28 Seconds: Walk In Hell

On 21 November 1977, The United States Congress authorized the formation of an Elite group of Special Forces soldiers that answer only to The President of The United States. They would be known as The Delta Force, or simply "The Unit".

These are their stories.

Previously, on "28 Seconds"-

"Get!" Three said as he handed cuffed Kabir inside the SUV. He slammed the door, and then checked his pockets for his phone; he wanted to tell Jenn the good news. As he turned back, he saw it on the ground a few feet back. "Damn it" he said as he hustled over to retrieve it. As he bent down, he felt a sudden burst of head against his face. That's when it happened.

Tony and Bridget were walking towards Three, when it happened. The GMC exploded into a massive fireball that sent out shockwaves strong enough to knock both Tony and Bridget flat out their backs. "Ahh" Tony complained as a trickle of blood, dripped down his forehead. "You ok?" he said to Bridget.

"Nothing some aspirin won't fix" she replied.

"Oh god!" Tony said as quickly scrambled to his feet. When Bridget saw it, she was right on his heels. "Three!" Tony yelled as he slid to his knees and picked up his son.

"MEDIC!" Tony half screamed, half cried out as he his son lay limp in his arms.

And now the continuation of "28 Seconds"-

Chapter 1

Critical Condition

0955 hours local time, 10 June 2002, Bagram AFB, Bagram, Afghanistan.

"MEDIC!" Tony screamed as he scooped us his son in his arms. "Somebody get a fucking medic!" he yelled. A helicopter that had been overhead quickly touched down and the pilot jumped out.

"I've radioed for a Medivac, it'll be here in 10 mikes" the Pilot said.

"No time, we'll use your chopper" Bridget said.

"He's needs a Medivac" the Pilot protested. "Proper equipment, a medic"

"He's going now, Sergeant" Bridget said as she drew her .45. "You're gonna fly us out of here now, or so help me god, I'll shoot you where you stand" she threaten as she cocked the hammer.

"Ok" the Pilot said.

"Tony come on" Bridget said. Tony nodded and threw his son of his shoulder in a fireman's carry. Both Chester and Webb quickly jumped onto the chopper as well as it dusted off.

1010 hours local time, 10 June 2002, 8063rd M*A*S*H (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital), Bagram, Afghanistan.

"Attention, attention all personnel, Incoming wounded via chopper, Doctor needed at upper helipad" a voice came over the loud speaker. From inside her tent, Navy Lieutenant Britt Westbourne quickly jumped off her cot and sprinted outside. Despite being in the Navy, she had now spent the past 7 months TAD to the 8063rd.

"Radar!" Britt yelled as she flagged down the young corporal. He saw her and quickly drove over. "Upper pad, quickly" she ordered.

"Yes Mam" replied Corporal Damian E. "Radar" Spinelli, whose nickname came straight from the TV character. The Corporal quickly put the open HUMVEE in drive and rushed off to the upper helipad as the UH-1 Huey was touching down.

"What do we got?" Britt yelled as 2 of the 8063rd's medics loaded the wounded man onto a stretcher. Then she saw who it was. "Oh my god" she gasped. "Three" she said when she saw her nephew lying on that stretcher. He head was bleeding and he had at the very least a severe concussion, if not a skull fracture. Parts of his body were covered in 2nd and 3rd degree burns, and he probably had some cracked, if not broken ribs. Not to mention the hundreds of cuts, abrasions and bruises. Despite being Three's Aunt and Godmother, Britt wouldn't be able to recues herself, as protocol called for, as the other 3 surgeons assigned to the 8063rd M*A*S*H were unavailable. Knowing it was all down to her, Britt knew she had to act and act quickly. "What happened she?" yelled as he pulled out her flashlight to check Three's pupil reactions. "He's unconscious, but pupils are reactive" she confirmed.

"IED" yelled a male voice from the chopper. Britt looked up and saw Tony, her brother-in-law and Three's father. Britt nodded as she used her stethoscope to check Three's breathing.

