Rocket To The Moon

Chapter 1

Bitter Coffee


. . .

He stepped into the coffee shop and took a place behind the one person in the line. He'd taken a quick break from his workday and enjoyed the two blocks peaceful saunter. It had been a long day; he was in dire need of a few minutes to himself and took advantage that nobody was in the waiting room when the last person left his office. He did what he had wanted to do all day. Escape… if only for some minutes. He smiled to himself after having enjoyed the tender sun of the early spring in NY City in his way here.

"What can I do for you today, sir?" the boy in the cash register asked him when it was his turn.

"I want a caramel macchiato, please… venti."

"Regular milk, one or two percent?"

"Two percent," he paused as the kid typed his order "To go"



After paying and receiving his change, Arnold went to sit to an empty table to the left while his order was prepared. He drew out his cellphone to take a quick check to the last Facebook notifications and messages.

'I'm gonna be late again, love' was his girlfriend message. Claire had also uploaded several photos of the group of kids they were taking care in the community center she volunteered. They were all hugs and smiles. It seemed that the fund to get glasses to those who couldn't afford them was a success. The blond boy smiled as he kept going through the rest of the pictures.

"Arnold!" he left his chair when the barista called his name, then went to the pick up a napkin and a cup holder before walking to the exit. There were several people in the line now; blocking the way out. Arnold gripped securely the coffee in his hand seeing that he was going to be forced to make his way through the crowd.

"Excuse me"

People in front of him moved aside, he thanked them. He was about to reach the exit when someone touched his arm.

"Hey Arnold!"

Arnold turned around. He knew that voice.

"Hey Matt!" Arnold smiled. "Nice to see you. How are you doing?" Matt was a coworker from his previous job.

Matt smiled back shaking his hand.

"Nice to see you too, Arnold. What the hell are you doing around here?"

"I work here, just around the corner," Arnold pointed to the right, where his office was located.

"Good," Matt turned around, suddenly looking uncomfortable. Arnold guessed what all that was about. Rumors. All what was said when he left the firm. It was good to see Matt looking uncomfortable because he didn't want to talk about it, either. "It's true that you work at the community center?"

Shit. Arnold grunted inwardly; he took an intake before speak.

"No, in fact I work at Legal Bureau. It's a … center… supported by several companies to provide services to the community"

"So it's not pro bono? I mean, you work for an actual company?"

"Just like you…" Arnold answered sharply. "How's Anderson Johnson Bailey & Partners doing by the way?"

"Fine, like always."

"How's everybody in there?" he took one more step reaching the sidewalk, hoping Matt remained behind, but the guy followed him.

"Happy with our jobs, I guess…"

"I am glad to hear that" so it was only him 'who couldn't stand to be there one more day'? he thought as he saw his ex-partner hesitating. He decided to speak, before the awkward silence surrounded them. He opened his mouth to say goodbye when other question popped in his mind and went to his lips before he could stop it. "What are you doing here? I mean, the finnancial district is anything but near."

"We came to see a client…" he cleared his throat "… facilities…"

"Really?" Arnold took a sip of his coffee. It was hot. He took a moment before he could speak again "That's great…"

"Arnold!" the voice of a girl almost made him cringe. "What a coincidence!"

"Hi, Daphne," Arnold forced a smile when a blonde girl appeared in front of him.

"Did you come to the job interview too? How did you know?" she lowered her voice "I mean, they are not making it public. We were called in by…"

"Daphne!" Matt let out a low grunt. Arnold hid a smile. So, there were problems in that particular side of paradise called Anderson Johnson Bailey & Partners, huh?

"Arnold works just around the corner" Matt spoke in a rush, obviously wanting to stop the girl from speak further.


"Job interview?" Arnold raised a brow. He wasn't going to let this one go. Matt exhaled resignedly.

