Chapter 40

Shifting Sands

0830 hours, 29 April 2003, Office of the White House Counsel, White House, Washington D.C.

"Go home"

"No" the Counsel replied as he pull some books back on his shelf. Oliver Babish was now the 7th White House Counsel to grace the White House under the 3 years of the Bush/McCain/Obama years. He had been on the job now for a few months.

"You were up all night"

"Do you know why?" he asked his assistant.


"Because my staff's work on the analysis of HR-437 completely ignored the 4th Amendment implications, and instead became fascinated with the 3rd, 7th and 11th" he said as he took a seat behind his desk, the morning sun behind him. "Like you gotta be a prime number to get the attention of the U.S. Supreme Court"

"Can you please go home and get a few hours sleep before you go to the airport?" his assistant asked.

"That's why I was up all night" he smiled, completely ignoring the question. "Wait, were am I going?"

"On vacation"

"Wait, it's coming back to me"


"It's not a vacation"


"It's not a vacation, it's a forced vacation"

"In Borneo"

"It's an international law summit where I'm supposed to show my support for…" he paused. "Fuck" he cussed as he tried to remember. "For… I'm not certain. Do I have that in my notes someplace?" he asked as he picked up his gavel off his desk.


"I need the amicus brief on sovereign immunity"

"It's there"

"Federal land use"

"It's there. Would you like me to pack your big hammer?" she asked.

"Ok you know what? Don't make fun of the big hammer. Big Hammer happened to be a gavel given to my father's father by Associate Justice Louis Brandeis of the United States Supreme Court" he explained. "I need a Dictaphone (tape recorder)" he said.

"On your desk"

"It doesn't work"

"What's wrong with it?"

"It doesn't work" he repeated.

"I asked…"

"It's stuck on record. It won't stop recording things. It's just what you want lying around the White House Counsel's office because there's never been a problem with that before" he said sarcastically.

"You can take mine" she said as the phone rang.

"Ok, you know what else?" he said as he stood up and slipped on his sport coat.

"You're gonna go home and get some sleep until your flight?" she said as she answered the phone.

"I'm perfectly fine with sleeping till well after that, but someone call me when the car's on the way" he said as he headed for the door.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Babish" his assistant said.

"I'm going home" Oliver told her.

"That was Mrs. Martin's Office. She's on her way down with the President" she said. He stopped walking and turned around. "You should probably fix your tie"

"Yeah" he growled.

Meanwhile, the President and Meg had just come down the stairs. "7 White House Counsels in 2 ½ years, why the hell can't we keep a head lawyer around here?" he asked. "Do you think I should run back upstairs? Grab my Harvard law degree and West Point ring?"

"Your parents must be very proud" Meg said.

"Yeah, all I did with it was earn the Silver Star in Grenada, convict Timothy McVeigh, get elected to the Senate, get appointed Vice President and become President. So I guess that decision never really paid off" he joked. "The guy's been her 3 months, he's got a nicer office that I do" he complained.

"He's got a nicer office than I do" Meg added.

"Yeah, that matters less to me" the President said as they entered the Counsel's office. Everyone stood up but he waived them off.

"Good Morning, Mr. President" Oliver greeted them as they shook hands.

"Oliver" the President replied.

"Come on in" he said as he closed the door behind them. "So what can I do for you, Mr. President?" he asked as he took a seat on the edge of his desk.

"It's not that big a deal"

"Mr. President…" Meg spoke up.

"I'm easing him in" the President whispered. "Well, Oliver, it really boils down to this. I'm gonna tell you a story, and then I need you to tell me whether or not I've engaged 9 people in a massive criminal conspiracy to defraud the public, the United States Congress, a former President of the United States, in order to possibly cover-up the commission of war crimes by a certain US Military unit during the Vietnam War" he explained. Oliver remained silent for a few seconds, looking around his desk. He then picked up his gavel and slammed it down on the tape recorder, smashing it to bits.

"Okay" Oliver nodded as he placed down the gavel.

