Hey guys, so in my last two stories I had asked if you guys wanted a prequel of That Was Then, This is Now and if you wanted it done with Kozik or changed to Jax. Well Majority vote won and I'm writing this story with Jax and then rewriting the sequel with Jax as well. This is totally an AU so please bare with me. It will hardly follow the show at all. I had to change a lot around to make this story work with Jax but I think it'll be a great one.

Please please please let me know what you think. You're opinions mean so much to me and it only motivates me to keep writing when I know people are enjoying it. I'm so excited to write this story and I think for those of you looking for an epic love story, you'll love it too. :)

Love. If this wasn't it - than he'd never know what was. This was love in its purest form. Some said it was a crush. They'd say it was puppy love bullshit - infatuation even. But most people had never felt a love like this. It would make even the oldest of couples jealous. Their love was a livewire. Sparks flew with every kiss. Fireworks with every touch. The stars aligned whenever they were together and they did everything they could to make sure they always were.

Harley Ann Delaney was the Bonnie to his Clyde. She was his sun. His reason for living. Jax Teller's partner in crime in anything and everything. Whatever trouble he'd get into, she'd be right there beside him. He never had to hide who he was or lie about being accepted. She knew him and the club inside and out better than anyone. Hell she was the club.

Harley was the daughter to the club's Vice president and most loyal member of the club, Otto Delaney. Her mother Luanne was a pornstar but Gemma Teller had been the one to take her under her wing and showed Harley the ropes. In a few months they would graduate high school and he would get patched in, she would be one of the greatest old ladies in the history of this club. Jax was destined to be president one day, following the footsteps of his father and his step father, and Harley would be next to him, following the footsteps of Gemma.

Here she was, lying sound asleep in his arms. Her golden blonde hair laid lazily on the pillow, her vibrant green eyes closed as she dreamed ever so peacefully. This was the only time when she wasn't a ball of energy that he could admire her freely. He'd never seen a beauty quite like hers. She was a classic. Most of the women in this club pounded on makeup and hair but Harley didn't need to do that. She was just as beautiful fresh faced in his arms as she was when she had make up on during the day. There was no better feeling than knowing that she was his - mind body and soul. He'd never have a doubt in his head that they weren't on the same page. Moving the strands of golden blonde hair out of her face, Jax leaned in kissing her forehead. His fingertips lifting the side of her shirt, grazing the side of her hip where his crow would soon be displayed for the whole world to know whose old lady she was and he would proudly wear her name wherever she wanted him to.

Looking at Harley was like looking into his future. He could see exactly what he wanted and it was all with her. Unfortunately, their time would soon be up for the night. He'd have to bring her to her own home, before her father killed him. Otto would never allow Harley to be with a member. He didn't think Jax was worthy. He wanted a better life for his daughter. Wanted her to go to school to live a normal life. He knew the life of an old lady, knew what the men did on runs and how most of them were treated but he wanted more for his little girl. Jax couldn't blame him. If they were caught, he'd never get his patch but Jax didn't care. This girl right here was all that mattered. He'd decided a long time ago that if she was ever to leave that he would to. If she wanted to go to school, be something more - than so would he. His life revolved around her and her's around him. Their souls were one and there would never be a love story greater. He'd make sure of it.


He whispered lowly in her ear, kissing the tip of it ever so gently. He knew better than to startle her awake. It brought a smile to his face remembering the first night that they'd missed the alarm and he had to wake her up in a hurry. She was so quick with her punches that it had left the meanest bruise on his cheek. He'd had to make up a story as to how him and Opie were messing around. Otto played no games when it came to Harley. He'd have her in the ring training with the men for self defense almost every day. She was amazing to watch. He'd seen her grow from not knowing anything to moving with a deadly grace. Just as dangerous with her hands as she was with a weapon. She could put the men to shame with her accuracy with a gun and the switchblade she kept in her back pocket made sure she was never unarmed which brought him comfort.

"Baby.." He tried again, lifting her shirt slightly more as his hand ran up her toned stomach. "Wake up babe."

"What time is it?" She mumbled sleepily.

"It's 3 babe."

She sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes before huffing out a disappointed breath. They knew they both had school in the morning and they would see each other very soon, but in the late hours of the night were the only hours that they could be together freely. It wasn't easy hiding this relationship throughout the day but every chance they'd get they'd sneak away. He watched as she stood, slipping his wifebeater off of her slim body, and he couldn't help but admire the arch in her back before she slipped on her bra and her t-shirt, slipping on her jeans.

