Chapter 1: Eggtart, gateway to heaven

It was a nice boring day. the sun shining its brilliant rays on the ground. making the ground boiling hot. and making the Sanzo-ikkou's tempers rise too, apparently to the boiling point. it was the usual, completely expected behaviour you would well, expect to see. Nothing unusual, just two people arguing in the backseat of a green jeep, one patiently driving with a constant smile on his face, and another. who well, would get up from his seat at various intervals to beat the crap out of those two quarreling in the backseat.

Suddenly, the quarreling ceased. Completely stopped. Finished. Over. Peace reigned for a mere seconds.

"I smell food, I know I do!"

It was too good to be true, the silence was shattered.

Sanzo put his hand on his forehead and mentally gave himself a slap. They were in the middle of the desert for God sake; even the most experienced food-seeker-by-smelling-out-food-with-an-infallible-nose would not be able to smell anything. He smiled, and looked at Goku, a.k.a. the above said food-seeker, with a challenge in his violet eyes.

"Pray tell, my dear boy. Where do YOU think the smell is coming from? Show us, and maybe I'd acknowledge the fact that your nose is the greatest in the universe." Sanzo said smugly, knowing that it was virtually impossible for ANYONE to find food in the desert.

"You issued the challenge, I'd accept it."

"Hakkai, follow my directions." The driver complied, though he was full of doubt at the young youkai's ability to find food in the desert.

"Turn right."

"Turn left."

"Turn right."

"Stop! Why don't you just say go in a straight line?" Goku's backseat companion, Gojyo, complained. His head was pounding and he was sure he was suffering from heatstroke. It was times like this that he understood Sanzo's eagerness to whack Goku with his unofficial fan of punishment.

"Shut up, you idiot. My nose needs to follow the direction of the smell, I could have sworn it was stronger in the right direction, but it changed to the left and then to the right again!" Goku growled back, putting his nose in the air to better sniff out the food. "Turn right."

Hakkai tossed a quizzical look at Goku, wanting him to be sure that it was indeed in the right direction.

"I'm positive, Hakkai, please drive."

With that, Hakkai turned the jeep in the right direction.

"Drive faster, the smell's getting stronger."

Hakkai stepped on the accelerator, the jeep surged forward. Sanzo and Gojyo were almost thrown off the jeep.

"Stop!" Goku cried. The jeep stopped inches away from something. It was round, with a crust of golden brown, and inside it was a pale yellow substance. It was nothing that they had ever seen before. But, it smelt good.

"Told you so, my nose IS infallible." Goku danced around in glee, wanting Sanzo to eat his words.

"Since I found it, I should be the one to eat it, besides, I'm a growing boy." Goku continued.

"No way, why should you be the one? I'm bigger than you, I need nourishment." Gojyo countered back.

"It's mine!"

"No, it's mine!"

"It's mine to the power of ten!"

"It's mine to the power of infinity!"

Gunshots could be heard. Goku and Gojyo paused in their argument and clutched each other in fright.

"Maa, maa. why don't we share the food? First of all, we are all hungry; second, sharing gives you a good feeling in your heart." Hakkai tried to resolve the dispute in his usual way.

"No way! Those reasons are not good enough!" Both of them shouted back in unison, and then resumed their glaring fit.

"I'll give you a reason." A drawling voice said behind Hakkai. In an almost lazy tone of voice, Sanzo said: "If you don't, I'll blow your brains to kingdom come."

"An urmm. excellent reason!" Hakkai said, nodding his head furiously.

The two looked at each other and knew the battle was lost. No one in their right mind wanted to contest Sanzo's reason. It was accept it, or suffer the consequences.

Sanzo produced a knife from god knows where, and proceeded to cut the unknown food into quarters. The four of them each grabbed a quarter and popped it into their mouths. There was a sudden flash of lightning and the four of them blacked out, and disappeared from the scene before Goku could even say, "Delicious!"

~End of chapter 1~

Hard work, that was.