

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or the wonderful fangame RomaHeta. This is merely my novelization of it with MY interpretation of the ending. I will take some liberty with the translations and the plot.

Chapter Sixteen

In the cabin, the others were waiting for Belarus and Liechtenstein to return.

''It seems that they have successfully removed the root of the problem that was afflicting Ivan-san,'' Japan's voice said.

''Really!?'' France exclaimed.

''That's good,'' Palori said. She was standing by Spain, watching over Romano with him.

''So, when is Erika coming back?'' Switzerland asked.

''I have already told Eduard-san how to transfer them, so I think they will come back very soon,'' Japan replied.

Two magic circles appeared. Belarus and Liechtenstein stepped out.

''Erika!'' Switzerland exclaimed, relieved.

''Vash... I'm back,'' Liechtenstein said.

''Oh! Welcome back, Natalya. And Ivan, too?'' France greeted.

Belarus went to Russia's bedside. ''Ivan... Isn't he going to wake up!?'' she asked.

''His program is fully stabilized. Now we'll just have to wait for his mind to recover,'' Estonia's voice said.

''Natalya! We lost contact halfway due to some terrible noise... What happened?'' Lithuania's voice asked.

Belarus and Liechtenstein exchanged glances. Both were reluctant to describe the fight in Russia's subconscious.

''An imposter created by the Error's infection is what was imprisoning Ivan-san. ...The Error strikes openings in the heart. Don't be surprised. And don't blame yourself... What you eliminated wasn't real,'' Japan said gently.

''...I know.'' Belarus said. She smiled faintly.

''Kiku, how are Feliciano and his brother doing?'' Germany asked.

''Well... This is turning out to be more difficult than I expected... A new possibility has arisen; that whatever it was that granted them power is not in the 2D world. I can't tell for sure, though... There are too many parts of that world's program that can't be analyzed,'' Japan said.

''Can't we just go into Romano's mind and take care of it directly, too?'' Spain asked.

''It's not that you can't, but... If the root problem isn't actually in that world, even if you dive into his subconscious, you won't necessarily be able to find it. His program would only become unstable,'' Japan explained.

''Not in this world, you say? You mean the Error has someone from the real world helping him?'' England asked.

''...I don't think that's it, either. As long as it is in the real world, aside from passing the system and interfering as a program, it can't actually be in that world,'' Japan replied.

''In other words, there is something else besides the Error, with abilities similar to the Error's, scheming against us. Is that what you're saying?'' Switzerland questioned.

''Yes, I'm afraid so. There was also another thing about the Error that worried me when I was watching him and that I thought I should tell you about, just in case,'' Japan said.

''Okay, what is it?'' America asked.

''It looks like the Error is staying at one place. I can't tell the specific location, though,'' Japan said.

''You can't tell where exactly he is?'' America questioned.

''If he comes forth using energy, I can find out his exact location from the energy shift. It's very difficult to find the exact location of the Error alone, in a place where there's nothing else...especially with the Error's interference,'' Japan explained.

''I see...'' England said.

''That means he could even be hiding nearby, right?'' Austria asked, shocked.

''We should prepare for an attack in case it comes,'' Palori suggested.

''Yes, but so far the protective walls around the cabin haven't been broken down, so I don't think you will be attacked. The problem is-'' Japan started.

''There's more?'' Germany asked.

''...Even though I can't tell his exact location, I can still observe him from here. But...on a few occasions, the Error disappears,'' Japan said.

''He disappears?'' America asked, worried.

''You mean you can't see him?'' China asked.

''No, even if he were invisible, his program would not disappear. At first, I thought it could be a glitch caused by teleportation. But now, even though he is not moving at all, he vanishes,'' Japan replied.

''...Kiku, you said there was something outside the game that had been controlling Feliciano and his brother, right?'' Germany asked.

''Yes, though I am not a hundred percent sure. I still don't know how it's related to the Error's vanishing...but I'd like to investigate based on that assumption,'' Japan answered.

''Either way, there's very little we can do here...'' China said reasonably.

''I'll start working on the network of the houses for those who are not yet connected! Honda, call me if you need anything!'' Estonia said.

''All right, thank you. Your presence is really reassuring to me,'' Japan said gratefully.

''We're also leaving for a while. Alfred...please take care of Ivan,'' Lithuania said.

''Okay! You can count on me!'' America exclaimed.

''Though he's kind of scary when he's awake...'' France pointed out.

''You, too, Natalya. Be careful!'' Latvia said timidly.

''Hmph,'' Belarus said. Of course she would be careful. Even more so now, considering the Error might be up to something.


China cooked dinner for everyone. After they had eaten dinner, they went back to their spots. China asked what had happened to Mika. Japan had told him that his Vocaloid rip-off was fine.

Germany was still by Italy's bed. ''It pains me that I don't know what's going on,'' he admitted.

