A/N: Gohan won! World is back to normal. Hercule's alive again and there are no hard feelings... at least not between Hercule and Gohan. Chi-chi's a bit miffed but who can blame her, she raised her son practically by herself and gets a fist through her chest as a thank you. Believe me, she won't be happy, at first. But Gohan is still worried about what Mira said.

Let's watch.

Chapter 11: The Wedding

Gohan walked through the garden with Videl on his arm and saw everyone turn to face him and cheer. He even felt a hand on his back as he looked beside him to see Hercule smiling. "From what I was told, you had no control over yourself when you killed me, and that you ended up saving the day anyway. So we're square kid." Hercule said with a smile as Gohan smiled back. "Well then I'd like to formally talk to you about me marrying your daughter, but that'll have to wait." Gohan whispered as Hercule glared before a frying pan hit the back of Gohan's head as hard as possible.

"I DON'T CARE IF YOU COULDN'T CONTROL YOURSELF YOU NEVER HURT YOUR OWN MOTHER LIKE THAT! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT HURT TO FEEL YOU RIPPING ME APART LIKE THAT. I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THAT! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!" Chi-chi screamed as Gohan cowered beneath his towering mother. He peaked his head out, "Dad has my excuse." Gohan said trying to distract his mother, only making her angrier, "HOW COULD YOU BRING UP YOUR FATHER! DON'T I HAVE ENOUGH GRIEF WITHOUT BEING REMINDED OF YOUR WONDERFUL FATHER!?" Chi chi said as she was about to swing the frying pan only for it to be taken from her hands.

"Aw man, I thought it had food on it still." Goku said after licking it, "It only tastes like Gohan's hair." he said as Chi-chi turned to see the love of her life behind her before fainting. "Thanks Dad!" Gohan said happily as he stood up and walked over to Mirai Trunks. "Hey buddy, is everyone alright?" Gohan asked as Trunks nodded, "Everyone will be just fine. I hope you will be too." Trunks said as Gohan shook his head. "I will be, but something Mira said, bothers me. He said my family had been saving Earth for Millennia, but we've only been on Earth for less than 50 years." Gohan said annoyed.

"It'll be fine, whatever he was talking about is irrelevant, he's dead and gone." Trunks said as Gohan nodded but pushing it back to his mind as he saw Vegeta step into the shadows, and never has Gohan seen such a worried look on the Prince's face.

Gohan ignored it for now, smiled and noticed that Lime was clinging to Trunks like glue. "So when did you two become a thing?" Gohan asked as Trunks smiled, "More like why did it take so long? When you threw Goten at her, she was knocked unconscious and when I woke up and found her, I was ready to attack you head on. But I didn't see the point with you being the last chance at saving us all. I didnt leave her side till she woke up. The rest is too dirty to tell you the truth." Trunks said with a blush as Gohan gagged.

"Not in front of everyone, you didn't!" Gohan asked with curiosity as Trunks glared at him, "NO, that closet over there." Trunks stated as Gohan just gagged again, "ON THE PESTICIDES!?" Gohan exclaimed as he walked away not wanting to hear anymore. He walked over to Goten and smiled, "Hey buddy, you ready to meet dad?" Gohan said with a smile as he put the mini Goku on his shoulders and walked over to Goku and smiled, "Hey dad, your doppelganger wanted to meet you and I think it's seven years too late." Gohan said as Goten peaked his head out behind Gohan.

"Hey buddy, I saw you try and fight your big brother when he wasn't himself. That was brave of you." Goku said as he picked Goten off Gohan's shoulders and put him on his shoulders, "I've also noticed you inherited my appetite." Goku said with a smile as both of their stomachs growled at the same time and the two laughed.

Gohan looked around one last time and saw everyone smiling and happy. Chi-chi was up and serving her youngest child and her man-child some food while Goku told stories about Otherworld as Vegeta sat against the wall with a smirk as he ran his hand through Bulma's hair, happy to see her alive. Bulma just laid back in the Prince's lap, happy that he's actually showing a public display of affection. Trunks and Krillin's daughter Marron ran around the yard, laughing and playing as Piccolo meditated in the garden.

Gohan was content and decided to lay back and stare up at the sky and closed his eyes. He was almost asleep when he felt a weight drop down on him. "You can't fall asleep, this is your party." Videl said as she laid down on top of him and pressed her head onto his chest. "I know it's my party, and the best way to celebrate honestly, is to just lay back and enjoy life." Gohan said as he put his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "There's only one way I could enjoy life better too." Gohan said as Videl looked up at him.

"Yeah? How's that." Videl asked as Gohan sat up and looked at her with a smile, "I dont want to wait any longer, let's get married next week. I don't care if you have a dress, or if i'm wearing a tux, I just want to be married to you and get started on our life together." Gohan said as Videl smiled and smirked, "Nah, I want to look like a Princess for once. It's the only time I'll want to so you think you can wait until I get the perfect dress?" Videl said as Gohan laid back and groaned.

