OH Sheeeit, sorry for the wait, I'm so dumb! There was school, so much school! Don't be afraid to point out errors, I don't have a beta and this is written on my phone! EDIT: Thank ya Guest(66) for making my day!

Here you may read now.

You open your eyes to blue.

For a bleary moment that's all you know. Nothing else pans into focus, you're left there taking in the various shades. Paying attention to anything else suddenly seems like it'd take too much effort. Surrounded by warmth, you're pulled into a comforted lull. You nearly close your eyes to drift back to the welcomed bliss of sleep, yet something nags at you from the back of your mind preventing you from resting.

You hear voices. Hushed and earnest. You can't quite make out what they're saying, much less what the conversation is about. It bothers you. You're not sure why...It feels like you haven't been sure about anything for awhile now. It's getting on your nerves.

Groggily trying to get a grip on your surroundings you note the strangely large size of the bed you had awakened in. Unsurprisingly it was also blue. As far as you were concerned it appeared you were the only thing you had seen thus far that wasn't blue. Then again it was quite possible you had been staring at the ceiling for the majority of the time you had been awake. You shuffle your position in an attempt to force yourself further into lucidness. Skin brushing against soft covers, you blink a pair of golden eyes rapidly, but the world remains frozen in shades of blue.

The floor creaks.

You tense, snapping your eyes shut you make the decision to hastily feign sleep.

Footsteps softly move towards the side of the bed, quiet but not quiet enough, the intruder seems to be making an effort to not wake you. The steps still, fabric shifts carefully. Body ridged like a tightly wound coil, you know where they are. Something prods against your cheek and you spring into action, lashing out a metal fist into the intruder's chest. It cuts through the air without any resistance. Befuddled you're forced to clutch at the edges of the bed to prevent your momentum from flinging you onto the ground. The space where you expected the intruder to occupy is genially empty, almost as if mocking your mistake. Blond hair obscures your vision briefly as you swing your head to locate the unwelcome visitor. There's no one in the room.


You yank your gaze downward, your neck popping in protest of the harsh treatment, you don't notice it.

An innocuous face framed by short hair that's messily ruffled from displaced air quirks a brow at you. Adrenaline still racing throughout your body you shudder out a breath of conflicted relief. The sudden knowledge that you nearly attacked the child sinks its weight deep in your gut, but you plaster on a smile.

"H-hey kid, you okay?"

They stare at you with a soft face void of emotion, you begin to get nervous that you actually had managed to hurt them. Then they give a small nod before inclining their head to you, face remaining hard to read but nevertheless the question is clear.

"Uh, yeah I'm okay," You hesitantly reach out and try to pat their hair down into a lesser mess of fluff. "You...surprised me."

You can't tell if they accept that answer given the fact that their expression seems to default to an unimpressed stare. You stare back for a long moment as if that would garter a response, yet of course the child seems content with a staring contest they'd no doubt win, so you look away, trying to survey the room between glances at the silent child. The room didn't appear to harbor anymore surprise occupants and the child looked to be fine...

"Mission accomplished I guess..." You mutter, raking a hand through your loose hair before idly re-braiding it as the child watches curiously.

You finally found the kid, which was the ultimate goal of all this, so now you had to address the problem of getting back. The hole you fell through is a no go, you aren't going to come in contact with whatever that...presence was that was encompassing the entrance if you don't have to. There didn't actually seem to be any other way in or out so far...but you could always keep going forward. That usually worked out? Well, now you just had to switch from looking for the kid to looking for Al and the exit. You picked a great time to faint. Ha. Just as soon as you found the kid and their abductor. Who was, ya know, a huge chimera. Fantastic. Who knows how that ended up going down.

You pause, expression thoughtful as you asses the situation.

Considering you woke up in an admittedly comfortable bed lacking the bruises you had received over the course of your search, and the kid was found entirely unharmed...

You look up.

The door isn't even locked. A pleasant scent wafts through the open door-way, filtering through with the warm lights and soft voices of a conversation in another room.

What kind of kidnapper was this...?

You hadn't really had a chance to meet him the first time.

Not that there was a lot of 'meeting' going on right now, but this was much better than getting stabbed. You weren't sure you could really complain about that, nearly all your friends have killed you once or twice. If there was anything to learn from that it'd be 'let someone beat you up then they'll be your friend' which frankly, sounds dumb but it would seem that's just how the underground works. Really you're a lot better at dodging now then when you first fell down, you'd like to think you hadn't died too often but you hadn't been counting. Well...you hadn't dodged his blade all that nicely, then again you really hadn't been expecting that. Why would you?

