Letter to Reader.

Hello. You might be wondering why this isn't an update to the latest chapter of Betrayal. That is because, Betrayal is officially complete! I was intending to include another Chapter before I uploaded Chapter 19, however, I have decided to take a different method to heart.

Don't think that I am done writing, however. I am merely taking a break from Robin and Sumia for a while. I have already come up with the idea of a sequel to it as well as the untold story of Alex and Ruby, the wandering mercs.

Please, keep reading, and enjoying yourselves.

Also, I have recently decided to make a quick change to my review policies. Everyone may have noticed that I removed the Guest reviews from Betrayal. This was not because they were negative and I am a massive baby who can't handle negative responses. I just find it easier to improve my writing when I can message the reviewer and ask how I could improve it if I don't quite understand their review. So please, if you are going to review, sign in.

This is Carreercrim331, looking forward to the next story.