

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or the wonderful fangame RomaHeta. This is merely my novelization of it with MY interpretation of the ending. I will take some liberty with the translations and the plot.

Chapter One

In his house, Japan, also know by his human name, Kiku Honda, was in a room with video game consoles and a computer. ''There. It's finally finished!'' he said. He approached his computer. ''After dreaming and working on it, it's finally complete. The Go to the 2D World Device!'' He sat down at the computer, typing gleefully.

''Using this, I can go into RPGs, fight bosses...meet Miku and Haruhi... Heh heh, I bet everyone will be happy about this!'' he said. The other Nations wanted to go into video games too and were excited when Japan said he was going to make a device to do that.

''Now then, it's time for the test run!'' he said and pressed the button, ''Power on!'' The screen went blank for a moment before text started to appear.

Start Program...

Virtual Fields...ON

Character Graphics...ON

Dimensional Wall...OPEN


Transfer system has caused an error

Virtual Fields...

Character Graphics...

Transfer System...

Dimensional Wall...FULL OPEN

Light burst from the computer and Japan screamed. All around the world, Nations started getting sucked into the game...


In a field of computerized grass stood Japan, who looked around. ''Well, it worked. But I could have used graphic tools to make it better... I was too lazy.'' he said, ashamed. ''And then the story is too chaotic... The item and skill names are from other famous video games too... Incidentally, the main character is America... Let's get to work.'' he added.


America and England woke up in a room with a wooden table, some shelves and curiously enough, swords on a rack and a suit of armor. A red carpet with golden edges covered the floor. ''Hi Arthur! Our bodies are flat, what is this?'' America asked.

''Weren't you listening just now? We are in a game made by a beginner,'' England replied.

''What!?'' America looked at his spritey self. ''But why aren't I in full proportion? And where is the beautiful CG!?'' he demanded.

He just realized that!? ''Listen for once! We are in a game made by a beginner!'' England snapped.

''Oh. Oh man, I'm the Hero in this world and I have to look like this?'' America whined. England looked at him from head to toe.

''It's good, right? After all, you can cheat us about your metabolic state...'' England said with a smirk, looking at America's belly.

America flushed. No one made fun of him! ''Yeah, well... At least my eyebrows aren't huge!'' he retorted.

England frowned. ''Shut it, you git! This is my genetic-'' he started but was interrupted by America.

''Anyway, Arthur. Umm...do you know what we're supposed to do in this game?'' America asked.

England blinked. ''That... That is a good question, actually,'' he replied. What were they supposed to do? Was this like a normal RPG?

A sudden flash of light caused them to look away for a moment. ''Well, it seems that I have forgotten to explain what you are supposed to do here. I apologize,'' a familiar voice said.

''Kiku!'' England and America called as the light faded, revealing Japan. ''Wow, since when can you do that?'' America asked.

''Since I am the Game Master, this is nothing for me.'' Japan shrugged. ''That aside, allow me to explain the purpose of the game. Along with Wang-san, Francis-san, Alarise-san and Ivan-san, you're the Allies. Like back in World War II, you'll be fighting us, the Axis. The leader of the Axis is Ludwig-san. Think of this as a territorial dispute,'' he explained.

''I see,'' England said. America nodded, excitement in his sky blue eyes.

Japan explained the rules of the game, the currency, their Classes and the importance of saving their progress.

''This sounds great!'' America exclaimed.

Japan smiled. England thought there was something odd and rather eerie about that smile. It's probably just my imagination...

''By the way, you can't return to the 3D world until you beat the game,'' Japan said.

''WHAT!?'' England and America yelled. ''You've got to be joking!'' England added.

''I'm an enemy here, Arthur-san. So I can not say anything else,'' Japan replied.

''Why did you create a game like this? And more importantly, why did you venture alone into enemy territory?'' England asked.

''It is a common affair in the 2D world. That's all I am going to say. Good luck!'' Japan said and vanished.

''Oh my...'' England said.

''Sooo we just have to beat the Axis? I would be fine if I'm the Hero!'' America said.

England facepalmed. ''So what will we do now?'' he asked.

''We should go after Italy first! He's probably super weak!'' America said.

''Well, we're only level 3 right now,'' England pointed out.

''Right. But Italy must be level 1!'' America exclaimed.

England nodded. They walked out of the room. China was selling items like Potions. They went upstairs to look for any money. The upstairs room was a bedroom with four beds. There was also a table, some bookshelves and a piano. In a chest they found 5000G.

They also took 300G from China's secret savings...shh. They bought some Potions and Ethers. Russia was selling weapons and armor. They bought some armor, already having their own weapons equipped.

France was standing by the stairs. ''My role is the Inn! Do you want to stay?'' he asked with a grin. They both shook their heads. France pouted. ''I won't bite youu...'' he said.

Palori, who was standing nearby, shot France an annoyed look. He pouted even further at her glare. ''Stop being a pervert,'' she snapped.

America and England explained the plan to everyone, who thought it was a good idea. Russia waved at them sadly.

''Hey, Ivan. Aren't you coming?'' America asked.

''In this game, only four people can be in a party, so I can't join. Neither can Alarise,'' Russia said.

''What, are you the last Boss or something?'' America said with a laugh.

''I don't know,'' Russia said.

''I doubt it. After we defeat the Axis, we will be going home,'' England said.

''True. I wish Alarise was going with us because she's good in a fight, aru,'' China said.

''I know! We can cheat the system! Alarise can be her own party! If she needs healing, we can use some of our Potions,'' America said.

''...That's actually a good idea,'' England commented.

''Hah! Because I'm the Hero! Anyway, we'll be back!'' America said. He took out his sword and the others took out their weapons as well. ''Let's go!''


They fought with Monster!Tonys and snakes in the overworld, which was a field with some dirt roads. England used a bow, France used a sword, China used an axe and Palori used sword too.

''This is fun!'' America said.

''I suppose it is. Hey, France! Hurry up and Heal us!'' England replied.

''All right,'' France said and casted Heal on the party. Then he tossed a Healing Potion and an Ether to Palori.

After fighting several monsters, they arrived at Italy's house in the game. It was a nice Italian style mansion with pretty Roman columns and fountains in the yard. They approached the front gates, which were open.

''Let's go,'' America said, grinning. Everyone nodded, just as eager.

A/N: So... Here's the first chapter! Yes, this does have my Country OC in it. I WILL be making another RomaHeta novelization with out her, so if you don't like it, read the other one, which will be done either after this one or during it... I don't know yet. See you next chapter.