Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. please don't sue me I'm poor.

The next morning was strange. Nobody had seen Erestor. He had not been to see anyone about their work nor had he given Lord Elrond his reports. And what was even stranger was that he was late for the council meeting, he was never late for anything.

"Has anybody seen Erestor?" Lord Elrond asked. Everybody had replied no, which Lord Elrond thought was very odd. This was highly unusual for Erestor and it made Lord Elrond worry.

"My Lord Elrond" Glorfindel said


"I think your overreacting. Erestor is a fully grown and responsible elf maybe something unexpected happened and he is taking care of it" Glorfindel suggested 'Or crying in his room' he thought smugly.

Lord Elrond hummed and said "Perhaps you're right"

"Of course, he'll show up sooner or later" Glorfindel smiled

Erestor didn't show up that day, or the next day or the next day. And after four days Lord Elrond was in full panic. He sent many of his staff out to look for him but they all came back empty handed. If things weren't bad enough Rivendell was starting the fall apart. Without Erestor's guidance and take no shit attitude many were starting to lose control of supplies, trade, finance and tempers.

After a week and a half Lord Elrond stopped all outside trade because they were losing money, supplies and they received letters of complaints about wrong orders. Lord Elrond had, had enough and sent soldiers and messengers out to other elven kingdoms to ask for their help. He ordered everyone in Rivendell to search high and low for his advisor and not stop until he was found.

Another week had past and Lord Elrond called an emergency meeting "By the Valar has anybody found him yet?" he asked angrily

The soldiers and messengers said no one from the other kingdoms had seen or heard anything from Erestor. And no one in Rivendell had found any clues to where he could be. Even those that searched his room found nothing.

Glorfindel sat in his chair he looked calm on the outside but inside he was panicking. This was all his fault and he knew it. Where was he? Had he left Rivendell altogether? Had he sailed heartbroken? He was jolted out of his thoughts when Lord Elrond slammed his hand on the table.

"By the Valar, what is wrong with all of you?" he shouted "Erestor and I often joked about Rivendell falling apart if he stopped working but I never ever thought that would actually happen!" he said angrily "Now listen I want everyone to go back to work and get their jobs done right, understand?" he commanded sternly.

They all looked disappointed and ashamed about themselves but they obeyed their Lord. They all left leaving Lord Elrond slumped in his chair.

Glorfindel didn't leave yet instead he approached Lord Elrond and put a comforting hand on his shoulder "My Lord?"

"Oh, Glorfindel please leave me alone" Elrond hissed

Glorfindel knew his Lord didn't mean that but he still left. Lord Elrond was just upset and Glorfindel had noticed that so many others were. Who knew Erestor meant so much to Rivendell. As he walked through Rivendell's corridors he noticed many were talking about Erestor's mysterious disappearance.

Rumours had spreads varying from person to person. Rumours of his death, or him sailing or running away with a secret lover, it all spread fast and none of them were true. Glorfindel felt guilty about what he had done and wished he could apologise. He sat on a bench and sighed. He was never going to see Erestor again was he? The scouts had searched everywhere in Rivendell and found no trace of him. Wait...had they searched everywhere? What about the gazebo?

Glorfindel left the bench quickly and ran for the old gazebo. Maybe they hadn't looked there. As he ran he prayed to the Valar that Erestor was still there. He pushed past bushes and flowers beds until he finally came to a stop.

His eyes widened when he saw the raven haired elf slumped in the same spot he had been in weeks ago. Had he been here this whole time, waiting for him? For three whole weeks. Glorfindel ran to Erestor's side and saw that his eyes were closed "Erestor! Erestor wake up!" he said lightly tapping his cheek

Erestor didn't move.

Glorfindel checked for a pulse and found a very week one. But his skin was as cold as ice, he needed medical help "Don't worry Erestor, I'll carry you to the healers" he was about to lift Erestor in his arms when his eyes fluttered open.

"Glorfindel?" Erestor said hoarsely

"Erestor!" Glorfindel said surprised and looked into his eyes "I'll take you to the healers. You're gonna be fine"

"You-you came. I waited for you. Here for you" Erestor handing Glorfindel a dead rose with a tattered pink ribbon on before fainting again. The dead rose fell to the floor losing the rest of its petals.

Glorfindel felt his heart break into pieces. Erestor was serious, he had sat and waited for him for weeks. Oh Valar what had he done? He scooped Erestor and ran for the healers. When he got there he burst into the room and placed Erestor and a bed. He ordered the healers to look after him while he got Lord Elrond.

