Queen Elsa was terrified, she truly was. She had gotten her sister back, and finally learned the key to controlling her powers, but she was hardly free of problems. She had caused a winter that Arendelle was not prepared to face, and had caused god knows how many cases of diseases and possible death. But she was done hiding. She'd face her people.

She tried to think of an abdication speech as the sailors helped her off of the longshore boat, into the hands of a junior officer who bowed his head. Of average height with brown hair and green eyes, his clear Slavic heritage was accented by a faint Russian accent. "Your majesty."

He mind slipped back to her diplomatic training, uttering a quick "Spasiba," before blushing. Oops.

If the slipup had upset the Russian, he hardly showed it. The small party of Guards with him took their places around the Queen, and unlike most days, they were fully armed, with rifle, revolver, and sword. They didn't know how the people of Arendelle would react to the Queen. As they began to move forward, Princess Anna ran up pushing through the guards to her sister's side.

"Anna, as glad as I am to see you, it'd be better if you don't come with me. I don't know what we may face from-"

Anna took her sisters hand, preempting any ice that may have formed. "Elsa, no matter what we face, we face it together." Anna smiled, helping calm the nervous Queen down. With Anna in tow, the party began to move into the town.

It was hardly the angry mob Elsa had expected. Townspeople lined up to see the Snow Queen in person, but there was hardly rock throwing or screamed curses. Granted, many shied back, as they didn't know if she was "safe" yet, but there was little hostility. Most fell back on what they knew, which was simple bows and "Your Majesty."

The Guards kept a close eye on the crowd, but they had more to worry from people wanting her time or attention than any threat on life. The first "security compromise" was a little girl with platinum blond hair and blue eyes that ran past the legs of a surprised guardsman, who had been keeping a closer look on grownups.

"Papa did it! He helped you bring back summer!"

Elsa jumped a little, before smiling, turning to the little girl. "Hello! And what's your name?"

"Aida." She paused, before bouncing back into her story. "He said he was going to talk to you, and let you know I was sick. So you'd bring summer back."

Still a little confused, Elsa was going to ask the energetic little girl more when her mother arrived. Stepping out slowly, as she knew the guards would consider her a threat after what her husband tried to do.

"I'm sorry your Majesty, for my little girl and…" she looked away, in shame. "…for everything else."

Why is she apologizing? I'm the one who froze summer.

Gumrak saw her confused expression and whispered in her ear. "There are things we need to brief you on, but for now we need to keep moving."

Elsa nodded, before picking up the girl, preparing to hand her off to her mother. The girl laughed as she lifted, causing Elsa to smile herself. She had no idea she had just posed for her PR campaign's cover. A small pop was heard, causing the guards to go into overdrive, before seeing the obvious source- a flash lamp from a camera.

Lars smiled, having got what he thought was a beautiful shot. It'd take a few weeks for him to know for sure. He came up from beneath camera's hood, closing the lens. Seeing his chance, he left his camera, walking towards the Queen. He was innocent in his intention, but all the Guard saw was a man yelling the Queen's name, walking quickly towards them with his right hand in his pocket.

The guard reacted, with Guardsmen pushing him back as Gumrak put himself in front of the Queen. He backed up, meekly raising his hand in the air, empty except for a business card.

He fumbled, bowing before stumbling through a proper greeting. "Your Majesty, my name is Lars Thorsen, of Arendelle. I wanted to talk to you about possibly patronizing my camera work-"

Queen Elsa couldn't help but laugh. No matter what is going on in the world, people find time to try to make money. An hour ago, Arendelle was knee deep in snow, and the man wants to ask her, the Snow Queen responsible, to be a royal Patron. Unbelievable, but funny.

"-as I'm sure you'll be satisfied with my results. Oh, speaking of which! The young man reached into his satchel, withdrawing a package. Passing it to a Guard he explained. "Would you please give this to her Majesty? It's her coronation photo."

