Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Please don't sue me I'm poor.

Warning: This chapter had mentions of murder.

After the incident with Cuthbert Ragnar had Floki do research on Cuthbert and Lagertha made a phone call to the Oak Wood children's home. Their research proved fruitful. As it turns out the real Cuthbert had worked at Oak Wood children's home, but had died five years ago and nobody had heard of Athelstan. So they found out this Cuthbert was a fake, identity thief and Athelstan had not escaped from Oak Wood children's home. A few of their questions were answered, but what were they going to do with this information?

A week later and the fake Cuthbert returned. He kept up his facade and tried to convince Ragnar and Lagertha to hand over Athelstan. Ragnar and Lagertha told him they knew he was a fake and he was not going to get Athelstan. The fake Cuthbert tried to run but was stopped by Erik and Leif and taken to the basement. After a quick beating the fake Cuthbert, whose real name was Todd, told them the shocking truth.

"Athelstan is Ecbert's kid" Todd said.

"What?" Ragnar said shocked "His son?"

"Yeah, but he's a bastard, you know an illegitimate child" Todd replied.

"So that's why Ecbert wants him" Lagertha said.

"If only..." Todd mumbled.

"What was that?" Ragnar said demandingly.

"Nothing" Todd replied. A couple of swift punches to the face made him talk "Alright, alright. Ecbert doesn't want the brat because he can cook or because he's his kid. He wants him because he saw something he shouldn't have"

"What did he see?" Ragnar asked.

Todd hesitated until Ragnar raised his fist again, making him blurt out an answer "Ecbert killed Athelstan's mother"

"No way..." Lagertha whispered.

"Yeah and he saw" Todd said.

Lagertha and Ragnar remembered what Adam had told them 'psychological trauma. It is possible for someone to go through something so traumatic that they are literally scared silent' seeing his mother get murdered must have been the trigger for his silence.

"Why did he kill her?" Ragnar asked.

"Bitch got greedy" Todd answered vaguely.

"Explain" Ragnar said threateningly.

"Athelstan's mother was Ecbert's mistress. His wife never knew about her. When he got her pregnant he supported her for years. However she wanted to end their relationship. She asked for a lump sum of cash or she would tell his wife. Ecbert knew that would end his marriage, ruin his business and reputation. So he went to her home and strangled her. Athelstan saw and Ecbert tried to kill him too, but he got away" Todd explained.

Something about that story still didn't add up "There's something that I don't understand. If Ecbert wants to kill Athelstan, why didn't he take him when they first met? When he gave him a business card?" Lagertha asked.

"Because Athelstan doesn't remember. Ecbert wanted to use Athelstan' memory loss to his advantage. He wanted to have Athelstan work for him to drum up business, have his employees learn his cooking secrets and then kill him off. Make it look like an accident" Todd explained.

Out of sheer anger Ragnar punched Todd again "That piece of shit!" he shouted "We need to call the cops"

"We can't" Lagertha said.

"Why not?"

"Because Athelstan doesn't remember and we have no evidence" she explained.

"We have him" Ragnar said pointing to Todd.

"Yes but...We need to think about are next move. One wrong move could make us look bad" Lagertha pointed out.

Yeah beating a man in their basement did not look good. Leaving Todd in the basement they Told everyone what they had learned.

"No wonder the kid's so fucked up" Rollo said.

"What should we do?" asked Arne.

"I don't know" Ragnar replied. After a lengthy discussion they came to the agreement that Athelstan had to remember somehow.

After many hours of research on repressed memories Ragnar and Lagertha confronted Athelstan. They tried their best to get Athelstan to remember and not upset him. Their attempt to help him failed and to make matters worse Ecbert showed up.

The blaring sirens from the police cars outside caught the attention of everyone inside the pub. Going outside they saw Ecbert standing there with a grin on his face. Ragnar balled his fist in anger and approached him.

"What's all this?" Ragnar snarled.

"This is the police doing their jobs" Ecbert replied.

"Is this him?" a police officer asked.

"Yes this is Ragnar Lothbrok" Ecbert replied.

"Mr Lothbrok, Ecbert tells us you have if son and refuse to give him back. Is this true?" the officer asked.

"We didn't know he was Ecbert's kid until just now. And we won't hand him over to a killer" Ragnar spat.

"A killer?" the officer said questioningly.

"Yes Ecbert killed Athelstan's mother" Ragnar replied.

The police officer seemed confused and asked "Do you have proof of this?"

