Maleficent arose with the dawn the next morning, having remained bitterly awake throughout the entire night, her mind reeling with so many what ifs that she couldn't fall asleep. Now her body cursed her for her fatigue with heavy limbs and tired eyes that preferred to close instead of surveying the world around her.

If anything eased her conscience in the slightest, it was that Diaval, who she had transformed to a human as soon as she had risen, looked to have had the same lack of sleep that she had. Of course he did. He cares about Aurora, too. A wave of remorse flashed through her, but she had already uttered enough uncharacteristic apologies the night before. She couldn't possibly damage her pride and his dignity by continuing to beg for his forgiveness.

So Maleficent proceeded to act like all was well in the Moors, like her heart hadn't been ripped from her chest and shattered, like she wasn't just a shell of her former self. If Diaval could tell she was acting, he didn't say anything. The raven-man hadn't spoken all morning, only stared sorrowfully at the other birds that flew so freely.

"Diaval." It was the first sound that had been spoken aloud all morning, and the man gave a start as he turned to face her. In tones hoarse from underuse, the faerie continued. "Go find Aurora. Check on her. Do not let her see you. Then return to me."

The raven nodded his assent, the dark feathers that remained in his hair swaying with the movement. Maleficent tore her gaze from them as she waved her fingers, and Diaval flew away in a flutter of rustling feathers.

He returned within the hour, when the feeble beams of dawn's first light had strengthened to the glow of morning. With something akin to desperation- but never that, no, she was far too proud for that- in her eyes, she asked for his news.

"Mistress, Aurora… Aurora is gone." Pain sang its haunting melody as he spoke, the words weaving their way into a spell so like magic she would not have been surprised if he revealed himself to be a mage. For despite what she knew should be rage and fear and sorrow burning a hole in her heart, she only felt like she was moving through a dream. Every motion was slowed almost comically, the words Diaval spoke about 'rode to the castle' and 'need to go after her' losing all their meaning in the distortion of light and sound that was her new prison.

"Mistress!" Maleficent had already turned away, her face gliding through the molasses-esque material as her eyes sought relief from the whirling, swirling lights. But the annoyingly persistent man ran after her. Doesn't he notice that none of this matters? I am merely trapped in a terrible nightmare, and as soon as he accepts this, we can both wake up from it, Maleficent thought with disdain.

Then an icy hand grabbed her bare wrist, and she whirled back around. Impudent little pet, to go about breaking every carefully-laid boundary she had set up as soon as he entered her service! Hadn't he remembered that he was never to lay hands on her? An icy rage seeped into her pores, and Diaval seemed just as shocked as she was. He hadn't willingly grabbed hold of her, ever, and he seemed at quite a loss of what to do with himself.

But the jolt of the sudden contact was enough to startle Maleficent into wakefulness. Time resumed its normal course as she ripped her hand from his grasp. The faerie leaned in close to Diaval's ear, slipping one hand under his chin and twisting it sharply up to the other side. She hissed with as much venom as she could muster, "Touch me again and you die."

She moved her head back to survey the stunned expression on Diaval's face. "But I'd rather not kill you quite yet. I've spent sixteen long years training you to do my bidding, and I'd hate to have to find another creature to replace you. Try to restrain yourself," she purred silkily, the presence of humor making her words somehow more terrifying, as evidenced by the way Diaval blanched.

Inside, she could tell she was just trying to shield herself from the pain that was her Beastie's absence, but she would never admit that out loud. Besides, she reminded herself, Diaval really did need to learn some respect. But if that was true, then why did she feel so guilty?

Maleficent locked away her errant feelings as she spoke again. "We'll find the boy- Prince Stumblespeak or whatever his name was. And then we'll go to the palace. Be prepared." An icy smile curved her lips as she thought of the carnage that would soon occur. Her hand dropped from Diaval's jaw, revealing crimson marks where her nails had dug into his flesh, as she turned away.