This hasn't happened before.

That in itself was reall-

"Come on kid, lets get out of here." Edward is already out of Toriel's bed, lacing up his boots before standing up and marching towards the door his gaze set on everything but you.

You frown.

You're not too sure it's a good idea for him to see Toriel. He didn't seem to like her the first time around, which you suppose wasn't really a great time to be introduced to her. But, Toriel is really nice, how could he not like her this time?

Feeling assured you pad towards Edward where he's waiting for you by the door expectantly. He smiles at you again, forced and uncomfortable looking, you don't return the gesture, cocking your head quizzically you wonder why he's trying so hard. You doubt he remembers what happened. Uh well, you don't actually know if he remembers or not but it's unlikely. Maybe? How were you suppose to know, it's not like there's ever been another human down here with you. You don't understand how all this works, not truly.

You nearly stop walking, grabbing a fist full Edward's red jacket within your hand as you shuffle alongside his wary stride.

Ah, you did know someone who could figure this out... He'd be willing to help right? He's one of your best friends!

"Would you like some pie?"

"A-ah, no uh, I'm fine, thank you."

She blinks at your stuttered response, her expression slightly concerned before she nods and sets the slice of pie on the table. After having talked to Toriel for what could've been several hours you're not surprised by her concern any longer. Really after what she's chatted about you're just rather confused. Toriel tried to talk to you about you and your older brother, but she petered off the topic quickly enough. You mentioned the chimeras and she frowned then told you she'd 'deal with it'. Then she tried to make causal conversation about this...guard job she appears to think you have. You of course opted to tell her you weren't a guardsman rather than end up even more suspicious by trying to fake it. This seemed to make her think you had wanted to be a guard or something because she had nodded sympathetically and told you that you'd make it in one day. She asked if you were from some place called 'Snowdin' to which you replied you live somewhat further away than that. So she nodded knowingly...ah yes...'Hotland'...apparently. Was...she just making up these places names? Thankfully she went on to more understandable topics later, first chatting fondly about Frisk, then about her friend behind what she said was the 'ruins door'. The friend from what you gathered is quite the jokester.

That topic ended up leading to some, rather helpful information... Ergo there's a door that leads to the rest of the underground, and ultimately one of the only ways out of it.

You really don't know what shes been talking about for the majority of your conversation, but shes definitely not the kidnapper you thought she was. She truly cares about Frisk and Frisk appears to return her familial feelings, yet they don't belong here... It's not something that feels quite right, but you're going to have to tell her that Frisk needs to go back to their actual family. How to bring that up though...

"So uhm, Toriel? About Frisk, me and my brother we uh," You start with an awkward cadence not quite ready to separate the two, and yet before you get any further the furred woman raises her head facing you with a puzzled expression and asks a question.

"Pardon me, my friend. Who's Frisk?"

Uhm, weird. You sorta thought she'd know the child's name. Then again she's been referring to Frisk as 'the human' and 'my child' for the entirety of your conversation. You had assumed she just didn't call people by their names... Why hadn't Frisk told her their name? Ah no, you weren't actually quite sure the child could even talk, or... maybe they were shy? No, they had practically dragged you through the door just after a few sentences of being introduced, so shy was out. Perhaps they were just a quiet kid? Well, either way you still had to explain the situation to Toriel. It would be easier to just show her, but your older brother was the one carrying the flyer, which was probably in bad shape by now anyway.

"The child here...Frisk, is a lost child me and my older brother have been looking for." You'd think with such a inhuman face her emotions would be hard to read but her confusion is clear. "We've come to bring them home."

"W-what? But, they...no ones ever came looking for any of them before." Disbelief mars her expression into something almost angry. It ebbs quickly with a flash a grief and she grips at her robes, distressed, the woman pins you with pleading eyes. "You are taking my child from me?"

"N-! We...we have to." Guilt gnaws at you feverishly, her expression is heart-broken. "They...Frisk has a family."

There's an intake of breath and suddenly she can't quite look at you, finding the cooling pie upon the table to advert her gaze to. You can't help feeling as if you just lied to her.

"I know you care about Frisk...But you can't keep them here," You press further, watching as her resolve weakens with the grip on her robes. That guilt squirms inside you. You keep talking. "It's not right. Frisk deserves to be with their family..."

"...You are right, my friend...It's selfish of me to keep them confined here...it is...not my place to tell Frisk what to do." The mother releases her robes from the confines of her large hands and her whole posture droops. She straightens with a shuddering resigned sigh that seems to expel whatever uncertainties she had remaining and fixes you with an appraising stare. "Promise me...you will keep them safe, won't you?"