"Oh, geez!" the girl recovered quickly from her slip, looking Arnold up and down and then a pitiful expression got perched in her face,. "We heard you were working doing voluntary service after you left… that you couldn't find at job"

"That's what they say?" Arnold frowned. He supposed they were saying something like this already, but hearing it from her lips was a low blow.

"Arnold has a job," Matt informed her taking one of the coffees from the girl's hands.

"Oh, I am happy to hear that. It'd be a shame if you didn't. Everybody always said you had a brilliant future; being the first in your class and with all those recommendations…"

'Sure', Arnold nodded looking around. What they really wanted was surely to corroborate he was unemployed, or working without a paycheck. He let out a breath. Well, it was almost as if it was no paycheck at all actually, but he never was going to say it aloud, not to them anyway. Well, let's get over with this change of subject.

"And are you going to tell me where the interview was?" He asked with a small smile, as if letting them know he was not match for any of them, or for anyone else in the world. He was just a well-intended boy that still followed utopic dreams after all. He saw them hesitating. He knew Daphne hardly could keep things to herself. That was he was surprised she still worked for a firm that valued the secrecy of their corporative clients as the most precious thing in the world; far over basic human rights and … "Well well well… you two are kinda... getting me nervous with all this secrecy. We all know there are always firms and big companies looking for the kind of services we offer. Last week GE was looking for a lawyer versed in logistics; and this week I heard Sim-…" he paused for effect "… a couple of… other... interesting job posts ." His forehead creased and his voice dropped "I am not looking myself for a job, by the way. I am happy where I am. But you may be interested. Sorry if I…"

"Citibank," Matt said.

"Mueller," Daphne let out. Matt eyes admonished her.

"What I heard is Metropolitan Life and Simon & Simon Estates, but yours options sound way better," Arnold showed slight interest. "Though I didn't know those two have recruiting offices around here."

"Of course they don't, you silly!" Daphne laughed "They are keeping it low so they don't use their headquarters. Which is a shame because I've heard their…"

"And how did you know, then?" he asked forcing a goofy smile to his face.

Daphne was about to answer when Matt cut in.

"It's secret. It wouldn't one anymore be if we tell you, right?"

"Fair," Arnold snorted "Well, it was nice to see you again guys" he said turning right.

"Oh, Arnold…" the girl look tuned despondent "We should meet again."

"Anytime; just give me a call." Arnold smirked "I work just around the corner, at 106th St. and Madison. We could go to have lunch or something."

The girl wrikled her nose.

"I get dizzy beyond the 87th"

"I guess she meant to have dinner or something," Matt spoke before Arnold got the chance to remark that she looked perfectly healthy now and she was far beyond the dizzy point. "It'd be nice to see Claire again; listening to her rant against transnational companies and what not. She's so funny."

Arnold felt that weight in his chest again.

"Yeah, it'd be nice. Give me a call anytime you feel like it and we fix it." He waved his hand and turned around.

When they were out of earshot he puffed. Claire wasn't there to entertain a couple of stupid assholes who couldn't keep a secret for the life of them. And to think what they thought of them, himself and Claire, as if they a couple happy-go-lucky of over idealistic, multinational corporations-haters and poor-people-lover jerks. He grunted. This awkward feeling falling over him again. Things weren't going the way he expected, he knew it. At least he finally knew it what was wrong with him. He was thirty now. Maybe he could use this night that Claire would be late to lie down and think about the future; about the rest of his life. Arnold took a sip of his caramel macchiato and was surprised to find that when the hot liquid touched his mouth it tasted bitter.

. . .

Well, so here it is. It was supposed to be a teaser but it ended being chapter one. If it suffers any modification I'll let you know next chapter which will be here in July. What else can I say in advance? It'd be a long story but not as long as RL. This fic sets Hillwood in the State of Washington, so we won't see much of the rest of the gang because the action in this story happens in NY City. Well, I think that's all, Folks. See you soon.

I don't own Hey Arnold or any TM mentioned in here.

June 16, 2014.