0915 hours, 29 April 2003, White House Chief of Staff Megan Martin's Office, West Wing, White House, Washington D.C.

"Ok, ya know, maybe that wasn't so bad" the President said as they walked into Meg's office.

"Oh, believe me, it's gonna get worse, a lot worse" Meg said. "Especially after that special report airs" she said.

"So when do we start giving people a heads up?" the President asked.

"I'm gonna call a Cabinet meeting at 1300 hours. That'll be an hour after the Senate votes to confirm Edwards as the new VP. Assuming all goes as planned, the Chief Justice will swear him in, he'll give a brief speech, you'll give a brief speech, and then we finally tell the Cabinet" she said.

"This is gonna be a long day isn't it?" he asked.

"You have no idea" Meg replied.

0930 hours, 29 April 2003, Tactical Operations Center, Unit Compound, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

"So Bridget actually got a field assignment?" Chester asked as he lit a cigarette. Following the fall of Basra, the Alpha Team had been rotated out and Bravo Team would take their place until the next assault was scheduled to begin 10 days later.

"And in Paraguay no less, with Clayton Webb?" Three grinned.

"I know it sounds crazy, but it's the truth" Izzy said.

"Ok, so that explains where Bridget has been, but what about the Lieutenant Colonel?" Chester asked.

"He didn't tell you guys?" Izzy asked.

"No" Three shook his head.

"He went to Paraguay, going after Bridget" she said.

"Figures" Three smiled.

"So he didn't tell you anything? Not even that he…" she was cut off when the door to the TOC opened and Tony and Bridget stepped inside. Bridget was in her uniform, but Tony was well out of place dressed in a suit and tie. Everyone clapped as they stepped inside. They both smiled as he took a bow and she curtsied.

"Welcome back" Chester grinned.

"Izzy was just filling us in, what the hell happened down there?" Three asked.

"That's classified, Staff Sergeant" Tony said. "At least until we sell off the movie rights" he grinned. "Although I here you guys kicked some serious ass in Basra"

"That we did, Sir. That we did" Zander grinned.

"So, Dad, why are you dressed like a civvie?" Three asked.

"Because he is one" said Colonel Colleton as he stepped out of his office. "Bridget, good to see you back in one piece" he said.

"Permission to resume my duties?" she asked.

"Granted" Tom nodded.

"Wait, what do you mean he's a civvie?" Three demanded.

"He resigned his commission. I shot the paperwork up the chain of command that day. He's been a civilian for the past 120 or so hours" Tom said.

"Colonel" Tony said.

"I'm not your Colonel, I'm your former commanding officer" Tom said.

"Colonel, he saved my life" Bridget said.

"Then put him on your payroll" Colleton snapped. "DiNozzo, I'm grateful that you got Bridget, Webb and Gunnery Sergeant Rivera out of there alive. But that being said, you finished in this man's army. You have 30 minutes to clean out your office and 36 hours to get off post" he said.

"My house can remain, as long as Three is living there" Tony said.

"Fair enough" Tom nodded as he crossed his arms. Tony nodded as well as he walked away. Everyone else just stood there in silence.

It didn't take Tony long at all to clean out his desk. All classified papers were quickly either transferred to Izzy's custody, or simply burned. What "souvenirs" he had kept were dumped into a fill box and that was it. Box in hand, Tony took one last look around, and gave a solemn nod, as he walked out of the Tactical Operations Center for what would be the final time.

2000 hours, 29 April 2003, DiNozzo Residence, Base Housing, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Tony had spent most of the day packing. All of his uniforms and clothes had been neatly boxed up and were ready to be shipped. His gun collection, booze and tobacco products had been tucked in the truck of his Mustang, ready to leave with him in the morning. His other possessions such as his Sports Memorabilia, family pictures DVD collection were also boxed up, ready to go. He was pretty much done. The only thing left to pack was his guitar. He was zipping it up when there was a knock on the door. "It's open" he yelled. The door opened, and Chester, still dressed in his fatigues, stepped inside.

