Pines Under The Mountain

Complete List of Head Canon Voices for Undertale Characters that matter

Chara/Vergil: V'UHSSLG HFLRY

Toriel: Rose Quartz from Steven Universe

Flowey/Omega Flowey: CrashBoomBanger Tumblr

Asriel: Simba from the Lion King

Adult Asriel: Weeaboss for God of Hyperdeath 2nd form (Trust me his Flowey and kid Asriel voices might suck but God of Hyperdeath sounds really good) and Treecko231 for normal teenager/adult youtube

Sans: CrashBoomBanger or Shadic x250

Papyrus: CrashBoomBanger (Headcanon, hides that he has the same Bronx-like accent as Sans but can slip up if he's frustrated enough)

Grillby: Seymour VAA (with slight echo effect) youtube

Asgore: CrashBoomBanger (sensing a pattern?) or Mufasa from Lion King

Bugerpants: CrashBoomBanger

Mettaton: The Nth Human youtube

Muffet: Katerinu2 youtube

Alphys & Undyne: LitterBox youtube Sleepover Horror. Alt voice for Undyne: Jasper from Steven Universe

Monster Kid: KayVox Papyrus's New Fan youtube

And finally Gaster: David near youtube (with a digital filter added) or Namelessdubs youtube [Undertale Comic Dub] – Insomnia

A/N: Sorry for this being later than the others. I just recently got into the Mystery Skulls Animated fandom and it has consumed my life for the last few days or so with their awesome animation and some great fanfics and comics. I'm also starting a Mystery Skulls fanfic that crosses over with Gravity Falls called Gravity Skulls that takes place right after Freaking Out.

I recommend you guys watch Mystery Skulls Animated Ghost and Freaking Out by MysteryBen, even if you don't like the music the story the animation tells is really interesting!

Also, I'm going to have Dipper and Mabel slowly learn parkour-like skills as they travel from learning how to dodge through trail, error, and lots of resets/loads. Dipper will have a bit of a head start from his training with the Manotaurs.

Chapter 4: Not So Spooky Scary Skeletons

Dipper and Mabel started out of a daze; the both whipped their heads around with panicked expressions. They were no longer in the Fight Zone or the empty void with the [RESET] [Continue] buttons, they were back in the hallway before the door, and they could see Toriel with her back to them, waiting.

"We…we're back?" Mabel inquired nothing in particular as she examined the walls.

"It…worked? The [RESET] button actually sent us back." Dipper said his tone becoming ecstatic and light tears built up in his eyes, Mabel's as well when it dawned on her fully. Toriel is okay now!

"But…how are we going to get passed mom without…doing that again?" She asked glumly. She knew they still had to leave but if they had to hurt Momma-Tori to do it then she wasn't going to leave.

"I…I think I have an idea, "Dipper stated before continuing. "just follow my lead okay? I'm…I'm not going to hurt Tor-…I'm not gonna hurt mom again." He assured his sister how have a small smile of appreciation. Dipper offered his hand to Mabel and she accepted it as they both made their way to Toriel.

The Puca (google Gaijin Goomba Undertale) woman turned to face them, her face once again stoic. "You really want to leave so badly?"

"We have to mom, we have friends and family up there that must be worried sick about us." Dipper stated plainly his grip on his sister's hand tightening slightly before he let go.

Toriel hesitated slightly, Dipper…Dipper called her mom just like his sister has been.

"Our Grunkle Ford knows all kinds of science-y magic gobbledygook, if we ask him he might know how to break the barrier." Mabel reasoned, hoping she would listen.

*Cue [Undertale Themed] Ikanaide – English Cover [Angela]*

"N…NO!" Toriel roared as her hands ignited and the braziers near the door burst into pyres of flame. Dipper and Mabel felt a tug on their souls once again and they were dragged into the battle zone once again. "I can't risk it; I can't lose any more children to him, fight me or go to back upstairs!" She sent a wave of fire at the two children.

Thinking fast the both dodged in separate directions as before.

'This is going just like last time, she just won't listen.' Mabel said in her mind, she looked toward Dipper and her eyes widen in horror at what she saw. He was reaching into his pocket and he took out the knife again. 'No, not again!'

Dipper held the toy knife in front of him and looked Toriel strait in the eye, the air grew tense as Toriel waited to see what the human boy would do, fight or flee?

