,A/N: Hello! I know, I know, it's been ages since I last updated and I feel so bad. I can't believe it has taken me nearly 3 months to write this chapter. Again, I'm sorry. Also I can't believe that we have hit 50 favourites and 60 follows! That might not seem like a lot to some people but you all mean the absolute world to me! Thank you so much you make me smile every day.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hunger Games.

I hope that you all enjoy this chapter! On with the story!

My mind started racing and my body reacted to the new danger.

"FIRE!" I screamed, not caring who heard me and was alerted to my position.

Thresh stirred first, his eyes widening in shock. "RUE!"

Rue and Gale got up and we grabbed our stuff and ran.

"What about Elina?" Rue asked, nearly choking on the heavy smoke.

"She's smart, she will know what to do," Gale reassured her.

Of course it was fire. The irony of the situation would bring the residents of the Capitol to tears of laughter.

"Split up!"

The real danger began soon after. I laughed bitterly as the flaming balls flew at me from all directions. A warning hiss and they were fired; react quickly or die.

I heard a hiss but didn't move in time and a flame scorched my thigh. With a searing pain I lost focus on my task and only the smell of burnt hair brought me back to my senses. I moved around the fiery death traps in quick succession and met up with the rest of my allies and we began our dance with death. With one last violent hiss the fames stopped and we were safe- for now.

I took a breath of relief before wincing in pain.

"Here, pour some water on your leg," Thresh said passing me his water bottle.

I hated burns, I thought they were the worst kind of pain imaginable. They were quite common when I made the bread at home.

I hissed as the water came in contact with my burn. It eased it somewhat but the pain was still there; a throbbing sensation.

Hearing someone spluttering and coughing I turned around. I saw Elina bending over. Rue rushed towards her and almost instantly she was on the floor, Elina pinning her down.

Without thinking I strung my bow and shot at her. A cannon went off and Rue, sporting a new cut on her face, sighed in relief.

"We need to move."

We walked until the pain in my leg became unbearable.

"I'm sorry," I said, painfully hoisting myself into the tree.

A soft whistling sound made me look up. A parachute was flying down.

"Who's it for?"

I read the note and smiled. "It's for me. Dad sent it!" I looked inside and gasped in shock. It's an ointment for the burns- it must have cost a fortune!"

I applied it quickly and the relief was instant.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Bastards!" Haymitch roared as the fire edged closer towards his daughter and her allies.

Everyone was watching the screen as Katniss noticed the fire and alerted her allies to the threat.

"They might survive it," Blight said and cursed as the fireballs started.

"Well this is fucking great!" Haymitch cried and looked down at his lap.

His eyes darted to the screen the second Katniss began screaming.

"Come on Katniss, you can do it," Finnick said.

His emotions were all over the place, he was frightened for the life of the girl he had feelings for.

Almost everyone who knew Katniss sighed in relief when the flames stopped.

Haymitch stood up quickly and left the room. When he returned he seemed a lot happier.

A/N: I realise that this chapter is extremely short and I am really sorry for the length, but I figured that you would all want something. This chapter was hard to write as I didn't know what I wanted to happen. It is slightly rushed and I apologise for that.

I've had a lot of work to do recently and to be quite honest I didn't have enough motivation to write this chapter. Hopefully the next chapter will be up soon and you won't have to wait as long.

Now let the British summer commence!

~EmoOwlQueen x