"Hey" Chester said as he pulled off his patrol cap and shut the door behind him. "Boy, the Colonel's heavy on your case, huh?" he said as he walked to the fridge to grab a couple of beers.

"Yeah, for saving Bridget's life" Tony said as Chester handed him a Budweiser.

"For resigning your commission" Chester said as he took a seat on the couch.

"I didn't have a choice, he wasn't going to let me go any other way"

"I think he took it as a slap in the face" Chester told him as he sipped his own beer. "He's offended that your respect for his authority had a ceiling. I guess after everything that went down in the aftermath of Port Charles until now, it reached a boiling point" he said. "It puts Tali next in line to be Alpha's #2" he said.

"Good for her" Tony said. "At least someone benefited from my misfortune" he added. "Oh, and I forgive for having a job that I still want" he added with a grin as the phone rang. Tony just ignored it.

"Job offers?" Chester asked.

"The word got out fast. I've had offers from everyone ranging from the FBI to the Romanian Secret Service" he said. "Honestly, I'm not really sure what I want to do" he said.

"Where are you gonna go?" Chester asked.

"My dad has a house in Virginia now that he's back in the White House. I can crash there for a bit, at least until I find out what I'm going to do next" he said.

"You gonna get back into the family business?" he asked.

"No" Tony said. "If anything, I'm taking a step back. Without the Delta Force to hid behind, I'm a walking target for the Feds" he said.

"If you want I can talk to Meg, see if there's something in White House for ya" Chester offered.

"Nah" Tony waved him off. "Last week I told about a half dozen Senators to go fuck themselves. I don't think President Obama needs that hanging over his head"

"When do you leave?" Chester asked.

"Tomorrow morning" Tony said.

1325 hours, 29 April 2003, White House Cabinet Room, White House, Washington D.C.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the new Vice President of the United States: John Edwards" the President said as he and his Cabinet stood up and applauded the President's new #2 man. The Vice President smiled and took a slight bow before taking his seat at the far end of the table. "The reason I asked for all of you to be here today, goes far beyond congratulating the new VP" he said. "I'm sure that some of you are aware of that this coming Sunday, ABC is going to air a special report concerning alleged war crimes committed by an American Military unit during the Vietnam War. The Unit in question was an 8-man MAC-V SOG Team commanded by the late Colonel John Ross "JR" Ewing Jr." he said.

"I knew JR in Vietnam" spoke up Secretary of Defense Jack Reed, a Vietnam veteran himself. "He was a good man" he said.

"Well, there's a little more to the story than that" the President said. "In 1986, in was a Captain in the US Army JAG Corps. On the orders of President Reagan, General Overholt, who was the Army's Judge Advocate General at the time, created a special task force to investigate allegations of war crimes committed during Vietnam. The case I was assigned was the same unit we've been talking about" he paused. "The President made no secret that it was a political maneuver designed to take out 2 of the frontrunners for the Democratic nomination in 1988: Governor Robert Kerry of Nebraska and Senator Al Gore of Tennessee. Even putting politics aside, I had a serious problem with going after veterans, especially Vietnam veterans. They were sent to fight an unpopular war, and while they were there, the people turned their backs on them. When they came home, they were ostracized and spit on by society. And when they turned to their government for help, the government turned their backs on them too. The Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan administrations all turned their backs on them. Reagan even went as far as to tell veterans that the war was over and to get over it. Well, I'm sorry to say that for many of our veterans it will never be over. And it wasn't until 1989 when Jeb's father, President George H.W. Bush that the Department of Veteran's affairs was elevated to Cabinet level. It wasn't until then that a member of their ranks got a chance to be advise and have the ear of the President" he said. "So when I looked over the case, I realized there was only one thing I could do: Nothing" he said. "I never covered anything up, I just didn't look. I figured that if I didn't look, I couldn't find anything. So that's what I did. Them it came time to testify before the House Armed Services Committee" he paused. "I was put under oath and asked questions about what I had investigated. When I was asked by Congressman Dickinson (R-AL), the ranking member, what I had found, I told him that I didn't find anything" he said.