The boy pulled the knife back like he was readying to charge Toriel, but as he swung it he let go and threw it into the distance, all could here the hardened plastic clattering down the stone hall way.

"….." Toriel gave Dipper a look, her eyebrow slightly peaked. "What are you doing?" She asked incredulously, Mabel stepping to her brother's side and locking her hand with his. "Attack me or run away."

"No, I will not hurt you, I refuse too." Dipper rebutted vehemently, his gaze hardening with resolve and his sister was mirroring him. The [Mercy] button glowing bright yellow in the battle space.

"What are you trying to prove this way!?" Toriel shouted in desperate anger as she tossed fireballs at them. They did not move and let them hit, cringing at the heat but otherwise not seriously hurt. "Fight me or leave!"

They gave no reply, the simply continued to stare at her with those damned resilient eyes, eyes filled with determination that reminded her of something, especially Dipper's who's eyes looked so much like…

Tears began to swell within Toriel's eyes and she gritted her teeth in frustration. "You have to stay…or prove to me that you can survive out there…" She choked out the tears beginning to fall. "So please just go to bed…or kill me!" She shouted out and sent out a stream of fire from her hands that threatened to engulf the hall and the children in it.

But as the flames approached the bent and weaved around them, not touching their skin, only warming them.

When the fire died away they still stood their holding hands, their faces still set in that steely gaze even as tears fell from their eyes and Mabel trembled slightly with the effort not to break into sobs, Dipper always did have a better grip on his emotions than his sister who always wore her heart on her sleeve.

"Please…I know we don't have much…" Toriel begged, forcing a watery smile onto her face. "But we can live a good life down here."

They only continued to stare at her with their watery eyes, not able to trust their own voices not to break.

"Just go upstairs and…we can be like a family…"

"We ha…we have a family…" Dipper chocked out. "Our uncles."

"But…I…You called me…"

"Toriel…" Mabel cut in with a wobbly voice. "Our parents can hardly be called such…we barely saw them and every promise to do something with them was broken." She tried her best to smile and Dipper did the same. "You have been more of a mother to us in the time we've been here than our real mom has in twelve years. We wish we could stay…"

Dipper took over. "But our great uncles were the only family we felt close too and they must be worried sick and our friends too."

"Please…just let us go…" They finished in unison, the knuckles of their entangled hands turning white from how hard they were squeezing and the tears running freely.

"Were?...You said…they were the only close family you had?" Toriel asked in teary confusion, the flames flickering.

The twins smiled, truly smiled; the tears still flowing freely. "Now we have one more to count as family…" Mabel half-choked half-laughed her reply.

If it were possible the tears in Toriel's eyes would have fallen harder, the flames completely died from her hands and she rushed to pull the twins into the tightest hug she could muster, collapsing to her knees to their level.

Dipper and Mabel let go of each other's hands and returned the hug just as intensely.

"I…I know I can't keep you here…" Toriel whimpered. "The Ruins feel small after a while, and you'd just be unhappy cooped up down here away from your friends and family."

"Great Uncle Ford…he knows all kinds of magical science stuff…maybe he can break the barrier…" Dipper murmured into her dress while Mabel just quietly wept into it.

"I doubt it…but it couldn't hurt to try…" She mused before she stood up, but her hands stayed on their shoulders. "I'll let you go…"

"Come with us." Mabel requested but Toriel shook her head.

"I can't, I must stay here incase another human falls down here. They might even be a friend of yours…and I must ask you two to never return once you pass the gates.

Before they could respond she picked them both up and hugged them in each arm. "I know we have only known each other for a short time…but…I love you both so much, as if you were my own blood…"

"We…" "We love you too…mom…" Dipper started and Mabel finished returning the hug, their tiny arms circling her neck.

They all felt warm again, but it wasn't from the fire this time. It was a comforting warmth that radiated from their very souls.

Gently she placed them back on the ground and walked passed them to the hall. She paused and turned toward them half way, a sad smile creasing her muzzle. "Goodbye my children…I hope we will meet again someday…and please, be good won't you?" She continued down the hall and she was gone.

Dipper and Mabel did not leave right away, they were too heartbroken, and yet at the same time happy to at the moment.