''By the way, Kiku, is my awesome transformation power done yet?'' Prussia asked, hoping to lighten the mood.

''Ah, yes. Elizabeta-san made it for you.'' Japan replied.

''All right! You rock, Elizabeta!'' Prussia shouted.

''Now, allow me-'' Japan said. There was the sound of him typing.

Prussia was engulfed in light. When it cleared, he was wearing nothing but a bear mask and a waiter ''outfit'' similar to England's. Switzerland immediately stepped in front of Liechtenstein, shielding her from it.

''Bwahaha! What the heck!? What the heck is that!? What an awesome destructive power!'' Spain said, bursting out laughing.

''HAHAHA! That awful outfit! It's just hilarious!'' America added. England stared in shock.

''Well, I won't be left out of this!'' France said.

''Me, neither!'' Spain exclaimed.

''Kikuuuuuu! What the hell is this!?'' Prussia demanded.

''Oh, don't ask me.'' Japan said, shocked. ''By the way, Roderich, I have one for you, too.'' he added.

''N-no, I'm-'' Austria started. He wanted no part of this.

But light flashed and he was in his white and blue War of the Austrian Succession uniform. ''Oh, so it was this outfit?'' he said, relieved.

''Hey! What the hell!? It's totally different than mine! Damn you, Elizabeta! Do you have some kind of grudge against me!?'' Prussia exclaimed.

''Oh? Do you really have no idea?'' Austria asked his brother.

''No, I don't, dammit!'' Prussia said.

Germany sighed and stepped forward. ''Kiku, please turn him back to normal,'' he said.

''Aww, but he's fine that way,'' France said. He had changed into his inappropriate rose skirt and cat ears transformation.

''Yeah!'' Spain agreed. He had changed into a ridiculous tomato suit.

''Idiots! I can't believe you got dressed like that of your own free will!'' Switzerland exclaimed in shock.

''Antonio, did you really do that to yourself...?'' China asked, also shocked at Spain's behavior.

''Put some decent clothes on!'' Palori ordered.

''Hey, hey, what are you doing, leaving the hero out!? Come on, Kiku! make me a heroic costume, too! By the way, I won't accept objections!'' America exclaimed.

''How about a Red Ranger?'' Japan asked.

''Hey, Kiku! Why are you going along with this!?'' England shouted.

''Could you also make a beautiful outfit for my brother, please?'' Liechtenstein asked.

''Wait, Erika! You can't trust him!'' Switzerland protested.

''Okay! I'll make transformations for everyone! I did make one for Vash-san already sooo...'' Japan said, now in Otaku mode.

Light surrounded Switzerland. When it cleared, he was in a light blue dress with a white apron and knee length stockings with black Mary Jane shoes. A black bow was in his hair.

Switzerland's face reddened in shock, embarrassment and fury. ''My, what a lovely dress...'' Liechtenstein said. She, at least, was pleased.

''HONDAAAA!'' Switzerland screamed. He fired his gun in a rage. ''I swear, when I get my hands on you...'' he added.

''Don't mind me. I'll just rip those off,'' China stated.

''HAHAHA! If you rip off my mouse, you won't get any more!'' America said.

''A pristine white tuxedo for my brother...'' Belarus said. If everyone was going to get a transformation, then her brother needed one too!

''Stop creating faits accomplis!'' France said.

''Well, then, how about matching uniforms for all of you?'' Japan asked.

''Hell no! Really, WHY are you going along with this!?'' England yelled.

''In a state of emergency such as this, we all need to join forces, so- Everyone! Take cover!'' Japan exclaimed.

Everyone gasped when the cabin shook violently. An earthquake of some kind! Germany grabbed Italy's arm to prevent him from falling out of bed. Palori did the same to Romano. Several Nations fell to the floor. After only a few minutes, the shaking stopped.

''Wh-what's this!?'' England yelped.

''Is it the Error?'' America asked.

''Everyone, be careful! The data outside the cabin is changing drastically!'' Japan warned.

''What does that mean!?'' Germany demanded.

''Maybe it's being sent to a different place from where it is now... Can someone please take the Teleshifter outside?'' Japan explained.

''Okay! I'll do it!'' America said.

''First, those who are wearing costumes, get changed! Everyone else, just wait for them to finish!'' Palori commanded sternly.

''Aww... She's in drill sergeant mode.'' France said. When Palori got like that, she was just like Germany... Maybe worse...

''Move, now!'' Palori barked.

''Y-yes, ma'am!'' everyone wearing a costume said. They quickly went to go change. Germany let out a relieved sigh and shot Palori a grateful look.


After everyone was back in their uniforms, America took the Teleshifter and went outside. Both he and Japan gasped. ''This is-'' he said, shocked.

Almost everything around the cabin was still white but it wasn't snow and everything was definitely different.

The cabin was now on a large rock platform with stairs that led to a white platform that circled the rocky one, floating in a pale purple space. There were two bridges, to the left and right, which connected to other areas.