"I guess, but you're not going to take forever in finding it are you?" Gohan asked as Videl shrugged, "I was planning on it, but i guess I can speed it up a bit for you." Videl said with a smile as she laid her head back on his chest. Hercule ducked out of ear shot and got on his cellphone. "Yeah, you know that thing I told you we'd never need to see again. I need you to bring it to Capsule Corp as fast as you can." Hercule said as he hung up and watched his daughter interact with the World's true saviour.

A half hour passed when an abnormally high for a human power level arrived outside of Capsule Corp. "It's not possible! How did that idiot survive this long without anyone noticing?" Vegeta said as a large Bald man entered the garden and found Hercule. "Here you go boss." the man said as he handed what looked like a dry cleaning bag to Hercule. "Thanks Nappa, feel free to mingle." Hercule said as he walked the bag over to Gohan and Videl.

"Sweet pea, I put this in storage 13 years ago after your mother passed in that East City explosion. I didn't ever want to see it because of the pain the memory caused, but I think it's time to make it right." Hercule said as he opened the bag and pulled out a Wedding dress that looked like it would fit Videl perfectly. "Your mother wore this on the greatest day of my life. Now I want you to wear it on the greatest day of Gohan's life." He finished as Videl looked at it with tears in her eyes, "Thank you daddy, it's beautiful!" Videl almost sobbed out and tried to grab the dress.

"Videl, I will hold on to this so you don't get any tears on it!" Chi-chi said with a smile as Videl nodded, "Fair enough." Videl responded as Gohan embraced her trying to get her to stop. Hercule held his hand out, "Take care of my daughter. She means the world to me." Hercule said as Gohan shook the man's hand.

-Two Weeks Later-

Gohan tied his bowtie as best as he could, meaning that he tied his own hand to his neck somehow, when Chi-chi walked in, "Oh, when it comes to anything other than fighting you Saiyans are useless." Chi-chi said as she tied her son's bowtie correctly. "You nervous Gohan? It's normal to have cold feet." Chi chi asked as Gohan inspected himself in the mirror. "I kind of had an idea for a location, but Hercule insisted here. But I guess it doesn't matter in the end, I just can't wait to start my life with her." Gohan said with a smile as Chi-chi began tearing up, "I can't believe my baby is getting married!" Chi-chi began bawling as Goku walked into the room.

"Alright Chi-chi, let's get you out of here before you latch on and he can't move." Goku said as Gohan smiled as he grabbed Chi-chi and nudged her out the door. "HE CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS WITH HIS PINKY FINGER, WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME LATCHING ONTO HIM! YOU BETTER GET TO WORK ON GRANDBABIES AS SOON AS YOU LEAVE THE WEDDING!" Chi-chi screamed as Goku nudged her out and closed the door as both of them let out a sigh.

"Thanks Dad, not only for getting mom out, but for the tux again." Gohan said as he put the overcoat on, "No problem son. Thanks for not making me do anything else in the planning process." Goku said as the two smiled, "Dad, after what mom has said for the past 18 years of my life, the only thing I can take your advice on is fighting and eating." Gohan chuckled as Goku looked down a little ashamed but ended up laughing anyway.

Gohan turned around after finishing dressing up and turned around with a determined look, "It's time, go ahead and take your seat. I'm sure Mom will have some snacks with her for you." Gohan said as Goku nodded and walked out with Gohan behind him. The two walked through the large house as they reached the rather large entrance area. Gohan walked to his position at the top of the first set of steps and turned towards the entrance and smiled.

After a few minutes the wedding march began playing as Hercule stepped into the room with Videl holding his arm. Gohan stood speechless, as Videl walked up slowly. When she got across from Gohan he stood speechless as he turned towards Hercule. "Thank you for allowing us to have the wedding in your vacation house." Gohan said as he bowed to Hercule as Hercule smiled, "Nonsense boy, glad to have a wedding here again." Hercule said as Gohan and Videl smiled.

The wedding went off without a hitch as Gohan stared at Videl's unimaginable beauty. Goten and Kid Trunks almost ruined the whole thing by eating the cake during the ceremony, but Goku caught them before they could touch it, but then had to be stopped by Vegeta to keep him from eating it. The reception was awkward with the Saiyan's lack of dance skills and lack of shame, but everyone got a good laugh as they watched everyone but Vegeta make a fool of themselves. Gohan and Videl did one last slow dance under a spotlight before they left for their honeymoon.

During the slow dance Gohan looked down at his beautiful new wife and smiled softly. "The wait was definitely worth it, seeing you in that dress, you truly look like a Princess." Gohan said as Videl blushed happily and put her head against his chest. "Thank you Gohan, I'd say you look like a prince but I kind of overshadow you in looks." Videl said with a smirk as Gohan smiled, "And I completely agree." he said as the two ended the dance and walked out of the house and got into the limousine to take them to their honeymoon.

Whoo that's the end of the Story. Thank you for all the support and I love you all. Especially the hot chicks. If you want good laugh go watch some NinjaSexParty Music videos or a Starbomb Music Video, not only are they funny parodies, theyre also funny videos.