"This…this isn't a dream right?" Mabel asked her brother as she leaned against the door. "We…actually went back and fixed the mistake? We saved Toriel?" She slid down until she was sitting on the ground.

Dipper joined her and pulled his sister unto a half-hug. "Yeah Mabel…we saved Toriel. I don't know how, but somehow we went back and fixed it."

"Good." No words could describe how relieved and happy the girl was, but that was a good start.

For a while they just stayed there, Dipper leaning against the door while Mabel leaned on his shoulder and he stroked her hair. But eventually the hadto get up and move forward.

"Come on Mabs, we have to get moving. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can get Grunkle Ford to look into the barrier."

They helped each other up and opened the gates, inside was a dark room with a single point of slight that shined from another hole in the ceiling and in that light was a familiar, yellow plant.

And he had the smuggest little grin on his white cartoonish face. "You think your so cleaver don't you?" His tone as smug as his face, his petals lowering in a way that suggested an air of superiority.

Dipper put himself between the Flowey and his sister and held a strong front. "What're you doing here?" He demanded.

The flower ignored the question and continued his tangent. "Do not think I do not know what you did." Dread filled Dipper's chest. "You murdered her, and despite the girl's please you did not even try to spare her, you didn't even try to shoe Mercy." His face twisted into that gargoyle-like smile. "And then you went back because you felt guilty! HeheheYAHAHAHAHA!"

Flowey cackled like a maniac and then stopped suddenly, his face schooled into a condescending smirk once again. "But so what if you killed, you can always go back, always RESET and try again. But what happens if you find yourself against a relentless killer? Will you kill again out of frustration, or give up and let me inherit your power?" His face twisted into a manic grin. "I am the prince of this world's future!"

The twins were shaken by the flower's apparent knowledge of what did and yet did not happen but Dipper did not let his fear and guilt show. "If you're going to attack us just get it over with, I've had enough with long winded speeches!"

Flowey's amorphous face shifted again, back to the smug grin though he looked slightly annoyed. "Oh, I'm not gonna kill you my little monarchs, not yet at least, this story has just gotten a lot more interesting. Until the time comes though, I will be watching you!"

Flowey's face physically grew and out grew his body with a twisted grin and he cackled that warbling laugh once again before he disappeared into the earth, the familiar words leaving an impact on the Pines twins.

"I'll be watching you, AHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Let's get out of here." Dipper insisted, getting no argument from Mabel as they found another door and made their way out.

-Pines Under The Mountain-

Pass the gate the Twins found themselves in a dark, snowy forest. Dipper was suddenly very grateful for the sweater and scarves Toriel gave them because if the ruins were chilly the underground forest was downright frigid by comparison.

"Brrr…out of the fire and into the freezer, huh Dip?" Mabel asked as she pulled her little hands into sleeves and tucked them into her armpits.

Dipper decided to zip up his vest and pulled the hood over his head. "In any other scenario that metaphor would make no sense." He teased.

They then fell into a comfortable silence and began their trek through the snowy woods. The trees were dark and what little sunlight that made it through the ceiling of the cavern did very little help that. They could see just fine but the forest was full of shadows with who knows what hidden within…

Or beneath them…


Dipper tripped over a fallen branch half-buried in the snow and fell flat on his face.

"Aw…this stick looks like you!" Mabel joked, trying to bring the mood up to pre-fighting step-mom levels.

She succeeded. "Oh haha, a Dip-Stick joke thou art very original indeed..." His voice was muffled by the snow his face was still firmly planted into but he picked himself up shortly after, wiping the snow and the odd leaf away.

"Oh no, he's using his Nerdlish, I think I made 'im mad." Mabel spoke to herself teasingly to further annoy and improve Dipper's and her own moods. (I word good)

"C'mon stupid, let's keep moving." Dipper chuckled as he resumed the walk.

"Whatever you say stupid!" Mabel cheered as she quickly matched her bro's pace.

Neither noticed they were being watched since they came through the door.

"Hey Dipper, before we fell down here I learned this song that's pretty popular on the internet." Mabel piped up.

"No." Dipper denied but his sister would not be so easily dissuaded.

"Oh come on. Maybe you heard of it?" The she sang.

"You're walking in the woods.

There's no one around,"

"Stop it…"

"And your phone is dead.

