
Bridgette is at the edge of the cliff she then jumps. Everyone is so busy watching her

jump. They don't notice Chris fiddling with a remote...


Deep within the water something awakens...


Everyone watched as bridgette made it into the safe zone. She was about to swim

ashore when she suddenly went under...only to quickly get back up!...then she just

stayed there. Hey bridgette! Is everything okay?! Shouted a concerned Geoff. "Wha!?

Oh! Yeah I'm fine!" Said a flustered Bridgette. Just a little tired...Maybe I should

rest on the Buoys for a bit. Before anyone could inquire further. Chris interrupted.

"Sure whatever! No skin off my teeth! Okay, let's keep things moving!"


Something was up. Duncan didn't know what, but something was definitely up. No

one who had gone in was coming out! "Okay, what's going on? Why are-" Then Chris

pushed him in! "No time to talk! Keep things moving!" Duncan hit the water. Within

seconds Bridgette was quietly shouting at him. "Duncan! Quickly! Get out of the

water and get our luggage!" Duncan looked at her confused. What are you- Then he

was pulled under! He looked and saw to his horror a giant crab monster! Quickly he

pulled away and swam to the surface. There was a brief moment of resistance but it

passed. Duncan erupted out of the water. Bridgette groaned. "We'll now your stuck

here with us, I guess." Duncan looked at her confused. "What are you talking about?

I'm getting out of here!" Eva leaned in irritated. "Your trunks are gone you morron!"

Duncan paled, as a quick search proved them right...and the fact the water was

very cold didn't help his situation one bit...


Chris snickered. If this didn't get him a gemmi he didn't know what would!



AN: I know it says "in-progress" but really I just don't like boxing myself into a corner. For now this is more of a one-shot that I might continue one day...but probably won't.

But, hey. Feel free to use whatever elements you want from this, if you want! Or maybe give me ideas?

Also don't forget to give a shout out to my mom's birthday story on my page!

Be honest have I gone too far with this? Review me if I have!