With that, he stepped back into the crowd, and they began to move forward again. They had reached the carriage prepared for them, with Anna, the Queen, and Gumrak sitting in the back. The rest of the party took positions around the carriage, and began to jog alongside it as they made their way towards the castle. Anna, being impatient, seized the package from the officer, tearing it open to Gumrak's horror.


Elsa looked over as the two girls looked in wonder at the first photograph they had ever seen. Elsa had read about it, but she had never seen one with her own eyes.

It was hardly the "mirror image" that advertisements had bragged about, as it was black and white, with some of the details blurry, but it was still a remarkable achievement. It was a simple image of her, in her coronation dress, holding the Royal Regalia. Her face was well captured, and it captured her emotions very well. A scared, young woman, about to be queen. A perfect girl on the outside. A perfection standing on a foundation of fear and pain.

It's okay though. That perfect girl is gone.

Anna looked again. "Elsa we got to make more of these! We should pay that guy or something!"

Elsa chuckled, shaking her head. "That's what patronizing is Anna. I give him business, money and glowing reviews to help establish him."

Anna blushed, slightly embarrassed. Elsa laughed, nudging her sister. "And you said, 'how is skipping language lessons going to hurt me!"

Anna gave her sister a glare.

They had arrived at the castle, and the guards opened up the gates for their royalty. As they entered, they were greeted by a series of formations, separated by branch and units. All attention, they created a gauntlet for the Queen to walk through. Royal Guards, Gebirgsjager, Landwehr and Naval troops all stood, in kit and at position of parade rest. She would have to face her army.

She wasn't stupid. She had noticed Guardsmen helping Hans. In some capacity or another, all or some of her soldiers had decided she was unworthy. She couldn't tell if this was a welcome ceremony or a show of force. Only Anna's presence and support gave her the courage to enter the pathway lined with Soldiers. After what she had done, she felt fear and shame.

What she didn't know was that her shame and fear were equally matched. The men were glad that they stood at parade rest, with gazes fixed forward- for none could bear to look at their betrayed Queen in the eye.

Upon Queen Elsa's entrance into the courtyard, Captain Edvard decided it was time for the Queen to know where the armed forces stood, once and for all. Standing on the far side of the Gauntlet, he snapped to attention and gave commands.

"Battalion, on my command, Giv Act!"

Half a thousand hobnailed boots stamped in near unison as heel irons and boot soles slammed together.

"Skyldra GEVÄR!"

The formation saluted on cue, whether by hand or by rifle. Now they were prepared to receive the Queen. Their Queen. Quickly pacing, the Captain met the stunned Royal Party, still a little blown away at the entrance. Stopping and saluting, he greeted his Queen.


Queen Elsa was truly stunned. She had realized for the first time today that she hardly was the only one with shame and regret. She realized that the men standing before her, must be horribly ashamed of their actions during the Great Freeze. And they so horribly wanted to make up for it. For many it led to a pledge to never doubt the Queen again, no matter what.

Queen Elsa was quietly passed her scepter by a Guardsman, with her taking it with a quiet thank you. She calmly raised the scepter to her face, returning the salute of Captain Edvard. With the sheer number of soldiers expected to salute them, Monarchs and Marshals had been given scepters and Field Marshal Batons, respectively. Her scepter was not the same as the Regalia, but one that had been tailor-made for her.

While a work of art, it no longer fit her. So she made a statement. She pulsed her ice magic into it, as beautiful ice crystals formed on the surface. While it retained the green and purple of Arendelle, most of the gold and "hot" gems where transformed to icy silver and blue gemstones.

Dropping his salute after receiving Queen Elsa's, he turned to the men. Still at attention, he gave another command, or to be exact, a question.

"Battalion, where would we follow the Queen to?"


Perhaps being Queen wouldn't be so bad.

Major Skaeling had incapacitated his guards, and had returned to his office, locking the door behind him. He looked desperately through his paperwork, looking for evidence that incriminated him. He had already lost his job and earned a dishonorable discharge. But with no proof, he could still escape the hangman. Most of the Forsworn were dead, and their word against his was hardly inclusive. Like Hans, he had used dead drops to communicate with them, and most had never had an actual conversation with Skaeling that incriminated him.