He ran burst into Lord Elrond's office and said "I found Erestor!"

"What? Where is he?" Lord Elrond asked

"I took him to the healers" Glorfindel said and took him to Erestor.

Lord Elrond was both relieved and horrified to see his friends again and wondered how he had gotten into such a state. He and his healers worked hard to clean and care for Erestor. When they had finished Lord Elrond turned to Glorfindel "Where did you find him?"

Oh shit what was he going to say "At the old gazebo" he said

"Why was he there?" Lord Elrond asked

"I-I don't know" Glorfindel lied

"What made you go there?" Lord Elrond asked

"I-I just wanted some peace and quiet" Glorfindel lied again

Lord Elrond looked at him suspiciously but left it at that "I want someone to go to the old gazebo and investigate"

Oh no, the rose! It could be a clue and if they found it they could link it back to him "I'll do it" he said

"You will?" Lord Elrond said

"Yes, I mean I found him there and I've investigated things like this before. Perhaps I could find something" Glorfindel suggested

"Very well. Report to me if you find anything" Lord Elrond said

Glorfindel bowed and left the healing wing. He ran back to the old gazebo and found the rose. He picked it up off the floor and examined it. It had died ages ago that was obvious. It's green petals and stem had turned brown. The neck was being weighed down by the heavy rose making it look like it was weeping. Most of the red petals had fallen off leaving only a few crispy brown ones. The pink ribbon was still tied around the stem but most of the colour had faded.

Glorfindel put the rose in his pocket and searched the area for anything else. Once it was clear he left. He went back to his room and placed the dead flower stem on his desk. He paced around his room in a state of worry and wondered how his prank could have gone so wrong. Why would Erestor stay there and wait for him so long? Surly anyone else would have left. They Glorfindel realised something, did Erestor actual like him? It was a question he erased from his mind because he simply just didn't believed it.

Glorfindel made his way to Lord Elrond's office on knocked on the door. Lord Elrond opened the door and invited him in.

"What did you find Glorfindel?" Lord Elrond asked

"Nothing. The area was clear" Glorfindel lied

"You found nothing? That's not good enough. I'm sending other to investigate" Lord Elrond said

"Very well my Lord, I will be back in my room" Glorfindel said and left quickly

Glorfindel locked the door to his room and started to pace around. What had he done? What was he going to do? Nobody could know about this. But what about when Erestor woke up? He would tell and then everyone would know what he had done. What would happen then? Would he be imprisoned or banished?

Glorfindel rubbed his head in anguish as he thought of all the bad things that could happen to him. He looked on his desk to the rose Erestor had. As he picked it up the last few petals fell off leaving a dead steam with a faded pink ribbon. Glorfindel looked at it sadly and wondered why Erestor had brought such a gift. Bringing a rose on a first date meant that the person did have feelings for you. But Erestor had never shown any interest in him before. In fact Erestor had always acted like he was a nuisance or that he didn't exist. So if he did have feeling for him why not tell him?

Glorfindel sulked and sat on his bed, still clutching the rose stem. He wondered if he had committed a crime. He had taken and concealed evidence of his involvement, he had lied directly to the Lord of Rivendell and he could have seriously hurt Erestor. He had definitely committed a crime. He thought about leaving Rivendell but that would look suspicious. What should he do?

Meanwhile In the healing wing.

Erestor had been taken care of by the healers but still remained unconscious. The healers made notes of Erestor's condition and sent their report to Lord Elrond. Erestor would recover from his exhaustion and hunger in time, but the mystery of what happened to him was still in the air.

Two weeks went by before Erestor woke up. He sat up and asked "Where am I?"

The only healer in the room went wide eyed and rushed to his side "My Lord Erestor, are you ok?" she asked

"I don't know. What happened?" Erestor replied

"I will get Lord Elrond" she said and rushed to Lord Elrond's office. She burst into his room and told him that Erestor was awake. The two of them raced back to the healing and found Erestor still sitting in bed.

"Erestor my friend, how are you feeling?" Lord Elrond asked holding his friend's hand.

"I feel a bit woozy. I don't remember much" Erestor replied

"You've been missing for almost a month my friend. Nobody knew where you were or what had happened to you" Lord Elrond explained

'Missing?' Erestor thought. Yes, he had been missing. He had been waiting for Glorfindel. Waiting for their date. But now everything was clear to him, it was all just a lie.