Diaval was still frozen, but he finally regained his senses and stepped back. "Of course, Mistress. When do we leave?" he asked with a polite dip of his head.

"Right now."

And then they were racing, Maleficent perched on Diaval's now-equine back, the Prince flopping in his unconsciousness as he was tied to his own white mount. "Faster, mule!" she spat. If only she had a sharp pair of spurs or a nice thorned branch to beat the raven-horse creature with, she mused. But already Diaval was running with all his limited speed. She considered delivering a swift kick to his ribs, then decided against it. She didn't want the other horse to fall behind, after all, not when it held cargo so precious for Aurora's future.

Entering the castle was only a blur of chaotic images- picking her way through the iron maze as heat seared her skin, the Prince barely avoiding death or tetanus as he drifted in his induced sleep above them, the lone guard slumping to the ground. And then she was in Aurora's room, and Phillip's kiss had failed, and now her darling Beastie was doomed to an eternal sleep.

Then time flowed normally. Maleficent hovered over Aurora's sleeping face, pouring the depths of her heart out in a way she didn't even recognize, so overwhelmed with grief was she. If she was speaking, she did not recognize the words that flowed from her mouth, nor her tone, so choked with sobs and emotion. "I will not ask you for forgiveness, for what I have done to you is unforgivable. I was so lost in hatred and revenge, I never dreamed that I could love you so much. Sweet Aurora, you stole what was left of my heart and now I've lost you forever." A single burning tear fell from her eyes, landing on Aurora's cheek, and Maleficent bent down and kissed the girl on the forehead. Then she turned away, for she knew she would start sobbing if she were to stay a moment longer.

There was sorrow, untempered grief, in Diaval's eyes, and Maleficent heard her heart cry out in agony. She had already lost one person she cared about, and she knew Diaval felt the same.


Maleficent froze. Surely this was some cruel trick played by the gods that governed karma, to give her hope where there was none, to make her hear voices that sounded just like that of the girl she had just lost. She shouldn't, couldn't, wouldn't turn around just to have her heart break again, but she did anyway.

And then all was joy and delight and elation, as, there before her, Aurora smiled up at the faerie. Maleficent crushed the girl in an embrace of anguish and relief until her mind had finally caught up with the fact that Aurora was awake. The curse had been lifted. True love had prevailed.

Leave. Now. Run. Danger. The instinctive warnings echoed in her head as she tugged Aurora along the eerily empty pathways of the palace. And then they stumbled upon a massive, empty hall. Foreboding trailed its icy fingers along Maleficent's spine, causing her to stiffen and shiver.

She didn't need to verbally warn the others. Diaval already crouched lower on his feet, sinking into a defensive fighting position as his eyes flicked about. Aurora, picking up on the ominous mood, stayed remarkably silent.

Maleficent caught a flash of movement, a single echoing footstep, and then the battle began for real.

Her very flesh was scorched and seared raw by the iron net that had fallen over her, pinning her to the floor under its heavy layer of agony. Still, somehow she managed to summon the strength to transform Diaval from a useless raven into a creature: huge, serpentine, and flame-breathing. The dragon rained fire on the king's soldiers until a space had been cleared.

Maleficent watched from eyelids lowered with pain as the dragon's massive teeth lowered just above her. Perhaps he was going to roast her alive? It would only be fair, a proper repayment for the countless times she had injured him. She closed her eyes in acceptance of her fate.

But to her immense surprise, she felt only the simmering heat of the iron net vanish. Her eyes opened tentatively, only to see Diaval crouched above her, spewing molten fury at the guards as he flung away the net. Then there were chains, so many chains wrestling him to the ground, and Diaval was trapped.

And then she was whole in a way she hadn't been for a lifetime, joined with her wings, and the sensation was so vibrant and euphoric she couldn't help but laugh. She was flying. She gave an experimental flap of her wings, and as she soared right into the sunlight, she was beautiful.