Jax stood up, slipping on his own clothes before walking up to her, wrapping his arms around her from the back. He laid his head on her shoulder, planting soft kisses on her neck. She smelled so good he couldn't help himself. He knew she was ticklish on her neck and the giggle she'd let out when his lips touched her was the sweetest sound he'd ever heard. Harley pushed him back when he bit her gently and she laughed.

"Babe, we gotta go!"

He laughed, pulling her closer from her belt loops so she was flush against him, "We can wait a bit longer."

"You know my dad already suspects something. If they come back from their run before I'm outta here, you could forget about that patch!"

"That wouldn't stop me." He smirked before leaning in, pressing his lips against her for a kiss.

Harley laughed, pushing him away once more. "Well, it'd stop me. I can't be with someone without a patch." She joked and he laughed, biting her lip once more before pulling away. "Now lets go, Teller."

The two made their way out through the back of the clubhouse, Jax swung his leg over and Harley did the same, putting on their helmets before she wrapped her arms around him and they rode off to her house. They were both relieved to see Otto's bike missing from the driveway when Jax pulled his bike over, Harley hopped off and took off her helmet before leaning against the bike and kissing him again. Her arms wrapping around his neck as he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue against hers as his arms slide down to her ass giving it a playful squeeze.


He whispered as he pulled away, giving her ass a slap as she turned to leave. He watched her expertly climb up to the second floor window of her bedroom and smirked before driving off back to his dorm at the clubhouse.

Chemistry was the last period before lunch break. The day was already dragging and Mrs. Miller was hell bent on teaching the class regardless of 90% of the students being checked out in this last semester. The only bright side to this class was that Jax, Opie, and Donna were in it with her. The four of them in one class only spelled trouble. Other than Donna, three of them had no chance nor interest in passing. In their minds, they didn't need too. They had their futures planned out in the club. Despite Otto's wishes of her going off to college - she didn't want any of that. She knew the club better than half the patched in members. It was her life and that was her future. Right by Jax's side.

Jax turned his head to look at her, with that infamous smirk. Each time the teacher would turn her back, Jax would scoot his desk closer and Harley would cough to cover up the noise. Opie and Donna laughed at the two of them but Harley reached over and grabbed Jax's hand, lacing their fingers together as she leaned back in her seat, her eyes locked on his. The simplest thing like the touch of his hand in hers would give her a high she'd never imagined.

"What're we doin' for lunch?" He whispered to the group.

"We could grab a pizza at Nino's." Opie spoke up.

"I'm so tired of Nino's." Donna sighed.

"Come on babe," Opie pleaded with a puppy pout on his face.

As hard as Donna liked to act, she knew the soft spot she had for Opie. Anything he wanted, he'd get. It was how she learned to accept the club. That and a little help from Harley. It didn't hurt to have another girlfriend in the inner circle. The only other females were Luanne, Gemma, and a bunch of croweaters. Opie's mother Mary couldn't handle the club, she'd left Piney a while ago. She wanted to take Opie with her but he refused. The men in this club were loyal and so were their old ladies. Donna knew the deal and as much as she struggled with accepting it, once that patch was sewn in - there would be no turning back.

"Fine." She gave in, crossing her arms as she shot Ope a look.

"Donna, would you like to share with the class what's so important that you need to interrupt?"

Harley knew Donna was awful under pressure, with her already blushing cheeks as she lowered her eyes, so she stepped in. "Apparently, we're going to Nino's for lunch."

"You can make your lunch plans at lunch, Harley."

Mrs. Miller crossed her arms but so did she with a smirk on her face. "Well how would we know where to get lunch if we don't decide now? That's just a waste of our lunch hour."

"That's enough Harley."


Jax laughed as he leaned back in his seat, giving her hand a squeeze and blowing her a kiss. It was something he'd always admired. How she refused to be talked down to and intimidated. There were so many times she would get sent to the office and he'd do something to get sent right behind her. Everyone in school knew how infatuated they were. It was more of a surprise to see them apart than together. It wasn't a big deal to them who knew in school just as long as word didn't get back to the club.