"You lied to Congress?" asked the Vice President.

"Technically, no" he said. "And, Alan please correct if I'm wrong, but while I was guilty of Dereliction of Duty and Conduct Unbecoming an Officer, what I did was not perjury" he asked his Attorney General, Alan Fisk.

"No" Alan shook his head. "While your testimony raises numerous ethical and moral questions, provided the question was "did you find anything", then your answer was legally correct" he said.

"I checked the congressional transcripts, that's how the question was asked" Meg spoke up.

"Then there isn't a legal problem. While you would be guilty of Dereliction and Conduct Unbecoming, the statutes of limitation on both are 5 years. Your testimony was 17 years ago, the statutes have long expired" he said.

"There's still the dilemma of your being a lying ni…" the Secretary of the Interior, Gale Norton, spoke up.

"Gale!" the President smiled. "Gale, I'm so glad you, of all people, could make it" he said as he reached in to his coat pocket. "Since I'm facing possible impeachment when all this comes out, I've decided to make so staff changes" he said, pulling a notepad from his pocket. "Did you really say, and I quote 'The South's defeat in the Civil War was the single-greatest tragedy in American history'?" he asked.

"I did" she nodded proudly.

"And you said this on September 29th, 2001, 18 days after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, which claimed the lives of over 5,000 Americans, including President George W. Bush, his wife and their 2 daughters, and whose Brother is sitting here next to me?" he asked.

"Yes I did" she said proudly.

"Oh, you are so fired" the President said.

"You can't do that" she protested.

"Oh yes I can" the President grinned. "Now get out of my sight and get the hell out of my White House" he snapped.

"Make me" she growled.

"My pleasure" the President said. "Agent Pierce!" he yelled. Seconds later, Secret Service Agent Aaron Pierce, the head of the President's Secret Service detail, stepped into the room, accompanied by 4 of his fellow Agents.

"Mr. President" Aaron spoke.

"Get her out of my sight" The President ordered.

"Yes Sir" Aaron nodded. The Agents dragged the now ex-Secretary out of the room kicking and screaming.

"Mr. President" Secretary Jeb Bush said as he stood up. He remained silent, smiled and proudly clapped. He was soon joined by everyone else in the room. "We're behind you 100%, Mr. President. Every one of us" he said.

"Thank you" the President smiled. "Now, I think we better come up with a plan to fight the gathering storm" he said.

"There is only one thing you can do, Mr. President" Jeb said. "You've gotta beat them to the punch" he said. "Put the story out on your terms" he said.

"The Story is coming out on Sunday, when would we do this?" he asked.

"Tomorrow Night" Meg said. "We ask for time on all of the networks, and I have no doubt that once Stephanie teases them about the story they'll give us the time they need" she said.

"We also need to alert the leadership, and start the wheels moving" Jared said.

"Ok, let's do it" he nodded.

"I'm thinking an interview, from the mural room, maybe with his daughter by his side" said Will. "Followed by a press conference in the East Room" he added.

"No East Room" Secretary of HHS (Health & Human Services) Tommy Thompson (R-WI) spoke up. "They found asbestos in there a couple of days ago and they're in the process of removing it" he informed them

"So where do we hold it?" Meg asked.

"State" said the VP.

"David?" the President asked.

"Not a problem, Sir" nodded Secretary Palmer.

"Make it so" he ordered.

1500 hours, 30 April 2003, Roosevelt Room, West Wing, White House Washington D.C.

The process of alerting the Democratic Party leadership had begun. Congressman Emanuel (D-IL), who was the head of the DCCC was currently screaming his head off at Meg in her office. At the same time, Secretary Bush was contacting some of his Republican allies of the hill, especially those who were veterans. However, it was Gabby's job as Deputy Communications Director to meet with the staff of the DCCC. They were currently discussing who the party's nominee would be in 2004 in the event that President Obama did not seek re-election.