"Ok, possible skull fracture, collapsed lung, severe burns to the torso and lower limbs. Type and cross-match 3 units whole blood, and prep him for immediate surgery" she ordered. Then she turned back to Tony. "I'm gonna get him stable, and then ship him to the Guadalcanal, she's just off the coast; they can do a hell of a lot more for him than I can" Britt told Tony and she watched Three get loaded into the Ambulance. Britt quickly jumped on the driver's side running board as the ambulance sped off.

When they got down to camp, Britt quickly scrubbed in as the orderlies and nurses prepped Three for surgery. "Get him under, let's move" Brit ordered. If there had ever been a time in her life when she needed to be perfect, this was it. "Ok, prep 2 units of O+, and start a dopamine drip" Britt ordered. "Ok, let's begin" she said with a deep breath. "Scissors and pick ups" she ordered as she began removing what shrapnel she could. "Ok I have stick n' stones, bits and bones, give me a saline wash" she ordered. "Pulse?" she asked.

"136" one of the nurses replied. "What's his name?" one of the nurses asked.

"Anthony Dominick DiNozzo III, Staff Sergeant. We call him Three, he's my nephew and godson" Britt said as she pulled a large hunk of metal from his leg.

Britt worked as quickly and carefully as she could. After 2 hours on her table, Three was deemed stable enough for transport to the USS Guadalcanal, an amphibious assault ship that was part of Task Force 84, off the southern coast. While Three was in surgery, Bridget had radioed ahead, and a CH-46 Sea Knight had been displaced from the Guadalcanal to pick up Three and everyone else. Webb and Chester quickly loaded Three into the Chopper, as Bridget guided Tony aboard. For the 1st time in the 8 years she'd known him, Tony was speechless. He'd barely spoken a word since they landed at the 8063rd.

"Major Carter" Britt yelled to the 8063rd's head nurse.

"What is it Lieutenant?" the Major yelled.

"What's the ETA on Colonel Asher and Captain Hunter's return?" Britt asked as she pulled off her surgical gown and tossed it aside, revealing her brown t-shirt and desert camo dungarees, and tan army boots.

"15 minutes out, via helo" the Major said as Britt slipped on her shoulder holster, which held her Browning HP. Like Webb, Britt also carried the unique handgun, as they had received them as gifts from Tony and Kate at Three's baptism, 19 years earlier. Of course, at the time, Britt had been 5, and wasn't Three's original godmother, Kyra Castle, had been killed on 9/11 and she had been asked to step into the role. And yes, technically, the Catholic Church didn't allow you to "swap out" Godparents, but the DiNozzo Family hadn't really been ones for the rules.

"Good" Brit said. "Inform the Colonel where to fine" she said as she turned towards the helicopter.

"Lieutenant, you can't leave!" Major Carter yelled after her.

"Watch me!" Britt yelled, without even turning around.

0245 hours, 10 June 2002, Greystone Manor, Port Charles, New York.

Despite the late hour, Liat DiNozzo wasn't getting any sleep. Dressed in only her pink lace bra and panties, she got out of bed and made her way down to the kitchen. When she got down there, she found Olivia, her grandmother, enjoying a cup of tea. "For Heaven's sake Liat, cover up" Olivia said.

"Come on Gram, cut me some slack, I'm roasting up there" she said as she poured her self a cup of milk.

"You I'm fairing any better?" Olivia retorted. "Max and Milo will fix the AC in the morning"

"How's Sonny?" Liat asked. When it came to their Paternal Grandparents, Tony's children had never called them "Grandmother and Grandfather" or even "Grandma and Grandpa". When Three was little, he used to call Olivia "Grammy", which, by the time he was 10 had evolved into just plain old "Gram". And Sonny had always been Sonny, with the occasional "Grandpa Sonny" rarely thrown in when they were with outside company. When Liat and later EJ came into the family, they had picked up on the nicknames and followed suit. Even now, Rex and Molly were beginning to pickup on it too.

"Still brooding over the cocktail of pills the doctors have him on" Olivia said as Liat took a seat at the center island across from her. "At least he's sound asleep now"

"That's good" Liat said as she flipped out a magazine, slapping it against the counter.

"Shhh!" Olivia said as she placed a finger over her lips. "You'll wake your sister" she warned. With both Tony and Bridget overseas, and Rex having to care for a newborn all by himself, Olivia had offered to look after Molly until either Bridget or Tony returned stateside.

