Chapter 24: Special Ending-The New Addition!

(Opening A/N: Well guys, it's time for the final chapter! As one life has come to an end, another is about to begin. Now it's time to bring in Rock and Eda's Child!)

[81/2 months later, 7:45 a.m. Boston General Hospital Boston, Mass.]

Eda was going into labor and Rock was holding her hand, she had major pain when she started to give birth. When the doctor told her to push, she pushed with all of her strength.

"Oh God, this hurts!" Eda shouted as she kept pushing, Rock was holding her hand still to make sure that Eda and the baby were going to make it.

Meanwhile, Revy and I were waiting in the waiting room hoping to hear the news about Rock and Eda's baby and what is it going to be a boy or a girl. And right now, my prayers and thoughts are going out not only to Stephanie, but to Rock and Eda along with the infant about to be brought into the world.

"You know, in a way...I'm kinda happy for both Rock and Eda, they're going to be having a kid. But I wish I could be the one who gives Rock his first kid, but Eda beat me to the punch line." Revy said, I kinda felt her pain.

I really wanted to have a kid myself before I kicked the bucket, but now's not the time! One day down the road, I'll have my own kid with the one who can bring it into this world like Eda is doing right now.

"I feel your pain Revy, maybe one day, you'll meet that special someone who can share that life with you." I replied, Revy just shot me a weird look like what the fuck did I just say?

Just then Rock came out with the good news, Eda has given birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl. Her name is Emily Okajima, and she weighs 9 pounds and 7 ounces. We followed Rock to the maternity ward to show us what see looks like, and when we saw her for the first time, she looks exactly like Eda but she has Rock's eyes. I then embraced Rock in a hug of congratulations, he has offically started a family before the rest of us. But that was just the start, Rock has also decided to become an American instead of staying as a Japanese businessman.

[3 weeks later]

Rock recieved some good news, he is now a citizen of the United States of America. Since Rock is now a legal American he wanted to start a new line of work, running an American based Crime Syndicate. This was going to be a lot of fun with a newly made American and a new crime syndicate, so he decided to name it, "Hotel Boston." Now it was time for me to disappear into the darkness until I am needed again.

The Otaku Will Return!

(A/N: Well guys, I hope you have enjoyed this story, this is my early birthday present from me to you. Even though my birthday is on Monday, I wanted to finish this story before it came! It would really be appreciated but you don't have to if you don't want to...wish a happy birthday to me in your review, and be sure to keep an eye out for "Otaku Unhinged 2: Raging Return" coming soon to ! Until the next story, this is BloodyDemon666 wishing all of you, the best of luck and see you in the sequel!)