Chapter 14

Last Time:

For Xander, time almost stood still. His gaze locked on Miri who seemed to be reaching out to him. Between them was Amanda her face shocked and dismayed as she looked at him.

It was all about the blood. His blood had been magically mixed with Amanda's and it was the blood of a chosen and one who chose to fight the darkness. It was infused with determination, loyalty, the power of the Slayer line and love.


An anathema to the Nameless.

Xander could feel power welling up around him, fighting against the abomination that was the Nameless…then there was pain and then…nothing.


Xander woke to a quiet, dimly lit room.


There was the sound of movement and the face he had gazed at in what he thought were his last moments appeared.


Tears rolled down her cheeks as she slapped him then pulled him close. "You brave, brave…idiot!"


"So that's it, all over?"

Superman smiled at Xander. "We believe so."

"So along with Ra's, we also have to send a thank you note to Darkseid?"

Superman shook his head, "Not unless he has a Post Office box. Mail doesn't get delivered to Apokolips."

Xander groaned, "And people say you don't have a sense of humour."

"As to Ra's, Batman is looking in to it. I'm not sure what he'll find or even what he's looking for," replied Superman.

"He can't save the world if it's destroyed," suggested Xander.

Superman shrugged, "Maybe that's it." Superman sat forward as he changed the subject. "So how are you really feeling?"

"Okay I suppose, I mean I'm healed up, but I feel…I don't know, tired is not quite right," replied Xander with a frown.

Superman studied him with some concern. The League's Paranormal experts had been rather worried about Alexander. So was he, "Diana has left for Themyscira in the hopes of getting some sort of explanation out of the Olympians. Adam has been doing the same with the Egyptian Pantheon."

Xander nodded, what else could he do? "Will I be let out of here any time soon?"

"I should think so," replied Superman before he looked up at the door. A moment later it swung open.

"Oh look, the bugger's awake," said John Constantine as he waved away whoever had been outside the door. "Xander, your friends are a pain in the arse."

"Hey!" objected Buffy as she stormed into the room followed by Miri, Willow, Aluwyn and a woman dressed in purple. Xander stared at the newcomer for a moment before realising her identity. "Hey, you are the Nightmare Nurse!"

"The what now?" demanded Buffy.

Xander quickly explained, "She's a hero…a mystical healer." It wasn't quite true. She was more of an anti-hero, but it should keep Buffy from staking her.

Buffy relaxed, slightly. "She feels like a demon."

The Nightmare Nurse laughed, "Well I am, sort of." She turned to Xander. "Anyway, John wanted me to look you over."

John shrugged, "Least I could do after you saved the day."

The Nightmare nurse smiled slightly as she raised her hands, "Now, this won't hurt a bit."


Black Adam and Isis had finally received word from the Egyptian Pantheon in the form of Bast.

"Teth-Adam and Beloved Isis, you seek answers for your friend?"

Adam nodded slightly, not taking his eyes off the cat-headed Goddess.

Bast hid a sigh as she silently cursed her brethren, it was likely that the powerful mortals that made up the League would be less than pleased with the roles the Pantheons had taken to ensure the Prophecy was fulfilled.

"Alexander and Amanda were indeed the ones mentioned in the Prophecy. What was not known to mortals was that the prophecy was suspected of being twisted by the Nameless. It was his great gamble, his failsafe. If he was felled, he knew he would either be destroyed outright or imprisoned with his powers bound. Without worshipers, he had no chance of escape. And therein lay his plan. He set up mystical protections and despite his defeat they survived. To make up for his lost worshipers he needed another source of power and a link to his infernal power. He waited millennia for the right conditions to unlock his prison."

Adam frowned as he considered the words of Bast. "Xander and his charge were used then?"

Bast shrugged, "Perhaps but it was needful. The Slayers blood mixed with Alexander's broke open the prison and in doing so cracked his defences. Opening a small window of opportunity to defeat him."

"And what price have they paid?" Adam demanded.