"Ya know something; I think Dad made a good pick with her and Rex" Liat said as she sipped her milk.

"Ya, that Rex is pretty smart" Olivia said.

"Pretty Smart?" Liat said. "He's got an IQ of 167, he's a genius" Liat said. "My brother is easily the next Einstein"

"Speaking of brothers, have you heard from Three?"

"He's still with Dad, chasing down terrorists" Liat said. "Probably having the time of his life"

1220 hours local time, 10 June 2002, Rear Admiral Samuel Carsten Jr.'s Stateroom, USS Dakota, Task Force 84, Northern Arabian Sea

"God damn it!" the Admiral yelled as Bridget finished briefing him. "Thank you for advising me, Captain Sullivan. And please keep me advised of the Staff Sergeant's condition" the Admiral said.

"Will do Admiral" Bridget said via sat phone. With that, the Admiral hung up and placed the satellite phone back in his desk. He then picked up the phone that gave him a direct line to the bridge.

"Commander Michaels" he said to his Chief of Staff, who was currently on the bridge.

"Aye Sir" The Commander replied in perhaps the most Irish accent the Admiral had ever heard.

"Would you please fine Petty Officer Coates, and quietly escort her to my stateroom" the Admiral said.

"Aye Sir" Commander Michaels replied as the 2 men hung up. During Vietnam, Sam had had to write many a letters home to mothers and wives. But this, telling a young women, right to her face, that her boyfriend had been critically wounded in an IED attack, this was something new entirely. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"Enter" The Task Force Commander yelled. The door opened, and Petty Officer 3rd Class Jennifer Coates, the Admiral's legalman who he had borrowed TAD from JAG, stepped in.

"Petty Officer 3rd Class Jennifer Coates, reporting as ordered, Sir" Jenn as she stood at attention.

"At ease" The Admiral said. "Close the hatch and have a seat" the Admiral instructed.

"Yes Sir" Jenn said as she closed the door and took a seat in the chair next to the Admiral's desk"

"This isn't easy for me to say, Petty Officer" The Admiral began. When Jenn began to speak, the Admiral held up his hand. "At 0955 hours local this morning, there was a car bombing at Bagram Air Force Base. There were on 2 serious casualties, one of them was the terrorist we've been tracking, Kabir Atef; he was being loaded into the vehicle that exploded, he's dead" the Admiral informed her "And the 2nd was…" he paused.

"Who Sir" Jenn barley able to get out the words, as she feared what was next.

"The 2nd was one of our Special Forces Operators"

"Please Sir" Jenn said as her eyes welled up.

"Staff Sergeant Anthony DiNozzo III was critically wounded in the explosion. He was Medivaced to the 8063rd M*A*S*H, where he was stabilized and is currently being Medivaced to the Trauma Unit aboard the Guadalcanal" the Admiral told her. Jenn suddenly lost all equilibrium, and she collapsed to the floor. The Admiral quickly scooped her up and placed her back into the chair. "As we speak, Commander Michaels is making arrangements for you to be choppered over to the Guadalcanal"

"Thank you, Sir" Jenn said as she tried, and failed to compose herself.

1330 hours local time, 10 June 2002, USS Guadalcanal, Task Force 84, Northern Arabian Sea

It was 1330 when the Sea Knight touched down aboard the amphibious assault ship. "I have Staff Sergeant Anthony DiNozzo" Britt yelled as the Guadalcanal's corpsman rushed out to get the stretcher. "Breathing labored, pulse 135, pressure 90 over 60 and dropping fast"

Three was quickly rushed down to the trauma unit, where he was met by the surgeon, Lieutenant Commander Patrick Drake. While he was quickly rushed into surgery, the only thing everyone else could do was wait. Wait, and pray. On a list of things Tony did best, waiting was one of them. As a sniper, he was used to waiting hours; days even, to get a shot off.

"What the hell is this?" Dr. Drake said as he looked Three over. Despite Britt's work, Three had been in really bad shape to begin with. "He's too far gone" Patrick said.