But he kept correspondence in his office, that if found would ruin him. He tore open his safe, only to find a single note.

Major Skaeling,

Looking for your evidence? While cleaning your office I must have accidently "thrown it away." However, it may have missed the trash can and landed on Captain Edvard's desk.

As they say, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

-Sincerely, Helga.

To reinforce his doom, rifles and boots began to slam against his door. Guardsmen were outside, to recapture him. He looked out through a window slot, and insanely enough, Queen Elsa was there supervising them. Perfect.

I slaved under that stupid witch for too long. And her father too. Inbred royals unworthy of a mud hut, let alone a Kingdom. That's what I'll do. When the kick down the door, my sword goes through the first man to enter, then a knife into the whore's face.

He stood in the corner, up on a table, his hands resting on a rafter, so he could swing onto the first man in the door. Perfect. As they attempted to batter down the door, Skaeling began to think about his life. His whole life, he had done nothing but follow orders. No initiative, no backbone. His whole life, a mindless slave. He had always had his own plans, but it always seemed the only way to make them was to keep following orders.

To escape his overbearing parents, he had joined the army. To escape the army, he had become an officer, as officers made decisions, right? To escape the officer corps he had joined up with Hans. In fact, it wasn't even his own idea! Hans had approached him! He could see the little bastard now, sitting on his desk, smirking at him.

"You wanted me to kill the Snow Queen! You want me to kill her now, get your revenge for you, you little shit! Well, I'll show you, I'll show you all, Oscar Skaeling is his own man!"

As Dieter slammed his hobnailed boots against the door for the twentieth time, the longstanding patience of the Queen finally snapped. She gently pushed him aside, before shooting a ray of ice magic, freezing the lock on the door. "Now try it."

"Thank you, your highness!" He delivered another kick, sending the door flying open. Dieter recovered, bringing his rifle up as he entered the room, his hairs standing up. He knew a madman was locked inside.

He pushed into the room, clearing the left side first, the path of least resistance. He took a glance, before swinging to the right, setting his rifle down. It was clear. As he backed up, Major Skaeling surprised him. When he had entered, he had focused underneath things figuring he might hide beneath a table or a desk. So when he felt the nudge, he wildly swung around, looking up.

A little above eye level, a pair of highly shined boots gently swung side to side, along with the occupant of said boots. For the first time in his life, Major Oscar Skaeling was his own man, doing only what he wanted, not what anyone else wanted.

As Sgt. Raewald entered the room, Dieter could only quietly state the obvious. "Found him, Sergeant."

"I see. Get a burial party and priest. He needs to get cut down."

Queen Elsa sat in her office, filling out a variety of forms and paperwork. While the council had run on its own throughout the council, she now had to verify and decide if she would veto various decisions or not. A knock disturbed her.

"Anna I told you, as much as I want to catch up, I have work to do- "She looked up, to see Captain Edvard. "Oh, I'm sorry Captain. What do you need?"

"Your majesty, we feel that a number of cases have come up that we'd like you to judge on."

"I already made my decision on Weselton and Prince Hans."

"Not them, your Majesty. Others."

"I see. Send them in."

The door opened as seven walked in, including Captain Edvard. Four Guardsmen, an Older Landwehr soldier, a woman in short cropped hair, and a royal maid. They all bowed, as a murmur of proper greeting was all stated from each of them.

"Let's start with you, the one on the left. What's his charge?" She directed, her focus to one of the Guardsmen.

The charged man spoke, preempting the Captain. "Your majesty, myself and my three comrades turned ourselves in for the crime conspiring against the crown."

"I see. You are the four who volunteered, to carry out the execution. If I read the report correctly, you all have families in Arendelle."

"Yes, your highness."

