. Last but not least there is Carey. She is like my little sister. She's the youngest, at a whopping age of 16. And even though she is a minor, her parents didn't give two shits when she asked if she could come with us to Santa Carla. So now Krysta is her legal guardian... not really but the legal shit had to be taken care of. Carey has beautiful honey blonde hair and tan skin. She's very small; she's only like 5'4. So how ages go; Carey is 16, Jayme and Gabbi are 18, Eliza is 19, Dawn and I are 20, Laurie is 21, and Krysta's 23. Right when I was about to put my boot on, Krysta and Gabbi come up and snatch it out of my hands. My blood is boiling by this point. Even with all this shit going down, Krysta somehow still finds time to screw with me. I don't know why, maybe because I'm always the one in the spotlight, being lead singer and all, but for some reason when it comes to teasing and pranks, I'm almost always the victim. I get up and try and grab my boot out of Gabbi's hand, but she decides it's cool to play monkey in the middle and tosses it over to Krysta. Even though I'm only couple inches shorter than her I still couldn't grab it back. I practically scream at the skyscraper of a woman. She finally gets bored, tosses it into the trash bin nearby, and goes to tune up her bass guitar. I go over to Carey to make sure she has all the cords in place. I grab my microphone to do some tests. If the band is famous at all, it's famous for the amount of girls we have. Eight girls is a lot, but we need every single one, especially since I got screwed with the impossibility of being multi-talented. So I'm the lead singer, Jayme and Dawn are my backup singers, Eliza and Gabbi are both guitarists, Krysta is bass guitarist. Laurie is the drummer. And Carey plays the keyboard when needed, and she handles a technical shit, that of which I don't know a thing about.

"Breezy, curtains coming up." says Matt. He's the owner of this stage thingy, which resides on the boardwalk in Santa Carla. I glance back at Laurie. She gives me the signal so I know that she is ready. I look at the rest of the girls; they also signal they are as ready as they'll ever be. Eliza nudges my shoulder, and points to my feet. I look down and one of my boots isn't fully zipped. I quickly zip it up, and mouth my thanks to Eliza. She just gestures and 'no prob' back to me. When I see Jayme and Dawn vocalizing, I say

"Oh shit." under my breath, and turn around. There are at least 500 people here, bigger crowd than what you would get back in Colorado. I take a quick sip of water, and start singing along with my backups.

David's P.O.V:

Just a normal everyday night in the caves, like always. Nothing ever changes. Santa Carla might occasionally get a new resident, but for the Lost Boys, they didn't last long. It's sad to say all the excitement has been sucked (pun intended) from him and his brothers lives, but its true. Just the same thing; get up, drive to the boardwalk, maybe ride the carousel, grab a 'bite' to eat, and then head home.

"David?" I turn towards Dwayne. He looks like I just burned all his books-maybe not as drastic.

"Hmmmm?" Is all I put out.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit off lately, even when we feed you don't look like your having fun." He shoots back. Paul pops up in front of me and adds

"Yea what's up with that? You're usually the one enjoying it the most." I see Marko sit across from me on the fountain, chewing on his thumb nail. Even though he didn't say anything, I knew he was just as curious. As they waited for a response from me, Paul got up and went over to his rock box as he called it, and started to turn the dials. I sat on my wheelchair / throne hunched over trying to conjure up the correct way to respond. I sigh and I look up at Dwayne.

"I feel like something's not right. Almost like my life is missing something." They all look at me like I'm crazy. I continue,

"It's just started feeling that way a couple of days ago, just out of nowhere, bam. And there's some points when I feel like I've almost got what will complete me, like I'm supposed to find it, but I don't know what I'm looking for." Paul looks as dumb as a blonde can get, Marko looks like he's trying to take what I said and decode it. And Dwayne is just mulling it over like he knows something I don't.

"When do you most feel like you almost have it?" Dwayne asks. I pause for about half a minute, then say,

"I guess it's mostly when we're out, like at the boardwalk I guess. Why?" His only response is,

"Well then, I guess its time we head to the boardwalk."


The curtains close, and I turn to the girls and give them a very enthusiastic thumbs up. We all join in a group hug, and then head backstage.
I go to a little room that's used as a sort of dressing room, and grab all our stuff. I go to exit the stage to meet up with the girls. I get outside on to the boardwalk I see Krysta and Dawn chatting while the rest of the girls are gathered around a table next to concession stand.

"Hey. Here's your guys' stuff." I say is I hand out bags sand jackets. I put my own leather purse over my shoulder. Jayme and Laurie both give me hugs and Jayme asks,

"What do you want to eat? We have to eat here since there is no food at the apartment." I groan. I keep putting off going to the store.

"Umm just get me a cheese burger, hold the onion. Thanks J.J" she smiles, pecks me on the cheek, and skips away. I slowly wander away from the girls so I can clear my head. So when we get home, I have to make a grocery list, keeping in mind all the girls' likes and dislikes when it comes to food. I was actually stupid enough to take responsibility for the stalking of the fridge and the cooking of the food. Stupid, stupid, stupid. All us girls live in a rather sizable apartment with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Dawn and I share a bedroom which I guess is considered the master bedroom with the bathroom and walk-in closet attached to it. Krysta and Eliza share the second biggest room with its own bathroom also. The twins share a room, and so do Laurie and Carey. They all share the biggest bathroom attached to both rooms. I sigh and look out at the ocean; I've always wanted to live in California, now I've got it. Not to mention I get to share it with the most kick ass roommates ever. I turn around and head back to the girls.

Dwayne's P.O.V:

I don't think I've ever seen David like this. Scratch that, I KNOW I've never seen David like this. For the first time since I've met him, he actually looks un-sure of himself. I honestly don't know for sure what he's going through but from what he said I'm betting my money it's a person he's sensing on the boardwalk. I mean what else could it be? Out of all of us I'm the one who actually listens to what Max tells us, I remember when Marko changed and joined us, and Max said there are people out there that are sort of meant to be mates of vampires. But more often than not, these humans die off before their found so it's kind of rare for a vampire to find a mate. But from what he's told us you're supposed to be able to sense them. But typical David probably wasn't listening during that little speech and that's why he has no idea what the fucks going on. Dumbass. As we leave the cave I pour buckets of water into the fire pits. Somehow it's always been my job to light them and put them out. When I get on my bike I wait for David to start going before I do, it's only respectful. He's the leader after all. As we make our way to the boardwalk I catch a glimpse of David's expression. He looks nervous... or he's really pissed, it was always hard to tell with him.


I throw away all our plates and un-used napkins- I guess it's not really lady like to lick your fingers but who have I got to impress? All us girls make our way to the truck, if fits nine people- 11 or 12 if you really pack it in.

"You guys go ahead, ill walk." I say as they get in. Laurie pauses,

"You sure?"

"Yea, you know I like my alone time. And I have my mace and pocket knife, ill be fine." She hesitates then finally gets into the truck. They pull away. I watch them until they're out of sight. I sigh and make my way onto the beach. Its so peaceful here, even with the boardwalk only yards away, it's so much more relaxing the over populated cities of Colorado. I take out my phone and as expected Carey is already blowing it up:

10:17pm- why r u walking?

10:18pm- r u ok?

10:19pm- just gr8, ur not in a mood again r u?

10:21pm- ANSWR MEEEE

10:23pm- f u just f u

10:24pm- k seriously, im getting kinda worried...

10:26pm- breezy?

I put my phone back in my pocket. I don't feel like responding. One of the girls will set her straight. I look at the moon... it's full tonight.