"Erestor what happened to you?" Lord Elrond asked

"I don't remember much. May I rest?" he lied

Lord Elrond could sense something was wrong but his friend had been through much so he let it slide "Alright my friend. Sleep well" he said and left the room. On his way back to his room he knew something was amiss and was determined to find out. Lord Elrond had already found his first clue the clothing that he was found in. The red velvet robe he was wearing was a gift his wife and he had brought for Erestor's birthday. Erestor had only worn it on special occasions and when Celebrian passed away he vowed never to wear it again, to respect Lord Elrond's feelings. Lord Elrond knew there was something significant about this, but what?

When he returned to his office he called for four of his best spies. When they arrived he ordered them to conduct a more thorough investigation on this mystery. He told them to listen to every rumour, every conversation, every whisper for information and to go and investigate the grounds of the old gazebo for any clues. They obeyed his orders and left with a bow. Lord Elrond downed his wine in anger, someone, somewhere must know something.

Glorfindel was panicking when he found out Erestor had woken up. Surely now everybody would know what he had done. He waited for hours for armed guards to burst into his room and arrest him. But nothing happed. After several hours he had finally worked up the courage to go and see Erestor in the healing wing.

Arriving at the healing wing Glorfindel noticed that there was only one healer and asked if he and Erestor could have some privacy. The healer reluctantly agreed and left them alone. Approaching Erestor was difficult but somehow he had managed to sit right next to him.

Erestor sat in silence not once glancing in Glorfindel's direction, he knew he would cry if he did.

"E-Erestor?" Glorfindel said.

Erestor didn't reply.

"I-I was wondering if you remembered anything?" Glorfindel asked

Erestor felt his rage build up. Glorfindel was wondering if he had told anyone about what he had done. He was thinking about himself, how selfish.


"No, Glorfindel I haven't told anyone about what you have done. You don't have to worry about your reputation" Erestor almost hissed

The harshness of Erestor's words struck Glorfindel hard. He was worried about himself all this time but now he wondered if he should had been worried about Erestor too "Erestor, I-I'm so sorry" he said

"About what? Your plan to make a fool out of me worked didn't it? Shouldn't you be gloating and celebrating?" Erestor said

It was painful t listen to Erestor talk like that. It was like listening to his selfish self. Glorfindel took a deep breath and said "No Erestor I will not gloat or celebrate. Things were not suppose to have turned out like this"

"And how were things have supposed to have turned out?" Erestor asked

Glorfindel wasn't sure anymore "Not like this" he replied

Erestor sighed and asked "Did you know I knew it was you all along?"

"What!?" Glorfindel said in disbelief "You knew that I had sent the letters? How?" he asked shocked

"I recognised your handwriting" Erestor replied

Glorfindel chuckled bitterly "Of course you would"

"You know when I first got a letter from you I thought it was joke, but I kept the letter anyway because it was very nice. When the letters from you kept coming you started to slowly win over my feelings. Each day I looked forward to next one. I've always had feeling for you" Erestor confessed

Glorfindel felt his breath hitch in his throat "Why didn't you say?"

"Because you didn't care for me. You were just like everyone else. I heard you call me names and mock me. I didn't want to be with someone would that was going to treat me badly, so I hid my feelings" Erestor explained

The pain in Glorfindel's chest was starting to burn. What had he done? "If I'd have known I would have-" Glorfindel said before Erestor interrupted him

"You would have what? Laughed at me? You do not care for me Glorfindel, you never have and you never will. Please leave me be"

Glorfindel didn't know what else to say except "I'm so sorry" and with that he left.

Erestor felt his mask crumble as tears fell from his eyes for the first time in centuries.

Three days later.

The spies had returned to Lord Elrond with important news "My Lord Elrond, our search of the Gazebo grounds had revealed something important" the spy leader said

"What did you find?" Lord Elrond asked

"We found this" the spy leader said and pulled out a few dead rose petals.

Lord Elrond looked at the petals confused and asked "What is this?"