"Why are we assuming it's Edwards?" one of them asked. "You don't think Dean (D-VT) is going to get into it?" he asked. "Liebermann, John Kerry?" he added.

"Please, Kerry's lucky if he carries his immediate family" another one of them added. "It's Edwards" one of them overruled the others. "Gabby, you understand that this conversation isn't ruling out Obama as a candidate. It's just "what it?", it's what we're paid for" he said.

"Edwards is the only one who can drum up the money this fast. He's the most successful fundraiser the party has ever had" another one of them spoke up. What none of them realized, was that the Vice President Edwards was standing in the doorway, listening to them. "Of course, it would be easier if Edwards were running as the incumbent" he added.

"We're done" Gabby said as she stood up.

"Oh come on, we're all thinking it" the leader of the group said.

"Are we?" the Vice President said loudly as he moved into the room. "Because the last time I checked, Barack Obama wasn't a candidate, he's the President" Vice President said sternly.

Meanwhile, in her own office, Stephanie, as instructed by Sonny and the President, was leaking the story to the White House Press Corps. Stephanie's mother, Secretary of the Treasury, Linda McMahon; and the Secretary of Commerce, Luci Johnson, were discussing what would happen on Wall Street.

However, one question still remained: Would the President seek re-election.

1735 hours, 30 April 2003, White House Communications Director Will McAvoy's Office, West Wing, White House, Washington D.C.

"We'll call them answer A and answer B" Stephanie said as she, Jared, Will and Gabby met to discuss the President's re-election. "Mr. President, will you be seeking a 2nd term? Answer A is "You bet, I will absolutely be seeking a 2nd term. I'm looking forward to the campaign. There is great work yet to be done"" she said. "Answer B…"

""Are you out of your mind? I can't possibly seek re-election. I lied before Congress, I'm the target of a grand jury investigation and congress is about to take me out to lunch"" Jared recited.

"Well, one things for sure" Gabby said. "We'll find out tonight"

2125 hours, 30 April 2003, United States Department of State, Harry S. Truman Building, 2201 C Street, Foggy Bottom, Washington D.C.

"With President Obama concluding the interview only minutes ago, the President is expected to be arriving at the State Department for a Press Conference

It had begun a heavy downpour as the President's motorcade pulled up to the State Department. He was accompanied by most of the West Wing Staff, as well as Secretaries Palmer, Johnson, and Bush, as well as Attorney General Fisk and the Vice President.

Inside, Stephanie, who had arrived earlier, was taking questions. "Yes, Mark" she said.

"Stephanie, is there any talk of a Special Prosecutor?" he asked.

"Yes" Stephanie said. "Tomorrow, Attorney General Alan Fisk will submit a list of 3 prosecutors to a 3-judge panel. All 3 prosecutors and all 3 judges were appointed by Ronald Reagan" she said. The President was soaked as he walked inside. Stephanie looked over and Meg gave her a nod. "Ladies & Gentlemen, the President of the United States" she said. The President walked up to the podium, taking a deep breath before beginning.

"Yes, Sandy" he pointed to a reporter.

"Mr. President, can you tell us right now if you'll be seeking a 2nd term?" she asked as thunder and lightning crashed outside.

"I'm sorry, Sandy, there was a bit of noise there, could you repeat the question" the President asked.

"Can you tell us right now if you'll be seeking a 2nd term?" she repeated. The President remained silent. On the side, Sonny began to smile.

"Watch this" he grinned. The President slipped his hands off of the podium, tucked them in his pockets, and smiled.

"Yes, and I'm going to win"

2135 hours, 30 April 2003, Nellie's Famous Coffeehouse, Washington D.C.

"Yes, and I'm going to win"

Tony grinned widely as he listened to the President's brief statement. It was gonna be one hell of ride. He was sipping his coffee when someone took a seat next to him. "Oh for fuck's sake" Tony said. "What did I do now?" he asked.

"Scuttlebutt says you resigned your commission" the man said.

"Oh it's true all right" he said as he took another sip.

"Good, because I have a job offer for you" the man said.