"Bullshit" Tony said as he walked through the curtain. "You're gonna save my son and you'll do it now" Tony paused as he drew his Beretta Inox, cocked the hammer and aimed it at Patrick's head. "Or I'll blow your fuckin head off" he said. When a Marine guard made a move towards Tony, Clay quickly drew his Browning HP and aimed it at the Marine.

"I'll do what can" Patrick said.

"You do that" Tony said as he lowered his weapon. "I'll be right back" Tony said as he stepped back outside and walked off. Webb and Britt took a seat on a bench on the far side of the passageway, while Bridget took hers opposite them.

"Time to do what I do best" Chester, who was still dressed in his camo fatigues and boonie hat, said as he stood up. He pulled back on the slide of his M-16 and walked over the door that led to the operating room. He stopped in front of it, spun around on his heel, and stood there, weapon at the ready. If anyone was going to try and hurt Three, it would be over his dead body.

1000 hours local time, 10 June 2002, Lady Moura- Dana David's private yacht, 350 miles northwest of Cyprus, Mediterranean Sea.

As her yacht cruised alone at about 20 knots, Dana David and her boyfriend "Marcus" were tanning on the top deck of the yacht. Captain Marcus Sharon was a relatively new Mossad Officer, who prior to joining Mossad, had spent 6 years, beginning when he was 16, as an Israeli Commando. There was just one problem, with all that: Captain Marcus Sharon didn't exist.

Beginning 4 months earlier, Tony had sent an undercover operative, one that only he knew the existence of, to infiltrate the Mossad. This man's name was 2nd Lieutenant Austin Joseph "AJ" Kearns, formerly of the US Army Rangers, prior to being pulled up to the Delta Force. However, AJ's career in the Delta Force was an unusual one, in an already unusual Unit. For starters, Lieutenant Colonel DiNozzo was the only one that knew he existed. Another thing was, AJ had no set objective. His only orders were to report back whatever he felt necessary and "you'll recognize it when he saw it" according to Tony.

Since his 1st few weeks in Israel, AJ had been involved with Dana David, the niece of Mossad Director Eli David. After the death of her parents, Dana had inherited a huge sum of money, and had used part of it to buy the Lady Moura from a wealthy Saudi Arabian businessman.

"This is nice" Dana said as she rolled over, on top of AJ's chest. AJ who was dressed in a normal, blue bathing suit, smiled as Dana, who was wearing what she claimed was a "monokini", but what AJ referred to a "topless", kissed his chest.

"Yea" AJ said. "We should do this more often" he smiled. What had started out as AJ sleeping with her in order to gain access to her uncle, had turned, not so much into a true romance, but into a real friendship. AJ could easily say that Dana was his only true friend in Israel, even if he was lying to her everyday. AJ was just about to shut his eyes, when his sat phone rang. "Damn it" he complained as he stood up to answer it.

"Captain Sharon" he answered.

"Get where you won't be heard" a voice said.

"My landlord" AJ told Dana as he stepped inside the top deck's cabin. "What's up boss?" AJ asked.

"You see the news?"

"Bagram?" AJ asked.

"My son was critically wounded"

"You think our friends in Tel-Aviv are responsible?"

"I know they are" Tony said.

"How should I handle it?" AJ asked.

"Take no action, no retaliation" Tony ordered.

"You sure?"

"Yes, but just in case, watch your back" Tony cautioned.

"Will do" AJ said as he hung up.

"What did your landlord want?" Dana asked when AJ stepped back out into the sun.

"He wasn't gotten my rent check yet" AJ said as Dan handed him a beer. "No biggie" he said.

1355 hours local time, 10 June 2002, USS Guadalcanal, Task Force 84, Northern Arabian Sea

"Everything ok?" Bridget asked Tony when he returned.

"My son is in surgery, everything is most certainly not ok" Tony snapped at her. "I'm sorry" he apologized. "It was nothing, just needed to clear my head" he said, and that was that. It was silent, until about a half and hour later, when Jenn arrived. "Oh Jesus" Tony said as he jumped to his feet.

"Where's Three, is he ok?" Jenn blabbered on.

"He's in surgery, it'll be a little while yet" Tony said. "All we can do is wait" he said.

0705 hours, 10 June 2002, Oval Office, West Wing, White House, Washington D.C.

