Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Please don't sue me I'm poor.

Sorry for the long wait. Writers block is a B****.

Lindir awoke as groggy as usual. He got dressed and grabbed his things. He hadn't been able to sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about his missing book. 'Maybe a bird took it for its nest?' he thought 'Or maybe the wind blew it into a river and ruined it?' this and many other ridiculous thoughts kept him awake longer.

Lindir said good bye to his carers 'the guard dogs' he reminded himself and entered the classroom. He knew the others were staring at him as he took his seat, but he ignored them. He stared out of the window until the teacher made him pay attention to the lesson.

A few hours later...

"Now class for your final lesson today I want you all to write me a poem" the teacher said "It can be about anything you want and written in any style. There is no word limit, so you may make it as long as you like. You may begin"

'A poem? How bothersome' Lindir thought. He stared at the paper and toyed with the quill between his fingers. As he thought about what to write he felt a sense of determination to actually write something.

'It was there every day. The sun. I saw it every day. It shone when it the skies were clear. It dimmed when the skies were cloudy. But it was there. Day after day it shone. I wished I could reach out and touch it. I wished I could take and keep it for myself. But it didn't belong to me. It belonged to everyone. And I'm not selfish. I am a sloth. I am idol. I am listless. And because of that I let myself become lost to the daydreams of holding that sun. I'll hold it someday I thought. I'll keep it with me forever. But not today and not tomorrow. I see it every day. It's always there. So why bother trying to take it today? It'll be there tomorrow. The sun was gone. I fret. The sun wasn't there. I panic. Where? Where is it? The skies are so dark without it. And then I see it. Smiling, Shining brightly for someone else. While I stood in the darkness knowing I had missed my chance with her. My sun that brightened my world. Was gone forever.

Lindir inhaled deeply and put down his quill. He was...happy with his work. Which was unusual for him to think at some place his didn't want to be. He went back to staring out the window and wished he was outside sleeping on the grass. Closing his eyes he could picture it now. The smell of the grass the light breeze. How perfect.

"This is wonderful Lindir"

Lindir snapped out of his day dream and was surprised to see the teacher standing in front of smiling and holding his poem. Lindir gaped "W-What?" he stuttered.

"This is perfect and I'm giving you a perfect grade for it" the teacher praised "You've got a talent for this and I can't wait to read the story you wrote"

Lindir felt horrified. He wasn't paying attention. He'd let his guard down and never noticed the teacher approaching. If this was a battle he'd would have been seriously wounded or killed. Which he would have preferred over this. How mortifying!

"I'm kind of curious about you wrote" one student said.

"And me. Can we hear it?" another asked.

Slowly in unison others agreed.

"Well how about it Lindir, may the class hear what you wrote?" the teacher asked.

Lindir could hear the blood pulsing in his ears. His face must have looked like a tomato. His fight or flight instincts took over his body in a panic.

"LIKE HELL I'D LET YOU!" he shouted and snatched his poem back. He ripped it up, jumped out of the window and fled.

Meanwhile in one of the kitchens two maids were busy preparing bread and wine for a starter course.

"Could you put this bread in the basket over there please?" one maid asked.

"Of course" the other replied. She grabbed the basket behind her and turned back to the table "Hunh? Weren't we supposed serve three bottles of wine?" she asked confused.

"Yes, why?" the other replied.

"Well there was three on the table, but now there's only one"

The other maid turned around to see for herself "That's strange. Where could they have they gone?" she questioned.

Lord Elrond was working in his office when Adan suddenly came into his office.

"My Lord Elrond forgive my sudden intrusion, but it's an emergency" Adan said slightly out of breath.

"What is it Adan?"

Adan explained the situation in full detail and awaited for his Lords decision.

"Go back to your class Adan, I will take care of the rest" Lord Elrond said calmly.

"Yes my Lord" Adan said and bowed before leaving.

The elder elf rubbed his temple and sighed. He called for Herion and Veryan and the three of them began to search.

Lindir gulped down another mouthful of wine and hiccupped. He was drunk. He knew he was. But whatever "Every things...stupid" he said with slightly slurred speech. He polished off the bottle of wine let it drop off the roof he was sitting on. He opened up the second bottle and took a sip "Berries"

Lord Elrond, Veryan and Herion were led by a house maid to Lindir's location after an empty wine bottle had landed near her.

Lord Elrond could see Lindir sitting on the roof and turned to the young maid "Thank you my dear. You may leave now" the young maid nodded and left.

Lord Elrond cleared his throat and called out to Lindir "Lindir, come down from that roof"

Lindir looked over the edge of the roof and saw three blurred yet familiar figures looking at him "Well look who it is. The Lord and his mutts" he said slurred.

"We are not dogs!" Herion yelled insulted.

"Oh what's the matter does the doggy want a treat? You better get down on all fours and start barking" Lindir laughed.

"That's it!" Herion yelled and made a dash towards Lindir, only to be held back by Veryan.

"Don't give in to his taunts it's what he wants" Veryan said holding Herion back.

"Calm down Herion" Lord Elrond said.

Herion pouted and huffed, but obeyed.

"Good puppy" Lindir giggled.

"That is enough Lindir. I can see that you are in no state to talk properly after consuming so much wine. It would be best to get you back to you room" Lord Elrond said.

"My room? My room? Room? Class room?" Lindir said in daze as if trying to remember something "Ah! Class room! That stupid teacher!" he yelled "Lord Elrond listen. That teacher said my work was good"

"I know he did and then you ran off. Why?" The elder elf asked.

"Because, erm, because...My work was sad not good" Lindir replied.