"He should have died. We feared he might regardless, but he did not. His link to his lover made all the difference," explained Bast. "As to what ails him, he has been tainted by the touch of the Nameless."

Now Isis was frowning, "And the cure for this is?"


The Nightmare Nurse's eyes glinted yellow for a moment before turning a more normal brown. "Well, Alexander you most certainly live an interesting life."

"What is the verdict?" asked Miri with what Xander thought was commendable control given the concern he could feel radiating through their link.

"Alexander has been…tainted by the Nameless." Seeing the reaction of most of those in the room she quickly continued. "Which should slowly fade. In fact, it already is as far as I can tell."

"He's not going to possess me or anything?" asked Xander.

She shook her head, "No, you are just weakened by the damage, temporary damage, that its touch did to you. Give it a week or two and you'll be back on your feet. I'd avoid Dark Magic for a while."

Xander nodded, "I'll try."

"I'll make sure he has time to recover," said Miri which had Willow and Buffy nodding in agreement.

"I'll sit on him if I have to," added Buffy.

Xander rolled his eyes as Miri squeezed his hand, offering her support.


A few hours later Miri and Xander found themselves relaxing. Miri had been amused by Xander's half-hearted complaint about the 'hospital food' but she silently noted that he ate it all.

"How is everyone else?" asked Xander. Miri had been attending meetings on behalf of Xander while he recovered.

"The League, no…we all lost a few good people," Miri sighed and for a moment loss showed on her face. "Our sister Sapphire Bellis and two Green Lanterns died fighting one of the re-animated monstrosities."

Xander gave her hand a squeeze, "I'm sorry."

Miri smiled sadly, "She was very brave, and she saved the life of one of the League's allies. We won't forget her." Miri paused for a moment thinking. "I think that there were quite a lot of injured, but it could have been worse…much worse if the Nameless had broken free."

"Indeed," said a voice from the doorway.

Xander and Miri looked up to see Black Adam and Isis.

"Adam, Isis!" exclaimed Xander in surprise. More at how they were attired than their appearance. Adam was dressed in a black t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, boots and a leather jacket while Isis was wearing a flowing white peasant dress and sandals. It was incongruous in the extreme to see the two superheroes out of uniform.

Adam smiled at their confusion. "We are just visiting before we have a meal with Diana, Clark and Billy. They hinted that it would be best done incognito."

"Really?" asked Xander in surprise.

Adam nodded but it was Isis that replied. "It is time that certain old grievances are aired. This latest threat shows that we can work together."

"That's great news, I hope it works out," replied Xander.

"As do we, now how are your injuries?" asked Adam.

"Healing, it's going to take some time," replied Xander with a shrug and a wry smile. "Despite the excellent care, I can't wait to get out."

Adam accepted that with a raised eyebrow before turning serious. "I have news from the Egyptian pantheon."

Xander sat up slightly and shared a look with Miri, "Go on."

"The Gods had feared that the prophecy was tainted by the Nameless and his machinations. Although true, they were unsure of what would be needed to defeat him," explained Adam.

"They suspected Amanda and I would die," translated Xander before shrugging it off and looking over at Miri who looked far less relaxed at the revelation. "I've dealt with true prophecies before. My friend Buffy was prophesied to die at the hands of a master vampire, and she did. Then I resuscitated her with CPR. Wham, one prophecy fulfilled and one live Buffy."

Isis beamed at him, "That is a very mature attitude, Xander."

"I dislike that my friend was used," grumbled Adam.

"It was needful and both Amanda and I are still here. This is what we did at home and I knew, we both knew that someday we might pay the ultimate price to get the win," said Xander with a touch of steel in his voice. "I'm not happy they didn't tell me, but I understand. I've got no defence from telepathy and the Nameless might have sucked any plans out of my head. We survived and were victorious, I can live with that."

"Wise words my friend," replied Adam with a respectful look on his face.

"I spoke with your friend Buffy after the battle," added Isis. "She is quite the warrior."

"That she is," agreed Xander with a smile. "I'd love to know how she's enjoying this universe. Actually, I haven't seen her today."

