Author's Note: Hi guys! First story with my new account. Please R&R! There is no beta forbthis chapter, but if anyone wants to volenteer? I hope you enjoy it x

Plot: Something's wrong with Harry. Its like he's a totally different person. Why are these changes happening and why hasn't he realised what's going on? Will it already be too late to save our boy hero? Or will the love of his friends save him from the darkness within.

Italics: The voice

Bold: Parseltongue


Chapter One: Gone in 60 Seconds


The wind howled through the empty street, as lamps swayed and creaked under the pressure. The storm clouds hung low in the sky, threatening to erupt in a dramatic cascade of fat rain drops, mighty flashes of lightning and thunderous claps. The summer certainly was not shaping up to be a good one.

A single leaf blew off a short stub of a tree and swirled into the air, landing on the doorstep of 4 Privet Drive. The current tenants of the home had moved in when the house had been cheap back in 1977 and had clearly kept their home in top condition since then. Immaculate one might say.

The house stood proudly on two levels, identical to the others in the the street. The only factor differentiating the houses, was the perfectly pristine garden and its scattering of cheap gnomes and fragile pansies.

Inside, the house it was less than homely; a show home you might say, complete with boarded up fireplace. The combination of beige and brown walls offset horrifically with the green undertones of several different tacky ornaments. Family photographs finished the decoration, indicating a small family lived happy and proud in suburbia.

But all was not as it seemed.

One occupant of 4 Privet Drive was less than a welcome guest, and more off a mistreated servant boy. His room was the less extravagant of the all the bedrooms.

The room consisted of a creaky wooden bed, complete with an over used mattress; meaning the coils frequently stuck into the protruding spin of its skinny young sleeper. The room also had a standard desk and wardrobe, both sourced at the shabby second hand store two towns over. It was a somber affair, with its dark tones and scabby wallpaper. But it was better than his previous dwelling... The small, spider infested cupboard under the stairs.

An owl, Hedwig, hooted softly in between crescendos of thunder from her cage by the window, mourning a night of hunting lost to the storm. Her cries were quickly silenced by the pale fingers of her owner gently threading through the cage bars and into her striking white feather's. She was content... For now anyway.

Fifteen year old, Harry Potter sat by his window looking out into the storm, annoyance evident with the crease between his black eyebrows. The storm had been blowing for the good part of a week. Muggle newscasters spoke of the damage and power-outages now as if it was a normal part of daily life.

The young wizard was fed up with the proclaimed 'Storm of the Century'. All he wanted was the freedom to leave his 'home' and venture outside to explore. There was no freedom when he was stuck in the house, there was only chores, isolation and the occasional clip round the ear.

"BOY!" Uncle Vernon howled from the bottom of the stairs. His booming voice breaking Harry from his thoughts.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon?" He yelled back, his voice considerably less hoarse.

There was a long pause, before "Dinner, NOW".

And that was how it went. Harry would trudge down the steps to the kitchen and prepare a meal fit for a hundred fully grown men, before making his way back up to his room without food and hungry. The hunger led to pain, which led to mood swings, which ended in an early night.

Things never changed.


It was another week till the storm eventually passed, but the weather was still not the best. Harry was feeling moody and was practically climbing the walls with frustration. He wanted out! But as the list of chores kept building, there was no chance of escape.


"WHAT!?" Harry yelled back in anger, decidedly not thinking.

It was then he knew what a big mistake talking back with such disregard had been. A loud gutteral roar echoed back up through the hallway and made Harry freeze. The roar was followed by the heavy pounding of footsteps and the sound of several locks being unhinged.

"You little wretch!" Vernon hollered from the doorway, as the flimsy door banged open to reveal a heavy set man, his stomach bulging in front of him.

"Bugger. " Harry mumbled under his breathe as he threw himself off his bed and pushed his back up against the wall, his hands positioned upward in a defensive manner. " I'm sorry!", he squeaked.

"I'm sorry!? That's all you've got to say! " Vernon stormed into the room, his meaty hands quickly grabbing hold of the scruff of Harry's neck. "This family has done everything for you and this is how you repay us? With disobedience!".

"I wasn't thinking! I'm sorry! I'll make breakfast right away. "

"Too little too late. We've forgiven you for your funny business in the past, but now The Dursleys are done!" Vernon shouted as he threw Harry to the ground, his head hitting the floor with a bang. "We want you gone, do you hear me you little freak!".

Harry cried out as Vernon stood on his pale fingers to reiterate his point.

" M'sorry" He tried one more time from the floor, his voice bairly carrying up to the taller mans ears.

" No more, boy. You have 5 minutes to pack your freaky stuff and get out. If I ever see your filthy little face here again, you'll wish you had died with those sorry excuse for parents. " Anger suddenly replaced the pain, as Harry scowled back up at his Uncle. "Shut up." He growled, before painfully pulling his fingers out from under his Uncles boot. Luckily it wasn't his wand hand.

Vernon laughed as he bent down and grabbed the front of Harry's oversized shirt, "Was that more back talk? Now is not the time to develop a backbone, you price of filth. Petunia tells me your mother was just the same. A disgusting freak with no respect. "

"I said, shut up!" Harry all but screamed as Vernon was propelled backwards and into the wall with a sound loud enough to rival that of a bomb. "You don't get to speak about them like that!", he continued to screamed as he jumped to stand, his feet in a defensive stance.

Harry didn't know why, but his anger was all consuming. He had never quite felt like this before, and he'd sure been angry a lot in the past. It was almost like a switch had flipped in his brain and all his feelings of disgust and hatred against his so called family had just been released in a great flood of emotion.