"Dead rose petals" the spy leader replied

"At this tells us what?" Lord Elrond asked

"Roses do not grow anywhere near the old Gazebo. We found these petals on the seating and on the floor. The only way they could have gotten there was if someone had brought a rose there. But the only problem we have is we could not find the rest of the rose. The stem is missing, which we think is highly suspicious" the spy leader explained

Lord Elrond's spies were the best for good reason, they thought outside the box and looked for clues other people would miss "What does this all mean?" he asked

"We've come to conclusion that Lord Erestor was waiting for someone, most likely he waiting for a romantic interest" the spy leader said

Now this surprised Lord Elrond. He didn't know he friend had feeling for anyone "How did you come to such a conclusion?" he asked

"Lord Erestor was found at the old gazebo, he wearing his best robes, even though he said he would never wear them again. He was probably the one who had brought the rose, which would explain the petals. And the only reason someone would have a rose would be to give it to a romantic interest" the spy leader explained

That explanation did make a lot of sense "Are you sure it could not have come from somebody else?"

"Yes. We determined the age of the petals to be almost a month old and if anyone else had gone to the gazebo we would have found Erestor sooner" the spy leader explained

It all made sense now "So Erestor went to the old gazebo to wait for a romantic interest, most likely to go on a date. He had brought a rose as a sign of interest and had worn his best clothes to look nice. So what happened?" Lord Elrond said

"We do not know" the spy leader said

'Another dead end' Lord Elrond thought "The only person who knows what had happened was Erestor and he will not say anything about it. There must be something"

"My Lord Elrond we are still listening to people talk we may still find something yet" the spy leader said

"Yes, please. You are dismissed" Lord Elrond said and let his spies leave.

Two days later and there was still no answers. Lord Elrond was becoming more and more distressed. Erestor wouldn't speak to him at all and at one point he thought that his friend was starting to fade. Staying in his office was clouding his thoughts, so he decided to take a walk. He didn't know how he ended up in Erestor's office it just sort of happened. Looking around he noticed a fine layer of dust on everything and sighed.

He looked on every shelf until his foot hit something. He looked down and found a metal box. He hadn't seen this box in a very long time. It was a given to Erestor by Gil-Galad before his death, it was Erestor's most precious possession. And Lord Elrond wondered what it was doing on the floor. When he picked it up the lid opened and papers scattered across the floor. He cursed and started to pick them up.

Lord Elrond had never been a nosy person but what was written on the letters caught his eye. They were love notes. He read through each one by date. Soon he realised that the last letter told Erestor to go to the old gazebo and the date matched when Erestor had disappeared. He had to find who had wrote the letters. He gathered them all up and took them to his cryptographer. He told to find out who's handwriting matched the one written on the letters and to tell no one but him when he had found a match. The wait for the results was going to excruciating.

Glorfindel had never felt so crappy in his entire life. Even since he had spoken to Erestor he had felt like the scum of middle earth. For two days he had done nothing but lay in bed and think about what he had done.

Memories of him and Erestor went through his mind and when he thought about it Erestor sometimes let his feelings for him slip through. He remembered how Erestor would often stare at him, he would say it was to keep an eye on him. He remembered one time when he got drunk and passed out, Erestor carried him and let him sleep in his room. Erestor said it was to stop him from clogging up the hallway. Those memories and so many more they were the time when Erestor showed him how much he cared and just covered them up with harsh excuses. He sighed again and hugged his legs to his chest, why couldn't he stop his tears from falling.

It only took an hour for the cryptographer to find a match, he told lord Elrond that the handwriting belonged to Glorfindel. Lord Elrond was shocked, Glorfindel was the last person he suspected. But now that he thought about it Glorfindel had been showing signs of strange behaviour since Erestor went missing. Could it have really been him? Well, there was only one way to find out. Lord Elrond gathered four guards and marched his way to Glorfindel's room. This time he would get answers, even if he had to force them out of him.

Glorfindel had decided it was time to come to terms with his feelings for Erestor. All of the letters he wrote did portray his true feelings and he...he loved him, he loved Erestor. Why didn't he see this sooner? He jumped out of bed and tidied himself up. He left with room and started to march his way to the healing wing where Erestor was.

Lord Elrond was almost at Glorfindel's room when Glorfindel came from around the corner "Evening Glorfindel" Lord Elrond said stopping him in his tracks.

"Oh, good evening my Lord" Glorfindel replied

"Going somewhere?" Elrond asked sarcastically

"I'm going to visit Erestor" Glorfindel replied not noticing his Lord's sarcastic attitude

"Why?" Lord Elrond asked

"I'm just going to see how he is doing" Glorfindel lied

"Really? Well I'm afraid you'll have to postpone that visit. You and I need to have a serious talk" Lord Elrond said. The tone in his voice gave no room for argument.

