hey! This is my new story! Please tell me what you think and i need help coming up with jobs. Review any ideas to me! I DO NOT OWN FAIRYTAIL! Chapter 1 of The Next Generation!

Ella'a POV:
"Ella! Sweetie why dont you go on a job? You need to get out of the house.", called Lucy, my mother, through the door. "No! Just leave me alone. I'll do what i want." My twin sister, Chantie (pronounced Shonte) was killed on a job. And boy did i miss her. We were sisters, a team, she was the better half of me. The last thing i wanted was to show up at the guild and get 'Im sorrys' from people who dont know how i feel. "Ella, just an easy job. To get your mind off of Chantie. We cant change the past, so live the present and prepare for the future." Live the present... I got up and pulled on my scarf before i jumped out the window. I lived on the third floor of my parents house. I was 16 and i had pink hair with brown eyes. Im about 4'9" and 98 pounds. My magic was fire dragon slayer magic and i had my mothers celestial whip. My best friend, besides Chantie, was Storm. He had water magic that could freeze. He cant control the ice yet. He has raven hair and blue eyes. He's about 5'4" and i dont know his wheight. He's 17. His dad hates my dad but our moms are friends. We where on the mission with Chantie but we all got seperated. She was a celestial wizard. She had blonde hair and onyx eyes. She was 4'5. I loved her. When i reached the guild hall, i ran past everyone to the job board. I grabbed one that needed me to capture 13 bandits. I took it up to Mira and she sent me off. Storm came with me because our team was Chantie, him and me. Now its just us. We got on the train and i imediatly felt sick. I put my hand over my mouth as Storm laughed. "Realy? Again? Ella its just a train!" I layed down on the seat as he sprawled out on the one across from me.

After an hour, we got to our stop. I ran off the train and fell onto the ground. "I will never get on another train." Storm strolled up to me as he spoke, "Yea and i will never eat pizza again." He helped me up and we where off. When we met the guy who had the job request, she scared me. He was short, bald, and had a pervy kind of air about him. "I dont like this guy,"whispered Gray. "I was just thinking that.", i replied. He filled us in on the job and we left. When we got to the bar that he said we would find the bandits. This job would give us 20,000 jewel. 10,000 each. For 13 bandits? Easy money! We sat at a table and looked around. After a few minutes, a waiter came up to us. "Aren't you two too young to be in a bar?", he asked. I looked at Storm. "Well we're on buisness. Not drinking.", Storm told the man. Said man rolled his eyes. "Are you the puny wizards the fat man sent to get rid of us?" I shot out of my seat, my fists on fire. "I can kick your ass any time pal!", i shouted at him. He smirked with a raised eyebrow. He took 4 steps back and made a 'come at me' motion with his hands. That was all i needed. "Fire dragon iron fist!" All i saw were his eyes get big and he was knocked out on the ground. Then, Storm and i were surrounded by 12 men. "If your all like him,"i nodded my head at the man on the ground," Then the 20,000 jewel is as good as ours!" I lunged at two men and took them to the floor. One was out cold and the other crawled away. Storm had 3 men out. "Im not gonna lose this time Storm!" We always have a bet to see who can do more of whatever the job is. "Well im winning so step up your game Dragneel!", he retorted. I took two more men out and the remaining six men started to run from us. "Fire dragon ROAR!" I took them all out at once. "I win!", i told Storm. He rolled his eyes in response.

We got back to Magnolia, and i was greeted by my exceed, Hannah. She is a baby blue color with brown eyes. "Ella!" she flew at me with her arms wide. "Hannah!"I hugged her when she hit me. "Im glad your out of your room." I nodded and smiled. "Im glad too. Today was fun." She got this evil grin. "Because you were with Storm? You liiiiiiiike him!" I blushed. He walked up behind me as she said that. "Do not! He's just a friend Hannah!" I turn to see him blushing as he nodded in agreement. When we got back to the guild hall, we were greeted with the usual loudness and my dad fighting with Storms dad. "Dad! Fight me!", i yelled as i flew at him. He turned with a smile. He tried to block my flameing fist but i mved slightly and hit him straight on the nos. He fell back and Gray laughed. "You own kid can knock you down!" I punched him in the gut too. "Be a MAN Gray! Fight like a MAN. " I looked at Elfman. I cant help him. No one can. I turned back to my dad just in time to dodge a kick. "Damn it! I almost hit her!", he yelled in frustration. I went over to the car counter and Mira handed me a chocolete shake. "Thanks Mira!" She smiled and tilted her head. "No problem. How did the job go?" I thought about my fight along side Storm today. "It was awesome. They called us puny and they didnt land a single blow on either of us!" She smiled again as i walked away.

I got home and climbed up to my window. When i got in my room, i layed on my bed and looked at my ceiling. Chantie painted it. It was a large white rode surrounded in flames. The stem ened in a key. She had one like it on her ceiling. She made it when we turned 14. I let her do it to mine after she showed me hers. I loved it and it was one of my favorite memories of her. Before i knew it, i was asleep.