"And I have a stack of sword statements stating from your comrades that you volunteered because you feared for your families. That the winter may cause them harm."

"Yes your highness."

"I see. As far as I can tell, you simply were following legal orders from a superior officer. I recommend no court martial, with administrative punishment to be issued out based on your commanding officer's discretion. Dismissed."

The four men, while still ashamed of their role in the crisis, sighed a collective breath of relief. They felt that a charge of treason was not far off, even if they had turned themselves in to their Captain. They Clicked their heels, bowing before making their way out of the room.

Next was Malkom, the would be assassin.

"Corporal Malkom Gunnarsen, of the 2nd Landwehr Regiment. You were found in my cell, with a loaded weapon, in a position to assassinate me. What say you?"

The older man bowed his head, clutching his cap while wringing it out of worry.

"Your majesty, I have no excuse for my actions that day. All I ask is that you don't make what I did public, and that my family knew nothing of my actions. They are completely innocent."

"I see. It says here you have a daughter that had come down with an illness, one that a continued winter would have possibly made fatal. A daughter named Aida."

"Yes, your grace."

"As far as I can tell, Corporal Gunnarsen was in a hysterical state due to his daughter's sickness, and had wandered into the dungeon instead of his proper place of duty. Unaware of his surroundings, he drew his revolver inadvertently threatening me. Captain, what's the penalty for disrespecting me?"

"Up to 30 days in prison and or a fine."

"I see. I thus find him guilty of abusing army equipment and disrespecting the Queen of Arendelle. I recommend he be reduced in rank to lance Corporal, and a month of incarceration in the dungeon. I do however, recommend the prisoner be permitted visitation rights. Dismissed."

Malkom bowed his head, as he clicked his heels, before two Guardsmen entered, taking him away. All things considered, she was being merciful.

"And you, miss?"

"Your majesty, my name is Eva Holstadt. About two years ago, I ran away from home and enlisted under false pretenses as Heinrich Stahl. I was dishonorably discharged and sentenced to a week in the pillory. I escaped from that punishment before I had fully served it."

"I wish I could, but I can't stop the discharge. But based on your service record, I hereby fully pardon you, and grant you an honorable discharge, restoring any commendations you have earned. And while I can't keep you in the army, as Queen, I can always hire you for duties you are suited for. At a later date, I will send for you to discuss this further. Dismissed."

Like the others, the woman quietly nodded, clicking her heels together the military way, before departing. The steward Kai met her, giving her an invitation to the castle for the next day.

Last but not least, Helga the maid.

"Helga, I believe you and I have met."

"Yes your majesty."

"It says here that you have confessed to stealing royal property, and unwilling or not, you knowingly spied for a foreign power. Is this true?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Why did you steal the silver?"

"My mother was sick, and I just didn't make enough to…"

"I see. Helga, you have proven susceptible to blackmail, which means you may do so again. As such, I order that you be transferred from the castle in Arendelle to the staff at the Castle in Grimstad. And you are to pay one-tenth of your salary every month until you have repaid me for the stolen silver. Talk to my stewart, he will arrange travel for you and your family to Grimstad. Dismissed.

Bowing her head, the maid quietly left. Finally alone, Captain Edvard approached the Queen.

"Queen Elsa, under my leadership, the seeds of eventual mutiny was formed. Whether or not I was around to command them, my men still nearly executed you and replaced you with a usurper. As such, if you wish for my resignation…"
"ENOUGH!" Queen Elsa slammed her fist on her desk, creating a patch of ice. "I WAS THE ONE THAT FROZE ARENDELLE! I RISKED ALL OF YOUR LIVES!" She took a deep breath, calming down and unclenching her fist. "I am so tired of people apologizing, and asking me to judge them, when what I did, intentional or not was far worse. You had no control over what Major Skaeling did, and even if you had tried, you would not have been able to stop him."

She slumped back in her chair, placing her hand on her forehead, her eyes closing from a headache. "I need you Captain. Changes must occur, but I need a loyal, competent Captain of the Guard, and you're the best I got. I will hear no further discussion on resignations. Am I clear?!"