"She and her fellow Slayers were invited to Paradise Island," explained Isis. "I believe that Artemis was quite keen to know more about them. She is quite keen on expanding her priesthood."


Paradise Island

Willow and Aluwyn watched from the slope of a grassy hill as Diana and Buffy fought a practice bout below. Every so often Willow would wince as Diana or Buffy scored a hit.

"I can't believe that Buffy is training with Wonder Woman. I mean how likely is that?" Willow asked as Aluwyn laughed.

Aluwyn passed Willow some cheese on a cracker, "I would say one hundred percent."

Willow absentmindedly took the food and nibbled on it before turning to Aluwyn, "Wowsers, that's really good!"

"I know, our hosts are sparing no expense," replied Aluwyn as she ate a handful of olives. "Divine Artemis is keen to get her Priestesses set up for a modern world and the Slayers have certainly reinvented themselves."

Willow helped herself to some plump grapes, "That makes sense. Although they would be better to talk to the Justice League."

Aluwyn studied her lover carefully. Willow had been rather silent on the topic of Xander and she knew it worried her. "Do you think Xander and Amanda will stay or return with us?"

Willow sighed sadly, "They both found love here…I doubt that they'll be rushing home."

Aluwyn loved Willow. She truly and deeply loved her, and this meant that she could point out sloppy thinking without giving offence. "Willow your best friend's sister can open portals. It's not like visits are impossible."

Willow looked over at Aluwyn, "I know…but we've grown up together. It's hard to believe that he'll be living in a world with Wonder Woman."

Aluwyn grinned, "Willow you are dating an Extraplanar entity. You lead a coven and your closest female friends are magically empowered, Vampire hunters."

Willow rolled her eyes before giving in to laughter, "Okay, but I will still miss him."


Amanda mercilessly attacked Sara.

"Stop...I'm going to pee my pants!" warned Sara as she tried to escape Amanda relentless, tickling fingers by rolling away.

Amanda and Sara had spent the afternoon on the beach on Paradise Island. It was perhaps the most beautiful, perfect beach either had ever seen. Which was saying something as Sara came from a land of famous, picturesque beaches.

And, save for a few Slayers splashing around nearly a mile away, it was deserted.

It was perhaps the most relaxed Amanda had been since her and Xander's arrival.

After a final swim, they dried off and watched the sunset over the ocean and kissed passionately. Lost in the perfect moment.

Then, as they walked back to get something to eat, Sara cleared her throat and gave Amanda's hand a gentle squeeze.

"Um, so are you thinking about going home?" Sara tried to keep her tone casual, but Amanda could not only hear but feel the emotion.

Amanda was silent for a few moments, "Absolutely, for a visit. Then I'm coming back. Um…if you want me to?"

Sara's reply was rather enthusiastic.


Cheshire came back to awareness with someone talking softly…her sister's voice.

She tried to get her attention, "Artemis."

That got an immediate reaction.


Cheshire, or was it Jade right now, "What…how?"

Jade felt a hand take hers and gently squeeze.

"I was worried about you."

Jade studied her sisters face, seeing the concern there, "What happened?"

"I shot an arrow at…at Dad. He deflected it and it hit you…it nearly killed you!" Artemis had tears in her eyes as she spoke, and Jade could feel her sister's hand almost convulse.

"But it didn't," replied Jade. "I'm okay."

"You've been in a coma Jade, that's not okay," argued a red-eyed Artemis.

"And now I'm not…I'm sorry I worried you."

Artemis wiped her eyes with her left hand, her right still held Jade's tightly. "I think we need to talk."

Jade raised an eyebrow, "About?"

"About you, me and Mom and Dad," replied Artemis as she tried to regain her composure.

Jade looked uncomfortable, "Artemis…I…"

Artemis gave her sisters hand a squeeze. "A lot has happened since you were hurt. We nearly lost everything Jade…everything. When I got back, I felt like I had a new perspective."

"Which is?" Jade asked cautiously.

"That you are my sister and I'll be damned if I'm going to let you throw your life away following in Dad's footsteps."

