A/N: I present to you, a Sneak Peek—a little taste—of the sorts of what is waiting for you in my One-Shot Companion Series, Their Lady Adyé.

Below is an excerpt from the first instalment, Fragments of a Shattered Past, which gives us a glimpse into just who Dema, Athara's mysterious Nabooian ally, is. I hope it intrigues you and that you'll all head over to see what other fun instalments are waiting for you! There are stories from Han, Leia, Vader, Obi-wan, Luke, and more!

I hope you enjoy the Sneak Peek!

And I hope to see you all over at Their Lady Adyé!

The earth was cool and soft beneath her fingers as the sun shone down overhead. A small, satisfied smile lit her face as her deft fingers tended her flowers and plucked any invading weeds, keeping the gardens that surrounded her little Guesthouse healthy and thriving. She was immensely proud of her little place, and dutifully and passionately saw to its care almost solely on her own.

She had come to Naboo over fifteen years ago now, nearly twenty, although it still felt deep down like she had returned to the green little planet after a long absence. It felt like home in a way Alderaan never had. Sure, both planets were beautiful, and in many ways quite similar, but Naboo's lakes and rivers pleased her eye and her soul in a way Alderaan's mountains and crisp cool air never had. For several years she had lived in a little community a little ways north of Alderaan's Capital City, Aldera. It was lovely, and she had been sad to leave when the time came, but she had felt it was time.

Her friend Bail, who had really been one of her only visitors, had insisted on taking care of the arrangements, and had chartered a small ship to take her and her companion Sabé to Naboo, a planet where Sabé had said they had a past. Then she had tried desperately to remember what that past was, only to come up with a crushing feeling in her chest and a memory of great pain.

She'd had no memory before waking up in the Medical Facility on Alderaan in the little town where she had made her home when she had lived on that planet. The only thing she faintly recalled was the memory of hearing people speaking over her, their voices wending in and out of her focus, dampened and distorted as though she had been deep underwater. It was from those memories that she dimly heard what she then assumed to be her name. "—dme Am—" she had heard; Dema, her semi-conscious mind had interpreted, my name must be Dema, for they are speaking about me, "can be no mo—must beli—ildren wi—for her saf—but tha—wins." The rest had been little more than gibberish to her shattered mind.

But then, almost everything she had heard in those days had been garbled and distant.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Again, I don't have the words to adequately thank you all for favouriting, following and reviewing! And, most importantly, thank you again for reading my little (but hugely time intensive and somewhat temperamental to write) bit of fun. It means so much to me to share it and see other people enjoying the stuff that comes out of my overactive imagination.

If you enjoyed this Sneak Peek, be sure to head over to the One-shot Collection for the Lady Adyé Series, Their Lady Adyé to read the rest! Fragments counts as the first with many more ready to go and in the works featuring deleted scenes and alternative perspectives from all your favourites: Han, Leia, Luke, Obi-wan, Vader and more! Not to mention Neva, Athara and Ana!

And be sure to check out the sequel to Athara's story, Lady Adyé: The Resistance Commander and the Rogue One-inspired Mini-Prequel to Athara's story, Lady Obscura: A Rogue One Story!

Happy Reading, and May the Force be with you!