"Yes, your majesty." With a clicking of his heels and a bow, he too was gone. Elsa looked at the clock. She had intended to put on a display in an hour and a half for the people of Arendelle, as she felt that displays of magic was what was needed to ensure trust. Anna and this Kristoff she had thought she was hiding from her where to be there, and it was to be a joyful celebration. She needed it.

Tomorrow she would face the council again, and from what she had been told, it would be more a trial than a staff meeting. She would need to defend herself and justify why she deserved to keep ruling, even if she herself didn't know exactly why. But she was done fearing and worrying.

For today at least, she would enjoy life. Only one more official ceremony, and then she would put on the show.

And then I'll show them what I can do!

"Battalion, Giv Act!"

Dieter and a few fellow servicemen stood in front of a mixed service formation. He had been told that they were to receive awards and/or promotions for their service during the Great Freeze. Earlier in the morning a service was held for Admiral Westergard and the 5 servicemen who died during the coup. Their embalmed remains still stood in the chapel for viewing. As was proper, the 6 had received wound badges in gold.

Dieter understood why most of them were getting awards, he just didn't get why he was getting an award. He just did his job the past three days.

Nordfjell, Tomas, Elklund and a number of Landwehr and Sailors stood, most with signs with Injury. The first part was fairly straight forward. The wounded men received their Wound Badges with a quick speech, followed by a quick round of applause. Then it came time for individual awards. As always, Dieter stood last. First was Tomas, who had also received a Wound Badge in gold.

"Attention to orders! During the Coup attempt, In spite of sustained wounds, Private Tomas was faced with two armed men attempting to murder an Officer of the Royal Guard. Despite recovering from an amputation, Private Tomas stood his ground and attacked the traitors. For demonstrating personal courage, commitment to duty, and sacrifice, Private Tomas is awarded the Silver Crocus, 2nd Class, and is promoted to Lance Corporal."

As the formation stood in silence, Captain Edvard pinned the Medal on the soldier's uniform. Based off the similar Prussian award, as while he was given a medal now, the proper military wear was to remove the full medal and sew a ribbon into the 2nd button hole on his tunic. A salute and handshake where exchanged between Guard Officer and Gebirgjager.

Next was Eklund. He had just survived his gunshot injury, thanks to his engagement ring. It didn't stop the bullet, but it did deflect the slug to a less vital area. Due to the less permanent nature of the wound, he had only received the Wound Badge in Iron.

"During the Coup attempt, Private Eklund was given an unlawful and immoral order to fire on his countrymen at gunpoint. Even with threatened with Death, Private Eklund stood fast. His willingness to sacrifice himself saved countless lives that day. For demonstrating Personal Courage, commitment to duty, and Sacrifice, Private Eklund is awarded the Silver Crocus, 2nd Class, and is promoted to Lance Corporal."

As before, Eklund saluted, received the medal, shook hands with the Captain, and saluted. Like Clockwork. It was now Nordfjell's turn. As it was a minor injury and Queen Elsa had not wanted Marshmallow's existence known quite yet, Nordfjell had received no Wound Badge for his broken leg. They did consider it in secret when debating his next award.

"During the Coup, Private Nordfjell stood side by side with Private Tomas against two armed traitors. Despite having little reason to be loyal to Arendelle as a Sami, or Private Tomas as a Guardsman, Nordfjell still did his duty and helped subdue the traitors. For demonstrating personal courage, loyalty, and commitment to duty, Private Nordfjell is awarded the Silver Crocus, 2nd Class and is promoted to Lance Corporal.

As Nordfjell received his decoration, Dieter pondered his own fate.

I didn't really do anything. I figure maybe a commendation or pay stipend for subduing the Major, but that's it. That's all I deserve, if even that.