"I'm afraid I don't understand Lindir" Lord Elrond said confused.

"My poem was about a man who's in love with a woman and he thinks she's perfect, but he too lazy to say anything to her and she gets stolen from him by someone else and he's left alone in the dark" Lindir explained despite his drunken state. He took another gulp of wine and slumped down "How is that good?"

Lord Elrond still wasn't sure what Lindir was talking about and decided to end this conversation "Lindir you should really come down"

"Alright, alright I'm coming" Lindir said. As he shifted the bottle slipped out of his hand and fell to the floor "Oh, oh dear" he said and trying to reach for it, but only managed to slip off the roof.

Veryan was quick to react and caught Lindir before he hit the ground.

"Thank you Veryan" Lord Elrond said as he sighed in relief.

Veryan put Lindir on his feet despite him been unsteady and held onto his arm.

"Now then I think it's best-"

"Veryan's good at catching things" Lindir said interrupting Lord Elrond and hugged Veryan around his waist.

A little bit stunned by this Lord Elrond tried to continue "Yes well perhaps now be a good time to-"

"Do you see him catch me? He caught me!" Lindir slurred.

"Yes I saw" Lord Elrond said "Veryan. Herion let's escort Lindir back to his room"

Veryan walked awkwardly with Lindir clinging to his waist. Veryan resisted tutting at Lindir's shameful and pitiful drunken state. A child should not be in such shambles. He spared a glance at Herion and noticed a dangerous glint in his eyes. They were going to have to talk later.

The three older elves put a dishevelled and unconscious Lindir back to bed.

"I trust you two will be watching over Lindir?" Lord Elrond asked.

"Of course My Lord" Veryan and Herion replied in unison.

"Very good. I will leave you two too your work" and with that Lord Elrond left.

Veryan and Herion took up their normal posts outside of Lindir's room and stood guard.

"Herion?" Veryan asked in a low nervous tone.

"Not now" Herion hissed through his teeth.

Veryan knew not to press and would wait until later to talk.

Lord Elrond had called one of his servants to fetch Adan after his class had finished. He needed to more information about the incident.

"I have told you everything my Lord and I am still not sure about what had set him off" Adan explained.

"It must have been something. He wouldn't do this for no reason, I'm sure" Lord Elrond said confused "In his drunken state his did mention something about you praising his poem for being good, but he thinks his poem was sad"

"Oh and it was sad" Adan sighed "But that's what made it so good"

"Do you remember the poem? Can you recite it for me?" Lord Elrond asked.

"Oh, of course My Lord" Adan replied and recited Lindir's poem word for word.

"That is quite the beautiful yet tragic poem" Lord Elrond.

"It is isn't it. He has such potential" Adan said.

"Indeed he does" Lord Elrond agreed.

"Do you have any idea what I did wrong My Lord?" Adan asked.

"I do not think you did anything wrong. I merely think this has been another misunderstanding" Elrond explained "Do not take it to heart Adan"

"Don't worry I won't" Adan replied. He stood up and bowed before he left.

Lord Elrond sat at his desk and sighed. Any day, another misunderstanding and no clear explanation as to why. When had things in Rivendell become so unruly and confusing? "Since Lindir was brought here" he mumbled to himself. The young elf was a handful to say the least and not in the best mental state that much was clear. What wasn't clear was how to handle the situation.

Lord Elrond thought he could handle the situation with ease. It seemed so simple in his mind. That all he needed to do was to give Lindir a decent education and a home and things would fall into to place, but no nothing had worked out. Lindir fought him at every turn. Lindir took every compliment as an insult. He stole what he wanted. He sees everyone as a threat. His violent actions and crass language were becoming a serious problem. And Lord Elrond just couldn't understand why. It was like everything was backwards. Lord Elrond sighed once more and decided to go and meditate to clear his mind.

Later that night Veryan and Herion had left their posts and went back to their home. The pair were tired and Herion was still irritated at the day's events.

"Herion?" Veryan asked and was met with no reply "You cannot stay mad forever love"

"Watch me" Herion replied with a huff.

"Herion dear please"

"Please what Veryan?" Herion asked as he lay down on the bed "Why must we keep watch of the little brat?" he asked.

"I know dear-"

"So you agree with me? That we are being punished for something or we have been cursed to be insulted and mocked by this child on a daily basis" Herion ranted.

"Herion sweet heart, I know we have been placed in a very unique and difficult situation, but maybe we can make the best of it" Veryan suggested.

Herion gave Veryan a look of sheer disbelief "Make the best of this? Are you serious? I will not, nor will I ever make the best of this" he said "I don't like being insulted and I don't being made a fool of and I certainly don't like it when it happens to you"

"I know darling, but Lord Elrond trusts us with this task. He has placed a lot of faith in us" Veryan argued calmly.

"Well my faith in my patience is waning" Herion argued back.

Veryan knew he was not going to sway Herion with words, so maybe he could sway him with actions instead. Smirking to himself he began to undress.

"You know Herion you may be right about this, however I find my adoration for you growing" Veryan said as he climbed on to the bed. He slowly crawled over Herion looking his dead in the eyes "You endure such awful things each and every day and all it does is make you tense" he said seductively and he ran a hand over Herion's torso "You just need to unwind a little bit" he said as he slowly sat up, removed his shirt and exposed his bare upper body.

Herion growled lowly "You little minx" he said and he kissed Veryan's stomach. He undid the string that held Veryan's trousers and tugged at waist band "I think we both need to unwind" he smirked.

"Oh yes" Veryan gasped "Make love to me!"

Herion growled like and animal in heat and flipped Veryan down on to the mattress "By the Valar I love you"