Turning again to ask the class a question, Tara's hand shot up first, causing Harley to roll her eyes. Tara was dating Jax for about 8 months before he left her to be with Harley and since then, Tara's hated her. It didn't phase Harley at all though. Tara was an outsider. She never wanted to be part of the club. She'd even spent the better part of their relationship trying to convince Jax to leave. She was going to medical school in Washington after she graduated and wanted nothing more than to take Jax with her. Saddest part was that she actually thought he would leave. Now she just resented all of them.

The bell finally rang and Jax threw his arm over Harley's shoulder as they walked out the door. Leaning hey had on his shoulder the two made their way to get locker dropping both their bags in before he leaned her back against it and kissed her deeply. Without any hesitation she kissed him back, pulling him in closer against her until they heard a throat clear, looking up from the kiss to see Opie and Donna laugh before nodding their head towards the door.

"You two make me sick."

"Thanks brother."

Jax laughed as he lazily threw his arm over her shoulder again, following their two best friends out of the building and into the parking lot to their bikes. Harley hopped onto Jax's while Donna climbed up into Opie's before they drove off. She loved riding in the back of Jax's bike. His whole body seemed at ease when he was on the road. Their bodies would practically mold together when her arms wrapped around his leather vest. The smell of musk and cologne taking over her senses as his flowy hair tickled her face.

Pulling to a stop, Harley didn't want to get off. She pulled him closer and kissed the back of his neck, her tongue grazing it ever so slightly giving him goosebumps. She couldn't help but give a little laugh as she heard him growl from the bottom of his throat. The effect she had on him was amazing. Biting her lip gently, she got off his bike with him following suit. He ran up behind her, grabbing her ass before lifting her up and spinning her around. Harley couldn't help but laugh as she wrapped her arms and legs around his 6'1 figure, kissing his lips a few times before he put her down.

"I love you," He whispered in the midst of laughing.

"I love you too baby."

She smiled as he took her by the hand to follow Opie and Donna inside. The two had learned not to interrupt them by now. They knew Harley and Jax couldn't be like this anywhere near the club. It was scary to see the change in them when they were around members but whatever time they spend being in contact, they took full advantage of. The 4 split a pizza. Opie and Jax talking about their plans after getting patched in. If they weren't the sons of members, they would've been in by now but their parents demanded they graduate before they could even consider taking this to the table.

"Dad!" Harley squealed in excitement as she got out of her dodge charger and ran across the lot. Otto had been on a run with Clay and Tig for the last few days and the three of them had gotten back in the early hours of the morning while she was already in class. Otto lifted her up and spun her around much like Jax had earlier in the day, but less ass grabbing thankfully. Jax watched as Otto beamed with pride at his daughter. She was his prized possession and he couldn't blame him.


He heard Otto call over to him and Opie. Both of them abandoning their bikes to run over to him, standing at attention. They knew they were shoe ins but they still had to play the part and do all the bitchwork. They had to put up with the hazing to prove that they really wanted this. Otto threw keys at them and nodded his head towards the bikes.

"Scrub those bikes clean. Things got messy on the run."

"Everyone okay?" Opie asked looking around to see if anyone was missing.

"Everyone's fine son, just go clean those bikes."

Jax caught the keys and handed one to Opie before they jogged towards the bikes and pulled them on the other side of the lot by the hoses. As they began to clean, Jax would catch glimpses of Harley as she began her shift with Gemma at the garage. She always stood where they could see each other. Making silly faces and blowing kisses. Every so often when nobody was watching she would flash him and laugh.

She came out to the doorway a few minutes later to call over one of the mechanics. This guy was new, cocky. Jax watched as he leaned against the doorframe, looking Harley up and down. She stole glances towards Jax but tried to be polite for the guys sake. Jax felt his blood boiling deep inside as he squeezed the sponge in his hand tightly. What he wouldn't give to go over there and smash his face into the ground but instead he saw Otto walking over. Clearly nobody had warned this kid of what happened when you hit on Harley Delaney. Before the guy even knew it he was on the floor with a broken nose and Otto ontop of him. Harley wasn't phased by any means, she just handed the keys to another mechanic before going inside.

"That'll be you if you don't stop staring." Opie broke his attention as he continued to clean Otto's bike.

"Nah, once we're patched in it'll be different man. She'll be my old lady and he'll have to accept that."

I really hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I know there's a lot of writing and back story because I'm trying really hard to develop these characters to fit my vision. I don't know how I'm going to break this up yet since Jax and Harley will be together for about 7 years like Kozik and Harley were in That Was Then, This Is Now.

It might have to be broken up into several stories. If you guys have any idea's feel free to let me know!