But she was never as cold, as meticulously precise as her razor-edged looks would suggest. Mercy had always been her downfall. Now it was betraying her, dragging her down along with his accursed face.

She smiled later as she walked past his crumpled body.

They returned to the Moors, Aurora's shaken form guarded by Phillip as she and Diaval as a much less-deadly raven followed from above. The thorns retreated from their installment as a barricade, leaving vines dotted with lovely flowers as Maleficent wafted a stream of gold magic over the vegetation. There was a greenish haze left when she had finished, the remnants of so much dark magic and evil intentions, but it would clear up well enough given time.

The only question was if her heart would do the same.

Even though Aurora was safe and well, her heart still beat as though she'd made a terrible mistake. Maleficent flew in an arc, scanning the ground for any living humans chasing after them, but saw none. She was growing paranoid, and that just wouldn't do. Not when Aurora's reign would be so fragile. She had to be outwardly strong without aggression, providing security without the threats. She breathed a sigh that echoed through her entire being. Diaval glanced over from his place in her slipstream, but he was unable to vocalize anything comprehensible in his raven form, and so did not try.

Back in the Moors, when the aunties had taken Aurora to their cottage and were soothing her with their limited powers, Maleficent sat in a tree a short flight away. She perched on the edge of it, bare feet dangling over the edge, Diaval watching her silently from another tree.

Thoughts raced around her head, scampering like the tiny creatures that had sometimes stopped to stare shyly at her when she'd returned. She had to lose this feeling that she needed Diaval. She'd grown too attached, and she'd just nearly lost Aurora. She couldn't go through that heartbreak again. Even if she cared for him. It was better, much better this way.

"Diaval?" she called. The raven swiveled his head to look at her unblinkingly. "Come down here." Maleficent hopped from her perch, landing lightly on the ground. Diaval obediently followed, morphing into a man at a wave from her fingers.

"I need to discuss our situation," she began. Her voice was resolute, unwavering. She would not crack. "Diaval, you have served me well for many years. I appreciate all that you have done for me. Without you, I never would have known about Aurora or even survived the first few years. You have fulfilled your promise to me. As a sign of our friendship, you are hereby released from your life debt, free to go wherever you desire." Friendship was all too shallow of a word to describe their arrangement that had turned to companionship to something entirely terrifying.

Diaval was mute, so mute she had to fill the suddenly painful silence with babble. "If you'd like, I could transform you back to a raven permanently, or leave you as a human, or even a dragon if you want. Maybe even give you the power to shift shapes on your own, so you wouldn't have to rely on me. And then you can go off and do whatever it is ravens do, and-"

"I thank you for your kindness, Mistress, but I am content in my current station," Diaval interrupted, cutting off her prattle. His voice was too light, too carefully casual to be anything but forced.

She stared at him for a long moment, bewildered at his sudden refusal of the offer he would've leapt at days before, until it all clicked.

He knew.

Somehow, the stupid little raven playing at humanism had woken up despite her spell, had realized just how close he had grown to her heart. And now? What would he do? Leverage it against her? She'd let in a man once before, and it had ended with searing pain and heartbreak. Perhaps Diaval would manipulate her, seizing power by twisting her words and thoughts and actions until she broke. Maybe he wanted revenge for all the times she'd played tricks on him, every grubby act of servitude he'd been compelled to perform for her. Possibly he'd been plotting all his service to kill her, and now he knew just the way.

By breaking her heart.

"How long?" she asked, her voice icy, as carefully crafted as she could make it. She hoped he wouldn't notice how her voice almost broke. Thank goodness they were out of earshot of the cabin, she reflected distantly. What would happen next would surely not be pretty.

"Every night," he answered, and she had to stifle a sob. How could she have been so stupid? He took a hesitant step forward, then another one.

"Go away, Diaval. I already told you you're released. Now leave me alone," she spat, reeling away from him.

Diaval gave a poor ersatz of a polite smile. "No."

