( Author's Note )


Welp this will be a two or three shot. I'm working on the next chapter now, should be finished tomorrow. So enjoy.


( Timmy's PoV )


It had been three years since the redhead had moved away. Tootie wouldn't mention why her older sister went to live with relatives, no matter how many times he had questioned his raven haired best friend. But even so, sitting in the living room of Tootie's house had felt strange to him. Maybe because the last interaction between him and the redhead was strange. Most people wouldn't say that a babysitter being nice was strange. But then again, most people didn't have Vicki as a babysitter. Those lucky fools.

Strange as it felt, he could at least sit on the couch and not be nervous, or looking over his shoulder all the time, that was a recent development. Given that most people didn't have Vicki for a babysitter, the ones that did, would assume he was looking over his shoulder and nervous, because of how she had treated him, threatened him, and more than once, physically sat on him... which was taking the babysitting thing to extreme. But no, that wasn't what had him wound up tight. It was the fact that he had been hoping that Vicki would turn the corner.

He had begun to miss her. Strange as it was. When she left, nothing seemed right. Like there was a big hole in him that was missing. His house felt oddly empty, even though it had usually only ever been him and her in there, most of the time. Seemed strangely quiet. That, and with her gone he'd spent most of his time alone. His parents having decided he was now too old for a babysitter.

Which is one of the reasons he was at Tootie's house. Chester had moved off with his dad somewhere, and AJ, well without Chester's dimwitted jokes and attitude to level out AJ's arrogant personality. He and AJ quickly got on each others nerves. Leaving him with the only other constant in his life; Tootie. Now people who knew Tootie, knew about her obsessiveness towards the brunet boy. And at first had wondered about Timmy's sanity when he started hanging around Tootie.

Tootie had calmed down a lot in the last few years. She wasn't obsessive as much, and even her crush on him seemed to have died down, enough so she only ever remembered to flirt with him a few times a week, some days she didn't even flirt at all. Maybe she only still did it, because it was a normal thing, or maybe because it was nostalgic. He didn't know.

"So did you want a drink while I'm in here?" Tootie's voice came from the kitchen.

"Yeah, bring me whatever you're having I guess." Timmy responded while taking his books out of his backpack. The whole reason for being here today, aside from getting away from his lonely empty house, was so Tootie could help him with his math homework.

Seriously, whoever decided to add letters to mathematics should be taken out and shot, he thought to himself. But Tootie, she was great with math. Actually she got higher grades than AJ, and she wasn't smug about it. Okay, so she teased him somethings about it. But it wasn't like AJ had been.

After an hours of studying... well more of Tootie explaining the same thing over and over again to him, that his mind just didn't want to wrap around. He leaned back and sighed in frustration. He wasn't stupid. Not at all. It was just his mind didn't want to make the connection with this stupid math. Math that he'd never actually use. Okay so basic math, multiplication, division, even fractions... those would be used daily. But this math... didn't seem to be a point to it, other than to frustrate him, and others like him.

"Oh yeah, Vicki's coming back tomorrow." Tootie said closing her book. She must have realized that Timmy was done with the math crap. She knew he hated math, because he made sure to express that every chance he had.

"O-Oh yeah? I can't wait." He felt the excitement rush through his body... and didn't even know why. Yeah he missed Vicki, but he didn't think he'd feel this excited over seeing her again.

"Really? I thought you'd run for cover. You do realize I said Vicki right? My sister?" Tootie looked at him as if he was insane. He'd never told her that he'd missed the redhead. Didn't want her to think he'd lost it, like she seemed to be thinking right now.

"Yeah, I kinda missed her. Remember I kept asking why she left, and when she'd be back, when she first left? I know, strange right? But ever since she moved away, I realized how... lonely my house is with my parents always gone. And what with dad's new promotion, it's even worse now than it was back then."

"You must be losing it." Tootie raised one eyebrow looking at him as if she was studying the creature known as 'Timmy'. "What I wouldn't give to have my house all to myself." Then she looked at him through half-lidded eyes, and brought her hand to his shoulder, running it down to his wrist. "Imagine what fun we could have."

"Pfft, come on Tootie. We are always alone here or at my house. If you were really interested in having 'fun'" he made quotation marks in the air, "We'd have done it by now."

"You're no fun. Has anyone told you that? Well you aren't." She huffed and looked away, before looking back with a mischievous grin on her face that told him she was just having fun. It was nice messing around like this with Tootie without worry of her trying to molest him in anyway.


Timmy grunted as he sat up in his bed. Today was the day that Vicki was coming back. For some odd reason he couldn't wait to see her, no matter what their pasts were like. He'd been so excited that he hard a hard time getting to sleep, and when he did get to sleep, well after midnight, he had trouble staying asleep. He rubbed his eyes looking over at his alarm clock. Fifteen past twelve, he thought as he laid back in bed.

"Fifteen past twelve!" He'd over slept... he'd made plans with Tootie to go with her, and her parents to pick up Vicki at the airport. Crap Tootie was going to yell at him... added with Vicki being back, he was going to be yelled at twice. But at least it'll be Vicki doing the yelling, that would bring back memories.

He pulled off his clothing, grabbing another set on his way out his door. He ran across the hall naked, and into the bathroom. Not something he would normally do but he knew that his parents were not home, so it didn't matter. He turned on the water for the shower, then darted back to his room to grab his phone.