Glorfindel knew something was wrong and wondered what Lord Elrond could want "Very well my Lord"

"To my office then" Lord Elrond said and led the way back to his office. When they arrived at his office he told two of his guards to stand outside the door and the other two to stand inside and block the door. He offered Glorfindel a seat at his desk and he sat on the opposite side "I'm going to get straight to the point Glorfindel. You were the one who hurt Erestor, weren't you?" Lord Elrond said.

Glorfindel stopped breathing and felt his pulse race. How did he know? Did Erestor tell him?

"Well? Did you?" Lord Elrond said annoyed

Glorfindel couldn't speak, the pals of his hands began to sweat, the pressure was starting to build up.

"I'm waiting for an answer" Lord Elrond said impatiently

Glorfindel couldn't take it anymore, it was just too much "...Yes..." he whispered

"It was you that sent him those love letters and told him to meet you at the gazebo. And then it was you that took evidence from the scene and then lied to my face about it. Wasn't it?" Lord Elrond said

"Yes" Glorfindel replied

"That's all I needed to hear. Glorfindel you are hereby by banished from Rivendell. I want you out before sun down" Lord Elrond ordered

"What? No, you can't!" Glorfindel protested

"I am the Lord of Rivendell. My word is law and you will leave" Lord Elrond said

"But-but I must speak with Erestor" Glorfindel said

"Haven't you done enough damage? You will stay away from him" Lord Elrond said angrily

"But I need to confess how I feel about him" Glorfindel said

"I think you've made your hatred of him quite clear" Lord Elrond spat

"No that's not, that's not..." Glorfindel didn't know what he was trying to say, so he told the truth "This whole situation started out as a joke. Everyone was sick of Erestor being so cold, myself included. So I decided to break that stone mask of his by making him believe that someone had taken an interest in him. What I didn't know was he knew it was me sending the letters all along. I kept sending letters until we made an arrangement to meet. I saw Erestor waiting for me at the gazebo and I knew my plan had worked. I thought the next day he would be upset but he never showed up. When the days turned into weeks I started to panic about him. I went to find him at the old gazebo passed out. Before I brought him to the healers he gave me a dead rose with a pink ribbon and he told me that he had waited for me. He sat there and waiting all that time for me to show up and I wondered why. When you sent people to investigate I volunteered to go to the gazebo for the sole purpose of getting rid of that rose. I knew if you found it, it could have led back to me, so I got rid of it. When Erestor woke up I was worried that he would tell you about what I had done, but he told me he wouldn't. Then he told me he had always had feelings for me but he chose to hide them. Ever since then I have been confused about my own feelings for him, why I was so riddled with guilt. Then I realised that felt the same way about him. I love him" Glorfindel felt tears burn his eyes and fall down his cheeks.

"And that's the truth?" Lord Elrond asked


Lord Elrond was still sceptical but something told him that Glorfindel's feelings were genuine "You hurt him Glorfindel. Not only that, look at all the trouble you have caused the residents of Rivendell including myself. By rights I should have you pay for ever crime you have committed" he said

"I know and I will pay but I must tell Erestor how I feel. Please my Lord let me go" Glorfindel begged

All of Elrond's instincts told him not to but the love he had for his friend told him to let it happen. He sighed heavily "Fine but I will come with you, I will not leave you alone with him"

"Thank you, my Lord" Glorfindel said

Lord Elrond, Glorfindel and the four guards made their way to the healing wing. Glorfindel's head was spinning, he was sweating the entire time. When they got their Lord Elrond gave Glorfindel one more warning not to hurt Erestor any further and let him enter.

Erestor was sitting in the healing wing bed staring at his hands he hadn't spoken since he and Glorfindel had talked. He heart was heavy and his soul was void of all emotions, what was his life now? He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't notice anyone else in the room until a hand grabbed his. He looked next to him and saw Glorfindel, the last person he wanted to see. Glorfindel smiled at him but Erestor just looked away.

Glorfindel wasn't going to beat around the bush anymore he was going to tell him the truth "Erestor I know you're hurting right now because of me but I have something to tell you. I've been thinking a lot about all of this and today I realised how much you truly cared about me. And I've come to realise me own feelings for you as well, I just didn't notice them until now. I love you Erestor" Glorfindel confessed.