Suddenly, a white magic circle appeared. Someone stepped out of it. Someone who looked like Japan in his normal white uniform. ''...Phew. That was a little tiring,'' he said with a sigh.

''Error!'' America exclaimed.

''Hello, Alfred. You look quite well,'' Error greeted.

''The Energy Sources were destroyed! How could you do something like this!?'' America demanded.

''Energy Sources? Oh, those? Unfortunately for you, they were not my Energy Sources. They are devices to share with Ivan the power I obtain,'' Error replied.

''You said, 'with Ivan-san,' right? Then it's true that you are not the one who granted power to Feliciano-kun and Romano-kun, isn't it?'' Japan asked.

''Well, yes,'' Error answered.

''Who was controlling them?'' America questioned.

''It is not that they were being controlled. They just ended up aligning,'' Error replied.

''Aligning?'' America asked, confused.

''...Oh, I am sorry. I have things I need to attend to as soon as possible, so if you will excuse me... I'll leave the rest to you,'' Error said, looking past America at something else. The Error vanished.

'''Leave the rest to you' ...What was he talking about?'' America asked.

''Alfred-san, a large group of monsters has appeared to the north!'' Japan said with a gasp.

America ran to the north end of the rock platform. Indeed, there was a group of fierce looking monsters. ''There are monsters in the east and in the west, too! You're surrounded!'' Japan warned grimly.

''Shit! So that's what he meant!'' America said.

''And one more thing, there is an unfamiliar presence... Be careful!'' Japan said.

A figure appeared between two of the monster in the back row. A figure holding onto a bear. Someone who looked quite familiar to America... ''It's Matthew!?'' he exclaimed in shock.

''M-Matthew-san!? It can't be... I didn't notice him at all until now! When did he-'' Japan exclaimed.

''What? But I've been here for quite a while...'' Canada said.

Canada glared at America. ''I've been here from the very beginning! I might not have been in your base, but I was around!'' he said through gritted teeth.

There was a sort pause. ''Well, never mind. Alfred! It's time for me to punish you!'' Canada declared.

''NO! What do you think you're doing!? Come here right now!'' America said to his brother. What was his brother doing with the enemy?

''No! I'll defeat you and be recognized by everyone!'' Canada said.

''Oh, God, this isn't the time for this...'' America said.

''But I don't like fighting dirty, so I'll give you three days. If you guys surrender to me within those three days, I won't do anything to you. What do you say?'' Canada offered.

''No way! I'm coming there right now and-'' America started.

''Wait, Alfred-san!'' Japan said.

''Why?'' America demanded.

''The monster around Matthew-san... Their power doesn't compare to that of the monster we have fought so far! You are no match for them!'' Japan replied.

''What about Matthew!? If we don't hurry up and fix the infection, won't he be in trouble?'' America asked.

''From what I've seen, he hasn't been infected for long enough. He hasn't been infected deeply enough to fall into a coma like Ivan-san. Let's accept his offer and work over a strategy during those three days,'' Japan said.

''...Tsk!'' America said.


Error was standing in the place with nothing. ''With this, we have taken another step forwards. ...It won't be long now. We're almost there...'' he mused.


Everyone except for Belarus was gathered near the table, trying to come up with a plan.

''...We have a problem... Your connection with the real world is growing weak,'' Japan said grimly.

''Does this have anything to do with the cabin moving to another area?'' Palori asked anxiously.

''What!? Are you serious, Kiku!?'' America exclaimed.

''What the Error did to the cabin isn't just teleportation from one world to another. Rather, you're being pulled deeper into the game,'' Japan said.

''That is a problem.'' Germany stated.

''...We can no longer leave this world?'' America asked, horrified.

''There's still the slightest connection, but... If the Error uses the same power again, I don't know what will happen next...'' Japan explained.

''I see...'' France commented.

''We have to make sure the Error does not use it again, then,'' Austria said.

''Right. Now, what do we do about the monsters outside? We still have not planned a strategy...'' Palori pointed out.

''We'll help Feliciano-kun and Romano-kun later. For now, let's try to think of a way to deal with the matter at hand,'' Japan said.

''Okay.'' America said.

''Hey, since Alarise is a brilliant military strategist, let's have her make the plan,'' Prussia suggested. He eagerly grabbed Palori and steered her to the head of the table, shoving America away. America didn't complain.

''Yeah! Thanks to their good planning, her country hasn't lost a war yet!'' France said.

They resumed their planning. Palori sat down at the table, deep in thought.


Canada was waiting outside with his monsters. ''The three days are almost up... I wonder what Alfred is going to do?'' he said aloud.

A/N: Hey! Lots of dialogue in this chapter... But it was needed. When I was watching the video, the cosplay part made me laugh. And freak out, when I saw Prussia and France in their ''outfits''. Haha. And now Canada makes an appearance! But he's infected and on the Error's side... See you next chapter.