With Nordfjells pinning, The Captain ordered a round of applause. A long standing courtesy, during Award Ceremonies, awards are issued in groups, followed by applauses and possible speeches. Given Queen Elsa's presence, there would be no individual speeches from the awardees. However, the round of applause meant that they had finished giving out Silver Crocuses, as he suspected.

It's for the best. I mean-

"Attention to orders! During the past three days, also his first three days, Private Eriksen has done nothing but perform above and beyond the call of duty. On the first night of the Great Freeze, Private Eriksen was faced with the possibility of a threat on the Queen's life. He promptly and swiftly performed his duty and made sound judgment, preventing possible injury to the Queen while avoiding a diplomatic incident. On the Second day he volunteered without hesitation to rescue the Queen, and demonstrated courage beyond the norm of a Guardsman in breaching the Castle. And on the third day he showed great personal courage in subduing the traitor, Major Skaeling, at the risk of treason. These acts done by any Guardsman would be exemplary, but to be performed by a new recruit is outstanding. As such, for demonstrating, Personal Courage, Leadership, Commitment to Duty, Loyalty and Initiative, you are awarded the Silver Crocus, 2nd AND 1st Class, with a Promotion to Corporal. In addition, you have been recommended to serve on the Queen's Personal Guard. Congratulations."

Dieter was stunned. How did they know all of those things? Even Dieter had barely paid attention to them- they had just seemed like the right thing to do. With an award as prestigious as the Silver Crocus 1st Class, Queen Elsa had elected to pin the award on the young soldier herself. As she approached Dieter in her ice dress, he cast his eyes down with shame. Queen Elsa noticed, and inquired as she pinned the medal on.

"Something troubles you, Guardsmen?"

Holding back tears, Dieter barely choked out a confession. "Your Majesty, I doubted…"

Elsa smiled, shaking her head. "Dieter, is it? I promise you- You have never doubted me more than I doubted myself. I only hope that I one day can be a Queen worthy of selfless men like you."

Dieter nodded, clicking his heels together and bowing.

A queen who toils to be worthy of her crown and people and crown… Arendelle is truly blessed.

The Captain followed behind, as Dieter saluted, and shook hands with the Guard Captain. A little bold, Dieter took a chance.

"Sir, who reported my actions?"

Captain Edvard smiled. "Ah, I figured he didn't say. He usually doesn't. It was Sergeant Raewald."

"Sergeant Raewald?"

"Yes. He always keeps an eye on the new soldiers, sending recommendations when he see's talent. Believe it or not, a long time ago, Sergeant Raewald recommended a young Private Edvard as well as another Private Eriksen for Corporal…" He smiled. "Congratulations, son."

Dieter sharply saluted, completing the pre-ordained ritual. Shortly after the ceremony concluded and Dieter was able to fall out, greeting his family.

His father glowed with pride when he saw his son approaching with the decorations, clasping him in a bear hug. "I missed you boy! You've definitely become a man!"

Though smiling, Dieter felt something needed to be said. "Papa? If you ever have important information that I brush off, beat me until I listen!"

"I wished to treat you like a man. A man makes his own choices, and deals with the consequences. I bet now you'll be wiser when it comes to taking advice from older Guardsmen, won't you?"

"Yes Papa."

"Dieter, gods I've missed you!" It was Dieter's mother, who unfortunately was unable to attend his taking of the Queen's Krone due to an emergency. Small and skinny due to her age and diet, she maintained a certain toughness due to years at the textile mill. Growing up they all feared the smoking and swearing woman. While age had mellowed her out a bit, she still had a mean streak.

"Oh, Nikolas will be so jealous when he sees your medals! He thought being a Grenadier Officer was going to get him glory, but look at you!"

Dieter laughed, before settling on a state of smiling, He had looked forward to seeing both his brothers and sister. All served as soldiers and nurses, and where away from home. He hoped to see them soon, but there was one sister he could see now.

"Dieter!" The 15 year old girl slammed into him from a running start, causing him to stagger, laughing.