Jade felt a surge of anger and almost pulled her hand away, but the feeling quickly passed. "It's not that easy to walk away from the life."

Artemis rolled her eyes, "The life?"

"What am I supposed to call it?" replied Jade with a touch of asperity in her voice.

"I'll be there to help, Mom too," promised Artemis.


Mount Justice

The gathered Slayers descended on the tables of food like a ravenous horde of locusts. Much to the amusement of the gathered Justice League and their allies.

"It's amazing to watch," said Superman, his amusement clear.

Wonder Woman laughed, "I've seen my sister Amazon's do the same. It's the increased metabolism, Flash is the same."

"True," Superman admitted as he took a sip of his lemonade. He nodded to where a small group stood to the side talking. "What do you think they will do?"


Xander took a bite of his ham on rye as he watched Buffy try to hold her overloaded plate, cup and somehow eat. From her expression, Willow was sharing his amusement. He had to admit that despite recent events, it really was fantastic to catch up with his girls.

Swallowing his mouthful, he took a sip of his soda, "So Will's, how are you and Aluwyn getting on?"

Willow beamed as her eyes lit up. "Great, I mean early days and everything on the reconnecting but great."

Xander smiled at his oldest friend, "That's good to hear, what about you Buffster?"

Buffy looked up from her enticing plate, "I'm still seeing Spike and it's all good. He said to say hello by the way."

Xander rolled his eyes, hiding his relief that Buffy was as happy as he had ever seen her.

"So Xan, are you coming home?" Willow asked bluntly.

Xander looked over at Miri who was talking to Aluwyn and M'gann. Then back to his friends.

"I think I'd like to try things here for a while. Now that travelling home is possible, Miri and I would like to visit so I can introduce her to everyone," replied Xander with a tentative smile. The Willow of old would have been devastated, this older Willow simply smiled.

"I thought you might. I had the chance to get to know Miri while you were recovering. She's a catch Xander," replied Willow with a genuine 'happy for you' smile on her face.

"Yeah, she's great," agreed Buffy. "Even Dawn like's her and believe me that was not a given." Her voice dropped to a stage whisper, "She still has a tiny crush on you."

Xander felt relieved, he hadn't really expected them to protest but it was nice to know they supported him.

"Actually, I did have something I wanted to ask you," said Buffy with a grin and mischief in her eyes. "What moisturiser are you using? You look years younger!"


Six Months Later – Metropolis

Xander used his ring to raise a shield over the terrified civilians as debris rained down from the explosion overhead. Beside him, Miri used her ring to produce a huge baseball bat and sent Solomon Grundy crashing into a wall.

"Xander, Miri, we're going after Firefly. Have you got this?"

Xander turned his head to see Amanda and Sara hovering in the air. "We've got this, go for it!"

Xander released the shield and directed the civilians to safety. As Miri descended to the ground.

"Where's Grundy?" asked Xander even as the villain charged toward them from the remains of the shattered wall.

"Grundy squish you!" yelled the walking corpse.

Xander and Miri prepared to defend themselves as an arrow struck the ground at Grundy's feet, exploding into greyish foam that expanded and encased Grundy before hardening.

Artemis followed by Robin dropped down the side of a building on zip lines.

"Looks like we arrived just in time," said Robin as he studied the street.

"Thanks for the assist," replied Xander. "Amanda and Sara have gone after Firefly. I'm not sure where Huntress is."

A loud thud sounded as a figure dropped to the ground in front of Xander. A moment later the newest member of Young Justice appeared dragging a second figure.

"Captain Cold and Ziggurat," reported Huntress. "The two idiots were trying to ambush the Flash…amateurs. I seriously think the Flash has the worst rogue's gallery."

"You could have told us where you were going Jade," complained Artemis before sighing. "I was worried."

Huntress smiled behind her mask, "I'm fine little sis…by the way, as I dragged these two over, I spotted Toymaker and the Riddler. Anyone want a piece of them?"

Xander grinned, it was shaping up as another night of adventure.