"Anything fun happen last night Rexton?" The President asked as Rex handed him his morning cup of coffee.

"Yes Sir, Senator Edward Sheffield (D-MD), wants to hold hearing on the quote "massive intelligence failures" leading up to the attack on Task Force 84" Rex said.

"Sheffield? You sure you got the name right?" The President asked.

"I watched it last night on CNN" Rex said.

"Sheffield" the President said in disbelief. "The same Edward Sheffield who organized the "Chicago 7" and "Camden 28"? That Sheffield?" he asked.

"Yes Sir. That Sheffield" Rex said.

"Put out some feelers to see what it'll take to keep this guy's mouth shut" The President said.

"As you wish, Mr. President" Rex said.

"Anything else?"

"Dr. Ramsay needs 10 minutes of your time"

"Send him in" the President said. Rex nodded as he bowed out of the room. A few seconds later, the National Security Advisor, Dr. Stephan Ramsay, walked in. "Stephan, what's the good word?"

"At 0955 local this morning, there was a car bombing at Bagram Air Force base" he said .


"1 EKIA, 1 critically wounded"


"Kabir Atef" Dr. Ramsay said. "He was being loaded into the vehicle that exploded" he explained.

"And the other?"

"A Special Force Operator, named…" he paused while he check his notes. "Anthony DiNozzo III" the doctor said.

"Oh my god" The President said as he steadied himself against his desk.

"Deborah" he said as he pressed the button on the intercom. "Could you come here please?" he asked her.

"Yes Mr. President" Deb said when she entered the room. The President held up his finger as he walked to the door that led to the hallway.

"Can you have Agent Pierce step in here please?" The President said to the agent guarding the door.

"Of course Mr. President" the Agent said. A minute later, Secret Service Agent Aaron Pierce, head of President McCain's Secret Service Detail, stepped into the room.

"What can I do for you, Mr. President?" Agent Pierce asked.

"Megan!" he yelled.

"Coming" Meg said.

"Did you hear?" The President asked her.

"I just read it" she said.

"Ok, at 0955 local this morning, there was a car bombing at Bagram Air Force Base. Among the injured was one Staff Sergeant Anthony DiNozzo III" he informed them. "In case you were unaware, Staff Sergeant DiNozzo is Rex's older brother" he said as he pointed to the door to the outer office. "And the son of Secret Service Agent Caitlin DiNozzo" The President said. "I have no doubt that the news will reach the both of them within the next few hours. I trust the both of you will take the appropriate measures" the President said.

"Of course Sir"

"Absolutely, Mr. President"

"Good, very good" The President said.

0730 hours, 10 June 2002, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, New York.

It was just after 0730 when Detective 1st Grade John McBain, and his partner, Detective 3rd Grade, Erica Jane Barrett, pulled up to the old US Military instillation. John in his black 1971 Dodge Challenger, EJ in her white 1977 Lotus Esprit (A 2-time James Bond Car). When they got out of their respective cars, they were greeted by 3 others. On EJ recognized from her academy class, Detective 3rd Grade Jackie Curatola, who, after only a year in blues, had recently been promoted to Detective. They other 2 people, John recognize. The 1st was Lieutenant Jack Lamb, of ESU, and the other was Lieutenant Mia Rizzo of the Organized Crime Unit.

"Black and White, cute" Lieutenant Lamb said, referring to their 2 cars.

"Fuck off Jack" John said. Both Lieutenants were leaning up against the hood Jack's 1960 Ford F-100 pickup; it was obvious that they had arrived together.

"How's it going J?" EJ asked her academy friend.

"It's going good girl, what's good with you?" Detective Curatola replied.

"Hangin in there" EJ smiled as a red 1964 Chevy Impala SS pulled into the yard. It skidded to a stop in front of the group and a young man, his badge handing around his neck, stepped out.

"John, Mia, Jack" the man said as he nodded to each of them.

"Danny" John said. "For those of you who don't know, this Detective 2nd grade Danny Reagan" John introduced him.

"As in Chief of Department frank Reagan?" EJ asked.

"My father" Danny said. No sooner than had he said that, an unmarked black GMC Suburban pulled up.