"I, Well..." Shit! Ragnar wasn't sure what to say. Telling them about Todd would look bad on him and Athelstan couldn't remember.

"Officer it's obvious he has no evidence for a crime that was never committed. Alison's death was an accident" Ecbert said with a slight chuckle "Now Ragnar. I don't want to have you arrested for kidnapping, but if you don't hand over my son, I will have to have you arrested" Ecbert warned with glee. Ecbert turned his gaze to the pub door and saw Athelstan standing there "Athelstan my boy!" he said happily "Come home with your father and we can forget this nasty business"

Athelstan had heard everything Ragnar had said about his mother's death and Ecbert. He wasn't sure but he felt like Ragnar was right. If only he could remember.

The police restrained Ragnar and the rest of the pub occupants while Ecbert took Athelstan by the wrist "Let's get you home" he said and pulled Athelstan away from the door.

'Home' the word echoed through Athelstan mind and caused him pain. He grabbed his head as memories flashed through his mind. First he saw shadows and muffled noises. The shadows took the shape of his mother and Ecbert, his hands around her neck, chocking the life out of her. Then Ecbert turned to him, with a crazed look in his eyes and he remembered everything.

"NOOOOO!" Athelstan screamed, shocking everyone and pulled his arm away from Ecbert's grasp "NO! NO! NO! KILLER! MURDERER!" he shouted. Athelstan ran from Ecbert and towards Ragnar, practically jumping in his arms "I remember he killed her" he cried.

Ragnar was happy to hear Athelstan speak but horrified it had to be those words "Officer, Athelstan saw Ecbert kill his mother and a man named Todd who works for him confessed to this as well"

The officer approached Athelstan and asked "Kid did you really see the murder of Alison?"

"Yes, he did it" Athelstan replied clutching to Ragnar.

Before anyone could mover or do anything else, they saw Ecbert flee in his car. The police scrambled to their cars and began a high speed pursuit. Erik lead the remaining police down to the basement and they arrested Todd.

Outside Ragnar and Lagertha comforted a distraught Athelstan "I remember. I remember" Athelstan mumbled over and over.

Athelstan was taken back into the into the pub and put to bed, who was still mumbling incoherently.

The police questioned all the occupants of the pub and Ecbert was caught an hour later after he crashed his car.

Things went from bad to worse over the next few days as the pub became swamped with news reporters and paparazzi. Athelstan had come down with a fever and tempers were running high. The murder committed by Ecbert was on the front page of every news paper and on every news station. When Ecbert's wife found out she was outraged and filed for divorce. She had no idea about Alison or Athelstan and sent an apology letter to the Lothbrok's. A couple of weeks later the trail began.

During court Athelstan testified against Ecbert and told the court what he had saw. Todd had testified against his former boss as well to get a reduced sentence. Ecbert's wife said she knew nothing about the situation and was cleared of any charges. In the end Ecbert was found guilty and was sentenced to sixty years in prison with no parole and no bail. Everything that Ecbert owned would go to his ex-wife.

After the trail and everything had started to settle Athelstan had to talk to Ragnar and Lagertha alone. The three of sat down at the table and Athelstan spoke "I-I have to thank you both for everything you've done. I'd probably be dead if not for you"

"It's alright Athelstan. We are happy to have you hear" Lagertha said.

"Are you though? I mean I'm not like I was before. I'm not acting childish or cute, I know you found it adorable" Athelstan said.

"It doesn't matter how you act, we still like you and we still want you here. You're still a good cook" Ragnar said.

"Really? But I'm 'fucked up' as Rollo put it" Athelstan said ashamed.

"It's true you've been through some tough times but you're not fucked up" Lagertha said.

"Really?" Athelstan said blushing.

"Of course" Ragnar said taking Athelstan's hand in his.

Athelstan felt reassured that he was still wanted by the Lothbrok's and continued to stay with them. Months passed and thing went back to normal and got better. Ecbert's ex-wife had visited to apologise to everyone Ecbert's actions and as a sign of peace she said she was closing Ecbert's restaurant and turning it into her new boutique, meaning there was no more competition between them.

Athelstan's attitude had changed he was no longer as childish as he was before, but he was still a skilful cook and he spoke to everyone daily. He was happy with his new family and grew closer to Ragnar and Lagertha on his twentieth birthday when he told them he loved them and lost his virginity to them that night.

The pub prospered, despite what had happened. In fact all of the news had brought in more customers.

In the end everything had worked out for the best. Everyone was happy and business couldn't be better.