Whew, talk about jumping right back into the action. If you haven't read my first story in this series, you should probably do so or this will make absolutely no sense. For more details on this story, it is based in the The Batman (2004) universe, but with a few twists. It's obviously in the fifth season or later, based on the characters, but there will also be some new elements. I may add some characters (Like Scarecrow, because I honestly think he was severely needed in the series) and some elements from other Batman incarnates like Justice League or The Animated Series. Anyway, enjoy!

"How do you know Batman lives here?" Batgirl questioned as she and Robin posed, looking ready to try to fight us.

"Same reason I know who you are Miss Gordon, now do you really think you can fight two ghosts with intangibility, or can we talk to Batman?" I questioned.

"How do you-" she attempted, her eyes widening.

"There's no time to be stupid. We're the only possible way to stop this invasion!" Danny shouted with urgency.

"Why should we believe you? You guys are the same as the freaks trying to attack us," Robin said.

"And we have to deal with this again?" Danny said with annoyance.

"It doesn't matter Danny. You guys really think we're like them?" I questioned.

"Well duh," Robin said like an idiot.

I huffed a noise of annoyance and crossed my arms, letting rings of fire spread out from my waist.

"What are you doing?" Danny questioned.

"They need to trust us, just like we're their only chance, they're ours," I said as the rings spread over my body, transforming me back into an oddly thinner version of Kira Blake.

"You look ridiculous," Danny said.

"Looked in the mirror lately? Now change back Phantom," I ordered.

He grumbled his annoyance, but did let the white rings take over his body.

"How did you creeps do that?" Robin questioned, twirling his staff.

"We're humans nimrod, and heroes. Obviously you need our help, and we've got the weapons to help you. Now call Brucey in here so we can do our jobs," I said with annoyance.

"And what are you kids doing down here?" the annoyed voice of a man asked, startling me.

My arm shot out, releasing my wrist ray out of the cuff on my arm before I turned it around and aimed it at him. When I saw the cape and cowl, I lowered it. "Shouldn't sneak up on a ghost hunter like that," I said, taking a deep breath to suppress my nerves.

"Ghost hunter? But you are a ghost!" Batgirl argued.

"Quiet," Batman ordered her. "Let them say what they have to say."

"We know you're in a bit of a crisis, but there's only one way to stop it," I said, dropping to my knee to open one of our bags of weapons. "These are wrist rays," I said, tossing the biggest bat one. "They run off of ecto-energy, the only thing that can hit a ghost."

"We don't use guns," he said with a bit of annoyance.

"Don't worry, it won't kill them, and it doesn't do any major harm to humans. If you need to, you can try it on me later. These are Fenton thermoses," I said, pulling out one to show him. "Press this button on the side, and it'll suck up whatever ghost it's aimed at. For the love of God, just don't point it me, Danny's fair game because that's just funny."

"Hey!" he cried indignantly.

"Grab out the Specter Deflectors D," I ordered, straightening up and taking the moment to change back to Shadowrule. He quickly took the moment to grab the two belts and handed them to me. "These stop the wearer from being overshadowed or hypnotized by a ghost," I said, handing Batman the belts.

"And what would happen if one of you were to wear one of these?" the intelligent adult asked.

"Excruciating pain, and then a black out. Not the fondest of it, so don't do it," Danny said, narrowing his eyes.

"Alpha male complex much?" I questioned, giving Danny a dirty look. "You may not have had Batman comics in your dimension, but you still have to trust him. He's our only chance."

"Comics?" Batman asked with a bit of confusion.

"Oh, right. In my dimension, you're a comic book slash cartoon character slash pop culture idol. Danny here was a cartoon character. In his dimension, his life is real and he's never heard of either of our realities."

"Cool, so we're on TV?" Robin asked before shouting "Ow!" as Batgirl hit him.

"So you both know who all of us are?" Batgirl asked.

"I don't, she does," Danny said, transforming back to Phantom.

"Prove it," Robin said, crossing his arms.

"Bruce Wayne, billionaire playboy," I said, pointing at Batman. "Dick Grayson, orphaned son of two acrobats," I said, pointing at Robin. "Barbara Gordon, gymnastic daughter of Commissioner Gordon," I finished, pointing at Batgirl.

"You know so much about us, so who are you?" Batman questioned.

"Kira Blake, ghost super hero Shadowrule and dimensional traveler," I said, offering out my hand for Batman to shake. He quickly shook it, and then looked to Danny for answered. He seemed stiff as a board about his identity, so I took the liberty of being the only smart person in the room. "He's Danny Fenton, ghost super hero Danny Phantom, junior astronaut and full time clueless teenage boy."

"Why do you guys always call me clueless?" he questioned with annoyance.

"You'll figure it out when you're older," I said with a grin. "Now if you don't mind Batman, we've only got twenty wrist rays and five thermoses to get dispersed to the other heroes. I would suggest you give the belts to the two people you think will be at the forefront of the battle, but I'm not sure how it affects regular super powers."

"You two," he said, motioning to Batgirl and Robin, "you're taking these."

"How do we know these won't zap us into dust?" Robin questioned, catching the belt.

"Don't be stupid. Why would we want to hurt kids?" I questioned.

"Because you're ghosts," Batgirl said, crossing her arms.

"Drop the stigmas, I'm just a regular kid that happened to have her molecules infused with ectoplasm," I said, putting my fists on my hips. "Hey, I wonder if Ember's here. That'd be-"

"Kira," Danny said, giving me a dirty look.