Out of the corner of your eye you spot him,

Shia La-"


A loud wooden crack came from behind and they both whipped around to see the thick heavy branch snapped in half on the ground. The twins let out a nervous sound before turning back around and walking faster down the path.

They definitely felt eyes on their backs now, but every time the turned or thought they saw movement in the corner of their eyes it would disappear as soon as they turned.

They were stopped when they came to a small bridge that spanned a hole just big enough to not allow jumping, and a "gate" that was too large to stop anyone and looked more like a Japanese shrine entryway.

But they stopped because they suddenly could hear snow being crushed under slow footsteps and they felt like they couldn't move their feet, not noting the faint blue tint their souls on their chests had taken.

Slowly the snow steps got louder and closer until they stopped just behind them, just inches behind them!

"Hey there…" A voice spoke to them, low and ominous. "Don't you two know how to greet a new pal?" It asked with an accusatory tone, almost sounding offended. "Turn around and shake my hand."

Suddenly they could move again, and the both of them slowly turned around to meet the figure. He had a hood on that hid his face and the shadows of the forest weren't helping them see much detail. They both looked at the offered hand and notice how then the fingers were, almost skeletal.

Mabel decided to take the initiative and hesitantly reach out to take the stranger's hand.

"Mabel…" Dipper warned worriedly but didn't stop her.

The slightly elder Pines gripped the stranger's hand and squeezed.


A very loud, very rude, and very familiar sound blared from the stranger's and Mabel's interlocked hands and the figure began to shake with mirth.

At that moment the sunlight that bled through the ceiling revealed the figure and he leaned back as he began to laugh hysterically the hood falling off to reveal him fully.

He was a skeleton not much taller than the twins, he wore a blue fur-lined hooded jacket with a white Black Mesa T-shirt underneath, a pair of black basketball shorts with a white stripe running down one leg, and a pair of blue and white sneakers.

After a moment the skeleton calmed down and whipped away an imaginary tear, his mouth, which oddly lacked the normal skeletal jawline and joints, was stretched into a permanent toothy smile that again lacked any kind of skeletal appearance.

"the old whoopy cushion in the hand trick, always funny!" He spoke with a Bronx like accent, his voice seeming to have a chuckling quality to it.

Still holding the hand that farted Mabel looked at Dipper with a sparkle of wonder in her eyes. "I love him." She whispered.

"You would…" Dipper deadpanned with an utterly confused/concerned expression.

"so you guys are human right? that's hilarious." The skeleton stated, his seemingly permanent grin widening slightly more. "i'm sans, sans the skeleton. and you two are?"

"I'm Mabel Pines, and this is my brother Dipper." Mabel introduces herself and her brother.

"pines huh? did ya fall down here or pop out of a pinecone?" He joked while giving a mock suspicious glance to the forest, earning a small giggle from Mabel.

"We fell down here a few days ago before we found our way here." Dipper replied, starting to feel a bit more at ease with the skeleton but still suspicious. Toriel did warn them that the monsters outside of the Ruins would be after their souls.

The skeleton, Sans nodded in understanding. "well, I'm a sentry on the lookout for humans like you two." The twins gave nervous glances to each other but Sans shook his head and shrugged in a disarming manner. "but truth be told, I don't feel like capturing anyone."

The twins relaxed and sighed with relief. "M' brother on the other hands, he's a human huntin' fanatic."

Oh boy.

Sans took one of his hands out of his pockets, showing the blue and white parkour glove that was covering it, missing it's thumb, ring, and pinkie fingers. He put the hand over his eyes like half of a pair of "hand binoculars" and squinted into the distance. "actually, I think that's my bro over there." He said pointing with his other hand which was also wearing a parkour glove.

The twins squinted and looked where his boney hand was pointing and could see a distant figure making its way here.

Sans' grin widened ever so slightly. "hehe, I have an idea. quick go through this gate, my bro made the bars to wide to stop anyone."

Considering they couldn't go back even if they wanted to, and they had no other options anyway, Dipper and Mabel decided to do as Sans said. The two crossed the bridge with Sans close behind.

Right as the passed over the hole they noticed a…kiosk and a pair of lamps?

"quick, hide behind those conveniently shaped lamps." Sans urged them with what this writer can only describe as "Lazy Excitement".