0930 hours, 1 May 2003, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington D.C.

Early on the morning of the 1st, Bridget stepped off the elevator, hoping to visit Clay, who was still in the hospital. When she reached his room, however, she found that it was occupied. AJ, Liz, Tony and Rick all stood around the bed, talking to their oldest friend. Bridget slid up next to the door and listened in.

"So Rick, you gonna be running the President's campaign?" Clay asked.

"Yep" Rick smiled. "Obama/Edwards '04"

"That's great man" Tony said as he slapped his brother on the shoulder. "So what about you Lizzie?" he asked.

"I'm still our Ambassador, for no anyway. Kinda depends on what happens with AJ" she said, placing her hand over her husband's heart.

"You finally figure out what you're gonna do?" Clay asked.

"Yeah" AJ smiled. "Governor Pataki just announced a special election for the upcoming election day in November for the vacant seat in the New York 25" he explained. "I'm running for Congress" he beamed.

"Hell yeah" Tony yelled.

"So what about you, Tony?" Clay asked once they had all calmed down. "Did you have to beg Colleton to take you back? Or did they just pin another medal to your chest?" he grinned.

"Actually, I'm out" Tony said. "But I got a new job though" he said.

"Oh yeah, what is it?" Liz asked. Tony grinned and pulled out a gold badge from under his shirt.

"You're a fed?" Rick asked.

"Yep" Tony nodded.

"I can't read it" Clay said as he squinted. "What does it say?" he asked.




A/N- I would once again like to thank all of my loyal readers. I'm gonna take some time off for a while, but I want you all to know that part IV- "28 Seconds: Blood & Iron" will debut soon. Also, please look out for my "28 Seconds" 9/11 tribute which will be posted this Friday. Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you

28 Seconds: Walk in Hell


Michael Weatherly as Lt. Colonel Tony DiNozzo

Nicole Steinwedell as Captain Bridget Sullivan

Taylor Handley as Staff Sergeant Three DiNozzo

Zoe McLellan as Petty Officer 3rd Class Jenn Coates

Katie Holmes as Master Sergeant Tali Colleton

TJ Ramini as Sergeant Major Malachi Ben-Gidon

Terri Reeves as Dana David

Josh Duhamel as 2nd Lieutenant AJ Kearns

Sarai Givaty as Staff Sergeant Liat DiNozzo

Trevor St. John as 1st Sergeant Chester Martin

Tracey Needham as Megan Martin

John-Paul Lavoisier as Rex Bartlett

Gary Sinise as Colonel Tom Colleton

Sarah Jane Morris as Det. Erica Jane Barrett

Rebecca Herbst as Liz Quartermaine

Sean Kanan as Lt. Colonel AJ Quartermaine

Dominic Zamprogna as PFC Dante Falconeri.

Also Starring

Steven Culp as Clayton Webb

Nathan Fillion as Rick Castle

Maurice Bernard as Sonny Corinthos

Harry J. Lennix as President Barack Obama

William DeVry as General of the Army Wes Clark

Breckin Meyer as Jared Franklin

Stephanie McMahon as herself

Jeff Daniels as Will McAvoy

Janeane Garofalo as Gabby Giffords

Roger Howarth as Major General Todd Manning

Jennifer Lawrence as Staff Sergeant Izzy Gibbs

Michael Easton as Det. John McBain

Martin Sheen as President John McCain

John Edwards as himself

Lisa LoCicero as Olivia Falconeri

Molly C. Quinn as Alexis Castle

Haley Pullos as Molly DiNozzo

Florencia Lozano as Tea Delgado

Ryan Paevy as Lieutenant Nathan Westbourne

Kelly Monaco as Lieutenant Commander Sam Clark

Greg Kinnear as Lieutenant General Irving Morrell

Jake Lacy as Corporal Peter Mars

Allison Janney as Anne Colleton

Jeffery Vincent Parise as Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Rivera

Jack Conley as Rear Admiral Sam Carsten Jr.