"Speak of the Devil" John said as the Suburban came to a stop and Chief of Department Frank Reagan stepped out.

"Chief" everyone said as they nodded.

"Gentlemen, ladies" the Chief said. "You're all probably wondered why I've gathered you here this early in the morning" he said. "Well, it's kinda simple. IN the 1980s, and 90s, South and Latin American Drug Cartels, flooded this country with crack-cocaine in order to fund their private wars. A few years ago, we smashed the drug cartels operations, and sent em packing" the Chief explained. "But now there back, with a whole new product: Heroin and Opium, straight from the Middle East" he said.

"AQ?" John asked.

"And the Taliban" The Chief said. "We have reason to believe that Terror Networks operating out of South America, have struck deals with the remnants of the old Cartels, to move their product into the United States, specifically New York via the way of Miami" he paused. "Now, 3 of you, Lieutenants Lamb and Rizzo, and Detective McBain, worked on Task Force Apache back in the day, working to take down the cartels' operations here in the city. The other 3 are the only other 3 people I know I can absolutely trust to run this" the chief said.

"What about her?" Lieutenant Rizzo said as she pointed to EJ.

"What about me?" EJ said.

"I'm OCU, I know her Grandfather is Sonny Corinthos. She's the granddaughter of one of the heads of the families, how can we trust her?" Mia asked.

"Unlike the rest of the families, the Corinthos Family not only preaches about not pushing drugs, but also follows up on it" Chief Reagan said. "In 1990, Damian Smith, the alleged Underboss of the family, was going to be indicted for trafficking drugs on the side. Before he could be arrested, he was found floating in the east river, 3 rounds in his back and 2 in his head" the Chief explained. "The Corinthos Family doesn't work with drug dealers, they kill them" the Chief continued. "This is the new NYPD Special Investigation Unit. the Unit will be run by both Lieutenants Lamb and Rizzo; Detective McBain will be lead investigator. There are no limits. You are to use the PATRIOT Act to its fullest extent. Your mandate is major arrests, major busts; no small time stuff" he said.

"Can do, Sir" John said.

"You'll be operating out of the Quarters A building at the old Navy Yard"

"Yes Sir"

1735 hours local time, 10 June 2002, USS Guadalcanal, Task Force 84, Northern Arabian Sea

After nearly 4 hours in surgery, Dr. Drake finally emerged from the Operating Room. "What's the news Doc?" Tony asked as he stood.

"I removed all the remaining shrapnel, and repaired what I could. If he makes it, he'll get the remainder of the need surgeries state side" The Lieutenant Commander said.

"If he makes it?" Bridget spoke up.

"I did what I could, it's all up to the Staff Sergeant now" Patrick told them.

"Can we see him?" Jenn asked. Patrick nodded.

"One at a time please" Patrick said, before walking away. Tony went 1st, followed a few minutes alter, by Britt and Clay, respectively. Once they were finished, Jenn stepped in, pulled up a chair next to the bed, and grabbed Three's hand.




"Where am I?" Three said as they he walked around. He had seen this place before, he just couldn't remember where. The mist around him began to peel away. He was in a rolling field, stonewalls and wooden fences lining both sides. "I know this place" he said. "That's Seminary Ridge" he said as he looked to the West. "And that's Cemetery Ridge" he said, turning to the East. "Gettysburg" he said.

"Very good" said a voice from behind him. Three spun around as a woman with smooth Irish skin and dark hair walked towards her. She was dressed in black slacks, a light blue blouse, and a brown leather jacket over it. "46,286 casualties over 3 days" the woman said. "Everyone of them, an American" she added.

"The Confederates were traitors, plain and simple" Three said as he stepped closer.

"You're definitely Tony's son" the woman said.

"Aunt Kyra?" Tony asked. "Is that you?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's me" Kyra smiled.

"But your dead" Three said.

"So are you" she replied.




Jenn jumped back when the heart monitor started beeping. A couple of nurses and Dr. Drake came running in. "You need to step outside, Petty Officer" Dr. Drake said as he used his flashlight to check Three's pupil reactions.




"I'm dead" Three said as the realization hit him.