Confused and curious he twins obliged, they were surprised to find that the lamps were shaped almost exactly like them; even the bill of Dippers hat was concealed behind the light fixtures.

"Something's not right here, this can't be a coincidence!" Dipper whispered over to his sister.

"SAAAAAAAAANS!" A high, nasally voice screamed ahead and a taller, lankier skeleton in a strange outfit ran up, looking none too pleased.

"sup, bro?" Sans said casually.


"just checkin' out these lamps over here, they're really cool, wanna look?"

"What they hell is he doing!? Is he trying to get us caught?" Dipper whispered to his sister."



"Is this guy for real?" Dipper said skeptically to himself while his sister grinned silently at the silly skeleton.

"hmm…maybe these lamps will help you." Sans said cheekily and further heckling Dipper.


"aww, common bro, I've been working a ton, a skele-ton!"

Sans winked toward the twins and Dipper could practically hear the "badum-tish" of a drum at the terrible pun while his sister tried desperately to hold in her giggles.

"SANS!" Papyrus shouted at his brother bemusedly.

"awe come on, you're smilin'."

"I AM AND I HATE IT." Papyrus' tone was deadpan as he did in fact have a wry smile before giving a defeated sigh. "WHY DOES SOMEONE AS GREAT AS ME…HAVE TO DO SO MUCH WORK JUST TO GET SOME RECOGNITION?"

"wow, you must really be working yourself…down to the bone."


"Oh god, that one physically hurt." Dipper said dryly while Mabel was snorting mirthfully into her hands, trying not to alert the taller skeleton.


"Oh no…" Dipper bemoaned.

"BACKBONE INTO IT! NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!" Papyrus ran off, cackling to whole way until his head disappeared below the hill, before popping back up briefly. "HEH!" and then he was gone

"alright, you can come out now." Sans called to the twins.

"Dude, why did you keep trying to get him to find us!?" Dipper shouted angrily, leaning around the lamp.

"what're ya talkin' about? i just told him the lamps looked cool." Sans defended with a lazy shrug. "'sides, i knew he wouldn't look at them and i love messin' with him, so no harm done, right?"

Dipper continued to give him an annoyed glare but then Mabel grabbed his arm and shook him playfully. "Come on bro-bro, he was just joking around and you have to admit it was funny!"

"Watching his brother get so worked up?...yeah it was kinda funny." Dipper relented with a half-smile.

"hehe, well you two better get movin' now, if you stay I might subject you to more of my hilarious jokes!" Sans "threatened" as he shooed them away with one hand.

Mabel looked tempted to stay but her brother's firm hand grabbing her collar and dragging her backwards through the forest put a quick end to that. "Thanks for the help!" She called out waving at the skeleton enthusiastically as her feet carved trenches into the snow.

Sans returned the wave with a friendly grin. "no problem…actually wait hold on the sec." He called and the two stopped looking back toward Sans. "Can ya do me a favor? i hate to bother you but i was thinking…" He rubbed his head in a seemingly nervous gesture. "my bro's been kinda down lately…he's never seen a human before and seeing two of ya might just make his day."

The twins looked at each other with worried looks. "You do know he's trying to capture us, right?" Dipper ventured incredulously.

Sans waved off concerns. "Oh don't worry about that, he ain't dangerous or nothin' even if he tries to be."

The two human children huddled together and crouched down, Sans could hear them debating, is smile grew slightly at the display remembering when he and Paps were younger and after a moment they both stood back up.

"I guess we can play along, if he's really as harmless as you say." Dipper agreed though it was obviously reluctant.

"thanks a million, kiddies." Sans said with some amount of gratitude. i'll be up ahead." Sans then walked back the way they came, the complete opposite direction Papyrus went.

"He does know that his brother when the other way, right?" Dipper asked his sister, perplexed at the skeleton's behavior.

"Maybe he forgot something over there?" Mabel ventured with a shrug, equally as confused about this as her brother.

Deciding not to think about it, the Pines continued forward, on to their next adventure.

FINALLY! Sorry this took so long, I just haven't been writing much these last few weeks. While updates might still take much longer than I'd prefer I'll try to speed it up a little bit and I'm going to use a system as to avoid neglecting this and a couple other fics. First I will update this, then I will concentrate on Gravity Skulls until THAT is updated, then back to this and so on, that way I can keep these two fics updated more regularly.