William Peterson as Secretary of Education Jeb Bush

Tea Leoni as Secretary of the Navy Flora Blackford

Claire Coffee as Catherine DiNozzo

Steve Burton as Lt. Jason Morgan

Alyssa Milano as Kyra Castle

William Devane as Secretary of Defense Peter King

Dennis Haysbert as Secretary of State David Palmer

Scott Wolf as Sergeant 1st Class Jonathan Cole

Eric Christian Olsen as Sergeant 1st Class Marty Deeks

Laura Putney as Catherine Webb

Constance Zimmer as Taylor Warren

Felicity Huffman as Secretary of Commerce Luci Baines Johnson

Scottie Thompson as Captain Jeanne Benoit

Guest Starring

Kenneth Johnson as Jimmy-Jack Coonan

Michael Rodrick as Robert "Bobby S" Shannon

Kelly Thiebaud as Lt. Britt Westbourne

Susan Haskell as Major Margaret Saybrooke

Kimberly McCullough as Dr. Robin Corinthos

Adam Baldwin as Commander Ethan Slaughter

Moon Daily as Sergeant Karine DuBois

Bernard White as Sadik Fahd

Sasha Alexander as Special Agent Kate DiNozzo

Jeffery Donovan as Staff Sergeant Mike Weston

David Rees Snell as Master Sergeant Ronnie Gardocki

Brian J. White as Sergeant 1st Class Tavon Garris

Chris Hemsworth as Junior Lieutenant Chris Galtier

James Cromwell as President George H.W. Bush

Dennis Quaid as President Bill Clinton

Jason O'Mara as Det. Lt. Jack Lamb

Sarah Jones as Det. Lt. Mia Rizzo

Tom Selleck as Chief of Department Frank Reagan

Donnie Wahlberg as Det. Danny Reagan

Jennifer Esposito as Det. Jackie Curatola

Karl Urban as Wolfgang Rommel

Alan Ruck as Captain Stewart Bondeck

Cote Di Pablo as Ziva David

Michael Nouri as Eli David

Marik Tadros as Michael Rivkin

Kiefer Sutherland as Special Agent Jack Bauer

President George W. Bush as himself

Jason Thompson as Lt. Commander Patrick Drake

Adam Arkin as Attorney General Jonathan Moss

Dylan Baker as Attorney General Alan Fisk

Jack Reed as himself

Emily Proctor as Ainsley Hayes

Dahlia Salem as Claire Walsh

John Edwards as himself

Glenn Morshower as Special Agent Aaron Pierce

Britt Rentschler as Elena Markov

Ted King as Tomas Delgado

James Gandolfini as Master Chief Petty Officer Bobby Dougherty

Vincent Piazza as Charlie Messina

Anatol Yusef as Meyer Lansky III

Edward Burns as Benjamin "Benny" Ryman

Frank Vincent as Frank Leonardo

Vincent Curatola as John "Johnny Sack" Sacarelli

Heather Wilson as herself

Seamus Dever as Corporal Ian Devlin

Jürgen Prochnow as Sergei Petrovich Bazhaev

Julian Morris as 1st Lieutenant Tilden Hagan

James Carpinello as Corporal Franco Leoni

Clayne Crawford as Corporal Kevin Wade

William H. Macy as Admiral James Sandecker

Leonardo DiCaprio as Captain Danny Archer

Tyler Christopher as Lieutenant Nikolas Clark

John M. Jackson as Rear Admiral AJ Chegwidden

David James Elliott as Commander Harmon Rabb Jr.

Catherine Bell as Lieutenant Colonel Sarah MacKenzie

Mia Kirshner as "Mandy"

John Allen Nelson as Dr. Stephan Ramsay/?

Timothy Busfield as Danny Concannon

Alison Pill as Maggie Jordan

Rhea Seehorn as Ellen Swatello

Marshall Mathers/Eminem as himself

Robert Kelker-Kelly as Colonel Stavros Mikkosovich Cassadine

James B. Sikking as C.I.A Director Charles "Chuck" Robb

Oliver Platt as Oliver Babish