Relief washes over you.

"Of course!" There was no other answer to that.

Toriel's gaze softens and she smiles tiredly.

"Thank you, Alphonse," Her russet eyes flick towards the living room door and her once bitter-sweet smile twitches in amusement. "I will show you three the ruins's exit once Frisk and your older brother are done playing hide-and-seek."

You blink a pair of non-existent eyes owlishly, shifting to face the door-way where your older brother's face is peering at you both with a scowl. You wonder how long he had been there, honestly you didn't think Ed was capable of being that quiet for any measure of time. He moves the rest of his body into view, successfully barring Frisk's path into the room with his leg for a few moments before they decide to casually crawl between his legs. An indignant 'Hey!' from Ed follows, and Frisk puffs out their cheeks returning back behind him. Your older brother points at them as one would a disobedient dog and mouths 'Stay'. He then turns his narrowed golden eyes on you and Toriel.

"That's it?" He questions distrustfully, his eyes focusing on Toriel now. "You're just going to let us leave? Just like that?"

"Yes." She keeps her response simple, unperturbed by your brother's frustrated anger.

"But, yo-" Edward shoots you a helplessly befuddled look for support. You tilt your helm as if you didn't understand, earning a vexed growl and some hair pulling from your brother. Frisk looks mildly concerned by this. "FINE! Fine, okay, who cares, lets just get going."

"Not in that you're not." Toriel huffs almost jovially and heads for the door way.

"What!? What's wrong with my clothes?" Ed looking too offended to keep his distance sputters angrily.

"Your jacket is much too thin, you'll freeze as soon as you exit the ruins." Toriel chides as she passes him and moves down to the rooms in the hallway.

Ed fumes in the short amount of time it takes for the large hybrid woman to return with a red and white striped sweater. He scowls at the article until Frisk nudges his side. Picking up the sweater he curls his lips distastefully and cranes his neck to the sight of Toriel watching him expectantly.

"Don't be rude brother, put it on." You pull at his jacket shoulder, he glances at you before giving a grunt and pulling the sweater on over his other clothes, jacket included.

He looks...ridiculous.

Pulling his arms into the sweater your brother fumbles about for a bit with his clothes before he manages to get his jacket off his arms without taking off the sweater. With a sharp tug he retrieves his jacket from beneath his new sweater. Then, whilst glaring at everyone in his proximity he slips his red jacket over the sweater with a scoff.

"There you happy?"

"Why yes," Toriel looks to be in better spirits now, she turns to Frisk. "My child, do not forget your pie, and some for your friends, alright?"

Frisk nods their ruffled mop of hair and scurry off into the kitchen, when they return however, they don't appear to be carrying anything.

"Ah, if you all are ready to go..." The woman trails off uncertainly.

"Yes, we are, thank you for your kindness Toriel." You respond in kind, giving a short bow of your head.

She nods, and leads your small group down a flight of stairs into a long dark corridor, remaining disturbingly stoic until you reach a door adorned with the same crest she wore upon her robes. She makes no move to open the door and instead faces Frisk and crouches before them, hugging the child to her chest.

"Forgive me for not considering the life you had before this, my child. Be good, won't you?" She gives them a parting squeeze before standing and addressing you and your brother. "This is as far as I'll be taking you. I believe there is a person in Snowdin willing to aid you in your journey..."

She looks as if shes about to say more but she stops herself and leaves with a farewell to you all, glancing back only once in her remorseful haste. You feel oddly saddened by her absence, and you wonder how Frisk must feel about this. Worse most definitely, so you take their little hand in your own and give it a small swing. Their expression goes from deceptively blank to being graced with a small smile and they help swing your hand a bit further.

In front of you, your brother takes a step forward and opens the door.

It's dark. Well, uhm, darker.

In fact it's so dark all you can see is the eerily familiar set up of a doorway and a oddly lit up mound of-

"Well, geez! Look who it is! My new friends, Tin-can, and Midget all buddy-buddy with my ol' pal Frisk!" That saccharine voice coos out in glee and you feel your hackles rising.

Flowey bounces on his stem, sneering viciously.

"Why are you here, come to get your ass handed to you again?" You bark out a laugh, returning the sneer full-force.

"HA! As if! You didn't even scra-" The plant halts suddenly in his reply and leans forward squinting at you. "What the heck are you wearing? You look like a freakin' candy-cane."