Once back in the bathroom, phone in hand he called Tootie. It rang several times and went to voice-mail. Never a good sign... Tootie always answered his calls, if she didn't it usually meant that she was really pissed at him. He tried again... and almost sighed in relief when she answered the phone, though sounding a bit out of breath.

"Timmy? We waited for you this morning, we were almost late picking up Vicki." Sounded like Tootie was in a good mood, she couldn't even sound like she was peeved, rather... she couldn't sound convincing enough to be peeved.

"I had trouble sleeping, and staying asleep. I guess I over slept... Okay I KNOW I over slept. I'm getting in the shower now, I'll be over in a few..." He said about to hangup the phone.

"WAIT!" He heard Tootie's voice before he ended the call.

"Yeah?" He put the phone back to his ear.

"So does that mean you're naked right now?" He rolled his eyes as her question.

"I'm hanging up Tootie." He ended the call listening to the pervy raven haired girl laugh. He put the phone down, then got into the shower. "I swear, she's more of a horndog than any guy I know."

Tootie had grown out of her awkward geeky phase... and matured into an gamer geeky girl. And if you were lucky enough to be close to her... or unlucky depending how you looked at it... you'd see the curves that would drive a guy wild. Though the baggy clothing usually hid those features. There were a few times him and Tootie had come really close to crossing the friendship line and moved into uncharted territory. And other than that, there was only one other incident, that he hadn't even told Tootie about. He'd ended up drinking at some Halloween party a few years back and ended up with this devil girl, but she was gone when he woke up the next morning... he'd never told Tootie, because... well he doubted she'd believe him.

Though in the end, he had to stop it. Because, while Tootie was attractive physically and mentally stimulating... he saw her like a sister. That and the friendship that they had developed wasn't worth the risk of losing. Though he had a much more difficult time getting Tootie to stop... and to put her shirt and bra back on. That might be why she doesn't flirt often anymore. Maybe she realized what he had been telling her. That their friendship was too valuable to risk. But Tootie being a female horndog, she couldn't stop messing around completely.

Once finished he put his clothes on, grabbed his phone. Then grabbed his keys on the way out of the house. He looked at the car in the driveway, then to the house several houses down. Walk or drive... walk or dive? Walk, he decided as he started off towards Tootie's house.

He knocked on the door when he arrived to it. Which was strange, he had become used to just walking in. Tootie's parents, like his were hardly ever there. Though it wasn't due to work, it was more about just not wanting to be home. He waited a few moments, then the door opened. A familiar redhead looked out at him with those rosy pink eyes.

"Whoa Twerp... you've gotten big." Vicki gave him a half smile before stepping back to let him in. When Vicki had left, she had been a few inches taller than him, now he stood taller than her. Which wasn't any big feet. Vicki used to seem big... in comparison. But she was only about five foot, six inches. And he had just hit five foot, seven inches. "Guess you're not so twerpy now, huh"

"TIIIMMMMMMMYYY!" Timmy almost jumped out of his skin when what looked like a younger Tootie come barreling down the hallway and leapt at him, knocking him to the ground out of confusion.

"Tootie? What did I tell you? Don't dress Hope up like you to scare him." He watched as Vicki pulled the girl off him, who was kicking and giggling happily. But he noticed that the girls hair was brown, and her eyes were pink, and not violet... Hope? "Hope, got back to Aunt Tootie, so she can put you back into your clothes. Last thing I need is for you to pick up Tootie's fashion sense."

"'Kay Mommy!" The girl, Hope called as she started back towards Tootie.

"I heard that! I don't dress like that anymore!"

"No you dress like a guy!" Vicki shot back.

"Aunt Tootie? Hope? Mommy?" He watched as the young girl ran down the hallway from where she had come from. Then he just looked up at Vicki from his spot on the ground.

"Hope, my daughter. She's why I left. Parents didn't want the neighborhood to see me get fat or something. Ended up just staying with relatives until now." So that mean that girl was almost three. "Tootie didn't tell you?"

"NO! I asked where you went... but she never told me."

"Welp... I got knocked up, popped out a miniature Tootie, from the looks of it. And well now I'm back." She offered him, her hand to help him up. Normally he would have already been up. However, the thought of Vicki a mother... just shocked him to no end.

"So you're a mother?"



"I am a female, and capable of having kids you know!" She sounded irritated.

"So... uh... you get married?" Timmy asked, wondering why the thought of her being married bothered him.

"Na, not married. Didn't know who to marry." She stopped and her cheeks turned red. "That sounded way worse than I meant. I wasn't in some orgy... So I crashed some party a while back. Ended up wasted. And well lost my cherry and gained a bun in the oven. When I woke up I darted out the room, and never went looking again. So yep that's about it."

"Party huh?"

"Yeah some Halloween party, so everyone was in costume. I don't really remember what he was dressed up as. I think a vampire or something. Good makeup job though. I was a female devil, of course."

"Wait... you mean the Halloween right before you left?"

"Duh... that's why I left, being pregnant... Nice to see you're thick as usual. I'm gonna grab something to drink, want something?"

"Uh.. yeah..." He moved slowly to the couch and sat down.

Couldn't be. Could it?