This is a response to my own Challenge. It is a Dark-Hunter/Harry Potter/ Avengers Crossover. If you want to know more about it, I will post it on my profile once I upload this. I hope to keep up with this story as I am reading Styxx as I am writing this. I am debating whether or not to follow Styxx, it will involve the main characters, but I am just trying to decide where I am going with this. It will contain Slash. Fair warning, I am not good at suspense and it will seem quick pace and for that I am sorry. It's just how I write. If you don't like that then...I'm sorry. I will be uploading slowly as I work through the different crossovers.

Harry looked around warily as he walked the ruins of the great castle that he once called home. He took in everything. The once astronomy tower sat in ruins in the courtyard, where some of the battle was fought. It was now filled with dead bodies of those who risked their lives. The people who helped him protect this great fortress.

As he walked, he felt Hogwarts' last remaining walls give off small magic. It was humming a sad song. The loss of innocence and the use of dark magic that dared permeate the air. It was humming sadly because it obvious knew what it was that Harry was going to do. He had to do this. It had been the source of his following out with Ron and Hermione which ended with them leaving Harry in the middle of their Horcrux hunting. It had been sometime after they had gotten the locket from Umbridge and Ron getting splinched.

Harry was able to do it on his own. He got all the answers he needed without Hermione. He never really needed her, it was just expected of him that he would have to depend on her and her knowledge. Harry was used to doing that, holding back his own potential to please someone else, but he was tired of doing that, so tired. He wanted to be his own person and make his own decision. And this was what he had decided. He was his own person.

Harry was so deep into his own thoughts that he didn't look when he walked into someone. He stumbled back.

"I'm sorry." Harry said while looking up. It was Fred and George. They looked so sullen and downcast. Harry would be too if he had lost most of his family, and in truth it felt like he had.

"It's okay…"

"You looked deep in thought anyway." They said. It wasn't as joyful as they usually did it, but Harry could understand. He looked at them with sad and understanding eyes. He may have been one when he lost his parents, but he knew what it was like to lose someone close. It was his parents first, then Sirius, and now Remus and Tonks. Harry felt a pang. Teddy. That was all Harry had left, other than the Fred and George.

He held back the tears as he looked at the twins again.

"I'm so sorry, for everything." Harry said with sincerity. The tears he worked so hard to keep from falling were doing so.

"Harry, Harry, Harry It was never your fault." George said coming up to hug Harry. He stiffened a little, but leaned into the touch.

"This war was going to happen either way. Our family knew what the cost would be when they came here. Not only was it for to stop his madness, but to stand beside and behind you." Fred said coming from behind Harry.

"You were always a part of this family, Harry. Mum and dad adopted you as soon as you got that knitted sweater." George said. It only made Harry weep more. For the loss of a mother figure in his life. She was a constant. The only one that cared for him.

When his sobbing died down he wiped at his eyes and nose.

"What were you doing here anyways?" Fred asked.

"I needed to spend some time alone to think before I confront everyone." Harry admitted.

"Is what Ron and Hermione said true?" Fred asked. Harry looked at him confused. He didn't think the two would go back to the Burrow, since the three of them were public enemies 1,2, and 3.

"They did stop by for a couple hours. They said that once the war was over, you would be leaving the wizarding world for good." George clarified. Harry sighed and nodded. Trust those two to tell the family everything.

"Yes, it's true. I can't stay here. Too many bad memories. Don't get me wrong, there have been good memories, but I want to start fresh. I even have a job." Harry said.

"What kind of job?" George asked.

"Mostly muggles. It's a private government organization specializing in protecting people. They've been watching me for years and contacted me before the Order came. They wanted me to join and help them. I had said no at first. I didn't trust them. The guy who was in charge of watching me told me that they had witches and wizards working for them, unspeakables. The man was from a pureblood family, himself, in America. They knew who I was and what I was to do. I told them I would need to decide.

They gave me a week, which happened to be the day before the order came." Harry confessed.

"And you accepted." Fred stated rather than questioned. Harry nodded.

"I accepted." Harry repeated. He was so tired.

"When do you leave?" George asked.

"They are giving me a week to grieve and rest. Then I move to America and go on from there." Harry said. He then came up with a thought. He bit his bottom lip nervously.

"Would you come with me? I-I mean you don't have to, but…" He was cut short by being squished in between the two red heads.

"We would love too, Harry." Fred said with tears.

"Like you, we want a fresh start. This place holds too many bad memories." George said with tears of his own. Harry hugged them back. He was finally leaving and with his friends/brothers to tow.

A lone figure was watching the interaction from an empty classroom. They cursed and hurried out and apparated from a safe distance.

They apparated outside a cottage out by the sea. The girl went in and went to the study.

"What news?" The elder asked.

"Voldemort is dead, but he is still alive." The female said.

The elder sighed.

"What will we do now?" a Male asked.

"Don't worry. I have a backup plan. I always do. I have some friends in America that are helping me with revenge." The elder said.

"Revenge? For what?" The female asked.

"I do not speak of it." The elder replied.

"Will this help kill Potter?" The male asked.

"Indeed. This plan is fool proof. All we need to do is to set it in motion." The elder said before getting up.

"It is time for us to take a trip." The elder said.

"Yes sir." The two responded and held on to the elder as he apparated them to a secure place before going out of country.

I don't know where I will be going with the pairings. If you like the story and would like to suggest a pairing then leave a review. Again, this will be Slash.

No Harry/Ash or Harry/Styxx pairing, I already have plans for them that isn't romantic involvement. I hope this sounds alright, I just wrote this and am posting it.

Please Review...good, bad, needs improvement, anything in between