Maleficent couldn't believe her ears. "Diaval, I'll curse you asleep for a thousand years if you don't leave this instant. You're not welcome here." But her threat was hollow, still ringing with her tears over Aurora, and they both knew it.

"Actually, I believe that since I'm now free, I can go wherever I wish," he responded. "And right now, I choose to be here."

She was going to break if he kept on like this, shatter into a thousand pieces of starlight and glass and tears and weep in front of him. Her fragile façade was already splintering. She staggered back another step, her wings the only warmth around her, and Diaval closed the distance farther still. He leaned down close to her, and she flinched but didn't retreat. Her back was pressed against a tree. Only her magic could save her now.

But before she readied a spell that would knock the raven-man out and wipe his memory clean in one fell swoop, she had to know. "Why?"

Diaval was still, the kind of immobility seen in rabbits desperately hoping the hounds will pass them by. It never turned out well for the rabbits. Finally, he spoke, and his voice was the softest whisper she'd ever heard from him. "Because, Maleficent, I've fallen in love with you."

She was breathless steel, her back perfectly straight and her lips parted in shock. She'd imagined it, contemplated it, maybe for a foolish second even wanted it, but now she had it and didn't know what to do. "I-"

He continued on like she hadn't even interrupted. "I don't care if saying this means you'll kick me out or you'll turn me into a dog, but I had to tell you. I…" He paused, swallowed, continued. "I've loved you for years. I think after some time I just knew it would happen, that I would fall for you. How could I not? You're loyal and caring and strong enough to stand on your own, but still kind. I was in awe of you the day I saw you. I knew how foolish it was, that you'd never feel the same, but-"

Maleficent swallowed the rest of his sentence with a kiss.

She'd never been eloquent. She was a force of nature, not an orator. She was impulsive and rash and headstrong, but he loved her anyway. Had loved her for years. And she had only just realized her affections.

They broke apart a few seconds later, his dark eyes wide and her chest heaving. "I don't think you need to finish that thought," she finally said.

He smiled then, one that took the scars across his face and turned them into something beautiful. "As my Mistress commands."

"Maleficent," she corrected. "I'm not your Mistress any more. We're… equals." The word was foreign on her tongue, but not uncomfortable. She leaned in close to his ear, savoring the shiver that ran down his spine, and murmured, "I love you."

Diaval's smile turned into a smirk, and she felt her heart leap. "Then I suppose that means I can kiss you." Before she even had time to respond, he leaned down and kissed her again, tentatively at first and then stronger.

Maleficent was giddy in a way she never was, looping her arms around his neck as he kissed down her jaw. "I suppose," she began breathlessly, "you'll need a place to stay since you're no longer under my command."

Lips still against her skin, Diaval looked up at her. "Would you happen to know someone who would have accommodations available?" he asked innocently.

"I'm sure she could be persuaded." The last syllable turned into a gasp as he nipped lightly at her jaw.

"I'll work on that," Diaval promised, kissing her mouth lightly.

She pulled away after a bit. "Come on, my pretty bird," she purred. "Let's fly back home." With a flick of her fingers, he was a dark raven against the setting sun, flying circles above her head. She took a running start and launched herself into the air, her wings moving in rhythm with her heart as Diaval flew next to her.

And, for the first time since once upon a time, she was happy.

I'm back! Guess I postponed this last bit for quite a while, haha. I sort of fell out of love with this pairing, then back when I was halfway through this upon rediscovering my account, and now I'm somewhere between liking it and a bit sick of it. I will be launching a new fanfic shortly/eventually, but certainly not Maleficent-related.

Regardless of the wait, I hope the conclusion was satisfactory. I'm aware of the minor inconsistencies between this and the movie- it's been nearly a year since I've seen the movie, so I'm just proud I remembered so much. :P Please let me know if there's anything I should note for next time (except punctuality… shhh). Thank y'all so much for sticking with this story and leaving such awesome advice!

xx Bellicose Blue