Erestor was stunned and thought that this was another cruel prank but Lord Elrond would not just stand there if it was "You love me?" Erestor asked

"Yes and I wish I'd have realised it sooner. Before all of this happened, I regret all of it so much, I wish I could take it all back" Glorfindel said

Erestor couldn't believe him, why would he confess now? It hurt, it hurt so much. Why? Why? The next thing Erestor knew he was being enveloped in a strange yet soothing warmth. He realised that Glorfindel was hugging him.

Seeing how upset he was making Erestor, Glorfindel hugged him gently. He kissed the top of his forehead and whispered soothing words.

Erestor wasn't sure how long they stayed like this but he had to say something "Do you really love me?" he asked

"Yes, with every fibre of my being" Glorfindel replied

"Then prove it. You promised me a date a while ago" Erestor said

"Yes I did. I promise we will go when you get better, until then I will visit everyday" Glorfindel said. He stayed with Erestor until he fell asleep. He tucked Erestor back into bed and kissed his cheek.

"Time to leave Glorfindel" Lord Elrond said

Glorfindel bit his bottom lip and wished he could stay longer. He followed Lord Elrond back to his office and waited for him to decide his fate.

"It would seem that Erestor has decided to give you another chance" Lord Elrond said "Because of that I will revoke your banishment. You will however still need to pay for your crimes"

"That is fine my Lord as long as I get to see Erestor" Glorfindel said

"I'm glad you agree. Now about seeing Erestor. I will only allow you to see him with a chaperone present, no exceptions" Lord Elrond said

"Yes, my Lord"

"Now let's see how you can pay back you debt to society, shall we" Lord Elrond said

Five days later.

Lord Elrond had put Glorfindel to work and took away his captain status. He banned him from the training grounds and was constantly followed by two guards. By now the everyone in Rivendell had heard what he had done and he was made a pariah. Glorfindel didn't really care, he was glad about the hard labour he could feel his sins and guilt washing away with each task he preformed. Glorfindel was happy he could see Erestor everyday like he had promised.

The elves of Rivendell had come to appreciate Erestor more. During his absence they realised how much he kept them afloat and how much pressure they were putting onto him. During a council meeting they promised that from now on they would do their work as they should do and not rely on Erestor else so much.

Erestor for his part looked forward to Glorfindel's visits, despite there always being a chaperone watching them. Day by day he started to get better and moved about more. When he and Glorfindel spoke their mostly talked about the past. Erestor told him about how often he had cared for Glorfindel in secret, like sending him a small gift when he was sad. Glorfindel told him how he use to stare at him when he wasn't looking. And then the day finally came when Erestor was well enough to go on the date.

Glorfindel had set up a picnic with food, dessert and wine. He even packed a small lunch for the chaperone, just to be nice. He had cleaned up the gazebo and decorated it with flowers and streamers. He knew Erestor would like it.

Erestor was surprised when he arrived at the old gazebo to find didn't look so old anymore, it looked beautiful. He joined Glorfindel on the picnic blanket and said "Everything looks wonderful"

"Anything for my love" Glorfindel replied and put an arm around him.

Erestor had wore his red robe again and both of them exchanged roses. They ate and drank in peace until the stars came out.

"Care to dance?" Glorfindel asked

"With no music?" Erestor pointed out

"I've thought of that as well" Glorfindel said gave waved his hand.

Erestor looked it the direction Glorfindel had waved in and saw Lindir came out from the bushes with his harp in hand.

Lindir started to play a classic romantic song and smiled at the two of them.

Erestor certainly didn't expect that. He took Glorfindel's hand and started to dance. Erestor's first date was perfect.

Eventually Erestor became well enough to continue work. He was pleasantly surprised when he found out his work load had decreased. He was even more surprised when elves started to treat him nicely. They struck up more friendlier conversations with him and asked him about his day. It was a strange and odd change in his life but he started to welcome it.

It took two years for Glorfindel and Erestor to sleep in the same bed and another four years before they decided to have an intimate relationship. Glorfindel was a gentle lover he listened to Erestor's wants and needs and when Erestor got use to it, he in turn did the same for Glorfindel.

Ten years later and Glorfindel asked Erestor to marry him. Erestor said yes of course and they were married at the old gazebo in the spring.

Despite the rough and sad start to their relationship the two of them stayed together through thick and thin. They learned more about each other with each passing day and grew to appreciate each other's company.

No one in any of the Kingdoms could deny that they were made for each other and became a symbol for others to be true to their feelings, so they too could live happily ever after.

The End.