"Totally bad, and I would never want that to happen," I corrected. "Now let's get moving. Do you have any contact with the Flash?"

Batman just gave me a look that screamed duh, and then activated a communication device in the ear of his cowl. "Flash, to the Batcave."

There was a rush of wind and the speedster appeared. "Sup Bats?" he asked in a hurry.

"We have so got to race later," I said with a smile.

"Bats, there's a ghost!" Flash shouted, pointing at me.

"Wait to state the obvious Einstein, but we're on your side," I said, grabbing two of the bags of weapons. "Take these to the other heroes. They're the only things that can hit a ghost. The thermoses will catch them if you just aim it at one."

"Bats, who are these kids?" Flash questioned the smarter hero.

"Half ghosts, I think. But more than that, they're Earth's last hope, now do what they say," Batman ordered.

Giving one last odd look at Danny and me, the scarlet speedster rushed out. "Spread these amongst yourselves," I said, handing Batman the last bag after taking out a thermos for Danny and me. "We've got to go see if we can find a specific wolf ghost."

"What are the other two bags?" Batman asked, looking at the floor.

"Our only earthly possessions," I said nonchalantly. "Is there any way you can check the 911 calls for reports of a giant wolf shouting in Esperanto?"

"We can try," Robin said, sliding up a pole and moving over to the bat computer. Danny looked at me and I shrugged, floating up after him. "Here, giant wolf creature shouting in unknown language on 24th."

"You mind showing me and Phantom the way? I don't know Gotham's streets," I said, floating just above him.

"Sure," he said, jumping out of his seat. "I'll take my motor cycle."

"No time for that," I said, grabbing his arms and flying up through the ceiling.

"Woah!" he shouted.

"Quit being such a girl, which way?" I asked.

"That way," he said, pulling one of his arms free and pointing to the right.

While I was scanning the area for Wulf, I took notice of another scene. Green Arrow was trying to fight off a horde of ghosts, but it was obvious that he wasn't a good enough shot with the wrist ray to take on the sheer numbers. "Robin, I'm gonna have to leave you on a roof. Arrow needs some help and fast," I said, landing on a rooftop just overhead.

"Okay, hurry then," he said with a nod.

"Danny, stay here and watch Robin," I said to the ghost boy as he approached from behind. With his nod, I jumped off the building and landed gently next to Arrow.

"Stay back ghost creep," he ordered, aiming the wrist ray at me.

"No time Mr. Queen," I said as I let my bow materialize in my hand along with the quiver on my back. "Take these, they can hit the ghosts. Just make sure you get them back to me when this is over. They're made out of my energy. That dial on the side affects the kind of arrow fired. I'll probably be with Batman."

"Wait, what?" he questioned as I floated into the air.

"No time, just shoot!" I ordered before making it to the top of the building and grabbing Robin.

"What was that all about?" Robin asked.

"That archer couldn't hit anything with a laser weapon. I gave him my bow. It works off my energy so it can hit the ghosts."

"You're an archer?" Robin questioned.

"Not a very good one, but it focuses my energy so I don't burn any major cities to the ground."

"There! Is that the wolf you're looking for?" Robin asked, pointing down towards the ground. He was being attacked by Walker and his guards.

"Yeah. Danny, take the bird boy. I'll go talk to Wulf," I said, passing the boy to Danny.

"Be careful," he ordered as I descended to the ground again.

"Back away from the ghost puppy Walker," I ordered, floating just above Wulf.

"Ĉu vi ĉi tie por helpi?" Wulf asked. "Are you here to help?"

"Kompreneble Wulf, amikoj," I answered. "Of course Wulf, friends."

"Amikoj," he said with a sharp toothed smile.

"Hate to break up the reunion of a girl and her dog, but I'm not letting Wulf stand in my way," Walker said in his usual deep, authoritative voice.

"Good thing I'll be the one standing in your way," I said.

"And me," a duplicate said as it split out of my side.

"And me," another said.

Soon enough, I had ten duplicates copying each other exactly fire down on Walker and his men, while I grabbed Wulf and floated him up to a building Phantom and Robin were waiting on.

"Ah!" Robin shouted, hiding behind Danny, who just rolled his eyes.

"It's alright Robin, he's a friend," I said. "Amikoj."

"Kial vi helpis min?" Wulf asked. "Why have you saved me?"

"Ĉar nun ni bezonas vin por savi nin. Ĉu vi povas malfermi portaloj ĉi tie?" I replied. "Because now we need you to save us. Can you open portals here?"

"Mi provos," he said. "I will try." With that, he slashed his claws through the air and there was a massive flash of light, so bright that we all had to turn our eyes. Then it started linking green, and then it was like a giant explosion had gone off, then the portal opened.

"I think he just made a Ghost Zone," Danny stated, being the first to open his eyes.

"That… is totally awesome," I added.

"What's a ghost zone?" Robin questioned.

"If the ghosts go in there, the only way for them to get out is if a portal opens. Basically, Wulf just made a new world," I explained.


Just then, I felt a wave of energy return to me. "Danny, my duplicates are down. Get Wulf back to the Batcave and I'll catch Walker," I ordered.

"Since when did you become the boss?" he questioned.

"Since Wulf needs our help and one of us should be being productive. Now hurry up, if Walker gets his hands on Wulf, there's no way we'll be able to detain the ghosts."

With those words, he finally listened and grabbed our furry companion to go hide him. It was going to be a long night.