"Your just a filthy muggle who needs to learn his place", Harry didn't know what he was saying, he had never had anything but respect for muggles. After all he believed he was one right up until his Hogwarts letter had arrived. But he just couldn't control himself anymore, deep down this must have been how he really felt towards them; his family anyway.

"All muggles are scum..." A high, cold voice rasped through Harry's lips. Vernon's eyes grew wide as he looked at his nephew in a whole new light. He felt fear, real fear because of the dark haired boy towering over him. His eyes wild and feral. Nothing like the pint-sized half wit he had locked in the cupboard for simply breathing.


"SHUT UP! You don't get to talk anymore! Scum should only speak when spoken too!" Harry bellowed before lurching forward, his hands flying to his uncles chubby neck.

Vernon's eyes bulged as his air supply was abruptly halted. The boy had never been so strong before, it was an unearthly strength. Strength a mere slip of a boy should not be able to possess. "I hate you..." Harry growled as his grip tightened, before it abruptly stopped all together.

Harry turned his back, still shacking with rage. He couldn't understand why he had reacted so badly, but he couldn't find it in himself to regret his actions. He felt nothing but pleasure; and pleasure was supposed to make you feel good , right? He needed something good in his life right now.

"That's good, Harry. Very good... Let the anger fuel you. He deserves to be punished. " A small voice whispered through the teenagers head, as Vernon looked on oblivious.

"He deserves to be punished..." Harry repeated in monotone, his eyes distant as he descended on Vernon.


It was a bright summers morning when Remus Lupin arrived accompanied by a young women with a maine of bright bubble gum pink hair. They had apparated to a sheltered spot behind a bunch of trees. Both looked weary and starved of sleep, but they knew they had a job to do. It was that time of year again, the time where the order battled the mighty wit of one Vernon Dursley. The man was a menance. Plain and simple. He hated all things magical, and that meant that poor Harry took the brunt of most of that hatred.

Remus approached the front door and gently knocked. His heart was hammering as he waited for the enormous man to begin his yearly yelling match. What he did not expect however was a beaming Harry to thrust open the door and smile brightly up at him.

" H-harry?" Remus balked, as he scratched his head in confusion.

"Your early, Moony! Come in!" Remus tilted his head slightly and motioned for Tonks to follow. The two entered the house slowly, half expecting to be tackled to the ground at any moment. This was certainly not how they had expected the visit to go. Normally it was filled with harsh words and empty promises. Followed by an emotional Harry dragging his school supplies out from inside that godforsaken cupboard.

"Would you like some tea? Petunia can make you some. PETUNIA!" Harry finished with a commanding roar, as he flopped down onto the sofa picking up a small black box and pointing it at the other black box. Immediately, images danced across its surface and begun rambling on about something called Cricket.

"How did you do that, Harry?" Tonks asked in wonder, he body moving forward slightly.

"I just turned it on. It's a TV, nothing special. I'm sorry, but I don't think we've met?" Harry replied cautiously, his eyes taking in the women before him.

"Oh right! Sorry. I know all about you, and you don't even know my name! Silly me, the names Nymphadora. Tonks will do just fine though. Wotcha Harry!" Harry raised his perfectly shaped eyebrow slightly, but did not reply. Petunia decided that the awkward silence had been her cue to enter, her finest China rattling violently as she sat the tray down. "Anything else you need, Harry?" She asked, her voice small and nervous.

"No. That's fine. But do tell Dudley I like my bacon crispy. Breakfast was horrible this morning. " Petunia nodded as Harry looked back at the television, she took that as her dismissal and practically ran from the room. Harry smiled slightly to himself before taking a cup of tea in hand and sipping it.

Remus didn't know what to make of the new Dursleys. If he had to say anything, it would be unusual. Petunia did not wait on the teenager hand and foot, and Dudley certainly did not cook. According to Harry that had been his job.

"What's going on, Harry?" Remus dared to ask, his feet still frozen firmly to the spot in the hallway. Tonks however had decided it was time for tea and was casually sitting on the arm of the other chair, blowing on a full cup.

"Whatever do you mean?" Harry asked back innocently, his green eyes shining with fake sincerity. Something just wasn't right here, and Remus knew it. His cub was acting unusually and so was his family.

"Where's your Uncle?" Lupin enquired quick, his senses going nuts.

"Oh he's on a business trip. He won't be back for quite some time. "

Remus tilted his head slightly, deep in thought. Was that the reason for the good mood? No. It would not explain the sudden change in the rest of the family. Petunia was clearly terrified , faking obedience. What was the reason for the sudden fear? Harry was hardly a scary person. He was as intimidating as a door mouse to a cat. There had to be something else going on here.

"I think its time to go, no?" Harry chirped from the sofa, his tea finished. He looked almost impatient now.

"Of course, Harry! You must be dying to get away from this place!" Tonka practically screamed at the teenager, her hair flaring neon. "Where's your school things?".

"Dudley can fetch my things. DUDLEY!"

Seconds later, the fat boy in question barged into the room and dumped a bunch of Harry's things at Lupins feet. The werewolf looked concerned for the briefest moment before shrinking the trunk and picking up the backpack. The boy looked tired, his eyes were sunken and dark. His clothes dirty and large; he had lost quite a bit of weight. Harry didn't even bother with a 'thank you' before his cousin scampered back into the kitchen and back to his mother.

"Okay, we can go. "

Tonks exchanged a look with Remus, finally catching on that something wasn't right. Harry would need to be watch. Something had changed with the boy and it didn't appear to be for the better. Of course on the surface he was cheerful and calm. But something was lurking just below the surface. And what better place would there be to find out than, The Burrow?