"Edda!" He grabbed his sister, hugging her deeply. He had been given leave for the rest of the day before continuing duties tomorrow. It was hectic, but he would take what he could get. If he learned anything, it was that family was important. During the hustle, it wasn't so bad, but the long nights on the wall agonized the man who could do nothing but stare at an entombed Arendelle.

When Queen Elsa created the Ice Rink later that day, the young Guardsman was sure to take his sister skating. He took the time to reflect and contemplate the past three days. He questioned if blind obedience to Queen Elsa was a just response to treasonous thoughts, or if such thinking was worse. It perplexed him. At the end, all he could decide for now was that peace and quiet was a nice thing. He would happy if he spent the rest of his Guard Career sitting on a wall.

Fate had other plans.

Just as the Guard continues to stand guard, their story will continue.

Bit of notes.

It's finally done.


While I am kinda sad to see my first story end, I am very happy now that it's done. Faith and Duty, originally a stand-alone piece, quickly evolved in my head as a gateway for a number of fan fictions dealing with the Frozen universe from a military, historical and geopolitical viewpoint. Problem with that is Faith and Duty has to kinda be done before I can work on any of it.

Unfortunately, this does not mean an immediate bloom in storytelling. I have spent a massive amount of free time putting in the work to wrap of Faith and Duty: more stories equal more work. And as I have stated in the past, I work over 12 hours a day on guard, getting a day "off" every 3-4 days. Now that Faith and Duty is done, I will likely start work on the outlines of future stories, and keep working on Hans' Fate.

As for Han's fate, do not expect an explosion of content. Even though it's the only pot on the stove, it remains on slow. Hans' Fate is on for the long haul. You're looking at weekly updates- at best. Even if I wasn't on a schedule from hell, I never intended to crank out Hans' Fate real fast. That being said, I have a good idea how the next few chapter's roll, and Chapter 4 is 2/3's written, so hopefully I can update soon. Fingers crossed, guys.

As for new stories, I have several ideas lined up, but, I'd like to plan things out. Write Outlines, come up with a timeline of stories. Grand scheme stuff. When I start a story, I finish it. And that sometimes means taking a good hard look at an idea to see if it can support a whole story. If not, it doesn't air. Hopefully this mean when the next story comes out, the first few chapters are already finished. One can hope. As for a no bullshit assessment of when, well…

Expect mid-December. I have a one-shot planned for early November, but that's it. My schedule should have switched by then, and give me plenty of time to write. I have little time off as is, and between Lad's Army, Civilization: Beyond Earth, and the Frozen Arc of OUAT, in addition to sketching, talking with family on Facebook, eating and of course, sleeping, I do not have an abundance of free time.

However, please do not take this to mean I take the readers for granted. I thank you all with the upmost sincerity. If it wasn't for you guys, Faith and Duty would be a half written, uninspired fanfic delegated to the forgotten corner of FF. Nothing makes my day like coming back from ECP Guard and looking in my email and seeing a new Favorite, Follower or Review for my work. I promise to do what I can to keep the Faith and Duty series alive. You guys fuel my writing. Thank you.



PS: Before I go, I'd like to give a shout out to my vocal supporters. Couldn't have done it without you. Keep in mind, this is current supporters. I'm not going to go back and change the list if you decide to follow.


Onhiro- First reviewer, and my initial editor for the first few chapters while I found my feet. Also my older brother in real life. Gave me the ability to find my own feet. He writes good (But not Frozen) stuff. Check him out.

Shawn Raven- First "real" reviewer, and regular reviewer. Thanks for the support.

Grrlgeek72- For a writer of her caliber to compliment my writing is a tremendous confidence boost. If you like Faith and Duty in the slightest, I insist you check her work.

crossoverauthor12484- Thanks for the review. Only "triple threat" i.e. Fav/Rev/Fol.








Doesn't Matter42








I do check the profiles of everyone who Reviews/Follows/Favorites, and I try to check out their own work. I wish I had to time to read it all, but I do try when I can. Thank you all.