"Dead as a doornail" said another female voice from behind him. Three quickly snapped his head around and saw another woman, a blonde, in a Navy Lieutenant Commander's uniform walking towards him.

"Commander Parker?" Tony asked.

"Yep" she smiled.

"So I take it I went up stairs, not down" Three said.

"Although I can imagine why" Kyra smiled.




"He's flat lining" The Nurse yelled as she began chest compressions.

"THREE!" Jenn cried out.

"Get her out of here!" Dr. Drake yelled. "Paddles!" he yelled. "Charge 300" he yelled. "Clear" he said as he zapped Three.

"Nothing, still flat" The Nurse said.

"Charge 350" the Doc yelled. "Clear" he said as he zapped him again.

"Still nothing"

"Adrenaline" the doctor ordered. The Nurse quickly injected it into the IV. "Paddles, charge 350" he ordered. the doctor zapped him for a 3rd time, to no avail. "Charge 400" he ordered. the doctor zapped him for a 4th time, again, nothing.




"So I'm dead, and now I'm stuck here with you 2 for all eternity?" Three joked. Then he looked down at himself. He was stilled dressed in his fatigues, only they were soaked with blooded and cover in dirt and sand.

"Not just us" Jordan said as she snapped her fingers. Almost like magic, everything changed. They were no longer standing on the battlefield, but on a beach.

"Normandy" Three recognized. "June 6th, 1944, Operation Overlord" he said.

"Down there" Kyra pointed. Three walked towards where she pointed. Just down the beach a little ways, they saw someone, a woman, dressed in a red dress. Her skin was pale, as her braided, dark hair blew wildly in the wind. Three stepped closer, and he fell as if his heart had stopped, well, maybe it really did stop, since ya know, he's dead.

"Karine" Tony said as the woman turned, a smiled beaming from her lips. She stepped towards him and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Oui mon amour" Karine smiled. Three smiled as he cupped her cheek with his hand.

"I have missed you so much" Three said, tears in his eyes.

"And I you" Karine replied. "I will continue to miss you" she said.

"What do you mean?"

"Trois, mon amour, you still have much to accomplish. You have a women who loves, as much as I. You have so much more to do. Get married, make a family, grow old. You will do all of these things" Karine said.

"Karine" Three said, tears in his eyes.

"I will always be with you" she said as she kissed one more time.




The steady beep of the flat line on the heart monitor permeated the silence of the room. "He's gone" Dr. Drake said as he moved to turn off the machine.

"No!" Jenn said as she moved to stop him.

"Get out of my way!" Dr. Drake said as he shoved her aside. As his hand was only inches from the switch, the machine began beeping frantically. Three's hand shot up and grabbed Dr. Drake's wrist. The Doctor turned his attention to the bed, as Three's body shot up. By some act of god, Three shot forward, rapping his hand around Drake's neck. Three jumped from the bed, slamming Drake against the wall. The machine were all beeping frantically as Three's movements had pulled loose all the tubes and wires that he had

"Leave her alone" Three said as his grip tightened around Drake's next. His veins bulged up in his muscular arms as Dr. Drake began to grasp for air.

"Please" Dr. Drake gasped. Three snarled as he tossed the man across the room. The nurses quickly helped the doctor to his feet and the group scrambled out of the room.

"Three?" Jenn said timidly as she slowly stepped towards him.

"Jenn" Three said as he took a stutter step backwards. "Jenn" he repeated, more frantically this time. Jenn quickly shot forward as she collapsed backwards into her arms.

"It's ok, I got ya" she said as she helped him back into bed. "I got ya" she said as she curled up next to him on the bed.

"I'm not going anywhere" Three said. "I promise" he said as he placed a kiss to Jenn's forehead.


28 Seconds: Walk in Hell

(Tony's voice)- Next time on "28 Seconds: Walk in Hell"-

Meg & Rex must work quickly to strike a deal that will prevent a Senate investigation into the attack on Task Force 84 and the Bagram bombing. Meanwhile, Clay, Britt and Tony all face disciplinary hearings following their actions to save Three. Meanwhile, against Tony's direct orders, AJ begins looking into the Bagram bombing, and comes to a shocking discovery. Finally, as Three's long recovery begins; Tony decides its time for the Unit to settle old scores.